blob: ba8f29babcde4f41c3ec47760b87bc40856c5418 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define CLOSE_EXTERN }
#include <avro/platform.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <avro/basics.h>
#include <avro/data.h>
#include <avro/schema.h>
#include <avro/value.h>
* This file defines the deprecated interface for handling Avro values.
* It's here solely for backwards compatibility. New code should use
* the avro_value_t interface (defined in avro/value.h). The
* avro_datum_t type has been replaced by the “generic” implementation
* of the value interface, which is defined in avro/generic.h. You can
* also use your own application-specific types as Avro values by
* defining your own avro_value_t implementation for them.
* A function used to free a bytes, string, or fixed buffer once it is
* no longer needed by the datum that wraps it.
typedef void
(*avro_free_func_t)(void *ptr, size_t sz);
* An avro_free_func_t that frees the buffer using the custom allocator
* provided to avro_set_allocator.
avro_alloc_free_func(void *ptr, size_t sz);
* Datum constructors. Each datum stores a reference to the schema that
* the datum is an instance of. The primitive datum constructors don't
* need to take in an explicit avro_schema_t parameter, since there's
* only one schema that they could be an instance of. The complex
* constructors do need an explicit schema parameter.
typedef struct avro_obj_t *avro_datum_t;
avro_datum_t avro_string(const char *str);
avro_datum_t avro_givestring(const char *str,
avro_free_func_t free);
avro_datum_t avro_bytes(const char *buf, int64_t len);
avro_datum_t avro_givebytes(const char *buf, int64_t len,
avro_free_func_t free);
avro_datum_t avro_int32(int32_t i);
avro_datum_t avro_int64(int64_t l);
avro_datum_t avro_float(float f);
avro_datum_t avro_double(double d);
avro_datum_t avro_boolean(int8_t i);
avro_datum_t avro_null(void);
avro_datum_t avro_record(avro_schema_t schema);
avro_datum_t avro_enum(avro_schema_t schema, int i);
avro_datum_t avro_fixed(avro_schema_t schema,
const char *bytes, const int64_t size);
avro_datum_t avro_givefixed(avro_schema_t schema,
const char *bytes, const int64_t size,
avro_free_func_t free);
avro_datum_t avro_map(avro_schema_t schema);
avro_datum_t avro_array(avro_schema_t schema);
avro_datum_t avro_union(avro_schema_t schema,
int64_t discriminant, const avro_datum_t datum);
* Returns the schema that the datum is an instance of.
avro_schema_t avro_datum_get_schema(const avro_datum_t datum);
* Constructs a new avro_datum_t instance that's appropriate for holding
* values of the given schema.
avro_datum_t avro_datum_from_schema(const avro_schema_t schema);
/* getters */
int avro_string_get(avro_datum_t datum, char **p);
int avro_bytes_get(avro_datum_t datum, char **bytes, int64_t * size);
int avro_int32_get(avro_datum_t datum, int32_t * i);
int avro_int64_get(avro_datum_t datum, int64_t * l);
int avro_float_get(avro_datum_t datum, float *f);
int avro_double_get(avro_datum_t datum, double *d);
int avro_boolean_get(avro_datum_t datum, int8_t * i);
int avro_enum_get(const avro_datum_t datum);
const char *avro_enum_get_name(const avro_datum_t datum);
int avro_fixed_get(avro_datum_t datum, char **bytes, int64_t * size);
int avro_record_get(const avro_datum_t record, const char *field_name,
avro_datum_t * value);
* A helper macro that extracts the value of the given field of a
* record.
#define avro_record_get_field_value(rc, rec, typ, fname, ...) \
do { \
avro_datum_t field = NULL; \
(rc) = avro_record_get((rec), (fname), &field); \
if (rc) break; \
(rc) = avro_##typ##_get(field, __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
int avro_map_get(const avro_datum_t datum, const char *key,
avro_datum_t * value);
* For maps, the "index" for each entry is based on the order that they
* were added to the map.
int avro_map_get_key(const avro_datum_t datum, int index,
const char **key);
int avro_map_get_index(const avro_datum_t datum, const char *key,
int *index);
size_t avro_map_size(const avro_datum_t datum);
int avro_array_get(const avro_datum_t datum, int64_t index, avro_datum_t * value);
size_t avro_array_size(const avro_datum_t datum);
* These accessors allow you to query the current branch of a union
* value, returning either the branch's discriminant value or the
* avro_datum_t of the branch. A union value can be uninitialized, in
* which case the discriminant will be -1 and the datum NULL.
int64_t avro_union_discriminant(const avro_datum_t datum);
avro_datum_t avro_union_current_branch(avro_datum_t datum);
/* setters */
int avro_string_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *p);
int avro_givestring_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *p,
avro_free_func_t free);
int avro_bytes_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *bytes, const int64_t size);
int avro_givebytes_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *bytes,
const int64_t size,
avro_free_func_t free);
int avro_int32_set(avro_datum_t datum, const int32_t i);
int avro_int64_set(avro_datum_t datum, const int64_t l);
int avro_float_set(avro_datum_t datum, const float f);
int avro_double_set(avro_datum_t datum, const double d);
int avro_boolean_set(avro_datum_t datum, const int8_t i);
int avro_enum_set(avro_datum_t datum, const int symbol_value);
int avro_enum_set_name(avro_datum_t datum, const char *symbol_name);
int avro_fixed_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *bytes, const int64_t size);
int avro_givefixed_set(avro_datum_t datum, const char *bytes,
const int64_t size,
avro_free_func_t free);
int avro_record_set(avro_datum_t record, const char *field_name,
avro_datum_t value);
* A helper macro that sets the value of the given field of a record.
#define avro_record_set_field_value(rc, rec, typ, fname, ...) \
do { \
avro_datum_t field = NULL; \
(rc) = avro_record_get((rec), (fname), &field); \
if (rc) break; \
(rc) = avro_##typ##_set(field, __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
int avro_map_set(avro_datum_t map, const char *key,
avro_datum_t value);
int avro_array_append_datum(avro_datum_t array_datum,
avro_datum_t datum);
* This function selects the active branch of a union value, and can be
* safely called on an existing union to change the current branch. If
* the branch changes, we'll automatically construct a new avro_datum_t
* for the new branch's schema type. If the desired branch is already
* the active branch of the union, we'll leave the existing datum
* instance as-is. The branch datum will be placed into the "branch"
* parameter, regardless of whether we have to create a new datum
* instance or not.
int avro_union_set_discriminant(avro_datum_t unionp,
int discriminant,
avro_datum_t *branch);
* Resets a datum instance. For arrays and maps, this frees all
* elements and clears the container. For records and unions, this
* recursively resets any child datum instances.
avro_datum_reset(avro_datum_t value);
/* reference counting */
avro_datum_t avro_datum_incref(avro_datum_t value);
void avro_datum_decref(avro_datum_t value);
void avro_datum_print(avro_datum_t value, FILE * fp);
int avro_datum_equal(avro_datum_t a, avro_datum_t b);
* Returns a string containing the JSON encoding of an Avro value. You
* must free this string when you're done with it, using the standard
* free() function. (*Not* using the custom Avro allocator.)
int avro_datum_to_json(const avro_datum_t datum,
int one_line, char **json_str);
int avro_schema_datum_validate(avro_schema_t
expected_schema, avro_datum_t datum);
* An avro_value_t implementation for avro_datum_t objects.
avro_value_iface_t *
* Creates a new avro_value_t instance for the given datum.
avro_datum_as_value(avro_value_t *value, avro_datum_t src);