blob: 0cc0996b8946cd5787982c1b376bd8151492a417 [file] [log] [blame]
/* jshint node: true, mocha: true */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var utils = require('../lib/utils'),
schemas = require('../lib/schemas'),
assert = require('assert'),
util = require('util');
var Tap = utils.Tap;
var createType = schemas.createType;
var types = schemas.types;
describe('types', function () {
describe('BooleanType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [true, false],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined, 1.5, 1e28, 123124123123213]
testType(types.BooleanType, data);
it('to JSON', function () {
var t = new types.BooleanType();
assert.equal(t.toJSON(), 'boolean');
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = new types.BooleanType();
var bt = t.toBuffer(true);
var bf = t.toBuffer(false);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(bt, bf), 1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(bf, bt), -1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(bt, bt), 0);
it('get name', function () {
var t = new types.BooleanType();
assert.strictEqual(t.getName(), undefined);
assert.equal(t.getName(true), 'boolean');
describe('IntType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [1, -3, 12314, 0, 1e9],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined, 1.5, 1e28, 123124123123213]
testType(types.IntType, data);
it('toBuffer int', function () {
var type = createType('int');
assert.equal(type.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([0x80, 0x01])), 64);
it('resolve int > long', function () {
var intType = createType('int');
var longType = createType('long');
var buf = intType.toBuffer(123);
longType.fromBuffer(buf, longType.createResolver(intType)),
it('resolve int > [null, int]', function () {
var wt = createType('int');
var rt = createType(['null', 'int']);
var buf = wt.toBuffer(123);
rt.fromBuffer(buf, rt.createResolver(wt)),
{'int': 123}
it('resolve int > float', function () {
var wt = createType('int');
var rt = createType('float');
var buf = wt.toBuffer(123);
assert.deepEqual(rt.fromBuffer(buf, rt.createResolver(wt)), 123);
it('resolve int > double', function () {
var wt = createType('int');
var rt = createType('double');
var n = Math.pow(2, 30) + 1;
var buf = wt.toBuffer(n);
assert.deepEqual(rt.fromBuffer(buf, rt.createResolver(wt)), n);
it('toString', function () {
assert.equal(createType('int').toString(), '"int"');
it('clone', function () {
var t = createType('int');
assert.equal(t.clone(123), 123);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(''); });
it('resolve invalid', function () {
assert.throws(function () { getResolver('int', 'long'); });
describe('LongType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [1, -3, 12314, 9007199254740990, 900719925474090],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined, 9007199254740991, 1.3, 1e67]
testType(types.LongType, data);
it('resolve invalid', function () {
assert.throws(function () { getResolver('long', 'double'); });
it('resolve long > float', function () {
var t1 = createType('long');
var t2 = createType('float');
var n = 9007199254740990; // Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - 1
var buf = t1.toBuffer(n);
var f = t2.fromBuffer(buf, t2.createResolver(t1));
assert(Math.abs(f - n) / n < 1e-7);
it('precision loss', function () {
var type = createType('long');
var buf = Buffer.from([0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x20]);
assert.throws(function () { type.fromBuffer(buf); });
it('using missing methods', function () {
assert.throws(function () { types.LongType.using(); });
describe('StringType', function () {
var data = [
valid: ['', 'hi'],
invalid: [null, undefined, 1, 0]
testType(types.StringType, data);
it('fromBuffer string', function () {
var type = createType('string');
var buf = Buffer.from([0x06, 0x68, 0x69, 0x21]);
var s = 'hi!';
assert.equal(type.fromBuffer(buf), s);
it('toBuffer string', function () {
var type = createType('string');
var buf = Buffer.from([0x06, 0x68, 0x69, 0x21]);
assert(buf.equals(type.toBuffer('hi!', 1)));
it('resolve string > bytes', function () {
var stringT = createType('string');
var bytesT = createType('bytes');
var buf = stringT.toBuffer('\x00\x01');
bytesT.fromBuffer(buf, bytesT.createResolver(stringT)),
Buffer.from([0, 1])
it('encode resize', function () {
var t = createType('string');
var s = 'hello';
var b, pos;
b = Buffer.alloc(2);
pos = t.encode(s, b);
assert(pos < 0);
b = Buffer.alloc(2 - pos);
pos = t.encode(s, b);
assert(pos >= 0);
assert.equal(s, t.fromBuffer(b)); // Also checks exact length match.
describe('NullType', function () {
var data = [
schema: 'null',
valid: [null],
invalid: [0, 1, 'hi', undefined]
testType(types.NullType, data);
describe('FloatType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [1, -3, 123e7],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined],
check: function (a, b) { assert(floatEquals(a, b)); }
testType(types.FloatType, data);
it('compare buffer', function () {
var t = createType('float');
var b1 = t.toBuffer(0.5);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer(-0.75);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), 1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer(175);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b3), -1);
it('resolver double > float', function () {
assert.throws(function () { getResolver('float', 'double'); });
it('fromString', function () {
var t = createType('float');
var f = t.fromString('3.1');
it('clone from double', function () {
var t = createType('float');
var d = 3.1;
var f;
f = t.clone(d);
describe('DoubleType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [1, -3.4, 12314e31, 5e37],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined],
check: function (a, b) { assert(floatEquals(a, b), '' + [a, b]); }
testType(types.DoubleType, data);
it('resolver string > double', function () {
assert.throws(function () { getResolver('double', 'string'); });
it('compare buffer', function () {
var t = createType('double');
var b1 = t.toBuffer(0.5);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer(-0.75);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), 1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer(175);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b3), -1);
describe('BytesType', function () {
var data = [
valid: [Buffer.alloc(1), Buffer.from('abc')],
invalid: [null, 'hi', undefined, 1, 0, -3.5]
testType(types.BytesType, data);
it('clone', function () {
var t = createType('bytes');
var s = '\x01\x02';
var buf = Buffer.from(s);
var clone;
clone = t.clone(buf);
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
clone[0] = 0;
assert.equal(buf[0], 1);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(s); });
clone = t.clone(buf.toJSON(), {coerceBuffers: true});
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(1, {coerceBuffers: true}); });
it('fromString', function () {
var t = createType('bytes');
var s = '\x01\x02';
var buf = Buffer.from(s);
var clone = t.fromString(JSON.stringify(s));
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
it('compare', function () {
var t = createType('bytes');
var b1 = t.toBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 2]));
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 2, 3]));
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), -1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer(Buffer.from([1]));
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b3, b1), 1);
describe('UnionType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'null & string',
schema: ['null', 'string'],
valid: [null, {string: 'hi'}],
invalid: ['null', undefined, {string: 1}],
check: assert.deepEqual
name: 'qualified name',
schema: ['null', {type: 'fixed', name: 'a.B', size: 2}],
valid: [null, {'a.B': Buffer.alloc(2)}],
invalid: [Buffer.alloc(2)],
check: assert.deepEqual
name: 'array int',
schema: ['int', {type: 'array', items: 'int'}],
valid: [{'int': 1}, {array: [1,3]}],
invalid: [null, 2, {array: ['a']}, [4], 2],
check: assert.deepEqual
name: 'null',
schema: ['null'],
valid: [null],
invalid: [{array: ['a']}, [4], 'null'],
check: assert.deepEqual
var schemas = [
['null', 'null'],
['null', {type: 'map', values: 'int'}, {type: 'map', values: 'long'}],
['null', ['int', 'string']]
testType(types.UnionType, data, schemas);
it('getTypes', function () {
var t = createType(['null', 'int']);
assert.deepEqual(t.getTypes(), [createType('null'), createType('int')]);
it('instanceof Union', function () {
var type = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
assert(type instanceof types.UnionType);
it('missing name write', function () {
var type = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
assert.throws(function () {
type.toBuffer({b: 'a'});
it('read invalid index', function () {
var type = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
var buf = Buffer.from([1, 0]);
assert.throws(function () { type.fromBuffer(buf); });
it('non wrapped write', function () {
var type = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
assert.throws(function () {
type.toBuffer(1, true);
}, Error);
it('to JSON', function () {
var type = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
assert.equal(JSON.stringify(type), '["null","int"]');
it('resolve int to [long, int]', function () {
var t1 = createType('int');
var t2 = createType(['long', 'int']);
var a = t2.createResolver(t1);
var buf = t1.toBuffer(23);
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, a), {'long': 23});
it('resolve null to [null, int]', function () {
var t1 = createType('null');
var t2 = createType(['null', 'int']);
var a = t2.createResolver(t1);
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(Buffer.alloc(0), a), null);
it('resolve [string, int] to [long, string]', function () {
var t1 = createType(['string', 'int']);
var t2 = createType(['int', 'bytes']);
var a = t2.createResolver(t1);
var buf;
buf = t1.toBuffer({string: 'hi'});
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, a), {'bytes': Buffer.from('hi')});
buf = t1.toBuffer({'int': 1});
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, a), {'int': 1});
it('clone', function () {
var t = new types.UnionType(['null', 'int']);
var o = {'int': 1};
assert.strictEqual(t.clone(null), null);
var c = t.clone(o);
assert.deepEqual(c, o); = 2;
assert.equal(, 1);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone([]); });
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(undefined); });
it('clone and wrap', function () {
var t = createType(['string', 'int']);
var o;
o = t.clone('hi', {wrapUnions: true});
assert.deepEqual(o, {'string': 'hi'});
o = t.clone(3, {wrapUnions: true});
assert.deepEqual(o, {'int': 3});
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(null, {wrapUnions: 2}); });
it('invalid multiple keys', function () {
var t = createType(['null', 'int']);
var o = {'int': 2};
assert(t.isValid(o)); = 3;
it('clone multiple keys', function () {
var t = createType(['null', 'int']);
var o = {'int': 2, foo: 3};
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(o); });
it('clone unqualified names', function () {
var t = createType({
name: 'Person',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'id1', type: {name: 'an.Id', type: 'fixed', size: 1}},
{name: 'id2', type: ['null', 'an.Id']}
var b = Buffer.from([0]);
var o = {id1: b, id2: {Id: b}};
assert.deepEqual(t.clone(o), {id1: b, id2: {'an.Id': b}});
it('clone unqualified names', function () {
var t = createType({
name: 'Person',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'id1', type: {name: 'Id', type: 'fixed', size: 1}},
{name: 'id2', type: ['null', 'Id']}
var b = Buffer.from([0]);
var o = {id1: b, id2: {'an.Id': b}};
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(o); });
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = createType(['null', 'double']);
var b1 = t.toBuffer(null);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer({'double': 4});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b2, b1), 1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), -1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer({'double': 6});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b3, b2), 1);
it('compare', function () {
var t;
t = createType(['null', 'int']);
assert.equal(, {'int': 3}), -1);
assert.equal(, null), 0);
t = createType(['int', 'float']);
assert.equal({'int': 2}, {'float': 0.5}), -1);
assert.equal({'int': 20}, {'int': 5}), 1);
describe('EnumType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'single symbol',
schema: {name: 'Foo', symbols: ['HI']},
valid: ['HI'],
invalid: ['HEY', null, undefined, 0]
name: 'number-ish as symbol',
schema: {name: 'Foo', symbols: ['HI', 'A0']},
valid: ['HI', 'A0'],
invalid: ['HEY', null, undefined, 0, 'a0']
var schemas = [
{name: 'Foo', symbols: []},
{name: 'Foo'},
{symbols: ['hi']},
{name: 'G', symbols: ['0']}
testType(types.EnumType, data, schemas);
it('get full name', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'enum',
symbols: ['A', 'B'],
name: 'Letter',
namespace: 'latin'
assert.equal(t.getName(), 'latin.Letter');
it('get aliases', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'enum',
symbols: ['A', 'B'],
name: 'Letter',
namespace: 'latin',
aliases: ['Character', 'alphabet.Letter']
var aliases = t.getAliases();
assert.deepEqual(aliases, ['latin.Character', 'alphabet.Letter']);
assert.equal(t.getAliases().length, 3);
it('get symbols', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'enum', symbols: ['A', 'B'], name: 'Letter'});
var symbols = t.getSymbols();
assert.deepEqual(symbols, ['A', 'B']);
assert.equal(t.getSymbols().length, 2);
it('duplicate symbol', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
createType({type: 'enum', symbols: ['A', 'B', 'A'], name: 'B'});
it('write invalid', function () {
var type = createType({type: 'enum', symbols: ['A'], name: 'a'});
assert.throws(function () {
it('read invalid index', function () {
var type = new types.EnumType({type: 'enum', symbols: ['A'], name: 'a'});
var buf = Buffer.from([2]);
assert.throws(function () { type.fromBuffer(buf); });
it('resolve', function () {
var t1, t2, buf, resolver;
t1 = newEnum('Foo', ['bar', 'baz']);
t2 = newEnum('Foo', ['bar', 'baz']);
resolver = t1.createResolver(t2);
buf = t2.toBuffer('bar');
assert.equal(t1.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), 'bar');
t2 = newEnum('Foo', ['baz', 'bar']);
buf = t2.toBuffer('bar');
resolver = t1.createResolver(t2);
assert.notEqual(t1.fromBuffer(buf), 'bar');
assert.equal(t1.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), 'bar');
t1 = newEnum('Foo2', ['foo', 'baz', 'bar'], ['Foo']);
resolver = t1.createResolver(t2);
assert.equal(t1.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), 'bar');
t2 = newEnum('Foo', ['bar', 'bax']);
assert.throws(function () { t1.createResolver(t2); });
assert.throws(function () {
function newEnum(name, symbols, aliases, namespace) {
var obj = {type: 'enum', name: name, symbols: symbols};
if (aliases !== undefined) {
obj.aliases = aliases;
if (namespace !== undefined) {
obj.namespace = namespace;
return new types.EnumType(obj);
it('clone', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'enum', name: 'Foo', symbols: ['bar', 'baz']});
assert.equal(t.clone('bar'), 'bar');
assert.throws(function () { t.clone('BAR'); });
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(null); });
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'enum', name: 'Foo', symbols: ['bar', 'baz']});
var b1 = t.toBuffer('bar');
var b2 = t.toBuffer('baz');
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b2, b1), 1);
it('compare', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'enum', name: 'Foo', symbols: ['b', 'a']});
assert.equal('b', 'a'), -1);
assert.equal('a', 'a'), 0);
describe('FixedType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'size 1',
schema: {name: 'Foo', size: 2},
valid: [Buffer.from([1, 2]), Buffer.from([2, 3])],
invalid: ['HEY', null, undefined, 0, Buffer.alloc(1), Buffer.alloc(3)],
check: function (a, b) { assert(a.equals(b)); }
var schemas = [
{name: 'Foo', size: 0},
{name: 'Foo', size: -2},
{size: 2},
{name: 'Foo'},
testType(types.FixedType, data, schemas);
it('get full name', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'fixed',
size: 2,
name: 'Id',
namespace: 'id'
assert.equal(t.getName(), 'id.Id');
it('get aliases', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'fixed',
size: 3,
name: 'Id'
var aliases = t.getAliases();
assert.deepEqual(aliases, []);
assert.equal(t.getAliases().length, 1);
it('get size', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'fixed', size: 5, name: 'Id'});
assert.equal(t.getSize(), 5);
it('resolve', function () {
var t1 = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id', size: 4});
var t2 = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id', size: 4});
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
t2 = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id2', size: 4});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
t2 = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id2', size: 4, aliases: ['Id']});
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
t2 = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id2', size: 5, aliases: ['Id']});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
it('clone', function () {
var t = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id', size: 2});
var s = '\x01\x02';
var buf = Buffer.from(s);
var clone;
clone = t.clone(buf);
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
clone[0] = 0;
assert.equal(buf[0], 1);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(s); });
clone = t.clone(buf.toJSON(), {coerceBuffers: true});
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(1, {coerceBuffers: true}); });
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(Buffer.from([2])); });
it('getSchema with extra fields', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'Id', size: 2, three: 3}); = 1;
assert.equal(t.getSchema(), '{"name":"Id","type":"fixed","size":2}');
assert.equal(t.getSchema(true), '"Id"');
it('fromString', function () {
var t = new types.FixedType({name: 'Id', size: 2});
var s = '\x01\x02';
var buf = Buffer.from(s);
var clone = t.fromString(JSON.stringify(s));
assert.deepEqual(clone, buf);
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'Id', size: 2});
var b1 = Buffer.from([1, 2]);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = Buffer.from([2, 2]);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), -1);
describe('MapType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'int',
schema: {values: 'int'},
valid: [{one: 1}, {two: 2, o: 0}],
invalid: [1, {o: null}, [], undefined, {o: 'hi'}, {1: '', 2: 3}, ''],
check: assert.deepEqual
name: 'enum',
schema: {values: {type: 'enum', name: 'a', symbols: ['A', 'B']}},
valid: [{a: 'A'}, {a: 'A', b: 'B'}, {}],
invalid: [{o: 'a'}, {1: 'A', 2: 'b'}, {a: 3}],
check: assert.deepEqual
name: 'array of string',
schema: {values: {type: 'array', items: 'string'}},
valid: [{a: []}, {a: ['A'], b: ['B', '']}, {}],
invalid: [{o: 'a', b: []}, {a: [1, 2]}, {a: {b: ''}}],
check: assert.deepEqual
var schemas = [
{values: ''},
{values: {type: 'array'}}
testType(types.MapType, data, schemas);
it('get values type', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
assert.deepEqual(t.getValuesType(), createType('int'));
it('write int', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var buf = t.toBuffer({'\x01': 3, '\x02': 4});
assert.deepEqual(buf, Buffer.from([4, 2, 1, 6, 2, 2, 8, 0]));
it('read long', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'long'});
var buf = Buffer.from([4, 2, 1, 6, 2, 2, 8, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(t.fromBuffer(buf), {'\x01': 3, '\x02': 4});
it('read with sizes', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var buf = Buffer.from([1,6,2,97,2,0]);
assert.deepEqual(t.fromBuffer(buf), {a: 1});
it('skip', function () {
var v1 = createType({
name: 'Foo',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'map', type: {type: 'map', values: 'int'}},
{name: 'val', type: 'int'}
var v2 = createType({
name: 'Foo',
type: 'record',
fields: [{name: 'val', type: 'int'}]
var b1 = Buffer.from([2,2,97,2,0,6]); // Without sizes.
var b2 = Buffer.from([1,6,2,97,2,0,6]); // With sizes.
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(b1, resolver), {val: 3});
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(b2, resolver), {val: 3});
it('resolve int > long', function () {
var t1 = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var t2 = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'long'});
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
var obj = {one: 1, two: 2};
var buf = t1.toBuffer(obj);
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), obj);
it('resolve double > double', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'double'});
var resolver = t.createResolver(t);
var obj = {one: 1, two: 2};
var buf = t.toBuffer(obj);
assert.deepEqual(t.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), obj);
it('resolve invalid', function () {
var t1 = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var t2 = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'string'});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
t2 = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'string'});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
it('resolve fixed', function () {
var t1 = createType({
type: 'map', values: {name: 'Id', type: 'fixed', size: 2}
var t2 = createType({
type: 'map', values: {
name: 'Id2', aliases: ['Id'], type: 'fixed', size: 2
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
var obj = {one: Buffer.from([1, 2])};
var buf = t1.toBuffer(obj);
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), obj);
it('clone', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var o = {one: 1, two: 2};
var c = t.clone(o);
assert.deepEqual(c, o); = 3;
assert.equal(, 1);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(undefined); });
it('clone coerce buffers', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'bytes'});
var o = {one: {type: 'Buffer', data: [1]}};
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(o); });
var c = t.clone(o, {coerceBuffers: true});
assert.deepEqual(c, {one: Buffer.from([1])});
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'bytes'});
var b1 = t.toBuffer({});
assert.throws(function () { t.compareBuffers(b1, b1); });
it('isValid hook', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var o = {one: 1, two: 'deux', three: null, four: 4};
var errs = {};
assert(!t.isValid(o, {errorHook: hook}));
assert.deepEqual(errs, {two: 'deux', three: null});
function hook(path, obj, type) {
assert.strictEqual(type, t.getValuesType());
assert.equal(path.length, 1);
errs[path[0]] = obj;
it('getName', function () {
var t = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
assert.strictEqual(t.getName(), undefined);
describe('ArrayType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'int',
schema: {items: 'int'},
valid: [[1,3,4], []],
invalid: [1, {o: null}, undefined, ['a'], [true]],
check: assert.deepEqual
var schemas = [
{items: ''},
testType(types.ArrayType, data, schemas);
it('get items type', function () {
var t = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
assert.deepEqual(t.getItemsType(), createType('int'));
it('read with sizes', function () {
var t = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
var buf = Buffer.from([1,2,2,0]);
assert.deepEqual(t.fromBuffer(buf), [1]);
it('skip', function () {
var v1 = createType({
name: 'Foo',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'array', type: {type: 'array', items: 'int'}},
{name: 'val', type: 'int'}
var v2 = createType({
name: 'Foo',
type: 'record',
fields: [{name: 'val', type: 'int'}]
var b1 = Buffer.from([2,2,0,6]); // Without sizes.
var b2 = Buffer.from([1,2,2,0,6]); // With sizes.
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(b1, resolver), {val: 3});
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(b2, resolver), {val: 3});
it('resolve string items to bytes items', function () {
var t1 = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'string'});
var t2 = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'bytes'});
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
var obj = ['\x01\x02'];
var buf = t1.toBuffer(obj);
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), [Buffer.from([1, 2])]);
it('resolve invalid', function () {
var t1 = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'string'});
var t2 = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'long'});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
t2 = new types.MapType({type: 'map', values: 'string'});
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
it('clone', function () {
var t = new types.ArrayType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
var o = [1, 2];
var c = t.clone(o);
assert.deepEqual(c, o); = 3;
assert.equal(o[0], 1);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone({}); });
it('clone coerce buffers', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'array',
items: {type: 'fixed', name: 'Id', size: 2}
var o = [{type: 'Buffer', data: [1, 2]}];
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(o); });
var c = t.clone(o, {coerceBuffers: true});
assert.deepEqual(c, [Buffer.from([1, 2])]);
it('compare buffers', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(t.toBuffer([]), t.toBuffer([])), 0);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(t.toBuffer([1, 2]), t.toBuffer([])), 1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(t.toBuffer([1]), t.toBuffer([1, -1])), -1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(t.toBuffer([1]), t.toBuffer([2])), -1);
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(t.toBuffer([1, 2]), t.toBuffer([1])), 1);
it('compare', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
assert.equal([], []), 0);
assert.equal([], [-1]), -1);
assert.equal([1], [1]), 0);
assert.equal([2], [1, 2]), 1);
it('isValid hook invalid array', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
var hookCalled = false;
assert(!t.isValid({}, {errorHook: hook}));
function hook(path, obj, type) {
assert.strictEqual(type, t);
assert.deepEqual(path, []);
hookCalled = true;
it('isValid hook invalid elems', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'array', items: 'int'});
var paths = [];
assert(!t.isValid([0, 3, 'hi', 5, 'hey'], {errorHook: hook}));
assert.deepEqual(paths, [['2'], ['4']]);
function hook(path, obj, type) {
assert.strictEqual(type, t.getItemsType());
assert.equal(typeof obj, 'string');
describe('RecordType', function () {
var data = [
name: 'union field null and string with default',
schema: {
type: 'record',
name: 'a',
fields: [{name: 'b', type: ['null', 'string'], 'default': null}]
valid: [],
invalid: [],
check: assert.deepEqual
var schemas = [
{type: 'record', name: 'a', fields: ['null', 'string']},
{type: 'record', name: 'a', fields: [{type: ['null', 'string']}]},
type: 'record',
name: 'a',
fields: [{name: 'b', type: ['null', 'string'], 'default': 'a'}]
{type: 'record', name: 'a', fields: {type: 'int', name: 'age'}}
testType(types.RecordType, data, schemas);
it('duplicate field names', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}, {name: 'age', type: 'float'}]
it('default constructor', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int', 'default': 25}]
var Person = type.getRecordConstructor();
var p = new Person();
assert.equal(p.age, 25);
assert.strictEqual(p.constructor, Person);
it('default check & write', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int', 'default': 25},
{name: 'name', type: 'string', 'default': '\x01'}
assert.deepEqual(type.toBuffer({}), Buffer.from([50, 2, 1]));
it('fixed string default', function () {
var s = '\x01\x04';
var b = Buffer.from(s);
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Object',
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: {type: 'fixed', size: 2, name: 'Id'},
'default': s
var obj = new (type.getRecordConstructor())();
assert.deepEqual(, Buffer.from([1, 4]));
assert.deepEqual(type.toBuffer({}), b);
it('fixed buffer invalid default', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
type: 'record',
name: 'Object',
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: {type: 'fixed', size: 2, name: 'Id'},
'default': Buffer.from([0])
it('union invalid default', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: ['null', 'string'], 'default': ''}]
it('record default', function () {
var d = {street: null, zip: 123};
var Person = createType({
name: 'Person',
type: 'record',
fields: [
name: 'address',
type: {
name: 'Address',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'street', type: ['null', 'string']},
{name: 'zip', type: ['int', 'string']}
'default': d
var p = new Person();
assert.deepEqual(p.address, {street: null, zip: {'int': 123}});
it('record keyword field name', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'null', type: 'int'}]
var Person = type.getRecordConstructor();
assert.deepEqual(new Person(2), {'null': 2});
it('record isValid', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
var Person = type.getRecordConstructor();
assert((new Person(20)).$isValid());
assert(!(new Person()).$isValid());
assert(!(new Person('a')).$isValid());
it('record toBuffer', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
var Person = type.getRecordConstructor();
assert.deepEqual((new Person(48)).$toBuffer(), Buffer.from([96]));
assert.throws(function () { (new Person()).$toBuffer(); });
it('record compare', function () {
var P = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'data', type: {type: 'map', values: 'int'}, order:'ignore'},
{name: 'age', type: 'int'}
var p1 = new P({}, 1);
var p2 = new P({}, 2);
assert.equal(p1.$compare(p2), -1);
assert.equal(p2.$compare(p2), 0);
assert.equal(p2.$compare(p1), 1);
it('Record type', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
var Person = type.getRecordConstructor();
assert.strictEqual(Person.getType(), type);
it('mutable defaults', function () {
var Person = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
name: 'friends',
type: {type: 'array', items: 'string'},
'default': []
var p1 = new Person(undefined);
assert.deepEqual(p1.friends, []);
var p2 = new Person(undefined);
assert.deepEqual(p2.friends, []);
it('resolve alias', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var p = v1.random();
var buf = v1.toBuffer(p);
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
aliases: ['Person'],
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), p);
var v3 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
assert.throws(function () { v3.createResolver(v1); });
it('resolve alias with namespace', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'earth',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
aliases: ['Person'],
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
assert.throws(function () { v2.createResolver(v1); });
var v3 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
aliases: ['earth.Person'],
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { v3.createResolver(v1); });
it('resolve skip field', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int'},
{name: 'name', type: 'string'}
var p = {age: 25, name: 'Ann'};
var buf = v1.toBuffer(p);
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), {name: 'Ann'});
it('resolve new field', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var p = {name: 'Ann'};
var buf = v1.toBuffer(p);
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int', 'default': 25},
{name: 'name', type: 'string'}
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
assert.deepEqual(v2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), {name: 'Ann', age: 25});
it('resolve new field no default', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int'},
{name: 'name', type: 'string'}
assert.throws(function () { v2.createResolver(v1); });
it('resolve from recursive schema', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'}}]
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int', 'default': -1}]
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
var p1 = {friends: [{friends: []}]};
var p2 = v2.fromBuffer(v1.toBuffer(p1), resolver);
assert.deepEqual(p2, {age: -1});
it('resolve to recursive schema', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int', 'default': -1}]
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
name: 'friends',
type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'},
'default': []
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
var p1 = {age: 25};
var p2 = v2.fromBuffer(v1.toBuffer(p1), resolver);
assert.deepEqual(p2, {friends: []});
it('resolve from both recursive schema', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'}},
{name: 'age', type: 'int'}
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'}}]
var resolver = v2.createResolver(v1);
var p1 = {friends: [{age: 1, friends: []}], age: 10};
var p2 = v2.fromBuffer(v1.toBuffer(p1), resolver);
assert.deepEqual(p2, {friends: [{friends: []}]});
it('resolve multiple matching aliases', function () {
var v1 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'phone', type: 'string'},
{name: 'number', type: 'string'}
var v2 = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'number', type: 'string', aliases: ['phone']}]
assert.throws(function () { v2.createResolver(v1); });
it('getName', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
doc: 'Hi!',
namespace: 'earth',
aliases: ['Human'],
fields: [
{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'string'}},
{name: 'age', aliases: ['years'], type: {type: 'int'}}
assert.strictEqual(t.getName(), 'earth.Person');
assert.equal(t.getName(true), 'record');
it('getSchema', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
doc: 'Hi!',
namespace: 'earth',
aliases: ['Human'],
fields: [
{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'string'}},
{name: 'age', aliases: ['years'], type: {type: 'int'}}
assert.equal(t.getSchema(true), '"earth.Person"');
it('getSchema recursive schema', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'earth',
fields: [
{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'}},
assert.equal(t.getSchema(true), '"earth.Person"');
it('toString record', function () {
var T = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'pwd', type: 'bytes'}]
var r = new T(Buffer.from([1, 2]));
assert.equal(r.$toString(), T.getType().toString(r));
it('clone', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var Person = t.getRecordConstructor();
var o = {age: 25, name: 'Ann'};
var c = t.clone(o);
assert.deepEqual(c, o);
assert(c instanceof Person);
c.age = 26;
assert.equal(o.age, 25);
assert.strictEqual(c.$getType(), t);
assert.deepEqual(c.$clone(), c);
it('clone field hook', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var o = {name: 'Ann', age: 25};
var c = t.clone(o, {fieldHook: function (f, o, r) {
assert.strictEqual(r, t);
return f._type instanceof types.StringType ? o.toUpperCase() : o;
assert.deepEqual(c, {name: 'ANN', age: 25});
it('get full name & aliases', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'a',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
assert.equal(t.getName(), 'a.Person');
assert.deepEqual(t.getAliases(), []);
it('field getters', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'a',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int'},
{name: 'name', type: 'string', aliases: ['word'], namespace: 'b'}
var fields = t.getFields();
assert.deepEqual(fields[0].getAliases(), []);
assert.deepEqual(fields[1].getAliases(), ['word']);
assert.equal(fields[1].getName(), 'name'); // Namespaces are ignored.
assert.deepEqual(fields[1].getType(), createType('string'));
assert.equal(t.getFields().length, 2); // No change.
it('field order', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
var field = t.getFields()[0];
assert.equal(field.getOrder(), 'ascending'); // Default.
it('compare buffers default order', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'long'},
{name: 'name', type: 'string'},
{name: 'weight', type: 'float'},
var b1 = t.toBuffer({age: 20, name: 'Ann', weight: 0.5});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer({age: 20, name: 'Bob', weight: 0});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), -1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer({age: 19, name: 'Carrie', weight: 0});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b3), 1);
it('compare buffers custom order', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'meta', type: {type: 'map', values: 'int'}, order: 'ignore'},
{name: 'name', type: 'string', order: 'descending'}
var b1 = t.toBuffer({meta: {}, name: 'Ann'});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b1), 0);
var b2 = t.toBuffer({meta: {foo: 1}, name: 'Bob'});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b2), 1);
var b3 = t.toBuffer({meta: {foo: 0}, name: 'Alex'});
assert.equal(t.compareBuffers(b1, b3), -1);
it('compare buffers invalid order', function () {
assert.throws(function () { createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int', order: 'up'}]
}); });
it('error type', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'error',
name: 'Ouch',
fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'string'}]
var E = t.getRecordConstructor();
var err = new E('MyError');
assert(err instanceof Error);
it('isValid hook', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int'},
{name: 'names', type: {type: 'array', items: 'string'}}
var hasErr = false;
try {
assert(!t.isValid({age: 23, names: ['ann', null]}, {errorHook: hook}));
} catch (err) {
hasErr = true;
hasErr = false;
try {
// Again to make sure `PATH` was correctly reset.
assert(!t.isValid({age: 23, names: ['ann', null]}, {errorHook: hook}));
} catch (err) {
hasErr = true;
function hook(path, obj, type) {
assert.strictEqual(type, t.getFields()[1].getType().getItemsType());
assert.deepEqual(path, ['names', '1']);
throw new Error();
it('isValid empty record', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'record', name: 'Person', fields: []});
describe('AbstractLongType', function () {
var fastLongType = new types.LongType();
describe('unpacked', function () {
var slowLongType = types.LongType.using({
fromBuffer: function (buf) {
var neg = buf[7] >> 7;
if (neg) { // Negative number.
var n = buf.readInt32LE() + Math.pow(2, 32) * buf.readInt32LE(4);
if (neg) {
n = -n - 1;
return n;
toBuffer: function (n) {
var buf = Buffer.alloc(8);
var neg = n < 0;
if (neg) {
n = -n - 1;
buf.writeInt32LE(n | 0);
var h = n / Math.pow(2, 32) | 0;
buf.writeInt32LE(h ? h : (n >= 0 ? 0 : -1), 4);
if (neg) {
return buf;
isValid: function (n) {
return typeof n == 'number' && n % 1 === 0;
fromJSON: function (n) { return n; },
toJSON: function (n) { return n; },
compare: function (n1, n2) {
return n1 === n2 ? 0 : (n1 < n2 ? -1 : 1);
it('encode', function () {
[123, -1, 321414, 900719925474090].forEach(function (n) {
assert.deepEqual(slowLongType.toBuffer(n), fastLongType.toBuffer(n));
it('decode', function () {
[123, -1, 321414, 900719925474090].forEach(function (n) {
var buf = fastLongType.toBuffer(n);
assert.deepEqual(slowLongType.fromBuffer(buf), n);
it('clone', function () {
assert.equal(slowLongType.clone(123), 123);
assert.equal(slowLongType.fromString('-1'), -1);
assert.equal(slowLongType.toString(-1), '-1');
it('random', function () {
it('isValid hook', function () {
var s = 'hi';
var errs = [];
assert(!slowLongType.isValid(s, {errorHook: hook}));
assert.deepEqual(errs, [s]);
assert.throws(function () { slowLongType.toBuffer(s); });
function hook(path, obj, type) {
assert.strictEqual(type, slowLongType);
assert.equal(path.length, 0);
describe('packed', function () {
var slowLongType = types.LongType.using({
fromBuffer: function (buf) {
var tap = new Tap(buf);
return tap.readLong();
toBuffer: function (n) {
var buf = Buffer.alloc(10);
var tap = new Tap(buf);
return buf.slice(0, tap.pos);
fromJSON: function (n) { return n; },
toJSON: function (n) { return n; },
isValid: function (n) { return typeof n == 'number' && n % 1 === 0; },
compare: function (n1, n2) {
return n1 === n2 ? 0 : (n1 < n2 ? -1 : 1);
}, true);
it('encode', function () {
[123, -1, 321414, 900719925474090].forEach(function (n) {
assert.deepEqual(slowLongType.toBuffer(n), fastLongType.toBuffer(n));
it('decode', function () {
[123, -1, 321414, 900719925474090].forEach(function (n) {
var buf = fastLongType.toBuffer(n);
assert.deepEqual(slowLongType.fromBuffer(buf), n);
it('clone', function () {
assert.equal(slowLongType.clone(123), 123);
assert.equal(slowLongType.fromString('-1'), -1);
assert.equal(slowLongType.toString(-1), '-1');
it('random', function () {
it('incomplete buffer', function () {
// Check that `fromBuffer` doesn't get called.
var slowLongType = new types.LongType.using({
fromBuffer: function () { throw new Error('no'); },
toBuffer: null,
fromJSON: null,
toJSON: null,
isValid: null,
compare: null
var buf = fastLongType.toBuffer(12314);
slowLongType.decode(buf.slice(0, 1)),
{value: undefined, offset: -1}
describe('LogicalType', function () {
function DateType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts, [types.LongType]);
util.inherits(DateType, types.LogicalType);
DateType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) { return new Date(val); };
DateType.prototype._toValue = function (date) { return +date; };
DateType.prototype._resolve = function (type) {
if (type instanceof types.StringType) {
return function (str) { return new Date(Date.parse(str)); };
} else if (type instanceof types.LongType) {
return this.fromValue;
function AgeType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts, [types.IntType]);
util.inherits(AgeType, types.LogicalType);
AgeType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
if (val < 0) { throw new Error('invalid age'); }
return val;
AgeType.prototype._toValue = AgeType.prototype._fromValue;
var logicalTypes = {age: AgeType, date: DateType};
it('valid type', function () {
var t = createType({
type: 'long',
logicalType: 'date'
}, {logicalTypes: logicalTypes});
assert(t instanceof DateType);
assert(t.getUnderlyingType() instanceof types.LongType);
var d = new Date(123);
assert.equal(t.toString(d), '123');
assert.deepEqual(t.fromString('123'), d);
assert.deepEqual(t.clone(d), d);
assert.equal(, d), 0);
assert.equal(t.getSchema(), '"long"');
it('invalid type', function () {
var attrs = {
type: 'int',
logicalType: 'date'
var t;
t = createType(attrs); // Missing.
assert(t instanceof types.IntType);
t = createType(attrs, {logicalTypes: logicalTypes}); // Invalid.
assert(t instanceof types.IntType);
assert.throws(function () {
createType(attrs, {
logicalTypes: logicalTypes,
assertLogicalTypes: true
it('nested types', function () {
var attrs = {
name: 'Person',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: {type: 'int', logicalType: 'age'}},
{name: 'time', type: {type: 'long', logicalType: 'date'}}
var base = createType(attrs);
var derived = createType(attrs, {logicalTypes: logicalTypes});
var fields = derived.getFields();
assert(fields[0].getType() instanceof AgeType);
assert(fields[1].getType() instanceof DateType);
var date = new Date(;
var buf = base.toBuffer({age: 12, time: +date});
var person = derived.fromBuffer(buf);
assert.deepEqual(person.age, 12);
assert.deepEqual(person.time, date);
assert.throws(function () { derived.toBuffer({age: -1, date: date}); });
var invalid = {age: -1, time: date};
assert.throws(function () { derived.toBuffer(invalid); });
var hasError = false;
derived.isValid(invalid, {errorHook: function (path, any, type) {
hasError = true;
assert.deepEqual(path, ['age']);
assert.equal(any, -1);
assert(type instanceof AgeType);
it('recursive', function () {
function Person(friends) { this.friends = friends || []; }
function PersonType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts);
util.inherits(PersonType, types.LogicalType);
PersonType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
return new Person(val.friends);
PersonType.prototype._toValue = function (val) { return val; };
var t = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'earth',
logicalType: 'person',
fields: [
{name: 'friends', type: {type: 'array', items: 'Person'}},
}, {logicalTypes: {'person': PersonType}});
var p1 = new Person([new Person()]);
var buf = t.toBuffer(p1);
var p2 = t.fromBuffer(buf);
assert(p2 instanceof Person);
assert(p2.friends[0] instanceof Person);
assert.deepEqual(p2, p1);
it('resolve underlying > logical', function () {
var t1 = createType({type: 'string'});
var t2 = createType({
type: 'long',
logicalType: 'date'
}, {logicalTypes: logicalTypes});
var d1 = new Date(;
var buf = t1.toBuffer('' + d1);
var res = t2.createResolver(t1);
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(createType('float')); });
var d2 = t2.fromBuffer(buf, res);
assert.deepEqual('' + d2, '' + d1); // Rounding error on date objects.
it('resolve logical > underlying', function () {
var t1 = createType({
type: 'long',
logicalType: 'date'
}, {logicalTypes: logicalTypes});
var t2 = createType({type: 'double'}); // Note long > double too.
var d = new Date(;
var buf = t1.toBuffer(d);
var res = t2.createResolver(t1);
assert.throws(function () { createType('int').createResolver(t1); });
assert.equal(t2.fromBuffer(buf, res), +d);
describe('union logical types', function () {
// Unions are slightly tricky to override with logical types since their
// schemas aren't represented as objects.
var schema = [
name: 'Person',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{name: 'name', type: 'string'},
{name: 'age', type: ['null', 'int'], 'default': null}
function createUnionTypeHook(Type) {
var visited = [];
return function(attrs, opts) {
if (attrs instanceof Array && !~visited.indexOf(attrs)) {
return new Type(attrs, opts);
it('unwrapped', function () {
* A generic union type which exposes its values directly.
* This implementation is pretty minimal, we could optimize it by caching
* the underlying union's type names for example.
function UnwrappedUnionType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts);
util.inherits(UnwrappedUnionType, types.LogicalType);
UnwrappedUnionType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
return val === null ? null : val[Object.keys(val)[0]];
UnwrappedUnionType.prototype._toValue = function (any) {
return this.getUnderlyingType().clone(any, {wrapUnions: true});
var t1 = createType(
{typeHook: createUnionTypeHook(UnwrappedUnionType)}
var obj = {name: 'Ann', age: 23};
var buf = t1.toBuffer(obj);
var t2 = createType(schema);
{Person: {name: 'Ann', age: {'int': 23}}}
it('optional', function () {
* A basic optional type.
* It assumes an underlying union of the form `["null", ???]`.
* Enhancements include:
* + Performing a check in the constructor on the underlying type (i.e.
* union with the correct form).
* + Code-generating the conversion methods (especially a constructor
* for `_toValue`).
function OptionalType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts);
var type = this.getUnderlyingType().getTypes()[1];
this._name = type.getName() || type.getName(true);
util.inherits(OptionalType, types.LogicalType);
OptionalType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
return val === null ? null : val[this._name];
OptionalType.prototype._toValue = function (any) {
if (any === null) {
return null;
var obj = {};
obj[this._name] = any;
return obj;
var t1 = createType(
{typeHook: createUnionTypeHook(OptionalType)}
var obj = {name: 'Ann', age: 23};
var buf = t1.toBuffer(obj);
var t2 = createType(schema);
{Person: {name: 'Ann', age: {'int': 23}}}
it('even integer', function () {
function EvenIntType(attrs, opts) {, attrs, opts, [types.IntType]);
util.inherits(EvenIntType, types.LogicalType);
EvenIntType.prototype._fromValue = function (val) {
return val;
EvenIntType.prototype._toValue = EvenIntType.prototype._fromValue;
EvenIntType.prototype._assertValid = function (any) {
if (any !== (any | 0) || any % 2) {
throw new Error('invalid');
var opts = {logicalTypes: {'even-integer': EvenIntType}};
var t = createType({type: 'int', logicalType: 'even-integer'}, opts);
assert.equal(t.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([4])), 2);
assert.equal(t.clone(4), 4);
assert.equal(t.fromString('6'), 6);
assert.throws(function () { t.clone(3); });
assert.throws(function () { t.fromString('5'); });
assert.throws(function () { t.toBuffer(3); });
assert.throws(function () { t.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([2])); });
describe('createType', function () {
it('null type', function () {
assert.throws(function () { createType(null); });
it('unknown types', function () {
assert.throws(function () { createType('a'); });
assert.throws(function () { createType({type: 'b'}); });
it('namespaced type', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
namespace: 'earth',
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: {type: 'fixed', name: 'Id', size: 2, namespace: 'all'}
name: 'alien',
type: {
type: 'record',
name: 'Alien',
namespace: 'all',
fields: [
{name: 'friend', type: 'earth.Human'},
{name: 'id', type: 'Id'},
assert.equal(type._name, 'earth.Human');
assert.equal(type._fields[0]._type._name, 'all.Id');
assert.equal(type._fields[1]._type._name, 'all.Alien');
it('wrapped primitive', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'nothing', type: {type: 'null'}}]
assert.strictEqual(type._fields[0]._type.constructor, types.NullType);
it('fromBuffer truncated', function () {
var type = createType('int');
assert.throws(function () {
it('fromBuffer bad resolver', function () {
var type = createType('int');
assert.throws(function () {
type.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([0]), 123, {});
it('fromBuffer trailing', function () {
var type = createType('int');
assert.throws(function () {
type.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 2]));
it('fromBuffer trailing with resolver', function () {
var type = createType('int');
var resolver = type.createResolver(createType(['int']));
assert.equal(type.fromBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 2]), resolver), 1);
it('toBuffer', function () {
var type = createType('int');
assert.throws(function () { type.toBuffer('abc'); });
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { type.toBuffer(123); });
it('toBuffer and resize', function () {
var type = createType('string');
assert.deepEqual(type.toBuffer('\x01', 1), Buffer.from([2, 1]));
it('type hook', function () {
var refs = [];
var ts = [];
var o = {
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
fields: [
{name: 'age', type: 'int'},
{name: 'name', type: {type: 'string'}}
createType(o, {typeHook: hook});
assert.equal(ts.length, 1);
assert.equal(ts[0].getName(), 'Human');
function hook(schema, opts) {
if (~refs.indexOf(schema)) {
// Already seen this schema.
var type = createType(schema, opts);
if (type instanceof types.RecordType) {
return type;
it('type hook invalid return value', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
createType({type: 'int'}, {typeHook: hook});
function hook() { return 'int'; }
it('fingerprint', function () {
var t = createType('int');
var buf = Buffer.from('ef524ea1b91e73173d938ade36c1db32', 'hex');
assert.deepEqual(t.getFingerprint('md5'), buf);
assert.deepEqual(t.getFingerprint(), buf);
it('getSchema default', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
fields: [
{name: 'id1', type: ['string', 'null'], 'default': ''},
{name: 'id2', type: ['null', 'string'], 'default': null}
type: 'record',
name: 'Human',
fields: [
{name: 'id1', type: ['string', 'null']}, // Stripped defaults.
{name: 'id2', type: ['null', 'string']}
describe('fromString', function () {
it('int', function () {
var t = createType('int');
assert.equal(t.fromString('2'), 2);
assert.throws(function () { t.fromString('"a"'); });
it('string', function () {
var t = createType('string');
assert.equal(t.fromString('"2"'), '2');
assert.throws(function () { t.fromString('a'); });
it('coerce buffers', function () {
var t = createType({
name: 'Ids',
type: 'record',
fields: [{name: 'id1', type: {name: 'Id1', type: 'fixed', size: 2}}]
var o = {id1: Buffer.from([0, 1])};
var s = '{"id1": "\\u0000\\u0001"}';
var c = t.fromString(s);
assert.deepEqual(c, o);
assert(c instanceof t.getRecordConstructor());
describe('toString', function () {
it('int', function () {
var t = createType('int');
assert.equal(t.toString(2), '2');
assert.throws(function () { t.toString('a'); });
describe('resolve', function () {
it('non type', function () {
var t = createType({type: 'map', values: 'int'});
var obj = {type: 'map', values: 'int'};
assert.throws(function () { t.createResolver(obj); });
it('union to valid union', function () {
var t1 = createType(['int', 'string']);
var t2 = createType(['null', 'string', 'long']);
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
var buf = t1.toBuffer({'int': 12});
assert.deepEqual(t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), {'long': 12});
it('union to invalid union', function () {
var t1 = createType(['int', 'string']);
var t2 = createType(['null', 'long']);
assert.throws(function () { t2.createResolver(t1); });
it('union to non union', function () {
var t1 = createType(['int', 'long']);
var t2 = createType('long');
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
var buf = t1.toBuffer({'int': 12});
assert.equal(t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver), 12);
buf = Buffer.from([4, 0]);
assert.throws(function () { t2.fromBuffer(buf, resolver); });
it('union to invalid non union', function () {
var t1 = createType(['int', 'long']);
var t2 = createType('int');
assert.throws(function() { t2.createResolver(t1); });
describe('type references', function () {
it('existing', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'so', type: 'Person'}]
assert.strictEqual(type, type._fields[0]._type);
it('namespaced', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
name: 'so',
type: {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}],
namespace: 'a'
assert.equal(type._name, 'Person');
assert.equal(type._fields[0]._type._name, 'a.Person');
it('redefining', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [
name: 'so',
type: {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
it('missing', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'so', type: 'Friend'}]
it('redefining primitive', function () {
assert.throws( // Unqualified.
function () { createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'int', size: 2}); }
assert.throws( // Qualified.
function () {
createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'int', size: 2, namespace: 'a'});
it('aliases', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
namespace: 'a',
aliases: ['Human', 'b.Being'],
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
assert.deepEqual(type._aliases, ['a.Human', 'b.Being']);
it('invalid', function () {
// Name.
assert.throws(function () {
createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'ID$', size: 3});
// Namespace.
assert.throws(function () {
createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'ID', size: 3, namespace: '1a'});
// Qualified.
assert.throws(function () {
createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'a.2.ID', size: 3});
describe('decode', function () {
it('long valid', function () {
var t = createType('long');
var buf = Buffer.from([0, 128, 2, 0]);
var res = t.decode(buf, 1);
assert.deepEqual(res, {value: 128, offset: 3});
it('bytes invalid', function () {
var t = createType('bytes');
var buf = Buffer.from([4, 1]);
var res = t.decode(buf, 0);
assert.deepEqual(res, {value: undefined, offset: -1});
describe('encode', function () {
it('int valid', function () {
var t = createType('int');
var buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
var n = t.encode(5, buf, 1);
assert.equal(n, 2);
assert.deepEqual(buf, Buffer.from([0, 10]));
it('string invalid', function () {
var t = createType('string');
var buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
var n = t.encode('\x01\x02', buf, 0);
assert.equal(n, -2);
it('invalid', function () {
var t = createType('float');
var buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
assert.throws(function () { t.encode('hi', buf, 0); });
describe('inspect', function () {
it('type', function () {
assert.equal(createType('int').inspect(), '<IntType>');
createType({type: 'map', values: 'string'}).inspect(),
'<MapType {"values":"string"}>'
createType({type: 'fixed', name: 'Id', size: 2}).inspect(),
'<FixedType "Id">'
it('field', function () {
var type = createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'Person',
fields: [{name: 'age', type: 'int'}]
var field = type.getFields()[0];
assert.equal(field.inspect(), '<Field "age">');
it('resolver', function () {
var t1 = createType('int');
var t2 = createType('double');
var resolver = t2.createResolver(t1);
assert.equal(resolver.inspect(), '<Resolver>');
it('reset', function () {
var t = createType('string');
var buf = t.toBuffer('\x01');
assert.deepEqual(buf, Buffer.from([2, 1]));
function testType(Type, data, invalidSchemas) {
data.forEach(function (elem) {
it('roundtrip', function () {
var type = new Type(elem.schema);
elem.valid.forEach(function (v) {
assert(type.isValid(v), '' + v);
var fn = elem.check || assert.deepEqual;
fn(type.fromBuffer(type.toBuffer(v)), v);
fn(type.fromString(type.toString(v), {coerceBuffers: true}), v);
elem.invalid.forEach(function (v) {
assert(!type.isValid(v), '' + v);
assert.throws(function () { type.isValid(v, {errorHook: hook}); });
assert.throws(function () { type.toBuffer(v); });
function hook() { throw new Error(); }
var n = 50;
while (n--) {
// Run a few times to make sure we cover any branches.
it('skip', function () {
data.forEach(function (elem) {
var fn = elem.check || assert.deepEqual;
var items = elem.valid;
if (items.length > 1) {
var type = new Type(elem.schema);
var buf = Buffer.alloc(1024);
var tap = new Tap(buf);
type._write(tap, items[0]);
type._write(tap, items[1]);
tap.pos = 0;
fn(type._read(tap), items[1]);
if (invalidSchemas) {
it('invalid', function () {
invalidSchemas.forEach(function (schema) {
assert.throws(function () { new Type(schema); });
function getResolver(reader, writer) {
return createType(reader).createResolver(createType(writer));
function floatEquals(a, b) {
return Math.abs((a - b) / Math.min(a, b)) < 1e-7;
function invert(buf) {
var len = buf.length;
while (len--) {
buf[len] = ~buf[len];