blob: 25716561498b115c46ff8ee13c58acbe60cd18ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var _ = require("underscore"),
util = require('util');
var WARNING = 'Validator API is deprecated. Please use the type API instead.';
Validator = util.deprecate(Validator, WARNING);
ProtocolValidator = util.deprecate(ProtocolValidator, WARNING);
var AvroSpec = {
PrimitiveTypes: ['null', 'boolean', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double', 'bytes', 'string'],
ComplexTypes: ['record', 'enum', 'array', 'map', 'union', 'fixed']
AvroSpec.Types = AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes.concat(AvroSpec.ComplexTypes);
var InvalidSchemaError = function(msg) { return new Error('InvalidSchemaError: ' + msg); };
var InvalidProtocolError = function(msg) { return new Error('InvalidProtocolError: ' + msg); };
var ValidationError = function(msg) { return new Error('ValidationError: ' + msg); };
var ProtocolValidationError = function(msg) { return new Error('ProtocolValidationError: ' + msg); };
function Record(name, namespace, fields) {
function validateArgs(name, namespace, fields) {
if (!_.isString(name)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Record name must be string');
if (!_.isNull(namespace) && !_.isUndefined(namespace) && !_.isString(namespace)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Record namespace must be string or null');
if (!_.isArray(fields)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Record name must be string');
validateArgs(name, namespace, fields); = name;
this.namespace = namespace;
this.fields = fields;
function makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(schema, namespace) {
var typeName = null;
if (_.isString(schema)) {
typeName = schema;
} else if (_.isObject(schema)) {
if (_.isString(schema.namespace)) {
namespace = schema.namespace;
if (_.isString( {
typeName =;
} else if (_.isString(schema.type)) {
typeName = schema.type;
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unable to determine fully qualified type name from schema ' + JSON.stringify(schema) + ' in namespace ' + namespace);
if (!_.isString(typeName)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unable to determine type name from schema ' + JSON.stringify(schema) + ' in namespace ' + namespace);
if (typeName.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
return typeName;
} else if (_.contains(AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes, typeName)) {
return typeName;
} else if (_.isString(namespace)) {
return namespace + '.' + typeName;
} else {
return typeName;
function Union(typeSchemas, namespace) {
this.branchNames = function() {
return, function(typeSchema) { return makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(typeSchema, namespace); });
function validateArgs(typeSchemas) {
if (!_.isArray(typeSchemas) || _.isEmpty(typeSchemas)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Union must have at least 1 branch');
this.typeSchemas = typeSchemas;
this.namespace = namespace;
function Enum(symbols) {
function validateArgs(symbols) {
if (!_.isArray(symbols)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Enum must have array of symbols, got ' + JSON.stringify(symbols));
if (!_.all(symbols, function(symbol) { return _.isString(symbol); })) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Enum symbols must be strings, got ' + JSON.stringify(symbols));
this.symbols = symbols;
function AvroArray(itemSchema) {
function validateArgs(itemSchema) {
if (_.isNull(itemSchema) || _.isUndefined(itemSchema)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Array "items" schema should not be null or undefined');
this.itemSchema = itemSchema;
function Map(valueSchema) {
function validateArgs(valueSchema) {
if (_.isNull(valueSchema) || _.isUndefined(valueSchema)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Map "values" schema should not be null or undefined');
this.valueSchema = valueSchema;
function Field(name, schema) {
function validateArgs(name, schema) {
if (!_.isString(name)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Field name must be string');
} = name;
this.schema = schema;
function Primitive(type) {
function validateArgs(type) {
if (!_.isString(type)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Primitive type name must be a string');
if (!_.contains(AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes, type)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('Primitive type must be one of: ' + JSON.stringify(AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes) + '; got ' + type);
this.type = type;
function Validator(schema, namespace, namedTypes) {
this.validate = function(obj) {
return _validate(this.schema, obj);
var _validate = function(schema, obj) {
if (schema instanceof Record) {
return _validateRecord(schema, obj);
} else if (schema instanceof Union) {
return _validateUnion(schema, obj);
} else if (schema instanceof Enum) {
return _validateEnum(schema, obj);
} else if (schema instanceof AvroArray) {
return _validateArray(schema, obj);
} else if (schema instanceof Map) {
return _validateMap(schema, obj);
} else if (schema instanceof Primitive) {
return _validatePrimitive(schema, obj);
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('validation not yet implemented: ' + JSON.stringify(schema));
var _validateRecord = function(schema, obj) {
if (!_.isObject(obj) || _.isArray(obj)) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected record Javascript type to be non-array object, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
var schemaFieldNames = _.pluck(schema.fields, 'name').sort();
var objFieldNames = _.keys(obj).sort();
if (!_.isEqual(schemaFieldNames, objFieldNames)) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected record fields ' + JSON.stringify(schemaFieldNames) + '; got ' + JSON.stringify(objFieldNames));
return _.all(schema.fields, function(field) {
return _validate(field.schema, obj[]);
var _validateUnion = function(schema, obj) {
if (_.isObject(obj)) {
if (_.isArray(obj)) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union Javascript type to be non-array object (or null), got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
} else if (_.size(obj) !== 1) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union Javascript object to be object with exactly 1 key (or null), got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
var unionBranch = _.keys(obj)[0];
if (unionBranch === "") {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union Javascript object to contain non-empty string branch, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
if (_.contains(schema.branchNames(), unionBranch)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union branch to be one of ' + JSON.stringify(schema.branchNames()) + '; got ' + JSON.stringify(unionBranch));
} else if (_.isNull(obj)) {
if (_.contains(schema.branchNames(), 'null')) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union branch to be one of ' + JSON.stringify(schema.branchNames()) + '; got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected union Javascript object to be non-array object of size 1 or null, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
var _validateEnum = function(schema, obj) {
if (_.isString(obj)) {
if (_.contains(schema.symbols, obj)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected enum value to be one of ' + JSON.stringify(schema.symbols) + '; got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected enum Javascript object to be string, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
var _validateArray = function(schema, obj) {
if (_.isArray(obj)) {
return _.all(obj, function(member) { return _validate(schema.itemSchema, member); });
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected array Javascript object to be array, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
var _validateMap = function(schema, obj) {
if (_.isObject(obj) && !_.isArray(obj)) {
return _.all(obj, function(value) { return _validate(schema.valueSchema, value); });
} else if (_.isArray(obj)) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected map Javascript object to be non-array object, got array ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected map Javascript object to be non-array object, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
var _validatePrimitive = function(schema, obj) {
switch (schema.type) {
case 'null':
if (_.isNull(obj) || _.isUndefined(obj)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript null or undefined for Avro null, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'boolean':
if (_.isBoolean(obj)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript boolean for Avro boolean, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'int':
if (_.isNumber(obj) && Math.floor(obj) === obj && Math.abs(obj) <= Math.pow(2, 31)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript int32 number for Avro int, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'long':
if (_.isNumber(obj) && Math.floor(obj) === obj && Math.abs(obj) <= Math.pow(2, 63)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript int64 number for Avro long, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'float':
if (_.isNumber(obj)) { // TODO: handle NaN?
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript float number for Avro float, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'double':
if (_.isNumber(obj)) { // TODO: handle NaN?
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript double number for Avro double, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
case 'bytes':
throw new InvalidSchemaError('not yet implemented: ' + schema.type);
case 'string':
if (_.isString(obj)) { // TODO: handle NaN?
return true;
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Expected Javascript string for Avro string, got ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unrecognized primitive type: ' + schema.type);
// TODO: namespace handling is rudimentary. multiple namespaces within a certain nested schema definition
// are probably buggy.
var _namedTypes = namedTypes || {};
var _saveNamedType = function(fullyQualifiedTypeName, schema) {
if (_.has(_namedTypes, fullyQualifiedTypeName)) {
if (!_.isEqual(_namedTypes[fullyQualifiedTypeName], schema)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('conflicting definitions for type ' + fullyQualifiedTypeName + ': ' + JSON.stringify(_namedTypes[fullyQualifiedTypeName]) + ' and ' + JSON.stringify(schema));
} else {
_namedTypes[fullyQualifiedTypeName] = schema;
var _lookupTypeByFullyQualifiedName = function(fullyQualifiedTypeName) {
if (_.has(_namedTypes, fullyQualifiedTypeName)) {
return _namedTypes[fullyQualifiedTypeName];
} else {
return null;
var _parseNamedType = function(schema, namespace) {
if (_.contains(AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes, schema)) {
return new Primitive(schema);
} else if (!_.isNull(_lookupTypeByFullyQualifiedName(makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(schema, namespace)))) {
return _lookupTypeByFullyQualifiedName(makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(schema, namespace));
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unknown type name: ' + JSON.stringify(schema) + '; known type names are ' + JSON.stringify(_.keys(_namedTypes)));
var _parseSchema = function(schema, parentSchema, namespace) {
if (_.isNull(schema) || _.isUndefined(schema)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('schema is null, in parentSchema: ' + JSON.stringify(parentSchema));
} else if (_.isString(schema)) {
return _parseNamedType(schema, namespace);
} else if (_.isObject(schema) && !_.isArray(schema)) {
if (schema.type === 'record') {
var newRecord = new Record(, schema.namespace,, function(field) {
return new Field(, _parseSchema(field.type, schema, schema.namespace || namespace));
_saveNamedType(makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(schema, namespace), newRecord);
return newRecord;
} else if (schema.type === 'enum') {
if (_.has(schema, 'symbols')) {
var newEnum = new Enum(schema.symbols);
_saveNamedType(makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(schema, namespace), newEnum);
return newEnum;
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('enum must specify symbols, got ' + JSON.stringify(schema));
} else if (schema.type === 'array') {
if (_.has(schema, 'items')) {
return new AvroArray(_parseSchema(schema.items, schema, namespace));
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('array must specify "items" schema, got ' + JSON.stringify(schema));
} else if (schema.type === 'map') {
if (_.has(schema, 'values')) {
return new Map(_parseSchema(schema.values, schema, namespace));
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('map must specify "values" schema, got ' + JSON.stringify(schema));
} else if (_.has(schema, 'type') && _.contains(AvroSpec.PrimitiveTypes, schema.type)) {
return _parseNamedType(schema.type, namespace);
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('not yet implemented: ' + schema.type);
} else if (_.isArray(schema)) {
if (_.isEmpty(schema)) {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unions must have at least 1 branch');
var branchTypes =, function(branchType) { return _parseSchema(branchType, schema, namespace); });
return new Union(branchTypes, namespace);
} else {
throw new InvalidSchemaError('unexpected Javascript type for schema: ' + (typeof schema));
this.rawSchema = schema;
this.schema = _parseSchema(schema, null, namespace);
Validator.validate = function(schema, obj) {
return (new Validator(schema)).validate(obj);
function ProtocolValidator(protocol) {
this.validate = function(typeName, obj) {
var fullyQualifiedTypeName = makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(typeName, protocol.namespace);
if (!_.has(_typeSchemaValidators, fullyQualifiedTypeName)) {
throw new ProtocolValidationError('Protocol does not contain definition for type ' + JSON.stringify(fullyQualifiedTypeName) + ' (fully qualified from input "' + typeName + '"); known types are ' + JSON.stringify(_.keys(_typeSchemaValidators)));
return _typeSchemaValidators[fullyQualifiedTypeName].validate(obj);
var _typeSchemaValidators = {};
var _initSchemaValidators = function(protocol) {
var namedTypes = {};
if (!_.has(protocol, 'protocol') || !_.isString(protocol.protocol)) {
throw new InvalidProtocolError('Protocol must contain a "protocol" attribute with a string value');
if (_.isArray(protocol.types)) {
_.each(protocol.types, function(typeSchema) {
var schemaValidator = new Validator(typeSchema, protocol.namespace, namedTypes);
var fullyQualifiedTypeName = makeFullyQualifiedTypeName(typeSchema, protocol.namespace);
_typeSchemaValidators[fullyQualifiedTypeName] = schemaValidator;
ProtocolValidator.validate = function(protocol, typeName, obj) {
return (new ProtocolValidator(protocol)).validate(typeName, obj);
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
exports['Validator'] = Validator;
exports['ProtocolValidator'] = ProtocolValidator;