AVRO-2438:SpecificData.deepCopy() cannot be used with java-class fields (#703)

* AVRO-2438:SpecificData.deepCopy() cannot be used with java-class fields

* Update spotless check

* Modify comment

* AVRO-2438:Increase the deepcopy support of java-key-class

Co-authored-by: Daniel Kulp <dkulp@apache.org>
3 files changed
tree: 4e439b658f1f5bf8d18163f11f25b7d2cc1e29ce
  1. .github/
  2. .travis/
  3. doc/
  4. lang/
  5. share/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .editorconfig
  8. .gitignore
  9. .travis.yml
  10. .yamllint.yml
  11. BUILD.md
  12. build.sh
  13. composer.json
  14. DIST_README.txt
  15. LICENSE.txt
  16. NOTICE.txt
  17. pom.xml
  18. README.md

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