

  • New scheduler commandline argument -enable_mesos_fetcher to allow job submissions to contain URIs which will be passed to the Mesos Fetcher and subsequently downloaded into the sandbox. Please note that enabling job submissions to download resources from arbitrary URIs may have security implications.
  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.28.2.

Deprecations and removals:



  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.27.2

  • Added a new optional Apache Curator backend for performing scheduler leader election. You can enable this with the new -zk_use_curator scheduler argument.

  • Adding --nosetuid-health-checks flag to control whether the executor runs health checks as the job‘s role’s user.

  • New scheduler command line argument -offer_filter_duration to control the time after which we expect Mesos to re-offer unused resources. A short duration improves scheduling performance in smaller clusters, but might lead to resource starvation for other frameworks if you run multiple ones in your cluster. Uses the Mesos default of 5s.

  • New scheduler command line option -framework_name to change the name used for registering the Aurora framework with Mesos. The current default value is ‘TwitterScheduler’.

  • Added experimental support for launching tasks using filesystem images and the Mesos unified containerizer. See that linked documentation for details on configuring Mesos to use the unified containerizer. Note that earlier versions of Mesos do not fully support the unified containerizer. Mesos 0.28.x or later is recommended for anyone adopting task images via the Mesos containerizer.

  • Upgraded to pystachio 0.8.1 to pick up support for the new Choice type.

  • The container property of a Job is now a Choice of either a Container holder, or a direct reference to either a Docker or Mesos container.

  • New scheduler command line argument -ip to control what ip address to bind the schedulers http server to.

  • Added experimental support for Mesos GPU resource. This feature will be available in Mesos 1.0 and is disabled by default. Use -allow_gpu_resource flag to enable it.

    IMPORTANT: once this feature is enabled, creating jobs with GPU resource will make scheduler snapshot backwards incompatible. Scheduler will be unable to read snapshot if rolled back to previous version. If rollback is absolutely necessary, perform the following steps:

    1. Set -allow_gpu_resource to false
    2. Delete all jobs with GPU resource (including cron job schedules if applicable)
    3. Wait until GPU task history is pruned. You may speed it up by changing the history retention flags, e.g.: -history_prune_threshold=1mins and -history_max_per_job_threshold=0
    4. In case there were GPU job updates created, prune job update history for affected jobs from /h2console endpoint or reduce job update pruning thresholds, e.g.: -job_update_history_pruning_threshold=1mins and -job_update_history_per_job_threshold=0
    5. Ensure a new snapshot is created by running aurora_admin scheduler_snapshot <cluster>
    6. Rollback to previous version
  • Experimental support for a webhook feature which POSTs all task state changes to a user defined endpoint.

  • Added support for specifying the default tier name in tier configuration file (tiers.json). The default property is required and is initialized with the preemptible tier (preemptible tier tasks can be preempted but their resources cannot be revoked).

Deprecations and removals:

  • Deprecated --restart-threshold option in the aurora job restart command to match the job updater behavior. This option has no effect now and will be removed in the future release.
  • Deprecated -framework_name default argument ‘TwitterScheduler’. In a future release this will change to ‘aurora’. Please be aware that depending on your usage of Mesos, this will be a backward incompatible change. For details, see MESOS-703.
  • The -thermos_observer_root command line arg has been removed from the scheduler. This was a relic from the time when executor checkpoints were written globally, rather than into a task's sandbox.
  • Setting the container property of a Job to a Container holder is deprecated in favor of setting it directly to the appropriate (i.e. Docker or Mesos) container type.
  • Deprecated numCpus, ramMb and diskMb fields in TaskConfig and ResourceAggregate thrift structs. Use set<Resource> resources to specify task resources or quota values.
  • The endpoint /slaves is deprecated. Please use /agents instead.
  • Deprecated production field in TaskConfig thrift struct. Use tier field to specify task scheduling and resource handling behavior.
  • The scheduler resources_*_ram_gb and resources_*_disk_gb metrics have been renamed to resources_*_ram_mb and resources_*_disk_mb respectively. Note the unit change: GB -> MB.



  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.26.0
  • Added a new health endpoint (/leaderhealth) which can be used for load balancer health checks to always forward requests to the leading scheduler.
  • Added a new aurora job add client command to scale out an existing job.
  • Upgraded the scheduler ZooKeeper client from 3.4.6 to 3.4.8.
  • Added support for dedicated constraints not exclusive to a particular role. See here for more details.
  • Added a new argument --announcer-hostname to thermos executor to override hostname in service registry endpoint. See here for details.
  • Descheduling a cron job that was not actually scheduled will no longer return an error.
  • Added a new argument -thermos_home_in_sandbox to the scheduler for optionally changing HOME to the sandbox during thermos executor/runner execution. This is useful in cases where the root filesystem inside of the container is read-only, as it moves PEX extraction into the sandbox. See here for more detail.
  • Support for ZooKeeper authentication in the executor announcer. See here for details.
  • Scheduler H2 in-memory database is now using MVStore In addition, scheduler thrift snapshots are now supporting full DB dumps for faster restarts.
  • Added scheduler argument -require_docker_use_executor that indicates whether the scheduler should accept tasks that use the Docker containerizer without an executor (experimental).
  • Jobs referencing invalid tier name will be rejected by the scheduler.
  • Added a new scheduler argument --populate_discovery_info. If set to true, Aurora will start to populate DiscoveryInfo field on TaskInfo of Mesos. This could be used for alternative service discovery solution like Mesos-DNS.
  • Added support for automatic schema upgrades and downgrades when restoring a snapshot that contains a DB dump.

Deprecations and removals:

  • Removed deprecated (now redundant) fields:
    • Identity.role
    • TaskConfig.environment
    • TaskConfig.jobName
    • TaskQuery.owner
  • Removed deprecated AddInstancesConfig parameter to addInstances RPC.
  • Removed deprecated executor argument -announcer-enable, which was a no-op in 0.12.0.
  • Removed deprecated API constructs related to Locks:
    • removed RPCs that managed locks
      • acquireLock
      • releaseLock
      • getLocks
    • removed Lock parameters to RPCs
      • createJob
      • scheduleCronJob
      • descheduleCronJob
      • restartShards
      • killTasks
      • addInstances
      • replaceCronTemplate
  • Task ID strings are no longer prefixed by a timestamp.
  • Changes to the way the scheduler reads command line arguments
    • Removed support for reading command line argument values from files.
    • Removed support for specifying command line argument names with fully-qualified class names.



  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.25.0.
  • Upgraded the scheduler ZooKeeper client from 3.3.4 to 3.4.6.
  • Added support for configuring Mesos role by passing -mesos_role to Aurora scheduler at start time. This enables resource reservation for Aurora when running in a shared Mesos cluster.
  • Aurora task metadata is now mapped to Mesos task labels. Labels are prefixed with org.apache.aurora.metadata. to prevent clashes with other, external label sources.
  • Added new scheduler flag -default_docker_parameters to allow a cluster operator to specify a universal set of parameters that should be used for every container that does not have parameters explicitly configured at the job level.
  • Added support for jobs to specify arbitrary ZooKeeper paths for service registration. See here for details.
  • Log destination is configurable for the thermos runner. See the configuration reference for details on how to configure destination per-process. Command line options may also be passed through the scheduler in order to configure the global default behavior.
  • Env variables can be passed through to task processes by passing --preserve_env to thermos.
  • Changed scheduler logging to use logback. Operators wishing to customize logging may do so with standard logback configuration
  • When using --read-json, aurora can now load multiple jobs from one json file, similar to the usual pystachio structure: {"jobs": [job1, job2, ...]}. The older single-job json format is also still supported.
  • aurora config list command now supports --read-json
  • Added scheduler command line argument -shiro_after_auth_filter. Optionally specify a class implementing javax.servlet.Filter that will be included in the Filter chain following the Shiro auth filters.
  • The addInstances thrift RPC does now increase job instance count (scale out) based on the task template pointed by instance key.

Deprecations and removals:

  • Deprecated AddInstancesConfig argument in addInstances thrift RPC.
  • Deprecated TaskQuery argument in killTasks thrift RPC to disallow killing tasks across multiple roles. The new safer approach is using JobKey with instances instead.
  • Removed the deprecated field ‘ConfigGroup.instanceIds’ from the API.
  • Removed the following deprecated HealthCheckConfig client-side configuration fields: endpoint, expected_response, expected_response_code. These are now set exclusively in like-named fields of HttpHealthChecker.
  • Removed the deprecated ‘JobUpdateSettings.maxWaitToInstanceRunningMs’ thrift api field ( UpdateConfig.restart_threshold in client-side configuration). This aspect of job restarts is now controlled exclusively via the client with aurora job restart --restart-threshold=[seconds].
  • Deprecated executor flag --announcer-enable. Enabling the announcer previously required both flags --announcer-enable and --announcer-ensemble, but now only --announcer-ensemble must be set. --announcer-enable is a no-op flag now and will be removed in future version.
  • Removed scheduler command line arguments:
    • -enable_cors_support. Enabling CORS is now implicit by setting the argument -enable_cors_for.
    • -deduplicate_snapshots and -deflate_snapshots. These features are good to always enable.
    • -enable_job_updates and -enable_job_creation
    • -extra_modules
    • -logtostderr, -alsologtostderr, -vlog, -vmodule, and use_glog_formatter. Removed in favor of the new logback configuration.



  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.24.1.
  • Added a new scheduler flag ‘framework_announce_principal’ to support use of authorization and rate limiting in Mesos.
  • Added support for shell-based health checkers in addition to HTTP health checkers. In concert with this change the HealthCheckConfig schema has been restructured to more cleanly allow configuring varied health checkers.
  • Added support for taking in an executor configuration in JSON via a command line argument --custom_executor_config which will override all other the command line arguments and default values pertaining to the executor.
  • Log rotation has been added to the thermos runner. See the configuration reference for details on how configure rotation per-process. Command line options may also be passed through the scheduler in order to configure the global default behavior.

Deprecations and removals:

  • The client-side updater has been removed, along with the CLI commands that used it: ‘aurora job update’ and ‘aurora job cancel-update’. Users are encouraged to take advantage of scheduler-driven updates (see ‘aurora update -h’ for usage), which has been a stable feature for several releases.
  • The following fields from HealthCheckConfig are now deprecated: endpoint, expected_response, expected_response_code in favor of setting them as part of an HttpHealthChecker.
  • The field ‘JobUpdateSettings.maxWaitToInstanceRunningMs’ (UpdateConfig.restart_threshold in client-side configuration) is now deprecated. This setting was brittle in practice, and is ignored by the 0.11.0 scheduler.



  • Upgraded Mesos to 0.23.0. NOTE: Aurora executor now requires openssl runtime dependencies that were not previously enforced. You will need libcurl available on every Mesos slave (or Docker container) to successfully launch Aurora executor. See here for more details on Mesos runtime dependencies.
  • Resource quota is no longer consumed by production jobs with a dedicated constraint (AURORA-1457).
  • The Python build layout has changed:
    • The apache.thermos package has been removed.
    • The apache.gen.aurora package has been renamed to apache.aurora.thrift.
    • The apache.gen.thermos package has been renamed to apache.thermos.thrift.
    • A new apache.thermos.runner package has been introduced, providing the thermos_runner binary.
    • A new apache.aurora.kerberos package has been introduced, containing the Kerberos-supporting versions of aurora and aurora_admin (kaurora and kaurora_admin).
    • Most BUILD targets under src/main have been removed, see here for details.

Deprecations and removals:

  • Removed the --root option from the observer.
  • Thrift ConfigGroup.instanceIds field has been deprecated. Use ConfigGroup.instances instead.
  • Deprecated SessionValidator and CapabilityValidator interfaces have been removed. All SessionKey-typed arguments are now nullable and ignored by the scheduler Thrift API.


  • Now requires JRE 8 or greater.
  • GC executor is fully replaced by the task state reconciliation (AURORA-1047).
  • The scheduler command line argument -enable_legacy_constraints has been removed, and the scheduler no longer automatically injects host and rack constraints for production services. (AURORA-1074)
  • SLA metrics for non-production jobs have been disabled by default. They can be enabled via the scheduler command line. Metric names have changed from ...nonprod_ms to ...ms_nonprod (AURORA-1350).


  • A new command line argument was added to the observer: --mesos-root This must point to the same path as --work_dir on the mesos slave.
  • Build targets for thermos and observer have changed, they are now:
    • src/main/python/apache/aurora/tools:thermos
    • src/main/python/apache/aurora/tools:thermos_observer