Recovering from a Scheduler Backup

Be sure to read the entire page before attempting to restore from a backup, as it may have unintended consequences.


The restoration procedure replaces the existing (possibly corrupted) Mesos replicated log with an earlier, backed up, version and requires all schedulers to be taken down temporarily while restoring. Once completed, the scheduler state resets to what it was when the backup was created. This means any jobs/tasks created or updated after the backup are unknown to the scheduler and will be killed shortly after the cluster restarts. All other tasks continue operating as normal.

Usually, it is a bad idea to restore a backup that is not extremely recent (i.e. older than a few hours). This is because the scheduler will expect the cluster to look exactly as the backup does, so any tasks that have been rescheduled since the backup was taken will be killed.

Instructions below have been verified in Vagrant environment and with minor syntax/path changes should be applicable to any Aurora cluster.


Follow these steps to prepare the cluster for restoring from a backup:

  • Stop all scheduler instances

  • Consider blocking external traffic on a port defined in -http_port for all schedulers to prevent users from interacting with the scheduler during the restoration process. This will help troubleshooting by reducing the scheduler log noise and prevent users from making changes that will be erased after the backup snapshot is restored.

  • Configure aurora_admin access to run all commands listed in Restore from backup section locally on the leading scheduler:

    • Make sure the clusters.json file configured to access scheduler directly. Set scheduler_uri setting and remove zk. Since leader can get re-elected during the restore steps, consider doing it on all scheduler replicas.

    • Depending on your particular security approach you will need to either turn off scheduler authorization by removing scheduler -http_authentication_mechanism flag or make sure the direct scheduler access is properly authorized. E.g.: in case of Kerberos you will need to make a /etc/hosts file change to match your local IP to the scheduler URL configured in keytabs:

      <local_ip> <scheduler_domain_in_keytabs>
  • Next steps are required to put scheduler into a partially disabled state where it would still be able to accept storage recovery requests but unable to schedule or change task states. This may be accomplished by updating the following scheduler configuration options:

    • Set -mesos_master_address to a non-existent zk address. This will prevent scheduler from registering with Mesos. E.g.: -mesos_master_address=zk://localhost:1111/mesos/master
    • -max_registration_delay - set to sufficiently long interval to prevent registration timeout and as a result scheduler suicide. E.g: -max_registration_delay=360mins
    • Make sure -reconciliation_initial_delay option is set high enough (e.g.: 365days) to prevent accidental task GC. This is important as scheduler will attempt to reconcile the cluster state and will kill all tasks when restarted with an empty Mesos replicated log.
  • Restart all schedulers

Cleanup and re-initialize Mesos replicated log

Get rid of the corrupted files and re-initialize Mesos replicated log:

  • Stop schedulers
  • Delete all files under -native_log_file_path on all schedulers
  • Initialize Mesos replica's log file: sudo mesos-log initialize --path=<-native_log_file_path>
  • Start schedulers

Restore from backup

At this point the scheduler is ready to rehydrate from the backup:

  • Identify the leading scheduler by:

    • examining the scheduler_lifecycle_LEADER_AWAITING_REGISTRATION metric at the scheduler /vars endpoint. Leader will have 1. All other replicas - 0.
    • examining scheduler logs
    • or examining Zookeeper registration under the path defined by -zk_endpoints and -serverset_path
  • Locate the desired backup file, copy it to the leading scheduler's -backup_dir folder and stage recovery by running the following command on a leader aurora_admin scheduler_stage_recovery --bypass-leader-redirect <cluster> scheduler-backup-<yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm>

  • At this point, the recovery snapshot is staged and available for manual verification/modification via aurora_admin scheduler_print_recovery_tasks --bypass-leader-redirect and scheduler_delete_recovery_tasks --bypass-leader-redirect commands. See aurora_admin help <command> for usage details.

  • Commit recovery. This instructs the scheduler to overwrite the existing Mesos replicated log with the provided backup snapshot and initiate a mandatory failover aurora_admin scheduler_commit_recovery --bypass-leader-redirect <cluster>


Undo any modification done during Preparation sequence.