Command Hooks for the Aurora Client


We‘ve got hooks in the client that surround API calls. These are pretty awkward, because they don’t correlate with user actions. For example, suppose we wanted a policy that said users weren't allowed to kill all instances of a production job at once.

Right now, all that we could hook would be the “killJob” api call. But kill (at least in newer versions of the client) normally runs in batches. If a user called killall, what we would see on the API level is a series of “killJob” calls, each of which specified a batch of instances. We woudn‘t be able to distinguish between really killing all instances of a job (which is forbidden under this policy), and carefully killing in batches (which is permitted.) In each case, the hook would just see a series of API calls, and couldn’t find out what the actual command being executed was!

For most policy enforcement, what we really want to be able to do is look at and vet the commands that a user is performing, not the API calls that the client uses to implement those commands.

So I propose that we add a new kind of hooks, which surround noun/verb commands. A hook will register itself to handle a collection of (noun, verb) pairs. Whenever any of those noun/verb commands are invoked, the hooks methods will be called around the execution of the verb. A pre-hook will have the ability to reject a command, preventing the verb from being executed.

Registering Hooks

These hooks will be registered two ways:

  • Project hooks file. If a file named AuroraHooks is in the project directory where an aurora command is being executed, that file will be read, and its hooks will be registered.
  • Configuration plugins. A configuration plugin can register hooks using an API. Hooks registered this way are, effectively, hardwired into the client executable.

The order of execution of hooks is unspecified: they may be called in any order. There is no way to guarantee that one hook will execute before some other hook.

Global Hooks

Commands registered by the python call are called global hooks, because they will run for all configurations, whether or not they specify any hooks in the configuration file.

In the implementation, hooks are registered in the module apache.aurora.client.cli.command_hooks, using the class GlobalCommandHookRegistry. A global hook can be registered by calling GlobalCommandHookRegistry.register_command_hook in a configuration plugin.

Hook Files

A hook file is a file containing Python source code. It will be dynamically loaded by the Aurora command line executable. After loading, the client will check the module for a global variable named “hooks”, which contains a list of hook objects, which will be added to the hook registry.

A project hooks file will be named AuroraHooks, and will be located in either the directory where the command is being executed, or one of its parent directories, up to the nearest git/mercurial repository base.


class CommandHook(object)
  def name(self):
    """Returns a name for the hook."

  def get_nouns(self):
    """Return the nouns that have verbs that should invoke this hook."""

  def get_verbs(self, noun):
    """Return the verbs for a particular noun that should invoke his hook."""

  def pre_command(self, noun, verb, context, commandline):
    """Execute a hook before invoking a verb.
    * noun: the noun being invoked.
    * verb: the verb being invoked.
    * context: the context object that will be used to invoke the verb.
      The options object will be initialized before calling the hook
    * commandline: the original argv collection used to invoke the client.
    Returns: True if the command should be allowed to proceed; False if the command
    should be rejected.

  def post_command(self, noun, verb, context, commandline, result):
    """Execute a hook after invoking a verb.
    * noun: the noun being invoked.
    * verb: the verb being invoked.
    * context: the context object that will be used to invoke the verb.
      The options object will be initialized before calling the hook
    * commandline: the original argv collection used to invoke the client.
    * result: the result code returned by the verb.
    Returns: nothing

class GlobalCommandHookRegistry(object):
  def register_command_hook(self, hook):

Skipping Hooks

In a perfect world, hooks would represent a global property or policy that should always be enforced. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, which means that sometimes, every rule needs to get broken.

For example, an organization could decide that every configuration must be checked in to source control before it could be deployed. That‘s an entirely reasonable policy. It would be easy to implement it using a hook. But what if there’s a problem, and the source repos is down?

The easiest solution is just to allow a user to add a --skip-hooks flag to the command-line. But doing that means that an organization can't actually use hooks to enforce policy, because users can skip them whenever they want.

Instead, we‘d like to have a system where it’s possible to create hooks to enforce policy, and then include a way of building policy about when hooks can be skipped.

I‘m using sudo as a rough model for this. Many organizations need to give people the ability to run privileged commands, but they still want to have some control. Sudo allows them to specify who is allowed to run a privileged command; where they’re allowed to run it; and what command(s) they're allowed to run. All of that is specified in a special system file located in /etc/sudoers on a typical unix machine.

In a world of distributed systems, this approach has one grave weakness. An aurora client can be located on any machine that has network access to a Mesos/Aurora cluster. It can be run by a user in pretty much any way they want - from a machine they control, from a special chroot they created, etc. Relying an a file being in a special location on their machine isn‘t sufficient - it’s too easy to maliciously or erroneously run a command in an environment with an invalid hooks exceptions file.

Instead, we've got two basic choices: hook exception rules can be baked into the client executable, or they can be provided in a network location.

Specifying when hooks can be skipped

Hooks File

The module apache.aurora.client.cli contains a variable named GLOBAL_HOOK_SKIP_RULES_URL. In the default distribution of Aurora, tihs variable contains None. Users can modify this value for their local environments, providing a site specific URL. If users attempt to bypass command hooks, and this URL is not None, then the client will fetch the contents of that URL, and attempt to interpret it as a hooks exception file.

The hooks exception file is written in JSON, with the following structure:

{ "rulename":
  "hooks": [ "hook-name ", ... ],
  "users": [ string, ...],
  "commands": { "job": ["kill", "killall", ...], ... },
  "arg-patterns": [ "regexp-str", ... ]
  • hooks is a list of hook identifiers which can be skipped by a user that satisfies this rule. If omitted, then this rule applies to all hooks. (Omitting the hooks field is equivalent to giving it the value ['*'].)
  • users is a list of user names, or glob expressions that range over user names. This rule gives permission to those users to skip hooks. If omitted, then this rule allows any user to skip hooks that satisfy the rest of this rule. Note that this is user names, not role names: the rules specify users that are allowed to skip commands. Some users that are allowed to work with a role account may be allowed to skip, while others cannot.
  • commands is a map from nouns to lists of verbs. If a command aurora n v is being executed, this rule allows the hooks to be skipped if v is in commands[n]. If this is omitted, then it allows hooks to be skipped for all commands that satisfy the rest of the rule.
  • arg_patterns is a list of glob patterns ranging over parameters. If any of the parameters of the command match the parameters in this list, the hook can be skipped. If ommitted, then this applies regardless of arguments.

For example, the following is a hook rules file which allows:

  • The user “root” to skip any hook.

  • Any user to skip hooks for test jobs.

  • A specific group of users to skip hooks for jobs in cluster east

  • Another group of users to skip hooks for job kill in cluster west.

    { “allow-admin”: { “users”: [“root”] }, “allow-test”: { “users”: [“*”], “arg-patterns”: [“*/*/test/*”] }, “allow-east-users”: { “users”=[‘john’, ‘mary’, ‘mike’, ‘sue’], “arg-patterns”: [“east/*/*/*”] }, “allow-west-kills”: { “users”: [“anne”, “bill”, “chris”], “commands”: { “job”: [“kill”]}, “arg-patterns” = [“west/*/*/*”] } }

Programmatic Hooks Exceptions

The GlobalHooksRegistry contains the method add_hooks_exception, which allows users to register local hooks exceptions using the ConfigurationPlugin mechanism. A hooks exception object implements the following interface:

class HooksException(object):
  def allow_exception(self, hooks, role, noun, verb, args):
    - hooks: a list of hook-names that the user wants to skip. If this
	  is ommitted, then this applies to all hooks.
	- role: the role requesting that hooks be skipped.
	- noun, verb: the noun and verb being executed.
	- the other command-line arguments.
	Returns: True if the user should be allowed to skip the requested hooks.
    return False

When a user supplies the --skip-hooks argument, allow_exception is invoked on each of the HooksException arguments. If any of the hooks exception objects returns True, then the user will be permitted to skip the hooks.

Skipping Hooks

To skip a hook, a user uses a command-line option, --skip-hooks. The option can either specify specific hooks to skip, or “all”:

  • aurora --skip-hooks=all job create east/bozo/devel/myjob will create a job without running any hooks.
  • aurora --skip-hooks=test,iq create east/bozo/devel/myjob will create a job, and will skip only the hooks named “test” and “iq”.



  • Rule exceptions are defined in JSON, and they are specified to be loaded from a URL, not from a local file.
  • Rule exceptions specify users, not roles.

4/27: Major changes between this and the last version of this proposal.

  • Command hooks can‘t be declared in a configuration file. There’s a simple reason why: hooks run before a command‘s implementation is invoked. Config files are read during the commands invocation if necessary. If the hook is declared in the config file, by the time you know that it should have been run, it’s too late. So I've removed config-hooks from the proposal. (API hooks defined by configs still work.)
  • Skipping hooks. We expect aurora to be used inside of large organizations. One of the primary use-cases of hooks is to create enforcable policy that are specific to an organization. If hooks can just be skipped because a user wants to skip them, it means that the policy can't be enforced, which defeats the purpose of having them. So in this update, I propose a mechanism, loosely based on a sudo-like mechanism for defining when hooks can be skipped.