HTTP endpoints

There are a number of HTTP endpoints that the Aurora scheduler exposes. These allow various operational tasks to be performed on the scheduler. Below is the list of all such endpoints and a brief explanation of what they do.

Leader health

The /leaderhealth endpoint enables performing health checks on the scheduler instances inorder to forward requests to the leading scheduler. This is typically used by a load balancer such as HAProxy or AWS ELB.

When a HTTP GET request is issued on this endpoint, it responds as follows:

  • If the instance that received the GET request is the leading scheduler, a HTTP status code of 200 (OK) is returned.
  • If the instance that received the GET request is not the leading scheduler but a leader does exist, a HTTP status code of 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) is returned.
  • If no leader currently exists or the leader is unknown, a HTTP status code of 502 (BAD_GATEWAY) is returned.