0.22.0 Release
2787 files changed
tree: 040a6e413e9374e2d6732591cf9dbbcf4973da60
  1. content/
  2. data/
  3. publish/
  4. source/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. config.rb
  7. Gemfile
  8. Gemfile.lock
  10. provision.sh
  11. Rakefile
  12. README.md
  13. Vagrantfile

Apache Aurora Website

This codebase generates the Apache Aurora available at http://aurora.apache.org.

Community contributions and patches are welcomed to help keep the Aurora site up-to-date; please see the section below on contributing website changes or feel free to ask questions on the Aurora IRC channel, #aurora on Freenode.net.

Website Basics

Middleman CMS

The Aurora website is powered by Middleman, a static website generator written in ruby. If you'd like to learn more about Middleman and how it works, their official websites have helpful documentation.


For most website-related changes, knowledge of Middleman or Ruby are unnecessary; Middleman is used to convert markdown files to HTML and handle dynamic templates.

Directory Structure

The website has three sub-directories:

  • source/, which includes site templates and markdown files. This is the directory you will revise documents in 99% of the time.
  • publish/, where static-generated HTML files app live. Files in this directory are generated when the rake2.0 build command is run, and these files are served via HTTP on the Aurora website.
  • tmp/, a directory used when cloning the remote project repository before processing documentation and other files.

The main directory includes a Rakefile, which will be used to run commands related to building and testing the website during development. More info below.

Running and Developing the Website

Setting up Local Dev Environment

The build environment for the website is managed by Vagrant. To initialize the environment run:

vagrant up

This will prepare the environment and generate the site. Your local repository (the directory containing this README) will be mounted at /vagrant in the virtual machine.

Note: all rake commands must be run from /vagrant.

Generating the site

To generate the site one only needs to run rake2.0 after performing the setup tasks mentioned above. This will download the latest Apache Aurora documentation contained in the docs folder, integrate them into the site, and generate all other files within the source folder.


Other available tasks

rake2.0 build         # Build the website from source
rake2.0 clean         # Remove any temporary products
rake2.0 clobber       # Remove any generated file
rake2.0 dev           # Run the site in development mode
rake2.0 generate_docs # Fetch documentation from git for rendering.

Generating documentation pages from git

The majority of our documentation currently lives in git as markdown. The generate_docs task automates the process of fetching the markdown, performing some translations, and storing it in a version-specific directory under source/documentation.

First, prepare the vagrant environment and move into the /vagrant directory:

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ cd /vagrant

You will use the generate_docs rake task to fetch the docs you wish to place on the website. This task takes two arguments - title and git_tag. The title is the name to give this branch of documentation.

Updating documentation to match git master

If a documentation patch is contributed and you would like to update the website to reflect it, you will be updating the documentation for latest. Note: since documentation is associated with versions, be careful to avoid publishing misleading documentation for unreleased featuresl

# This will fetch the docs and place them in `source/documentation/latest`.
rake2.0 generate_docs[latest,master]

# Render the docs.

Updating the documentation for a release.

After completing an official Aurora release, you should add the new version of documentation and advertise the release on the website.

First, add the new release to the top of data/downloads.yml.

# Add documentation for the new release
rake2.0 generate_docs[$RELEASE,$RELEASE]

# Update the `latest` release docs
rake2.0 generate_docs[latest,$RELEASE]

# Render the docs.


To live edit the site run rake2.0 dev and then open a browser window to Any change you make to the sources dir will be shown on the local dev site immediately. Errors will be shown in the console you launched rake2.0 dev within.

Contributing Website Changes

Have you made local changes that you would like to contribute to the website? While we use Apache ReviewBoard for changes to the primary Aurora codebase, website changes are currently reviewed by attaching diffs to Apache JIRA tickets.

Publishing Changes to the Website

All project committers have access to commit to the Aurora website; we encourage those without commit access to contribute changes by following the steps above.

The website uses svnpubsub to sync changes in this SVN repository with the live site. The publish folder contains the websites content and when committed to the svn repository it will be automatically deployed. Note: there is sometimes a slight delay between committing to SVN and appearing online.

Before commiting, ensure that changes from source/ have been properly built in the publish/ directory. Changes will be published to the website by running:

svn commit -m "Message describing the website changes you've made."

Apache License

Except as otherwise noted this software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.