Remove openjdk runtime requirement.

This addresses one of my +0s.

Testing Done:
Using a clean vagrant environment installed aurora, then installed the
oracle jdk, then uninstalled java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless (that aurora
brought in transitively). RPM didn't complain and when I restarted
the scheduler it was running under the new JVM.

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ curl -s http://localhost:8081/vars | grep 'jvm_prop_java_vendor '
jvm_prop_java_vendor Oracle Corporation
[vagrant@localhost ~]$

Reviewed at
1 file changed
tree: b62940199c593737ebd5e31be955b219eac5b8c2
  1. builder/
  2. specs/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .reviewboardrc

Packaging for Apache Aurora

This repository maintains configuration and tooling for building binary distributions of Apache Aurora.

Building a binary

Binaries are built within Docker containers that provide the appropriate build environment for the target platform. You will need to have a working Docker installation before proceeding.

  1. Fetch a source distribution, such as an official one.

  2. Run the builder script, providing the distribution platform and the source distribution archive you downloaded in (1). The example below will build Aurora 0.9.0 debs for Ubuntu Trusty.

    ./ builder/deb/ubuntu-trusty \
      ~/Downloads/apache-aurora-0.9.0.tar.gz \

When this completes, debs will be placed in dist/builder/deb/ubuntu-trusty/.

Adding a new distribution platform

There are only two requirements for a ‘builder’ to satisfy:

  • a Dockerfile to provide the repeatable build environment
  • a script that creates artifacts

Please see the makeup of other builders for examples.