Installing Aurora

Install packages

Two methods are described, one for installing locally built packages, the other for installing released packages or release candidate packages.

Locally built

# Install vagrant scp
vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp

# Scp over the newly built packages
for deb in ../../../artifacts/aurora-debian-jessie/dist/*.deb; do
  vagrant scp $deb :$(basename $deb)

# Install each rpm
vagrant ssh -- -L8081:localhost:8081 -L1338:localhost:1338
sudo dpkg -i *.deb


vagrant ssh -- -L8081:localhost:8081 -L1338:localhost:1338
for deb in \
    aurora-scheduler_${version}_amd64.deb \
    aurora-executor_${version}_amd64.deb \
    aurora-tools_${version}_amd64.deb; do
  wget $pkg_root/$deb
  sudo dpkg -i $deb

Initialize and start

The scheduler and observer will automatically start when installed. However, teh replicated log has to be initialized manually:

sudo stop aurora-scheduler
sudo -u aurora mkdir -p /var/lib/aurora/scheduler/db
sudo -u aurora mesos-log initialize --path=/var/lib/aurora/scheduler/db
sudo start aurora-scheduler

Create a job

echo "
task = SequentialTask(
  processes = [Process(name = 'hello', cmdline = 'echo hello')],
  resources = Resources(cpu = 0.5, ram = 128*MB, disk = 128*MB))
jobs = [Service(
  task = task, cluster = 'example', role = 'www-data', environment = 'prod', name = 'hello')]" > hello_world.aurora

aurora job create example/www-data/prod/hello hello_world.aurora


  • Mesos: /var/log/mesos
  • Aurora scheduler: /var/log/upstart/aurora-scheduler.log
  • Aurora observer: /var/log/upstart/thermos.log