name: Couchbase route: /HookCouchbase menu: Documentation submenu: Hooks

import themen from ‘theme/styles/styled-colors’; import * as theme from ‘react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/hljs’; import SyntaxHighlighter from ‘react-syntax-highlighter’;

Apache Atlas Couchbase bridge

This bridge connects to a Couchbase cluster using DCP protocol and performs real-time analysis and metadata extraction from stored on the cluster documents. The extracted metadata is then sent to Atlas via its REST API


The bridge uses environment variables for configuration.


Environment variableDescriptionDefault Value
ATLAS_URLAtlas REST API urlhttp://localhost:21000
ATLAS_USERNAMEAtlas REST API username“admin”
ATLAS_PASSWORDAtlas REST API password“admin”

Couchbase DCP connection

Environment variableDescriptionDefault Value
CB_CLUSTERCouchbase Cluster connection stringcouchbase://localhost
CB_USERNAMECouchbase Cluster username“Administrator”
CB_PASSWORDCouchbase Cluster password“password”
CB_BUCKETCouchbase bucket to monitor“default”
CB_COLLECTIONSComma-separated list of collections to monitor with each collection listed as .
DCP_PORTDCP port to use11210
DCP_FIELD_THRESHOLDA threshold that indicates in what percentage of analyzed messages per collection a field must appear before it is sent to Atlas0
DCP_SAMPLE_RATIOPercentage of DCP messages to be analyzed in form of a short between 0 and 1.1

Running the bridge

In the following commands, replace <VARNAME> and <version> with appropriate values.

  • Set environment variables using export <VARNAME>=... or prefix them before the next command.
  • Run java -cp couchbase-bridge-<version>.jar com.couchbase.atlas.connector.CouchbaseHook.
  • Verify that appropriate couchbase_cluster, couchbase_bucket objects were created on your Atlas cluster.
  • After having some documents updated on the Couchbase cluster, verify that appropriate couchbase_scope, couchbase_collection, and couchbase_field objects were created on your Atlas cluster.