name: Build Instruction route: /BuildInstallation menu: Documentation submenu: Setup

import themen from ‘theme/styles/styled-colors’; import * as theme from ‘react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/hljs’; import SyntaxHighlighter from ‘react-syntax-highlighter’;

Building & Installing Apache Atlas

Building Apache Atlas

Download Apache Atlas 1.0.0 release sources, apache-atlas-1.0.0-sources.tar.gz, from the downloads page. Then follow the instructions below to to build Apache Atlas.

Packaging Apache Atlas

To create Apache Atlas package for deployment in an environment having functional Apache HBase and Apache Solr instances, build with the following command:

  • NOTES:
    • Remove option ‘-DskipTests’ to run unit and integration tests
    • To build a distribution without minified js,css file, build with skipMinify profile. By default js and css files are minified.

Above will build Apache Atlas for an environment having functional HBase and Solr instances. Apache Atlas needs to be setup with the following to run in this environment:

  • Configure (see “Graph persistence engine - HBase” in the Configuration section).
  • Configure (see “Graph Search Index - Solr” in the Configuration section).
  • Set HBASE_CONF_DIR to point to a valid Apache HBase config directory (see “Graph persistence engine - HBase” in the Configuration section).
  • Create indices in Apache Solr (see “Graph Search Index - Solr” in the Configuration section).

Packaging Apache Atlas with embedded Apache HBase & Apache Solr

To create Apache Atlas package that includes Apache HBase and Apache Solr, build with the embedded-hbase-solr profile as shown below:

Using the embedded-hbase-solr profile will configure Apache Atlas so that an Apache HBase instance and an Apache Solr instance will be started and stopped along with the Apache Atlas server.

NOTE: This distribution profile is only intended to be used for single node development not in production.

Packaging Apache Atlas with BerkeleyDB & Apache Solr

To create Apache Atlas package that includes BerkeleyDB and Apache Solr, build with the berkeley-solr profile as shown below:

Using the berkeley-solr profile will configure Apache Atlas so that instances of Apache Solr and Apache Zookeeper will be started and stopped along with the Apache Atlas server.

NOTE: This distribution profile is only intended to be used for single node development not in production.

Packaging Apache Atlas with embedded Apache Cassandra & Apache Solr

To create Apache Atlas package that includes Apache Cassandra and Apache Solr, build with the embedded-cassandra-solr profile as shown below:

Using the embedded-cassandra-solr profile will configure Apache Atlas so that an Apache Cassandra instance and an Apache Solr instance will be started and stopped along with the Atlas server.

NOTE: This distribution profile is only intended to be used for single node development not in production.

Apache Atlas Package

Build will create following files, which are used to install Apache Atlas.