blob: 7f655548eb8efa0a0ec9879e947ba87bb2bd7c2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
const del = require('del');
const path = require('path');
const { argv } = require('./argv');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const glob = promisify(require('glob'));
const stat = promisify(require('fs').stat);
const mkdirp = promisify(require('mkdirp'));
const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf'));
const child_process = require(`child_process`);
const { memoizeTask } = require('./memoize-task');
const readFile = promisify(require('fs').readFile);
const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const parseXML = promisify(require('xml2js').parseString);
const jestArgv = [];
argv.update && jestArgv.push(`-u`);
argv.verbose && jestArgv.push(`--verbose`);
argv.coverage && jestArgv.push(`--coverage`);
const debugArgv = [`--runInBand`, `--env`, `node-debug`];
const jest = require.resolve(path.join(`..`, `node_modules`, `.bin`, `jest`));
const testOptions = {
env: { ...process.env },
stdio: [`ignore`, `inherit`, `inherit`],
const testTask = ((cache, execArgv, testOptions) => memoizeTask(cache, function test(target, format, debug = false) {
const opts = { ...testOptions };
const args = !debug ? [...execArgv] : [...debugArgv, ...execArgv];
if (!argv.coverage) {
args.push(`test/${argv.integration ? `integration/*` : `unit/*`}`);
opts.env = { ...opts.env,
TEST_TARGET: target,
TEST_MODULE: format,
TEST_TS_SOURCE: !!argv.coverage,
JSON_PATHS: JSON.stringify(Array.isArray(argv.json_files) ? argv.json_files : [argv.json_files]),
ARROW_PATHS: JSON.stringify(Array.isArray(argv.arrow_files) ? argv.arrow_files : [argv.arrow_files]),
return !debug ?
child_process.spawn(jest, args, opts) :
child_process.exec(`node --inspect-brk ${jest} ${args.join(` `)}`, opts);
}))({}, jestArgv, testOptions);
module.exports = testTask;
module.exports.testTask = testTask;
module.exports.cleanTestData = cleanTestData;
module.exports.createTestData = createTestData;
// Pull C++ and Java paths from environment vars first, otherwise sane defaults
const ARROW_HOME = process.env.ARROW_HOME || path.resolve('../');
const ARROW_JAVA_DIR = process.env.ARROW_JAVA_DIR || path.join(ARROW_HOME, 'java');
const CPP_EXE_PATH = process.env.ARROW_CPP_EXE_PATH || path.join(ARROW_HOME, 'cpp/build/debug');
const ARROW_INTEGRATION_DIR = process.env.ARROW_INTEGRATION_DIR || path.join(ARROW_HOME, 'integration');
const CPP_JSON_TO_ARROW = path.join(CPP_EXE_PATH, 'json-integration-test');
const CPP_STREAM_TO_FILE = path.join(CPP_EXE_PATH, 'stream-to-file');
const CPP_FILE_TO_STREAM = path.join(CPP_EXE_PATH, 'file-to-stream');
const testFilesDir = path.join(ARROW_HOME, 'js/test/data');
const snapshotsDir = path.join(ARROW_HOME, 'js/test/__snapshots__');
const cppFilesDir = path.join(testFilesDir, 'cpp');
const javaFilesDir = path.join(testFilesDir, 'java');
const jsonFilesDir = path.join(testFilesDir, 'json');
async function cleanTestData() {
return await del([`${testFilesDir}/**`, `${snapshotsDir}/**`]);
async function createTestJSON() {
await mkdirp(jsonFilesDir);
await exec(`shx cp ${ARROW_INTEGRATION_DIR}/data/*.json ${jsonFilesDir}`);
await exec(`python ${ARROW_INTEGRATION_DIR}/ --write_generated_json ${jsonFilesDir}`);
async function createTestData() {
const pom_version = await
readFile(path.join(ARROW_JAVA_DIR, 'pom.xml'))
.then((pom) => parseXML(pom.toString()))
.then((pomXML) => pomXML.project.version[0]);
JAVA_TOOLS_JAR = path.join(ARROW_JAVA_DIR, `/tools/target/arrow-tools-${pom_version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar`);
await cleanTestData().then(createTestJSON);
await mkdirp(path.join(cppFilesDir, 'file'));
await mkdirp(path.join(javaFilesDir, 'file'));
await mkdirp(path.join(cppFilesDir, 'stream'));
await mkdirp(path.join(javaFilesDir, 'stream'));
const errors = [];
const names = await glob(path.join(jsonFilesDir, '*.json'));
for (let jsonPath of names) {
const name = path.parse(path.basename(jsonPath)).name;
const arrowCppFilePath = path.join(cppFilesDir, 'file', `${name}.arrow`);
const arrowJavaFilePath = path.join(javaFilesDir, 'file', `${name}.arrow`);
const arrowCppStreamPath = path.join(cppFilesDir, 'stream', `${name}.arrow`);
const arrowJavaStreamPath = path.join(javaFilesDir, 'stream', `${name}.arrow`);
try {
await generateCPPFile(path.resolve(jsonPath), arrowCppFilePath);
await generateCPPStream(arrowCppFilePath, arrowCppStreamPath);
} catch (e) { errors.push(`${e.stdout}\n${e.message}`); }
try {
await generateJavaFile(path.resolve(jsonPath), arrowJavaFilePath);
await generateJavaStream(arrowJavaFilePath, arrowJavaStreamPath);
} catch (e) { errors.push(`${e.stdout}\n${e.message}`); }
if (errors.length) {
async function generateCPPFile(jsonPath, filePath) {
await rimraf(filePath);
return await exec(
`--integration --mode=JSON_TO_ARROW`} ${
`--json=${jsonPath} --arrow=${filePath}`}`,
{ maxBuffer: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 }
async function generateCPPStream(filePath, streamPath) {
await rimraf(streamPath);
return await exec(
`${CPP_FILE_TO_STREAM} ${filePath} > ${streamPath}`,
{ maxBuffer: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 }
async function generateJavaFile(jsonPath, filePath) {
await rimraf(filePath);
return await exec(
`java -cp ${JAVA_TOOLS_JAR} ${
` -c JSON_TO_ARROW`} ${
`-j ${path.resolve(jsonPath)} -a ${filePath}`}`,
{ maxBuffer: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 }
async function generateJavaStream(filePath, streamPath) {
await rimraf(streamPath);
return await exec(
`java -cp ${JAVA_TOOLS_JAR} ${
``} ${filePath} ${streamPath}`,
{ maxBuffer: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 }