Developing Arrow C++ on Windows

System setup, conda, and conda-forge

Since some of the Arrow developers work in the Python ecosystem, we are investing time in maintaining the thirdparty build dependencies for Arrow and related C++ libraries using the conda package manager. Others are free to add other development instructions for Windows here.

conda and package toolchain

Miniconda is a minimal Python distribution including the conda package manager. To get started, download and install a 64-bit distribution.

We recommend using packages from conda-forge. Launch cmd.exe and run following commands:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Now, you can bootstrap a build environment

conda create -n arrow-dev cmake git boost-cpp flatbuffers rapidjson cmake thrift-cpp snappy zlib brotli gflags lz4-c zstd -c conda-forge


Make sure to get the conda-forge build of gflags as the naming of the library differs from that in the defaults channel

Activate just created conda environment with pre-installed packages from previous step:

activate arrow-dev

We are using the cmake tool to support Windows builds. To allow cmake to pick up 3rd party dependencies, you should set ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN environment variable to contain Library folder path of new created on previous step arrow-dev conda environment.

To set ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN environment variable visible only for current terminal session you can run following. %CONDA_PREFIX is set by conda to the current environment root by the activate script.


To validate value of ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN environment variable you can run following terminal command:


As alternative to ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN, it's possible to configure path to each 3rd party dependency separately by setting appropriate environment variable:

FLATBUFFERS_HOME variable with path to flatbuffers installation RAPIDJSON_HOME variable with path to rapidjson installation GFLAGS_HOME variable with path to gflags installation SNAPPY_HOME variable with path to snappy installation ZLIB_HOME variable with path to zlib installation BROTLI_HOME variable with path to brotli installation LZ4_HOME variable with path to lz4 installation ZSTD_HOME variable with path to zstd installation

Customize static libraries names lookup of 3rd party dependencies

If you decided to use pre-built 3rd party dependencies libs, it‘s possible to configure Arrow’s cmake build script to search for customized names of 3rd party static libs.

zlib. Pass -DARROW_ZLIB_VENDORED=OFF to enable lookup of custom zlib build. Set ZLIB_HOME environment variable. Pass -DZLIB_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%ZLIB_SUFFIX% to link with z%ZLIB_SUFFIX%.lib

brotli. Set BROTLI_HOME environment variable. Pass -DBROTLI_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%BROTLI_SUFFIX% to link with brotli*%BROTLI_SUFFIX%.lib. For brotli versions <= 0.6.0 installed from conda-forge this must be set to _static, otherwise the default of -static is used.

snappy. Set SNAPPY_HOME environment variable. Pass -DSNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%SNAPPY_SUFFIX% to link with snappy%SNAPPY_SUFFIX%.lib.

lz4. Set LZ4_HOME environment variable. Pass -LZ4_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%LZ4_SUFFIX% to link with lz4%LZ4_SUFFIX%.lib.

zstd. Set ZSTD_HOME environment variable. Pass -ZSTD_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%ZSTD_SUFFIX% to link with zstd%ZSTD_SUFFIX%.lib.

Visual Studio

Microsoft provides the free Visual Studio Community edition. When doing development, you must launch the developer command prompt using

Visual Studio 2015

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64

Visual Studio 2017

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64

It's easiest to configure a console emulator like cmder to automatically launch this when starting a new development console.

Building with NMake

Activate your conda build environment:

activate arrow-dev

Change working directory in cmd.exe to the root directory of Arrow and do an out of source build using nmake:

cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

When using conda, only release builds are currently supported.

Build using Visual Studio (MSVC) Solution Files

Activate your conda build environment:

activate arrow-dev

Change working directory in cmd.exe to the root directory of Arrow and do an out of source build by generating a MSVC solution:

cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release

Debug build

To build Debug version of Arrow you should have pre-insalled Debug version of boost libs.

It's recommended to configure cmake build with following variables for Debug build:

-DARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=OFF - enables static linking with boost debug libs and simplifies run-time loading of 3rd parties. (Recommended)

-DBOOST_ROOT - sets the root directory of boost libs. (Optional)

-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR - sets the directory with boost lib files. (Optional)

Command line to build Arrow in Debug might look as following:

cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ^
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ^
      -DBOOST_ROOT=C:/local/boost_1_63_0  ^
      -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:/local/boost_1_63_0/lib64-msvc-14.0 ^
cmake --build . --config Debug

To get the latest build instructions, you can reference msvc-build.bat, which is used by automated Appveyor builds.