Verifying Arrow releases


We've provided a convenience script for verifying the C++ and Python builds on Windows. Read the comments in verify-release-candidate.bat for instructions.

Linux and macOS

We've provided a convenience script for verifying the C++, Python, C GLib, Java and JavaScript builds on Linux and macOS. Read the comments in for instructions.

C GLib

You need the followings to verify C GLib build:

  • GLib
  • GObject Introspection
  • Ruby (not EOL-ed version is required)
  • gobject-introspection gem
  • test-unit gem

You can install them by the followings on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

% sudo apt install -y -V libgirepository1.0-dev ruby-dev
% sudo gem install gobject-introspection test-unit

You can install them by the followings on CentOS:

% sudo yum install -y gobject-introspection-devel
% git clone ~/.rbenv
% git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
% echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
% echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
% exec ${SHELL} --login
% sudo yum install -y gcc make patch openssl-devel readline-devel zlib-devel
% rbenv install 2.4.2
% rbenv global 2.4.2
% gem install gobject-introspection test-unit

You can install them by the followings on macOS:

% brew install -y gobject-introspection
% gem install gobject-introspection test-unit

You need to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find libffi on macOS:

% export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix libffi)/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH