blob: 583b7a2161d7d4cd0789f2dd6765acc6c34b461b [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env node
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @ts-nocheck
const fs = require('fs');
const Path = require('path');
const { glob } = require('glob');
const { zip } = require('ix/iterable/zip');
const { parse: bignumJSONParse } = require('json-bignum');
const argv = require(`command-line-args`)(cliOpts(), { partial: true });
const extension = process.env.ARROW_JS_DEBUG === 'src' ? '.ts' : '.cjs';
const {
util: { createElementComparator }
} = require(`../index${extension}`);
const exists = async (p) => {
try {
return !!(await fs.promises.stat(p));
} catch (e) { return false; }
(async () => {
if (!argv.mode) { return print_usage(); }
const mode = argv.mode.toUpperCase();
let jsonPaths = [...(argv.json || [])];
let arrowPaths = [...(argv.arrow || [])];
if (mode === 'VALIDATE' && !jsonPaths.length) {
[jsonPaths, arrowPaths] = await loadLocalJSONAndArrowPathsForDebugging(jsonPaths, arrowPaths);
if (!jsonPaths.length) { return print_usage(); }
let threw = false;
switch (mode) {
case 'VALIDATE':
for (let [jsonPath, arrowPath] of zip(jsonPaths, arrowPaths)) {
try {
await validate(jsonPath, arrowPath);
} catch (e) {
threw = true;
e && process.stderr.write(`${e?.stack || e}\n`);
return print_usage();
return threw ? 1 : 0;
.then((x) => +x || 0, (e) => {
e && process.stderr.write(`${e?.stack || e}\n`);
return process.exitCode || 1;
}).then((code) => process.exit(code));
function cliOpts() {
return [
type: String,
name: 'mode',
description: 'The integration test to run'
type: String,
name: 'arrow', alias: 'a',
multiple: true, defaultValue: [],
description: 'The Arrow file[s] to read/write'
type: String,
name: 'json', alias: 'j',
multiple: true, defaultValue: [],
description: 'The JSON file[s] to read/write'
function print_usage() {
header: 'integration',
content: 'Script for running Arrow integration tests'
header: 'Synopsis',
content: [
'$ integration.js -j file.json -a file.arrow --mode validate'
header: 'Options',
optionList: [
name: 'help',
description: 'Print this usage guide.'
return 1;
async function validate(jsonPath, arrowPath) {
const files = await Promise.all([
fs.promises.readFile(jsonPath, 'utf8'),
const arrowData = files[0];
const jsonData = bignumJSONParse(files[1]);
process.stdout.write(` json: ${jsonPath}\n`);
process.stdout.write(`arrow: ${arrowPath}\n`);
validateReaderIntegration(jsonData, arrowData);
validateTableFromBuffersIntegration(jsonData, arrowData);
validateTableToBuffersIntegration('json', 'file')(jsonData, arrowData);
validateTableToBuffersIntegration('json', 'file')(jsonData, arrowData);
validateTableToBuffersIntegration('binary', 'file')(jsonData, arrowData);
validateTableToBuffersIntegration('binary', 'file')(jsonData, arrowData);
function validateReaderIntegration(jsonData, arrowBuffer) {
const msg = `json and arrow record batches report the same values`;
try {
const jsonReader = RecordBatchReader.from(jsonData);
const binaryReader = RecordBatchReader.from(arrowBuffer);
for (const [jsonRecordBatch, binaryRecordBatch] of zip(jsonReader, binaryReader)) {
compareTableIsh(jsonRecordBatch, binaryRecordBatch);
} catch (e) { throw new Error(`${msg}: fail \n ${e?.stack || e}`); }
process.stdout.write(`${msg}: pass\n`);
function validateTableFromBuffersIntegration(jsonData, arrowBuffer) {
const msg = `json and arrow tables report the same values`;
try {
const jsonTable = new Table(RecordBatchReader.from(jsonData));
const binaryTable = new Table(RecordBatchReader.from(arrowBuffer));
compareTableIsh(jsonTable, binaryTable);
} catch (e) { throw new Error(`${msg}: fail \n ${e?.stack || e}`); }
process.stdout.write(`${msg}: pass\n`);
function validateTableToBuffersIntegration(srcFormat, arrowFormat) {
const refFormat = srcFormat === `json` ? `binary` : `json`;
return function testTableToBuffersIntegration(jsonData, arrowBuffer) {
const msg = `serialized ${srcFormat} ${arrowFormat} reports the same values as the ${refFormat} ${arrowFormat}`;
try {
const refTable = new Table(RecordBatchReader.from(refFormat === `json` ? jsonData : arrowBuffer));
const srcTable = new Table(RecordBatchReader.from(srcFormat === `json` ? jsonData : arrowBuffer));
const dstTable = new Table(RecordBatchReader.from(RecordBatchStreamWriter.writeAll(srcTable).toUint8Array(true)));
compareTableIsh(dstTable, refTable);
} catch (e) { throw new Error(`${msg}: fail \n ${e?.stack || e}`); }
process.stdout.write(`${msg}: pass\n`);
function compareTableIsh(actual, expected) {
if (actual.length !== expected.length) {
throw new Error(`length: ${actual.length} !== ${expected.length}`);
if (actual.numCols !== expected.numCols) {
throw new Error(`numCols: ${actual.numCols} !== ${expected.numCols}`);
(() => {
for (let i = -1, n = actual.numCols; ++i < n;) {
const v1 = actual.getChildAt(i);
const v2 = expected.getChildAt(i);
compareVectors(v1, v2);
function compareVectors(actual, expected) {
if ((actual == null && expected != null) || (expected == null && actual != null)) {
throw new Error(`${actual == null ? `actual` : `expected`} is null, was expecting ${actual ?? expected} to be that also`);
const props = ['type', 'length', 'nullCount'];
(() => {
for (let i = -1, n = props.length; ++i < n;) {
const prop = props[i];
if (`${actual[prop]}` !== `${expected[prop]}`) {
throw new Error(`${prop}: ${actual[prop]} !== ${expected[prop]}`);
(() => {
for (let i = -1, n = actual.length; ++i < n;) {
const x1 = actual.get(i), x2 = expected.get(i);
if (!createElementComparator(x2)(x1)) {
throw new Error(`${i}: ${x1} !== ${x2}`);
(() => {
let i = -1;
for (let [x1, x2] of zip(actual, expected)) {
if (!createElementComparator(x2)(x1)) {
throw new Error(`${i}: ${x1} !== ${x2}`);
async function loadLocalJSONAndArrowPathsForDebugging(jsonPaths, arrowPaths) {
const sourceJSONPaths = await glob(Path.resolve(__dirname, `../test/data/json/`, `*.json`));
if (!arrowPaths.length) {
await loadJSONAndArrowPaths(sourceJSONPaths, jsonPaths, arrowPaths, 'cpp', 'file');
await loadJSONAndArrowPaths(sourceJSONPaths, jsonPaths, arrowPaths, 'java', 'file');
await loadJSONAndArrowPaths(sourceJSONPaths, jsonPaths, arrowPaths, 'cpp', 'stream');
await loadJSONAndArrowPaths(sourceJSONPaths, jsonPaths, arrowPaths, 'java', 'stream');
for (let [jsonPath, arrowPath] of zip(jsonPaths, arrowPaths)) {
console.log(`jsonPath: ${jsonPath}`);
console.log(`arrowPath: ${arrowPath}`);
return [jsonPaths, arrowPaths];
async function loadJSONAndArrowPaths(sourceJSONPaths, jsonPaths, arrowPaths, source, format) {
for (const jsonPath of sourceJSONPaths) {
const { name } = Path.parse(jsonPath);
const arrowPath = Path.resolve(__dirname, `../test/data/${source}/${format}/${name}.arrow`);
if (await exists(arrowPath)) {
return [jsonPaths, arrowPaths];