ARROW-5958: [Python] Link zlib statically in the wheels

Author: Krisztián Szűcs <>

Closes #4886 from kszucs/wheel-static-zlib and squashes the following commits:

3cddfa30e <Krisztián Szűcs> remove unused get_so_version
98f0dbc8a <Krisztián Szűcs> update documentation
aae4fd7c4 <Krisztián Szűcs> static zlib in wheels
12 files changed
tree: 6fb9b18835d442b585331fb8597fabba8edeec63
  1. .github/
  2. c_glib/
  3. ci/
  4. cpp/
  5. csharp/
  6. dev/
  7. docs/
  8. format/
  9. go/
  10. integration/
  11. java/
  12. js/
  13. matlab/
  14. python/
  15. r/
  16. ruby/
  17. rust/
  18. site/
  19. .clang-format
  20. .clang-tidy
  21. .clang-tidy-ignore
  22. .dir-locals.el
  23. .dockerignore
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. .gitmodules
  27. .hadolint.yaml
  28. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  29. .readthedocs.yml
  30. .travis.yml
  31. appveyor.yml
  35. docker-compose.yml
  36. header
  37. LICENSE.txt
  38. Makefile.docker
  39. NOTICE.txt

Apache Arrow

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Powering In-Memory Analytics

Apache Arrow is a development platform for in-memory analytics. It contains a set of technologies that enable big data systems to process and move data fast.

Major components of the project include:

Arrow is an Apache Software Foundation project. Learn more at

What's in the Arrow libraries?

The reference Arrow libraries contain a number of distinct software components:

  • Columnar vector and table-like containers (similar to data frames) supporting flat or nested types
  • Fast, language agnostic metadata messaging layer (using Google's Flatbuffers library)
  • Reference-counted off-heap buffer memory management, for zero-copy memory sharing and handling memory-mapped files
  • IO interfaces to local and remote filesystems
  • Self-describing binary wire formats (streaming and batch/file-like) for remote procedure calls (RPC) and interprocess communication (IPC)
  • Integration tests for verifying binary compatibility between the implementations (e.g. sending data from Java to C++)
  • Conversions to and from other in-memory data structures

How to Contribute

Please read our latest project contribution guide.

Getting involved

Even if you do not plan to contribute to Apache Arrow itself or Arrow integrations in other projects, we'd be happy to have you involved: