Arrow C++ Thirdparty Dependencies

The version numbers for our third-party dependencies are listed in thirdparty/versions.txt. This is used by the CMake build system as well as the dependency downloader script (see below), which can be used to set up offline builds.

Configuring your own build toolchain

To set up your own specific build toolchain, here are the relevant environment variables

  • Boost: BOOST_ROOT
  • Googletest: GTEST_HOME (only required to build the unit tests)
  • gflags: GFLAGS_HOME (only required to build the unit tests)
  • Google Benchmark: GBENCHMARK_HOME (only required if building benchmarks)
  • Flatbuffers: FLATBUFFERS_HOME (only required for -DARROW_IPC=on, which is the default)
  • Hadoop: HADOOP_HOME (only required for the HDFS I/O extensions)
  • jemalloc: JEMALLOC_HOME
  • brotli: BROTLI_HOME, can be disabled with -DARROW_WITH_BROTLI=off
  • lz4: LZ4_HOME, can be disabled with -DARROW_WITH_LZ4=off
  • snappy: SNAPPY_HOME, can be disabled with -DARROW_WITH_SNAPPY=off
  • zlib: ZLIB_HOME, can be disabled with -DARROW_WITH_ZLIB=off
  • zstd: ZSTD_HOME, can be disabled with -DARROW_WITH_ZSTD=off

If you have all of your toolchain libraries installed at the same prefix, you can use the environment variable $ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN to automatically set all of these variables. Note that ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN will not set BOOST_ROOT, so if you have custom Boost installation, you must set this environment variable separately.

Configuring for offline builds

If you do not use the above variables to direct the Arrow build system to preinstalled dependencies, they will be built automatically by the build system. The source archive for each dependency will be downloaded via the internet, which can cause issues in environments with limited access to the internet.

To enable offline builds, you can download the source artifacts yourself and use environment variables of the form ARROW_$LIBRARY_URL to direct the build system to read from a local file rather than accessing the internet.

To make this easier for you, we have prepared a script thirdparty/ which will download the correct version of each dependency to a directory of your choosing. It will print a list of bash-style environment variable statements at the end to use for your build script:

$ ./thirdparty/download_dependencies $HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps
# some output omitted

# Environment variables for offline Arrow build
export ARROW_BOOST_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/boost.tar.gz
export ARROW_GTEST_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/gtest.tar.gz
export ARROW_GFLAGS_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/gflags.tar.gz
export ARROW_GBENCHMARK_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/gbenchmark.tar.gz
export ARROW_FLATBUFFERS_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/flatbuffers.tar.gz
export ARROW_RAPIDJSON_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/rapidjson.tar.gz
export ARROW_SNAPPY_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/snappy.tar.gz
export ARROW_BROTLI_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/brotli.tar.gz
export ARROW_LZ4_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/lz4.tar.gz
export ARROW_ZLIB_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/zlib.tar.gz
export ARROW_ZSTD_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/zstd.tar.gz
export ARROW_PROTOBUF_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/protobuf.tar.gz
export ARROW_GRPC_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/grpc.tar.gz
export ARROW_ORC_URL=$HOME/arrow-thirdparty-deps/orc.tar.gz