Apache Arrow C++ API documentation

Apache Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate big data. It houses a set of canonical in-memory representations of flat and hierarchical data along with multiple language-bindings for structure manipulation. It also provides IPC and common algorithm implementations.

This is the documentation of the C++ API of Apache Arrow. For more details on the format and other language bindings see the main page for Arrow. Here will we only detail the usage of the C++ API for Arrow and the leaf libraries that add additional functionality such as using jemalloc as an allocator for Arrow structures.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

The most basic structure in Arrow is an arrow::Array. It holds a sequence of values with known length all having the same type. It consists of the data itself and an additional bitmap that indicates if the corresponding entry of array is a null-value. Note that for array with zero null entries, we can omit this bitmap.

As Arrow objects are immutable, there are classes provided that should help you build these objects. To build an array of int64_t elements, we can use the arrow::Int64Builder. In the following example, we build an array of the range 1 to 8 where the element that should hold the number 4 is nulled.

Int64Builder builder;

std::shared_ptr<Array> array;

The resulting Array (which can be casted to arrow::Int64Array if you want to access its values) then consists of two arrow::Buffer. The first one is the null bitmap holding a single byte with the bits 0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0. As we use least-significant bit (LSB) numbering this indicates that the fourth entry in the array is null. The second buffer is simply an int64_t array containing all the above values. As the fourth entry is null, the value at that position in the buffer is undefined.

// Cast the Array to its actual type to access its data
std::shared_ptr<Int64Array> int64_array = std::static_pointer_cast<Int64Array>(array);

// Get the pointer to the null bitmap.
const uint8_t* null_bitmap = int64_array->null_bitmap_data();

// Get the pointer to the actual data
const int64_t* data = int64_array->raw_values();

In the above example, we have yet skipped explaining two things in the code. On constructing the builder, we have passed arrow::int64() to it. This is the type information with which the resulting array will be annotated. In this simple form, it is solely a std::shared_ptr<arrow::Int64Type> instantiation.

Furthermore, we have passed arrow::default_memory_pool() to the constructor. This arrow::MemoryPool is used for the allocations of heap memory. Besides tracking the amount of memory allocated, the allocator also ensures that the allocated memory regions are 64-byte aligned (as required by the Arrow specification).