tree: 4aa68e3d587ef44972dd2a49d274f2a4d23b4b14 [path history] [tgz]
  1. arrow/
  2. arrow-flight/
  3. benchmarks/
  4. datafusion/
  5. integration-testing/
  6. parquet/
  7. parquet_derive/
  8. parquet_derive_test/
  9. .gitignore
  10. Cargo.toml
  12. rust-toolchain
  13. rustfmt.toml

Native Rust implementation of Apache Arrow

Coverage Status

The Rust implementation of Arrow consists of the following crates

ArrowCore functionality (memory layout, array builders, low level computations)(README)
ParquetParquet support(README)
DataFusionIn-memory query engine with SQL support(README)


Before running tests and examples it is necessary to set up the local development environment.

Git Submodules

The tests rely on test data that is contained in git submodules.

To pull down this data run the following:

git submodule update --init

This populates data in two git submodules:

Create two new environment variables to point to these directories as follows:

export PARQUET_TEST_DATA=/path/to/arrow/cpp/submodules/parquet-testing/data
export ARROW_TEST_DATA=/path/to/arrow/testing/data/

It is now possible to run cargo test as usual.

Code Formatting

Our CI uses rustfmt to check code formatting. Although the project is built and tested against nightly rust we use the stable version of rustfmt. So before submitting a PR be sure to run the following and check for lint issues:

cargo +stable fmt --all -- --check

Clippy Lints

We recommend using clippy for checking lints during development. While we do not yet enforce clippy checks, we recommend not introducing new clippy errors or warnings.

Run the following to check for clippy lints.

cargo clippy

If you use Visual Studio Code with the rust-analyzer plugin, you can enable clippy to run each time you save a file. See

One of the concerns with clippy is that it often produces a lot of false positives, or that some recommendations may hurt readability. We do not have a policy of which lints are ignored, but if you disagree with a clippy lint, you may disable the lint and briefly justify it.

Search for allow(clippy:: in the codebase to identify lints that are ignored/allowed. We currently prefer ignoring lints on the lowest unit possible.

  • If you are introducing a line that returns a lint warning or error, you may disable the lint on that line.
  • If you have several lints on a function or module, you may disable the lint on the function or module.
  • If a lint is pervasive across multiple modules, you may disable it at the crate level.

CI and Dockerized builds

There are currently multiple CI systems that build the project and they all use the same docker image. It is possible to run the same build locally.

From the root of the Arrow project, run the following command to build the Docker image that the CI system uses to build the project.

docker-compose build debian-rust

Run the following command to build the project in the same way that the CI system will build the project. Note that this currently does cause some files to be written to your local workspace.

docker-compose run --rm debian-rust bash