blob: 271bd3426d8eeda654866423350faeb18b2b8ead [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
const del = require('del');
const gulp = require('gulp');
const { Observable } = require('rxjs');
const cleanTask = require('./gulp/clean-task');
const compileTask = require('./gulp/compile-task');
const packageTask = require('./gulp/package-task');
const { targets, modules } = require('./gulp/argv');
const { testTask, createTestData, cleanTestData } = require('./gulp/test-task');
const {
taskName, combinations,
targetDir, knownTargets,
npmPkgName, UMDSourceTargets,
} = require('./gulp/util');
for (const [target, format] of combinations([`all`], [`all`])) {
const task = taskName(target, format);
gulp.task(`clean:${task}`, cleanTask(target, format));
gulp.task(`test:${task}`, testTask(target, format));
gulp.task(`compile:${task}`, compileTask(target, format));
gulp.task(`package:${task}`, packageTask(target, format));
gulp.task(`build:${task}`, gulp.series(
`clean:${task}`, `compile:${task}`, `package:${task}`
// The UMD bundles build temporary es5/6/next targets via TS,
// then run the TS source through either closure-compiler or
// a minifier, so we special case that here.
knownTargets.forEach((target) => {
const umd = taskName(target, `umd`);
const cls = taskName(UMDSourceTargets[target], `cls`);
gulp.task(`build:${umd}`, gulp.series(
`clean:${umd}`, `compile:${umd}`, `package:${umd}`,
function remove_closure_tmp_files() {
return del(targetDir(target, `cls`))
// The main "apache-arrow" module builds the es2015/umd, esnext/cjs,
// esnext/esm, and esnext/umd targets, then copies and renames the
// compiled output into the apache-arrow folder
`build:${taskName(`es2015`, `umd`)}`,
`build:${taskName(`esnext`, `cjs`)}`,
`build:${taskName(`esnext`, `esm`)}`,
`build:${taskName(`esnext`, `umd`)}`
// And finally the global composite tasks
gulp.task(`clean:testdata`, cleanTestData);
gulp.task(`create:testdata`, createTestData);
gulp.task(`test`, gulpConcurrent(getTasks(`test`)));
gulp.task(`clean`, gulp.parallel(getTasks(`clean`)));
gulp.task(`build`, gulpConcurrent(getTasks(`build`)));
gulp.task(`compile`, gulpConcurrent(getTasks(`compile`)));
gulp.task(`package`, gulpConcurrent(getTasks(`package`)));
gulp.task(`default`, gulp.series(`clean`, `build`, `test`));
function gulpConcurrent(tasks) {
const numCPUs = Math.max(1, require('os').cpus().length * 0.75) | 0;
return () => Observable.from( => gulp.series(task)))
.flatMap((task) => Observable.bindNodeCallback(task)(), numCPUs);
function getTasks(name) {
const tasks = [];
if (targets.indexOf(`ts`) !== -1) tasks.push(`${name}:ts`);
if (targets.indexOf(npmPkgName) !== -1) tasks.push(`${name}:${npmPkgName}`);
for (const [target, format] of combinations(targets, modules)) {
if (tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat[target] && tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat[target][name]) continue;
if (tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat[format] && tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat[format][name]) continue;
tasks.push(`${name}:${taskName(target, format)}`);
return tasks.length && tasks || [(done) => done()];