blob: 2129b9d983d17922016675ca3fcd92bda09f7d38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// Use the ES5 UMD target as perf baseline
// const { predicate, Table, RecordBatchReader } = require('../targets/es5/umd');
// const { predicate, Table, RecordBatchReader } = require('../targets/es5/cjs');
// const { predicate, Table, RecordBatchReader } = require('../targets/es2015/umd');
const { predicate, Table, RecordBatchReader } = require('../targets/es2015/cjs');
const { col } = predicate;
const Benchmark = require('benchmark');
const suites = [];
for (let { name, buffers } of require('./table_config')) {
const parseSuiteName = `Parse "${name}"`;
const sliceSuiteName = `Slice "${name}" vectors`;
const iterateSuiteName = `Iterate "${name}" vectors`;
const getByIndexSuiteName = `Get "${name}" values by index`;
const sliceToArraySuiteName = `Slice toArray "${name}" vectors`;
suites.push(createTestSuite(parseSuiteName, createFromTableTest(name, buffers)));
suites.push(createTestSuite(parseSuiteName, createReadBatchesTest(name, buffers)));
const table = Table.from(buffers), schema = table.schema;
suites.push(, i) => createTestSuite(getByIndexSuiteName, createGetByIndexTest(table.getColumnAt(i),;
suites.push(, i) => createTestSuite(iterateSuiteName, createIterateTest(table.getColumnAt(i),;
suites.push(, i) => createTestSuite(sliceToArraySuiteName, createSliceToArrayTest(table.getColumnAt(i),;
suites.push(, i) => createTestSuite(sliceSuiteName, createSliceTest(table.getColumnAt(i),;
for (let {name, buffers, countBys, counts} of require('./table_config')) {
const table = Table.from(buffers);
const tableIterateSuiteName = `Table Iterate "${name}"`;
const dfCountBySuiteName = `DataFrame Count By "${name}"`;
const dfFilterCountSuiteName = `DataFrame Filter-Scan Count "${name}"`;
const dfDirectCountSuiteName = `DataFrame Direct Count "${name}"`;
suites.push(createTestSuite(tableIterateSuiteName, createTableIterateTest(table)));
suites.push( => createTestSuite(dfCountBySuiteName, createDataFrameCountByTest(table, countBy))));
suites.push({ col, test, value }) => createTestSuite(dfFilterCountSuiteName, createDataFrameFilterCountTest(table, col, test, value))));
suites.push({ col, test, value }) => createTestSuite(dfDirectCountSuiteName, createDataFrameDirectCountTest(table, col, test, value))));
console.log('Running apache-arrow performance tests...\n');
function run() {
var suite = suites.shift();
suite && suite.on('complete', function() {
console.log( + ':\n' + {
var str = x.toString();
var meanMsPerOp = Math.round(x.stats.mean * 100000)/100;
var sliceOf60FPS = Math.round((meanMsPerOp / (1000/60)) * 100000)/1000;
return `${str}\n avg: ${meanMsPerOp}ms\n ${sliceOf60FPS}% of a frame @ 60FPS ${x.suffix || ''}`;
}).join('\n') + '\n');
if (suites.length > 0) {
setTimeout(run, 1000);
.run({ async: true });
function createTestSuite(name, test) {
return new Benchmark.Suite(name, { async: true }).add(test);
function createFromTableTest(name, buffers) {
let table;
return {
async: true,
name: `Table.from\n`,
fn() { table = Table.from(buffers); }
function createReadBatchesTest(name, buffers) {
let recordBatch;
return {
async: true,
name: `readBatches\n`,
fn() { for (recordBatch of RecordBatchReader.from(buffers)) {} }
function createSliceTest(vector, name) {
let xs;
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${name}', length: ${vector.length}, type: ${vector.type}\n`,
fn() { xs = vector.slice(); }
function createSliceToArrayTest(vector, name) {
let xs;
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${name}', length: ${vector.length}, type: ${vector.type}\n`,
fn() { xs = vector.slice().toArray(); }
function createIterateTest(vector, name) {
let value;
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${name}', length: ${vector.length}, type: ${vector.type}\n`,
fn() { for (value of vector) {} }
function createGetByIndexTest(vector, name) {
let value;
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${name}', length: ${vector.length}, type: ${vector.type}\n`,
fn() {
for (let i = -1, n = vector.length; ++i < n;) {
value = vector.get(i);
function createTableIterateTest(table) {
let value;
return {
async: true,
name: `length: ${table.length}\n`,
fn() { for (value of table) {} }
function createDataFrameDirectCountTest(table, column, test, value) {
let sum, colidx = table.schema.fields.findIndex((c)=> === column);
if (test == 'gt') {
op = () => {
sum = 0;
let batches = table.chunks;
let numBatches = batches.length;
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
const vector = batch.getChildAt(colidx);
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, length = batch.length; ++index < length;) {
sum += (vector.get(index) >= value);
return sum;
} else if (test == 'eq') {
op = () => {
sum = 0;
let batches = table.chunks;
let numBatches = batches.length;
for (let batchIndex = -1; ++batchIndex < numBatches;) {
// load batches
const batch = batches[batchIndex];
const vector = batch.getChildAt(colidx);
// yield all indices
for (let index = -1, length = batch.length; ++index < length;) {
sum += (vector.get(index) === value);
return sum;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized test "${test}"`);
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${column}', length: ${table.length}, type: ${table.getColumnAt(colidx).type}, test: ${test}, value: ${value}\n`,
fn: op
function createDataFrameCountByTest(table, column) {
let colidx = table.schema.fields.findIndex((c)=> === column);
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${column}', length: ${table.length}, type: ${table.getColumnAt(colidx).type}\n`,
fn() {
function createDataFrameFilterCountTest(table, column, test, value) {
let colidx = table.schema.fields.findIndex((c)=> === column);
let df;
if (test == 'gt') {
df = table.filter(col(column).gt(value));
} else if (test == 'eq') {
df = table.filter(col(column).eq(value));
} else {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized test "${test}"`);
return {
async: true,
name: `name: '${column}', length: ${table.length}, type: ${table.getColumnAt(colidx).type}, test: ${test}, value: ${value}\n`,
fn() {