blob: baa40dcf46e449960d9db6da69de94b5dd56656d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "arrow/csv/reader.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array.h"
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/csv/chunker.h"
#include "arrow/csv/column_builder.h"
#include "arrow/csv/column_decoder.h"
#include "arrow/csv/options.h"
#include "arrow/csv/parser.h"
#include "arrow/io/interfaces.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/table.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/util/async_generator.h"
#include "arrow/util/future.h"
#include "arrow/util/iterator.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/optional.h"
#include "arrow/util/task_group.h"
#include "arrow/util/thread_pool.h"
#include "arrow/util/utf8.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace csv {
using internal::Executor;
namespace {
struct ConversionSchema {
struct Column {
std::string name;
// Physical column index in CSV file
int32_t index;
// If true, make a column of nulls
bool is_missing;
// If set, convert the CSV column to this type
// If unset (and is_missing is false), infer the type from the CSV column
std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
static Column NullColumn(std::string col_name, std::shared_ptr<DataType> type) {
return Column{std::move(col_name), -1, true, std::move(type)};
static Column TypedColumn(std::string col_name, int32_t col_index,
std::shared_ptr<DataType> type) {
return Column{std::move(col_name), col_index, false, std::move(type)};
static Column InferredColumn(std::string col_name, int32_t col_index) {
return Column{std::move(col_name), col_index, false, nullptr};
std::vector<Column> columns;
// An iterator of Buffers that makes sure there is no straddling CRLF sequence.
class CSVBufferIterator {
static Iterator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> Make(
Iterator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_iterator) {
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> fn =
return MakeTransformedIterator(std::move(buffer_iterator), fn);
static AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> MakeAsync(
AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_iterator) {
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> fn =
return MakeTransformedGenerator(std::move(buffer_iterator), fn);
Result<TransformFlow<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>>> operator()(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) {
if (buf == nullptr) {
// EOF
return TransformFinish();
int64_t offset = 0;
if (first_buffer_) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto data, util::SkipUTF8BOM(buf->data(), buf->size()));
offset += data - buf->data();
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
first_buffer_ = false;
if (trailing_cr_ && buf->data()[offset] == '\n') {
// Skip '\r\n' line separator that started at the end of previous buffer
trailing_cr_ = (buf->data()[buf->size() - 1] == '\r');
buf = SliceBuffer(buf, offset);
if (buf->size() == 0) {
// EOF
return TransformFinish();
} else {
return TransformYield(buf);
bool first_buffer_ = true;
// Whether there was a trailing CR at the end of last received buffer
bool trailing_cr_ = false;
struct CSVBlock {
// (partial + completion + buffer) is an entire delimited CSV buffer.
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> partial;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> completion;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer;
int64_t block_index;
bool is_final;
std::function<Status(int64_t)> consume_bytes;
} // namespace
} // namespace csv
template <>
struct IterationTraits<csv::CSVBlock> {
static csv::CSVBlock End() { return csv::CSVBlock{{}, {}, {}, -1, true, {}}; }
static bool IsEnd(const csv::CSVBlock& val) { return val.block_index < 0; }
namespace csv {
namespace {
// This is a callable that can be used to transform an iterator. The source iterator
// will contain buffers of data and the output iterator will contain delimited CSV
// blocks. util::optional is used so that there is an end token (required by the
// iterator APIs (e.g. Visit)) even though an empty optional is never used in this code.
class BlockReader {
BlockReader(std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker, std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer)
: chunker_(std::move(chunker)),
buffer_(std::move(first_buffer)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker_;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> partial_, buffer_;
int64_t block_index_ = 0;
// Whether there was a trailing CR at the end of last received buffer
bool trailing_cr_ = false;
// An object that reads delimited CSV blocks for serial use.
// The number of bytes consumed should be notified after each read,
// using CSVBlock::consume_bytes.
class SerialBlockReader : public BlockReader {
using BlockReader::BlockReader;
static Iterator<CSVBlock> MakeIterator(
Iterator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_iterator, std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer) {
auto block_reader =
std::make_shared<SerialBlockReader>(std::move(chunker), first_buffer);
// Wrap shared pointer in callable
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, CSVBlock> block_reader_fn =
[block_reader](std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) {
return (*block_reader)(std::move(buf));
return MakeTransformedIterator(std::move(buffer_iterator), block_reader_fn);
static AsyncGenerator<CSVBlock> MakeAsyncIterator(
AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_generator,
std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker, std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer) {
auto block_reader =
std::make_shared<SerialBlockReader>(std::move(chunker), first_buffer);
// Wrap shared pointer in callable
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, CSVBlock> block_reader_fn =
[block_reader](std::shared_ptr<Buffer> next) {
return (*block_reader)(std::move(next));
return MakeTransformedGenerator(std::move(buffer_generator), block_reader_fn);
Result<TransformFlow<CSVBlock>> operator()(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> next_buffer) {
if (buffer_ == nullptr) {
return TransformFinish();
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> completion;
bool is_final = (next_buffer == nullptr);
if (is_final) {
// End of file reached => compute completion from penultimate block
RETURN_NOT_OK(chunker_->ProcessFinal(partial_, buffer_, &completion, &buffer_));
} else {
// Get completion of partial from previous block.
chunker_->ProcessWithPartial(partial_, buffer_, &completion, &buffer_));
int64_t bytes_before_buffer = partial_->size() + completion->size();
auto consume_bytes = [this, bytes_before_buffer,
next_buffer](int64_t nbytes) -> Status {
DCHECK_GE(nbytes, 0);
auto offset = nbytes - bytes_before_buffer;
if (offset < 0) {
// Should not happen
return Status::Invalid("CSV parser got out of sync with chunker");
partial_ = SliceBuffer(buffer_, offset);
buffer_ = next_buffer;
return Status::OK();
return TransformYield<CSVBlock>(CSVBlock{partial_, completion, buffer_,
block_index_++, is_final,
// An object that reads delimited CSV blocks for threaded use.
class ThreadedBlockReader : public BlockReader {
using BlockReader::BlockReader;
static Iterator<CSVBlock> MakeIterator(
Iterator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_iterator, std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer) {
auto block_reader =
std::make_shared<ThreadedBlockReader>(std::move(chunker), first_buffer);
// Wrap shared pointer in callable
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, CSVBlock> block_reader_fn =
[block_reader](std::shared_ptr<Buffer> next) { return (*block_reader)(next); };
return MakeTransformedIterator(std::move(buffer_iterator), block_reader_fn);
static AsyncGenerator<CSVBlock> MakeAsyncIterator(
AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_generator,
std::unique_ptr<Chunker> chunker, std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer) {
auto block_reader =
std::make_shared<ThreadedBlockReader>(std::move(chunker), first_buffer);
// Wrap shared pointer in callable
Transformer<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>, CSVBlock> block_reader_fn =
[block_reader](std::shared_ptr<Buffer> next) { return (*block_reader)(next); };
return MakeTransformedGenerator(std::move(buffer_generator), block_reader_fn);
Result<TransformFlow<CSVBlock>> operator()(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> next_buffer) {
if (buffer_ == nullptr) {
// EOF
return TransformFinish();
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> whole, completion, next_partial;
bool is_final = (next_buffer == nullptr);
auto current_partial = std::move(partial_);
auto current_buffer = std::move(buffer_);
if (is_final) {
// End of file reached => compute completion from penultimate block
chunker_->ProcessFinal(current_partial, current_buffer, &completion, &whole));
} else {
// Get completion of partial from previous block.
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> starts_with_whole;
// Get completion of partial from previous block.
RETURN_NOT_OK(chunker_->ProcessWithPartial(current_partial, current_buffer,
&completion, &starts_with_whole));
// Get a complete CSV block inside `partial + block`, and keep
// the rest for the next iteration.
RETURN_NOT_OK(chunker_->Process(starts_with_whole, &whole, &next_partial));
partial_ = std::move(next_partial);
buffer_ = std::move(next_buffer);
return TransformYield<CSVBlock>(
CSVBlock{current_partial, completion, whole, block_index_++, is_final, {}});
// Base class for common functionality
class ReaderMixin {
ReaderMixin(io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options)
: io_context_(std::move(io_context)),
input_(std::move(input)) {}
// Read header and column names from buffer, create column builders
Status ProcessHeader(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* rest) {
const uint8_t* data = buf->data();
const auto data_end = data + buf->size();
DCHECK_GT(data_end - data, 0);
if (read_options_.skip_rows) {
// Skip initial rows (potentially invalid CSV data)
auto num_skipped_rows = SkipRows(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(data_end - data),
read_options_.skip_rows, &data);
if (num_skipped_rows < read_options_.skip_rows) {
return Status::Invalid(
"Could not skip initial ", read_options_.skip_rows,
" rows from CSV file, "
"either file is too short or header is larger than block size");
if (read_options_.column_names.empty()) {
// Parse one row (either to read column names or to know the number of columns)
BlockParser parser(io_context_.pool(), parse_options_, num_csv_cols_, 1);
uint32_t parsed_size = 0;
util::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), data_end - data),
if (parser.num_rows() != 1) {
return Status::Invalid(
"Could not read first row from CSV file, either "
"file is too short or header is larger than block size");
if (parser.num_cols() == 0) {
return Status::Invalid("No columns in CSV file");
if (read_options_.autogenerate_column_names) {
column_names_ = GenerateColumnNames(parser.num_cols());
} else {
// Read column names from header row
auto visit = [&](const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size, bool quoted) -> Status {
column_names_.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);
return Status::OK();
DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(parser.num_cols()), column_names_.size());
// Skip parsed header row
data += parsed_size;
} else {
column_names_ = read_options_.column_names;
*rest = SliceBuffer(buf, data - buf->data());
num_csv_cols_ = static_cast<int32_t>(column_names_.size());
DCHECK_GT(num_csv_cols_, 0);
return MakeConversionSchema();
std::vector<std::string> GenerateColumnNames(int32_t num_cols) {
std::vector<std::string> res;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "f" << i;
return res;
// Make conversion schema from options and parsed CSV header
Status MakeConversionSchema() {
// Append a column converted from CSV data
auto append_csv_column = [&](std::string col_name, int32_t col_index) {
// Does the named column have a fixed type?
auto it = convert_options_.column_types.find(col_name);
if (it == convert_options_.column_types.end()) {
ConversionSchema::InferredColumn(std::move(col_name), col_index));
} else {
ConversionSchema::TypedColumn(std::move(col_name), col_index, it->second));
// Append a column of nulls
auto append_null_column = [&](std::string col_name) {
// If the named column has a fixed type, use it, otherwise use null()
std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
auto it = convert_options_.column_types.find(col_name);
if (it == convert_options_.column_types.end()) {
type = null();
} else {
type = it->second;
ConversionSchema::NullColumn(std::move(col_name), std::move(type)));
if (convert_options_.include_columns.empty()) {
// Include all columns in CSV file order
for (int32_t col_index = 0; col_index < num_csv_cols_; ++col_index) {
append_csv_column(column_names_[col_index], col_index);
} else {
// Include columns from `include_columns` (in that order)
// Compute indices of columns in the CSV file
std::unordered_map<std::string, int32_t> col_indices;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int32_t>(column_names_.size()); ++i) {
col_indices.emplace(column_names_[i], i);
for (const auto& col_name : convert_options_.include_columns) {
auto it = col_indices.find(col_name);
if (it != col_indices.end()) {
append_csv_column(col_name, it->second);
} else if (convert_options_.include_missing_columns) {
} else {
return Status::KeyError("Column '", col_name,
"' in include_columns "
"does not exist in CSV file");
return Status::OK();
struct ParseResult {
std::shared_ptr<BlockParser> parser;
int64_t parsed_bytes;
Result<ParseResult> Parse(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& partial,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& completion,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& block, int64_t block_index,
bool is_final) {
static constexpr int32_t max_num_rows = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
auto parser = std::make_shared<BlockParser>(io_context_.pool(), parse_options_,
num_csv_cols_, max_num_rows);
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> straddling;
std::vector<util::string_view> views;
if (partial->size() != 0 || completion->size() != 0) {
if (partial->size() == 0) {
straddling = completion;
} else if (completion->size() == 0) {
straddling = partial;
} else {
straddling, ConcatenateBuffers({partial, completion}, io_context_.pool()));
views = {util::string_view(*straddling), util::string_view(*block)};
} else {
views = {util::string_view(*block)};
uint32_t parsed_size;
if (is_final) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(parser->ParseFinal(views, &parsed_size));
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(parser->Parse(views, &parsed_size));
return ParseResult{std::move(parser), static_cast<int64_t>(parsed_size)};
io::IOContext io_context_;
ReadOptions read_options_;
ParseOptions parse_options_;
ConvertOptions convert_options_;
// Number of columns in the CSV file
int32_t num_csv_cols_ = -1;
// Column names in the CSV file
std::vector<std::string> column_names_;
ConversionSchema conversion_schema_;
std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input_;
std::shared_ptr<internal::TaskGroup> task_group_;
// Base class for one-shot table readers
class BaseTableReader : public ReaderMixin, public csv::TableReader {
using ReaderMixin::ReaderMixin;
virtual Status Init() = 0;
Future<std::shared_ptr<Table>> ReadAsync() override {
return Future<std::shared_ptr<Table>>::MakeFinished(Read());
// Make column builders from conversion schema
Status MakeColumnBuilders() {
for (const auto& column : conversion_schema_.columns) {
std::shared_ptr<ColumnBuilder> builder;
if (column.is_missing) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(builder, ColumnBuilder::MakeNull(io_context_.pool(),
column.type, task_group_));
} else if (column.type != nullptr) {
builder, ColumnBuilder::Make(io_context_.pool(), column.type, column.index,
convert_options_, task_group_));
} else {
ColumnBuilder::Make(io_context_.pool(), column.index,
convert_options_, task_group_));
return Status::OK();
Result<int64_t> ParseAndInsert(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& partial,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& completion,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& block,
int64_t block_index, bool is_final) {
Parse(partial, completion, block, block_index, is_final));
RETURN_NOT_OK(ProcessData(result.parser, block_index));
return result.parsed_bytes;
// Trigger conversion of parsed block data
Status ProcessData(const std::shared_ptr<BlockParser>& parser, int64_t block_index) {
for (auto& builder : column_builders_) {
builder->Insert(block_index, parser);
return Status::OK();
Result<std::shared_ptr<Table>> MakeTable() {
DCHECK_EQ(column_builders_.size(), conversion_schema_.columns.size());
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> fields;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> columns;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int32_t>(column_builders_.size()); ++i) {
const auto& column = conversion_schema_.columns[i];
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto array, column_builders_[i]->Finish());
fields.push_back(::arrow::field(, array->type()));
return Table::Make(schema(std::move(fields)), std::move(columns));
// Column builders for target Table (in ConversionSchema order)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ColumnBuilder>> column_builders_;
// Base class for streaming readers
class BaseStreamingReader : public ReaderMixin, public csv::StreamingReader {
BaseStreamingReader(io::IOContext io_context, Executor* cpu_executor,
std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options)
: ReaderMixin(io_context, std::move(input), read_options, parse_options,
cpu_executor_(cpu_executor) {}
virtual Future<std::shared_ptr<csv::StreamingReader>> Init() = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema() const override { return schema_; }
Status ReadNext(std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>* batch) override {
auto next_fut = ReadNextAsync();
auto next_result = next_fut.result();
return std::move(next_result).Value(batch);
// Make column decoders from conversion schema
Status MakeColumnDecoders() {
for (const auto& column : conversion_schema_.columns) {
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDecoder> decoder;
if (column.is_missing) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(decoder, ColumnDecoder::MakeNull(io_context_.pool(),
column.type, task_group_));
} else if (column.type != nullptr) {
decoder, ColumnDecoder::Make(io_context_.pool(), column.type, column.index,
convert_options_, task_group_));
} else {
ColumnDecoder::Make(io_context_.pool(), column.index,
convert_options_, task_group_));
return Status::OK();
Result<int64_t> ParseAndInsert(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& partial,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& completion,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& block,
int64_t block_index, bool is_final) {
Parse(partial, completion, block, block_index, is_final));
RETURN_NOT_OK(ProcessData(result.parser, block_index));
return result.parsed_bytes;
// Trigger conversion of parsed block data
Status ProcessData(const std::shared_ptr<BlockParser>& parser, int64_t block_index) {
for (auto& decoder : column_decoders_) {
decoder->Insert(block_index, parser);
return Status::OK();
Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> DecodeNextBatch() {
ArrayVector arrays;
Status st;
for (auto& decoder : column_decoders_) {
auto maybe_array = decoder->NextChunk();
if (!maybe_array.ok()) {
// If there's an error, still fetch results from other decoders to
// keep them in sync.
st &= maybe_array.status();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(arrays.size(), column_decoders_.size());
const bool is_null = (arrays[0] == nullptr);
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto& array : arrays) {
DCHECK_EQ(array == nullptr, is_null);
if (is_null) {
eof_ = true;
return nullptr;
if (schema_ == nullptr) {
FieldVector fields(arrays.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < arrays.size(); ++i) {
fields[i] = field(conversion_schema_.columns[i].name, arrays[i]->type());
schema_ = arrow::schema(std::move(fields));
const auto n_rows = arrays[0]->length();
return RecordBatch::Make(schema_, n_rows, std::move(arrays));
// Column decoders (in ConversionSchema order)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ColumnDecoder>> column_decoders_;
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema_;
std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> pending_batch_;
AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_generator_;
Executor* cpu_executor_;
bool eof_ = false;
// Serial StreamingReader implementation
class SerialStreamingReader : public BaseStreamingReader,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<SerialStreamingReader> {
using BaseStreamingReader::BaseStreamingReader;
Future<std::shared_ptr<csv::StreamingReader>> Init() override {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto istream_it,
io::MakeInputStreamIterator(input_, read_options_.block_size));
// TODO Consider exposing readahead as a read option (ARROW-12090)
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto bg_it, MakeBackgroundGenerator(std::move(istream_it),
auto transferred_it = MakeTransferredGenerator(bg_it, cpu_executor_);
buffer_generator_ = CSVBufferIterator::MakeAsync(std::move(transferred_it));
task_group_ = internal::TaskGroup::MakeSerial(io_context_.stop_token());
auto self = shared_from_this();
// Read schema from first batch
return ReadNextAsync().Then([self](const std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>& first_batch)
-> Result<std::shared_ptr<csv::StreamingReader>> {
self->pending_batch_ = first_batch;
DCHECK_NE(self->schema_, nullptr);
return self;
Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> DecodeBatchAndUpdateSchema() {
auto maybe_batch = DecodeNextBatch();
if (schema_ == nullptr && maybe_batch.ok()) {
schema_ = (*maybe_batch)->schema();
return maybe_batch;
Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> DoReadNext(
std::shared_ptr<SerialStreamingReader> self) {
auto batch = std::move(pending_batch_);
if (batch != nullptr) {
return Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>::MakeFinished(batch);
if (!source_eof_) {
return block_generator_()
.Then([self](const CSVBlock& maybe_block) -> Status {
if (!IsIterationEnd(maybe_block)) {
self->last_block_index_ = maybe_block.block_index;
auto maybe_parsed = self->ParseAndInsert(
maybe_block.partial, maybe_block.completion, maybe_block.buffer,
maybe_block.block_index, maybe_block.is_final);
if (!maybe_parsed.ok()) {
// Parse error => bail out
self->eof_ = true;
return maybe_parsed.status();
} else {
self->source_eof_ = true;
for (auto& decoder : self->column_decoders_) {
decoder->SetEOF(self->last_block_index_ + 1);
return Status::OK();
.Then([self](const ::arrow::detail::Empty& st)
-> Result<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> {
return self->DecodeBatchAndUpdateSchema();
return Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>::MakeFinished(
Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> ReadNextSkippingEmpty(
std::shared_ptr<SerialStreamingReader> self) {
return DoReadNext(self).Then([self](const std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>& batch) {
if (batch != nullptr && batch->num_rows() == 0) {
return self->ReadNextSkippingEmpty(self);
return Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>::MakeFinished(batch);
Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> ReadNextAsync() override {
if (eof_) {
return Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>::MakeFinished(nullptr);
if (io_context_.stop_token().IsStopRequested()) {
eof_ = true;
return io_context_.stop_token().Poll();
auto self = shared_from_this();
if (!block_generator_) {
return SetupReader(self).Then([self](const Result<::arrow::detail::Empty>& res)
-> Future<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> {
if (!res.ok()) {
self->eof_ = true;
return res.status();
return self->ReadNextSkippingEmpty(self);
} else {
return self->ReadNextSkippingEmpty(self);
Future<> SetupReader(std::shared_ptr<SerialStreamingReader> self) {
return buffer_generator_().Then([self](const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& first_buffer) {
if (first_buffer == nullptr) {
return Status::Invalid("Empty CSV file");
auto own_first_buffer = first_buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(self->ProcessHeader(own_first_buffer, &own_first_buffer));
self->block_generator_ = SerialBlockReader::MakeAsyncIterator(
std::move(self->buffer_generator_), MakeChunker(self->parse_options_),
return Status::OK();
bool source_eof_ = false;
int64_t last_block_index_ = 0;
AsyncGenerator<CSVBlock> block_generator_;
// Serial TableReader implementation
class SerialTableReader : public BaseTableReader {
using BaseTableReader::BaseTableReader;
Status Init() override {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto istream_it,
io::MakeInputStreamIterator(input_, read_options_.block_size));
// Since we're converting serially, no need to readahead more than one block
int32_t block_queue_size = 1;
MakeReadaheadIterator(std::move(istream_it), block_queue_size));
buffer_iterator_ = CSVBufferIterator::Make(std::move(rh_it));
return Status::OK();
Result<std::shared_ptr<Table>> Read() override {
task_group_ = internal::TaskGroup::MakeSerial(io_context_.stop_token());
// First block
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto first_buffer, buffer_iterator_.Next());
if (first_buffer == nullptr) {
return Status::Invalid("Empty CSV file");
RETURN_NOT_OK(ProcessHeader(first_buffer, &first_buffer));
auto block_iterator = SerialBlockReader::MakeIterator(std::move(buffer_iterator_),
while (true) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto maybe_block, block_iterator.Next());
if (IsIterationEnd(maybe_block)) {
// EOF
int64_t parsed_bytes,
ParseAndInsert(maybe_block.partial, maybe_block.completion, maybe_block.buffer,
maybe_block.block_index, maybe_block.is_final));
// Finish conversion, create schema and table
return MakeTable();
Iterator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_iterator_;
class AsyncThreadedTableReader
: public BaseTableReader,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<AsyncThreadedTableReader> {
using BaseTableReader::BaseTableReader;
AsyncThreadedTableReader(io::IOContext io_context,
std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options,
const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options, Executor* cpu_executor)
: BaseTableReader(std::move(io_context), input, read_options, parse_options,
cpu_executor_(cpu_executor) {}
~AsyncThreadedTableReader() override {
if (task_group_) {
// In case of error, make sure all pending tasks are finished before
// we start destroying BaseTableReader members
Status Init() override {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto istream_it,
io::MakeInputStreamIterator(input_, read_options_.block_size));
int max_readahead = cpu_executor_->GetCapacity();
int readahead_restart = std::max(1, max_readahead / 2);
auto bg_it, MakeBackgroundGenerator(std::move(istream_it), io_context_.executor(),
max_readahead, readahead_restart));
auto transferred_it = MakeTransferredGenerator(bg_it, cpu_executor_);
buffer_generator_ = CSVBufferIterator::MakeAsync(std::move(transferred_it));
return Status::OK();
Result<std::shared_ptr<Table>> Read() override { return ReadAsync().result(); }
Future<std::shared_ptr<Table>> ReadAsync() override {
task_group_ =
internal::TaskGroup::MakeThreaded(cpu_executor_, io_context_.stop_token());
auto self = shared_from_this();
return ProcessFirstBuffer().Then([self](std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer) {
auto block_generator = ThreadedBlockReader::MakeAsyncIterator(
self->buffer_generator_, MakeChunker(self->parse_options_),
std::function<Status(CSVBlock)> block_visitor =
[self](CSVBlock maybe_block) -> Status {
// The logic in VisitAsyncGenerator ensures that we will never be
// passed an empty block (visit does not call with the end token) so
// we can be assured maybe_block has a value.
DCHECK_GE(maybe_block.block_index, 0);
// Launch parse task
self->task_group_->Append([self, maybe_block] {
return self
->ParseAndInsert(maybe_block.partial, maybe_block.completion,
maybe_block.buffer, maybe_block.block_index,
return Status::OK();
return VisitAsyncGenerator(std::move(block_generator), block_visitor)
.Then([self](...) -> Future<> {
// By this point we've added all top level tasks so it is safe to call
// FinishAsync
return self->task_group_->FinishAsync();
.Then([self](...) -> Result<std::shared_ptr<Table>> {
// Finish conversion, create schema and table
return self->MakeTable();
Future<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ProcessFirstBuffer() {
// First block
auto first_buffer_future = buffer_generator_();
return first_buffer_future.Then([this](const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& first_buffer)
-> Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> {
if (first_buffer == nullptr) {
return Status::Invalid("Empty CSV file");
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> first_buffer_processed;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ProcessHeader(first_buffer, &first_buffer_processed));
return first_buffer_processed;
Executor* cpu_executor_;
AsyncGenerator<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> buffer_generator_;
Result<std::shared_ptr<TableReader>> MakeTableReader(
MemoryPool* pool, io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
std::shared_ptr<BaseTableReader> reader;
if (read_options.use_threads) {
auto cpu_executor = internal::GetCpuThreadPool();
reader = std::make_shared<AsyncThreadedTableReader>(
io_context, input, read_options, parse_options, convert_options, cpu_executor);
} else {
reader = std::make_shared<SerialTableReader>(io_context, input, read_options,
parse_options, convert_options);
return reader;
Future<std::shared_ptr<StreamingReader>> MakeStreamingReader(
io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
internal::Executor* cpu_executor, const ReadOptions& read_options,
const ParseOptions& parse_options, const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
std::shared_ptr<BaseStreamingReader> reader;
reader = std::make_shared<SerialStreamingReader>(
io_context, cpu_executor, input, read_options, parse_options, convert_options);
return reader->Init();
} // namespace
// Factory functions
Result<std::shared_ptr<TableReader>> TableReader::Make(
io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
return MakeTableReader(io_context.pool(), io_context, std::move(input), read_options,
parse_options, convert_options);
Result<std::shared_ptr<TableReader>> TableReader::Make(
MemoryPool* pool, io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
return MakeTableReader(pool, io_context, std::move(input), read_options, parse_options,
Result<std::shared_ptr<StreamingReader>> StreamingReader::Make(
MemoryPool* pool, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
auto io_context = io::IOContext(pool);
auto cpu_executor = internal::GetCpuThreadPool();
auto reader_fut = MakeStreamingReader(io_context, std::move(input), cpu_executor,
read_options, parse_options, convert_options);
auto reader_result = reader_fut.result();
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto reader, reader_result);
return reader;
Result<std::shared_ptr<StreamingReader>> StreamingReader::Make(
io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
const ReadOptions& read_options, const ParseOptions& parse_options,
const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
auto cpu_executor = internal::GetCpuThreadPool();
auto reader_fut = MakeStreamingReader(io_context, std::move(input), cpu_executor,
read_options, parse_options, convert_options);
auto reader_result = reader_fut.result();
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto reader, reader_result);
return reader;
Future<std::shared_ptr<StreamingReader>> StreamingReader::MakeAsync(
io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
internal::Executor* cpu_executor, const ReadOptions& read_options,
const ParseOptions& parse_options, const ConvertOptions& convert_options) {
return MakeStreamingReader(io_context, std::move(input), cpu_executor, read_options,
parse_options, convert_options);
} // namespace csv
} // namespace arrow