Building pyarrow (Apache Arrow Python library)

First, clone the master git repository:

git clone arrow

System requirements

Building pyarrow requires:

  • A C++11 compiler

    • Linux: gcc >= 4.8 or clang >= 3.5
    • OS X: XCode 6.4 or higher preferred
  • cmake

Python requirements

You will need Python (CPython) 2.7, 3.4, or 3.5 installed. Earlier releases and are not being targeted.

This library targets CPython only due to an emphasis on interoperability with pandas and NumPy, which are only available for CPython.

The build requires NumPy, Cython, and a few other Python dependencies:

pip install cython
cd arrow/python
pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing Arrow C++ library

First, you should choose an installation location for Arrow C++. In the future using the default system install location will work, but for now we are being explicit:

export ARROW_HOME=$HOME/local

Now, we build Arrow:

cd arrow/cpp

mkdir dev-build
cd dev-build



# Use sudo here if $ARROW_HOME requires it
make install

Install pyarrow

cd arrow/python

python install

On XCode 6 and prior there are some known OS X @rpath issues. If you are unable to import pyarrow, upgrading XCode may be the solution.

In [1]: import pyarrow

In [2]: pyarrow.from_pylist([1,2,3])
<pyarrow.array.Int64Array object at 0x7f899f3e60e8>