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<meta name="description" content="Apache Arrow 0.17.1 (18 May 2020) This is a patch release fixing bugs and regressions listed in the changelog below. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 27 commits from 11 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.17.0..apache-arrow-0.17.1 9 Krisztián Szűcs 4 Sutou Kouhei 3 Neal Richardson 3 Wes McKinney 2 Antoine Pitrou 1 Eric Erhardt 1 Joris Van den Bossche 1 Micah Kornfield 1 Paul Taylor 1 Yibo Cai 1 Yuan Zhou Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-8501 - [Packaging][RPM] Upgrade devtoolset to 8 on CentOS 6 ARROW-8549 - [R] Assorted post-0.17 release cleanups ARROW-8699 - [R] Fix automatic r_to_py conversion ARROW-8758 - [R] Updates for compatibility with dplyr 1.0 ARROW-8786 - [Packaging][rpm] Use bundled zstd in the CentOS 8 build Bug Fixes ARROW-8503 - [Packaging][deb] Can’t build apache-arrow-archive-keyring for RC ARROW-8505 - [Release][C#] “sourcelink test” is failed by Apache.Arrow.AssemblyInfo.cs ARROW-8584 - [Packaging][C++] Protobuf link error in deb builds ARROW-8608 - [C++] Update vendored mpark/variant.h to latest to fix NVCC compilation issues ARROW-8609 - [C++] ORC JNI bridge crashed on null arrow buffer ARROW-8641 - [Python] Regression in feather: no longer supports permutation in column selection ARROW-8657 - [Python][C++][Parquet] Forward compatibility issue from 0.16 to 0.17 when using version=’2.0’ ARROW-8684 - [Python] “SystemError: Bad call flags in _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict” in Python 3.7.7 on macOS when using pyarrow wheel ARROW-8694 - [Python][Parquet] parquet.read_schema() fails when loading wide table created from Pandas DataFrame ARROW-8704 - [C++] Fix Parquet crash on invalid input (OSS-Fuzz) ARROW-8706 - [C++][Parquet] Tracking JIRA for PARQUET-1857 (unencrypted INT16_MAX Parquet row group limit) ARROW-8728 - [C++] Bitmap operation may cause buffer overflow ARROW-8741 - [Python][Packaging] Keep VS2015 with for the windows wheels ARROW-8750 - [Python] pyarrow.feather.write_feather does not default to lz4 compression if it’s available PARQUET-1857 - [C++][Parquet] ParquetFileReader unable to read files with more than 32767 row groups" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Apache Arrow 0.17.1 (18 May 2020) This is a patch release fixing bugs and regressions listed in the changelog below. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 27 commits from 11 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.17.0..apache-arrow-0.17.1 9 Krisztián Szűcs 4 Sutou Kouhei 3 Neal Richardson 3 Wes McKinney 2 Antoine Pitrou 1 Eric Erhardt 1 Joris Van den Bossche 1 Micah Kornfield 1 Paul Taylor 1 Yibo Cai 1 Yuan Zhou Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-8501 - [Packaging][RPM] Upgrade devtoolset to 8 on CentOS 6 ARROW-8549 - [R] Assorted post-0.17 release cleanups ARROW-8699 - [R] Fix automatic r_to_py conversion ARROW-8758 - [R] Updates for compatibility with dplyr 1.0 ARROW-8786 - [Packaging][rpm] Use bundled zstd in the CentOS 8 build Bug Fixes ARROW-8503 - [Packaging][deb] Can’t build apache-arrow-archive-keyring for RC ARROW-8505 - [Release][C#] “sourcelink test” is failed by Apache.Arrow.AssemblyInfo.cs ARROW-8584 - [Packaging][C++] Protobuf link error in deb builds ARROW-8608 - [C++] Update vendored mpark/variant.h to latest to fix NVCC compilation issues ARROW-8609 - [C++] ORC JNI bridge crashed on null arrow buffer ARROW-8641 - [Python] Regression in feather: no longer supports permutation in column selection ARROW-8657 - [Python][C++][Parquet] Forward compatibility issue from 0.16 to 0.17 when using version=’2.0’ ARROW-8684 - [Python] “SystemError: Bad call flags in _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict” in Python 3.7.7 on macOS when using pyarrow wheel ARROW-8694 - [Python][Parquet] parquet.read_schema() fails when loading wide table created from Pandas DataFrame ARROW-8704 - [C++] Fix Parquet crash on invalid input (OSS-Fuzz) ARROW-8706 - [C++][Parquet] Tracking JIRA for PARQUET-1857 (unencrypted INT16_MAX Parquet row group limit) ARROW-8728 - [C++] Bitmap operation may cause buffer overflow ARROW-8741 - [Python][Packaging] Keep VS2015 with for the windows wheels ARROW-8750 - [Python] pyarrow.feather.write_feather does not default to lz4 compression if it’s available PARQUET-1857 - [C++][Parquet] ParquetFileReader unable to read files with more than 32767 row groups" />
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{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","dateModified":"2024-04-06T11:31:22-04:00","datePublished":"2024-04-06T11:31:22-04:00","description":"Apache Arrow 0.17.1 (18 May 2020) This is a patch release fixing bugs and regressions listed in the changelog below. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 27 commits from 11 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.17.0..apache-arrow-0.17.1 9 Krisztián Szűcs 4 Sutou Kouhei 3 Neal Richardson 3 Wes McKinney 2 Antoine Pitrou 1 Eric Erhardt 1 Joris Van den Bossche 1 Micah Kornfield 1 Paul Taylor 1 Yibo Cai 1 Yuan Zhou Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-8501 - [Packaging][RPM] Upgrade devtoolset to 8 on CentOS 6 ARROW-8549 - [R] Assorted post-0.17 release cleanups ARROW-8699 - [R] Fix automatic r_to_py conversion ARROW-8758 - [R] Updates for compatibility with dplyr 1.0 ARROW-8786 - [Packaging][rpm] Use bundled zstd in the CentOS 8 build Bug Fixes ARROW-8503 - [Packaging][deb] Can’t build apache-arrow-archive-keyring for RC ARROW-8505 - [Release][C#] “sourcelink test” is failed by Apache.Arrow.AssemblyInfo.cs ARROW-8584 - [Packaging][C++] Protobuf link error in deb builds ARROW-8608 - [C++] Update vendored mpark/variant.h to latest to fix NVCC compilation issues ARROW-8609 - [C++] ORC JNI bridge crashed on null arrow buffer ARROW-8641 - [Python] Regression in feather: no longer supports permutation in column selection ARROW-8657 - [Python][C++][Parquet] Forward compatibility issue from 0.16 to 0.17 when using version=’2.0’ ARROW-8684 - [Python] “SystemError: Bad call flags in _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict” in Python 3.7.7 on macOS when using pyarrow wheel ARROW-8694 - [Python][Parquet] parquet.read_schema() fails when loading wide table created from Pandas DataFrame ARROW-8704 - [C++] Fix Parquet crash on invalid input (OSS-Fuzz) ARROW-8706 - [C++][Parquet] Tracking JIRA for PARQUET-1857 (unencrypted INT16_MAX Parquet row group limit) ARROW-8728 - [C++] Bitmap operation may cause buffer overflow ARROW-8741 - [Python][Packaging] Keep VS2015 with for the windows wheels ARROW-8750 - [Python] pyarrow.feather.write_feather does not default to lz4 compression if it’s available PARQUET-1857 - [C++][Parquet] ParquetFileReader unable to read files with more than 32767 row groups","headline":"Apache Arrow 0.17.1 Release","image":"","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""}},"url":""}</script>
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<h1 id="apache-arrow-0171-18-may-2020">Apache Arrow 0.17.1 (18 May 2020)</h1>
<p>This is a patch release fixing bugs and regressions listed in the changelog below.</p>
<h2 id="download">Download</h2>
<li><a href=""><strong>Source Artifacts</strong></a></li>
<li><strong>Binary Artifacts</strong>
<li><a href="">For CentOS</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Debian</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Python</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Ubuntu</a></li>
<li><a href="">Git tag</a></li>
<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2>
<p>This release includes 27 commits from 11 distinct contributors.</p>
<div class="language-console highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gp">$</span><span class="w"> </span>git shortlog <span class="nt">-sn</span> apache-arrow-0.17.0..apache-arrow-0.17.1
<span class="go"> 9 Krisztián Szűcs
4 Sutou Kouhei
3 Neal Richardson
3 Wes McKinney
2 Antoine Pitrou
1 Eric Erhardt
1 Joris Van den Bossche
1 Micah Kornfield
1 Paul Taylor
1 Yibo Cai
1 Yuan Zhou
<h2 id="changelog">Changelog</h2>
<h3 id="new-features-and-improvements">New Features and Improvements</h3>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8501</a> - [Packaging][RPM] Upgrade devtoolset to 8 on CentOS 6</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8549</a> - [R] Assorted post-0.17 release cleanups</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8699</a> - [R] Fix automatic r_to_py conversion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8758</a> - [R] Updates for compatibility with dplyr 1.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8786</a> - [Packaging][rpm] Use bundled zstd in the CentOS 8 build</li>
<h3 id="bug-fixes">Bug Fixes</h3>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8503</a> - [Packaging][deb] Can’t build apache-arrow-archive-keyring for RC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8505</a> - [Release][C#] “sourcelink test” is failed by Apache.Arrow.AssemblyInfo.cs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8584</a> - [Packaging][C++] Protobuf link error in deb builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8608</a> - [C++] Update vendored mpark/variant.h to latest to fix NVCC compilation issues</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8609</a> - [C++] ORC JNI bridge crashed on null arrow buffer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8641</a> - [Python] Regression in feather: no longer supports permutation in column selection</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8657</a> - [Python][C++][Parquet] Forward compatibility issue from 0.16 to 0.17 when using version=’2.0’</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8684</a> - [Python] “SystemError: Bad call flags in _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict” in Python 3.7.7 on macOS when using pyarrow wheel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8694</a> - [Python][Parquet] parquet.read_schema() fails when loading wide table created from Pandas DataFrame</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8704</a> - [C++] Fix Parquet crash on invalid input (OSS-Fuzz)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8706</a> - [C++][Parquet] Tracking JIRA for PARQUET-1857 (unencrypted INT16_MAX Parquet row group limit)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8728</a> - [C++] Bitmap operation may cause buffer overflow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8741</a> - [Python][Packaging] Keep VS2015 with for the windows wheels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-8750</a> - [Python] pyarrow.feather.write_feather does not default to lz4 compression if it’s available</li>
<li><a href="">PARQUET-1857</a> - [C++][Parquet] ParquetFileReader unable to read files with more than 32767 row groups</li>
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<p>&copy; 2016-2024 The Apache Software Foundation</p>
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