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<meta name="description" content="Apache Arrow 0.10.0 (6 August 2018) This is a major release. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 70 Antoine Pitrou 49 Kouhei Sutou 40 Korn, Uwe 37 Wes McKinney 32 Krisztián Szűcs 30 Andy Grove 20 Philipp Moritz 13 Phillip Cloud 11 Bryan Cutler 11 yosuke shiro 7 Dimitri Vorona 6 Zhijun Fu 5 Bruce Mitchener 5 Joshua Storck 5 Robert Nishihara 5 ptaylor 4 Maximilian Roos 4 Sebastien Binet 3 Alex 3 Brian Hulette 3 Chao Sun 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Kenji Okimoto 3 Marco Neumann 3 Yuhong Guo 2 Abhi 2 Dhruv Madeka 2 Dmitry Kalinkin 2 Donal Simmie 2 Frank Wessels 2 Julius Neuffer 2 Manabu Ejima 2 Omer Katz 2 Paddy 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Gruener 2 Teddy Choi 2 Vanco Buca 2 Venki Korukanti 2 bomeng 2 fjetter 2 liurenjie1024 2 songqing 1 284km 1 Adrian Dorr 1 Albert Shieh 1 Alessandro Andrioni 1 Alok Singh 1 Aneesh Karve 1 Atul Dambalkar 1 Ben Wolfson 1 Brent Kerby 1 Daniel Chalef 1 Daniel Compton 1 Florian Rathgeber 1 Gatis Seja 1 HE, Tao 1 James Lamb 1 Jeff Zhang 1 Juan Paulo Gutierrez 1 Kane 1 Kee Chong Tan 1 Kelsey Jordahl 1 Kendall Willets 1 Li Jin 1 Licht-T 1 Lizhou Gao 1 Louis Potok 1 Markus Klein 1 Matt Topol 1 Matthew Topol 1 Michael Sarahan 1 Paul Taylor 1 Peter Schafhalter 1 Philipp Hoch 1 Renato Marroquin 1 Richard Gowers 1 Robbie Gruener Patch Committers The following Apache committers committed contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 120 Wes McKinney 119 Korn, Uwe 63 Antoine Pitrou 50 Uwe L. Korn 28 Kouhei Sutou 27 Philipp Moritz 15 Bryan Cutler 15 Phillip Cloud 8 Robert Nishihara 6 Sidd 4 Brian Hulette 2 GitHub 1 Your Name Here 1 ptaylor Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1018 - [C++] Add option to create FileOutputStream, ReadableFile from OS file descriptor ARROW-1163 - [Plasma][Java] Java client for Plasma ARROW-1388 - [Python] Add Table.drop method for removing columns ARROW-1454 - [Python] More informative error message when attempting to write an unsupported Arrow type to Parquet format ARROW-1715 - [Python] Implement pickling for Column, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table ARROW-1722 - [C++] Add linting script to look for C++/CLI issues ARROW-1731 - [Python] Provide for selecting a subset of columns to convert in RecordBatch/Table.from_pandas ARROW-1744 - [Plasma] Provide TensorFlow operator to read tensors from plasma ARROW-1780 - [Java] JDBC Adapter for Apache Arrow ARROW-1858 - [Python] Add documentation about parquet.write_to_dataset and related methods ARROW-1868 - [Java] Change vector getMinorType to use MinorType instead of Types.MinorType ARROW-1886 - [Python] Add function to “flatten” structs within tables ARROW-1913 - [Java] Fix Javadoc generation bugs with JDK8 ARROW-1928 - [C++] Add benchmarks comparing performance of internal::BitmapReader/Writer with naive approaches ARROW-1954 - [Python] Add metadata accessor to pyarrow.Field ARROW-1964 - [Python] Expose Builder classes ARROW-2014 - [Python] Document read_pandas method in pyarrow.parquet ARROW-2055 - [Java] Upgrade to Java 8 ARROW-2060 - [Python] Documentation for creating StructArray using from_arrays or a sequence of dicts ARROW-2061 - [C++] Run ASAN builds in Travis CI ARROW-2074 - [Python] Allow type inference for struct arrays ARROW-2097 - [Python] Suppress valgrind stdout/stderr in Travis CI builds when there are no errors ARROW-2100 - [Python] Drop Python 3.4 support ARROW-2140 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy float16 array unimplemented ARROW-2141 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy object array to varsize binary unimplemented ARROW-2147 - [Python] Type inference doesn’t work on lists of Numpy arrays ARROW-2207 - [GLib] Support decimal type ARROW-2222 - [C++] Add option to validate Flatbuffers messages ARROW-2224 - [C++] Get rid of boost regex usage ARROW-2241 - [Python] Simple script for running all current ASV benchmarks at a commit or tag ARROW-2264 - [Python] Efficiently serialize numpy arrays with dtype of unicode fixed length string ARROW-2267 - Rust bindings ARROW-2276 - [Python] Tensor could implement the buffer protocol ARROW-2281 - [Python] Expose MakeArray to construct arrays from buffers ARROW-2285 - [Python] Can’t convert Numpy string arrays ARROW-2286 - [Python] Allow subscripting pyarrow.lib.StructValue ARROW-2287 - [Python] chunked array not iterable, not indexable ARROW-2299 - [Go] Go language implementation ARROW-2301 - [Python] Add source distribution publishing instructions to package / release management documentation ARROW-2302 - [GLib] Run autotools and meson Linux builds in same Travis CI build entry ARROW-2308 - Serialized tensor data should be 64-byte aligned. ARROW-2315 - [C++/Python] Add method to flatten a struct array ARROW-2319 - [C++] Add buffered output class implementing OutputStream interface ARROW-2322 - Document requirements to run dev/release/ ARROW-2325 - [Python] Update to use Markdown project description ARROW-2330 - [C++] Optimize delta buffer creation with partially finishable array builders ARROW-2332 - [Python] Provide API for reading multiple Feather files ARROW-2334 - [C++] Update boost to 1.66.0 ARROW-2335 - [Go] Move Go README one directory higher ARROW-2340 - [Website] Add blog post about Go codebase donation ARROW-2341 - [Python] pa.union() mode argument unintuitive ARROW-2343 - [Java/Packaging] Run mvn clean in API doc builds ARROW-2344 - [Go] Run Go unit tests in Travis CI ARROW-2345 - [Documentation] Fix bundle exec and set sphinx nosidebar to True ARROW-2348 - [GLib] Remove Go example ARROW-2350 - Shrink size of spark_integration Docker container ARROW-2353 - Test correctness of built wheel on AppVeyor ARROW-2361 - [Rust] Start native Rust Implementation ARROW-2364 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient::Get() could take vector of object ids ARROW-2376 - [Rust] Travis should run tests for Rust library ARROW-2378 - [Rust] Use rustfmt to format source code ARROW-2381 - [Rust] Buffer should have an Iterator ARROW-2384 - Rust: Use Traits rather than defining methods directly ARROW-2385 - [Rust] Implement to_json() for Field and DataType ARROW-2388 - [C++] Arrow::StringBuilder::Append() uses null_bytes not valid_bytes ARROW-2389 - [C++] Add StatusCode::OverflowError ARROW-2390 - [C++/Python] CheckPyError() could inspect exception type ARROW-2395 - [Python] Correct flake8 errors outside of pyarrow/ directory ARROW-2396 - Unify Rust Errors ARROW-2397 - Document changes in Tensor encoding in ARROW-2398 - [Rust] Provide a zero-copy builder for type-safe Buffer ARROW-2400 - [C++] Status destructor is expensive ARROW-2401 - Support filters on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2402 - [C++] FixedSizeBinaryBuilder::Append lacks “const char*” overload ARROW-2404 - Fix declaration of ‘type_id’ hides class member warning in msvc build ARROW-2407 - [GLib] Add garrow_string_array_builder_append_values() ARROW-2408 - [Rust] It should be possible to get a &amp;mut[T] from Builder ARROW-2411 - [C++] Add method to append batches of null-terminated strings to StringBuilder ARROW-2413 - [Rust] Remove useless use of `format!` ARROW-2414 - [Documentation] Fix miscellaneous documentation typos ARROW-2415 - [Rust] Fix using references in pattern matching ARROW-2416 - [C++] Support system libprotobuf ARROW-2417 - [Rust] Review APIs for safety ARROW-2422 - [Python] Support more filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2427 - [C++] ReadAt implementations suboptimal ARROW-2430 - MVP for branch based packaging automation ARROW-2433 - [Rust] Add Builder.push_slice(&amp;[T]) ARROW-2434 - [Rust] Add windows support ARROW-2435 - [Rust] Add memory pool abstraction. ARROW-2436 - [Rust] Add windows CI ARROW-2440 - [Rust] Implement ListBuilder ARROW-2442 - [C++] Disambiguate Builder::Append overloads ARROW-2445 - [Rust] Add documentation and make some fields private ARROW-2448 - Segfault when plasma client goes out of scope before buffer. ARROW-2451 - Handle more dtypes efficiently in custom numpy array serializer. ARROW-2453 - [Python] Improve Table column access ARROW-2458 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient uses global variable ARROW-2463 - [C++] Update flatbuffers to 1.9.0 ARROW-2464 - [Python] Use a python_version marker instead of a condition ARROW-2469 - Make out arguments last in ReadMessage API. ARROW-2470 - [C++] FileGetSize() should not seek ARROW-2472 - [Rust] The Schema and Fields types should not have public attributes ARROW-2477 - [Rust] Set up code coverage in CI ARROW-2478 - [C++] Introduce a checked_cast function that performs a dynamic_cast in debug mode ARROW-2479 - [C++] Have a global thread pool ARROW-2480 - [C++] Enable casting the value of a decimal to int32_t or int64_t ARROW-2481 - [Rust] Move calls to free() into ARROW-2482 - [Rust] support nested types ARROW-2484 - [C++] Document ABI compliance checking ARROW-2485 - [C++] Output diff when reports a change ARROW-2486 - [C++/Python] Provide a Docker image that contains all dependencies for development ARROW-2488 - [C++] List Boost 1.67 as supported version ARROW-2493 - [Python] Add support for pickling to buffers and arrays ARROW-2494 - Return status codes from PlasmaClient::Seal ARROW-2498 - [Java] Upgrade to JDK 1.8 ARROW-2499 - [C++] Add iterator facility for Python sequences ARROW-2505 - [C++] Disable MSVC warning C4800 ARROW-2506 - [Plasma] Build error on macOS ARROW-2507 - [Rust] Don’t take a reference when not needed ARROW-2508 - [Python] pytest API changes make tests fail ARROW-2513 - [Python] DictionaryType should give access to index type and dictionary array ARROW-2516 - AppVeyor Build Matrix should be specific to the changes made in a PR ARROW-2521 - [Rust] Refactor Rust API to use traits and generics ARROW-2522 - [C++] Version shared library files ARROW-2525 - [GLib] Add garrow_struct_array_flatten() ARROW-2526 - [GLib] Update .gitignore ARROW-2527 - [GLib] Enable GPU document ARROW-2529 - [C++] Update mention of clang-format to 5.0 in the docs ARROW-2531 - [C++] Update clang bits to 6.0 ARROW-2533 - [CI] Fast finish failing AppVeyor builds ARROW-2536 - [Rust] ListBuilder uses wrong initial size for offset builder ARROW-2537 - [Ruby] Import ARROW-2539 - [Plasma] Use unique_ptr instead of raw pointer ARROW-2540 - [Plasma] add constructor/destructor to make sure dlfree is called automatically ARROW-2541 - [Plasma] Clean up macro usage ARROW-2543 - [Rust] CI should cache dependencies for faster builds ARROW-2544 - [CI] Run C++ tests with two jobs on Travis-CI ARROW-2547 - [Format] Fix off-by-one in List&lt;List&gt; example ARROW-2548 - [Format] Clarify `List\` Array example ARROW-2549 - [GLib] Apply arrow::StatusCodes changes to GArrowError ARROW-2550 - [C++] Add missing status codes into arrow::StatusCode::CodeAsString() ARROW-2551 - [Plasma] Improve notification logic ARROW-2553 - [Python] Set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in wheel build ARROW-2558 - [Plasma] avoid walk through all the objects when a client disconnects ARROW-2562 - [C++] Upload coverage data to ARROW-2563 - [Rust] Poor caching in Travis-CI ARROW-2566 - [CI] Add badge to README ARROW-2567 - [C++/Python] Unit is ignored on comparison of TimestampArrays ARROW-2568 - [Python] Expose thread pool size setting to Python, and deprecate “nthreads” ARROW-2569 - [C++] Improve thread pool size heuristic ARROW-2574 - [CI] Collect and publish Python coverage ARROW-2576 - [GLib] Add abs functions for Decimal128. ARROW-2577 - [Plasma] Add ASV benchmarks ARROW-2580 - [GLib] Fix abs functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2582 - [GLib] Add negate functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2585 - [C++] Add Decimal128::FromBigEndian ARROW-2586 - [C++] Make child builders of ListBuilder and StructBuilder shared_ptr’s ARROW-2595 - [Plasma] operator[] creates entries in map ARROW-2596 - [GLib] Use the default value of GTK-Doc ARROW-2597 - [Plasma] remove UniqueIDHasher ARROW-2604 - [Java] Add method overload for VarCharVector.set(int,String) ARROW-2608 - [Java/Python] Add pyarrow.{Array,Field}.from_jvm / jvm_buffer ARROW-2611 - [Python] Python 2 integer serialization ARROW-2612 - [Plasma] Fix deprecated PLASMA_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DELAY ARROW-2613 - [Docs] Update the gen_apidocs docker script ARROW-2614 - [CI] Remove ‘group: deprecated’ in Travis ARROW-2626 - [Python] pandas ArrowInvalid message should include failing column name ARROW-2634 - [Go] Add LICENSE additions for Go subproject ARROW-2635 - [Ruby] LICENSE.txt isn’t suitable ARROW-2636 - [Ruby] “Unofficial” package note is missing ARROW-2638 - [Python] Prevent calling extension class constructors directly ARROW-2639 - [Python] Remove unnecessary _check_nullptr methods ARROW-2641 - [C++] Investigate spurious memset() calls ARROW-2645 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates DictionaryBatch ArrowBlocks ARROW-2649 - [C++] Add std::generate()-like function for faster bitmap writing ARROW-2656 - [Python] Improve ParquetManifest creation time ARROW-2660 - [Python] Experiment with zero-copy pickling ARROW-2661 - [Python/C++] Allow passing HDFS Config values via map/dict instead of needing an hdfs-site.xml file ARROW-2662 - [Python] Add to_pandas / to_numpy to ChunkedArray ARROW-2663 - [Python] Make dictionary_encode and unique accesible on Column / ChunkedArray ARROW-2664 - [Python] Implement __getitem__ / slicing on Buffer ARROW-2666 - [Python] numpy.asarray should trigger to_pandas on Array/ChunkedArray ARROW-2672 - [Python] Build ORC extension in manylinux1 wheels ARROW-2674 - [Packaging] Start building nightlies ARROW-2676 - [Packaging] Deploy build artifacts to github releases ARROW-2677 - [Python] Expose Parquet ZSTD compression ARROW-2678 - [GLib] Add extra information to common build problems on macOS ARROW-2680 - [Python] Add documentation about type inference in Table.from_pandas ARROW-2682 - [CI] Notify in Slack about broken builds ARROW-2689 - [Python] Remove references to timestamps_to_ms argument from documentation ARROW-2692 - [Python] Add test for writing dictionary encoded columns to chunked Parquet files ARROW-2695 - [Python] Prevent calling scalar contructors directly ARROW-2696 - [JAVA] enhance AllocationListener with an onFailedAllocation() call ARROW-2699 - [C++/Python] Add Table method that replaces a column with a new supplied column ARROW-2700 - [Python] Add simple examples to Array.cast docstring ARROW-2701 - [C++] Make MemoryMappedFile resizable ARROW-2704 - [Java] IPC stream handling should be more friendly to low level processing ARROW-2713 - [Packaging] Fix linux package builds ARROW-2717 - [Packaging] Postfix conda artifacts with target arch ARROW-2718 - [Packaging] GPG sign downloaded artifacts ARROW-2724 - [Packaging] Determine whether all the expected artifacts are uploaded ARROW-2725 - [JAVA] make Accountant.AllocationOutcome publicly visible ARROW-2729 - [GLib] Add decimal128 array builder ARROW-2731 - Allow usage of external ORC library ARROW-2732 - Update brew packages for macOS ARROW-2733 - [GLib] Cast garrow_decimal128 to gint64 ARROW-2738 - [GLib] Use Brewfile on installation process ARROW-2739 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE for GArrowDecimalDataType and GArrowDecimal128ArrayBuilder ARROW-2740 - [Python] Add address property to Buffer ARROW-2742 - [Python] Allow Table.from_batches to use Iterator of ArrowRecordBatches ARROW-2748 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal_data_type_get_scale() (and _precision()) ARROW-2749 - [GLib] Rename *garrow_decimal128_array_get_value to *garrow_decimal128_array_format_value ARROW-2751 - [GLib] Add garrow_table_replace_column() ARROW-2752 - [GLib] Document garrow_decimal_data_type_new() ARROW-2753 - [GLib] Add garrow_schema_*_field() ARROW-2755 - [Python] Allow using Ninja to build extension ARROW-2756 - [Python] Remove redundant imports and minor fixes in parquet tests ARROW-2758 - [Plasma] Use Scope enum in Plasma ARROW-2760 - [Python] Remove legacy property definition syntax from parquet module and test them ARROW-2761 - Support set filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2763 - [Python] Make parquet _metadata file accessible from ParquetDataset ARROW-2780 - [Go] Run code coverage analysis ARROW-2784 - [C++] MemoryMappedFile::WriteAt allow writing past the end ARROW-2790 - [C++] Buffers contain uninitialized memory ARROW-2791 - [Packaging] Build Ubuntu 18.04 packages ARROW-2792 - [Packaging] Consider uploading tarballs to avoid naming conflicts ARROW-2794 - [Plasma] Add Delete method for multiple objects ARROW-2798 - [Plasma] Use hashing function that takes into account all UniqueID bytes ARROW-2802 - [Docs] Move release management guide to project wiki ARROW-2804 - [Website] Link to Developer wiki (Confluence) from front page ARROW-2805 - [Python] TensorFlow import workaround not working with tensorflow-gpu if CUDA is not installed ARROW-2809 - [C++] Decrease verbosity of lint checks in Travis CI ARROW-2811 - [Python] Test serialization for determinism ARROW-2815 - [CI] Suppress DEBUG logging when building Java library in C++ CI entries ARROW-2816 - [Python] Add __iter__ method to NativeFile ARROW-2821 - [C++] Only zero memory in BooleanBuilder in one place ARROW-2822 - [C++] Zero padding bytes in PoolBuffer::Resize ARROW-2824 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal128_array_get_value() ARROW-2825 - [C++] Need AllocateBuffer / AllocateResizableBuffer variant with default memory pool ARROW-2826 - [C++] Clarification needed between ArrayBuilder::Init(), Resize() and Reserve() ARROW-2827 - [C++] LZ4 and Zstd build may be failed in parallel build ARROW-2829 - [GLib] Add GArrowORCFileReader ARROW-2830 - [Packaging] Enable parallel build for deb package build again ARROW-2833 - [Python] Column.__repr__ will lock up Jupyter with large datasets ARROW-2834 - [GLib] Remove “enable_” prefix from Meson options ARROW-2836 - [Packaging] Expand build matrices to multiple tasks ARROW-2837 - [C++] ArrayBuilder::null_bitmap returns PoolBuffer ARROW-2838 - [Python] Speed up null testing with Pandas semantics ARROW-2844 - [Packaging] Test OSX wheels after build ARROW-2845 - [Packaging] Upload additional debian artifacts ARROW-2846 - [Packaging] Update nightly build in crossbow as well as the sample configuration ARROW-2847 - [Packaging] Fix artifact name matching for conda forge packages ARROW-2848 - [Packaging] lib*.deb package name doesn’t match so version ARROW-2849 - [Ruby] Arrow::Table#load supports ORC ARROW-2855 - [C++] Blog post that outlines the benefits of using jemalloc ARROW-2859 - [Python] Handle objects exporting the buffer protocol in open_stream, open_file, and RecordBatch*Reader APIs ARROW-2861 - [Python] Add extra tips about using Parquet to store index-less pandas data ARROW-2864 - [Plasma] Add deletion cache to delete objects later ARROW-2868 - [Packaging] Fix centos-7 build ARROW-2869 - [Python] Add documentation for Array.to_numpy ARROW-2875 - [Packaging] Don’t attempt to download arrow archive in linux builds ARROW-2881 - [Website] Add Community tab to website ARROW-2884 - [Packaging] Options to build packages from apache source archive ARROW-2886 - [Release] An unused variable exists ARROW-2890 - [Plasma] Make Python PlasmaClient.release private ARROW-2893 - [C++] Remove PoolBuffer class from public API and hide implementation details behind factory functions ARROW-2897 - Organize supported Ubuntu versions ARROW-2898 - [Packaging] Setuptools_scm just shipped a new version which fails to parse `apache-arrow-\` tag ARROW-2906 - [Website] Remove the link to slack channel ARROW-2907 - [GitHub] Improve “How to contribute patches” ARROW-2908 - [Rust] Update version to 0.10.0 ARROW-2914 - [Integration] Add WindowPandasUDFTests to Spark Integration ARROW-2915 - [Packaging] Remove artifact form ubuntu-trusty build ARROW-2918 - [C++] Improve formatting of Struct pretty prints ARROW-2921 - [Release] Update .deb/.rpm changelos in preparation ARROW-2922 - [Release] Make python command name customizable ARROW-2923 - [Doc] Add instructions for running Spark integration tests ARROW-2924 - [Java] mvn release fails when an older maven javadoc plugin is installed ARROW-2927 - [Packaging] AppVeyor wheel task is failing on initial checkout ARROW-2928 - [Packaging] AppVeyor crossbow conda builds are picking up boost 1.63.0 instead of the installed version ARROW-2929 - [C++] ARROW-2826 Breaks parquet-cpp 1.4.0 builds ARROW-2934 - [Packaging] Add checksums creation to sign subcommand ARROW-2935 - [Packaging] Add verify_binary_artifacts function to ARROW-2937 - [Java] Follow-up changes to ARROW-2704 ARROW-2943 - [C++] Implement BufferedOutputStream::Flush ARROW-2944 - [Format] Arrow columnar format docs mentions VectorLayout that does not exist anymore ARROW-2946 - [Packaging] Stop to use PWD in debian/rules ARROW-2947 - [Packaging] Remove Ubuntu Artful ARROW-2949 - [CI] can be flaky in builds ARROW-2951 - [CI] Changes in format/ should cause Appveyor builds to run ARROW-2953 - [Plasma] Store memory usage ARROW-2954 - [Plasma] Store object_id only once in object table ARROW-2962 - [Packaging] Bintray descriptor files are no longer needed ARROW-2977 - [Packaging] Release verification script should check rust too ARROW-2985 - [Ruby] Run unit tests in ARROW-2988 - [Release] More automated release verification on Windows ARROW-2990 - [GLib] Fail to build with rpath-ed Arrow C++ on macOS ARROW-530 - C++/Python: Provide subpools for better memory allocation tracking ARROW-564 - [Python] Add methods to return vanilla NumPy arrays (plus boolean mask array if there are nulls) ARROW-889 - [C++] Implement arrow::PrettyPrint for ChunkedArray ARROW-902 - [C++] Build C++ project including thirdparty dependencies from local tarballs ARROW-906 - [C++] Serialize Field metadata to IPC metadata Bug Fixes ARROW-2059 - [Python] Possible performance regression in Feather read/write path ARROW-2101 - [Python] from_pandas reads ‘str’ type as binary Arrow data with Python 2 ARROW-2122 - [Python] Pyarrow fails to serialize dataframe with timestamp. ARROW-2182 - [Python] ASV benchmark setup does not account for C++ library changing ARROW-2193 - [Plasma] plasma_store has runtime dependency on Boost shared libraries when ARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=on ARROW-2195 - [Plasma] Segfault when retrieving RecordBatch from plasma store ARROW-2247 - [Python] Statically-linking boost_regex in both libarrow and libparquet results in segfault ARROW-2273 - Cannot deserialize pandas SparseDataFrame ARROW-2300 - [Python] python/testing/ no longer works ARROW-2305 - [Python] Cython 0.25.2 compilation failure ARROW-2314 - [Python] Union array slicing is defective ARROW-2326 - [Python] cannot import pip installed pyarrow on OS X (10.9) ARROW-2328 - Writing a slice with feather ignores the offset ARROW-2331 - [Python] Fix indexing implementations ARROW-2333 - [Python] boost bundling fails in ARROW-2342 - [Python] Aware timestamp type fails pickling ARROW-2346 - [Python] PYARROW_CXXFLAGS doesn’t accept multiple options ARROW-2349 - [Python] Boost shared library bundling is broken for MSVC ARROW-2351 - [C++] StringBuilder::append(vector...) not implemented ARROW-2354 - [C++] PyDecimal_Check() is much too slow ARROW-2355 - [Python] Unable to import pyarrow [0.9.0] OSX ARROW-2357 - Benchmark PandasObjectIsNull ARROW-2368 - DecimalVector#setBigEndian is not padding correctly for negative values ARROW-2369 - Large (&gt;~20 GB) files written to Parquet via PyArrow are corrupted ARROW-2370 - [GLib] include path is wrong on Meson build ARROW-2371 - [GLib] gio-2.0 isn’t required on GNU Autotools build ARROW-2372 - [Python] ArrowIOError: Invalid argument when reading Parquet file ARROW-2375 - [Rust] Buffer should release memory when dropped ARROW-2377 - [GLib] Travis-CI failures ARROW-2380 - [Python] Correct issues in numpy_to_arrow conversion routines ARROW-2382 - [Rust] List was not using memory safely ARROW-2383 - [C++] Debian packages need to depend on libprotobuf ARROW-2387 - [Python] negative decimal values get spurious rescaling error ARROW-2391 - [Python] Segmentation fault from PyArrow when mapping Pandas datetime column to pyarrow.date64 ARROW-2393 - [C++] arrow/status.h does not define ARROW_CHECK needed for ARROW_CHECK_OK ARROW-2403 - [C++] arrow::CpuInfo::model_name_ destructed twice on exit ARROW-2405 - [C++] is missing in plasma/client.h ARROW-2418 - [Rust] List builder fails due to memory not being reserved correctly ARROW-2419 - [Site] Website generation depends on local timezone ARROW-2420 - [Rust] Memory is never released ARROW-2423 - [Python] PyArrow datatypes raise ValueError on equality checks against non-PyArrow objects ARROW-2424 - [Rust] Missing import causing broken build ARROW-2425 - [Rust] Array::from missing mapping for u8 type ARROW-2426 - [CI] glib build failure ARROW-2432 - [Python] from_pandas fails when converting decimals if have None values ARROW-2437 - [C++] Change of arrow::ipc::ReadMessage signature breaks ABI compability ARROW-2441 - [Rust] Builder::slice\_mut assertions are too strict ARROW-2443 - [Python] Conversion from pandas of empty categorical fails with ArrowInvalid ARROW-2450 - [Python] Saving to parquet fails for empty lists ARROW-2452 - [TEST] Spark integration test fails with permission error ARROW-2454 - [Python] Empty chunked array slice crashes ARROW-2455 - [C++] The bytes_allocated_ in CudaContextImpl isn’t initialized ARROW-2457 - garrow_array_builder_append_values() won’t work for large arrays ARROW-2459 - pyarrow: Segfault with pyarrow.deserialize_pandas ARROW-2462 - [C++] Segfault when writing a parquet table containing a dictionary column from Record Batch Stream ARROW-2465 - [Plasma] plasma_store fails to find ARROW-2466 - [C++] misleading “append” flag to FileOutputStream ARROW-2468 - [Rust] Builder::slice_mut should take mut self ARROW-2471 - [Rust] Assertion when pushing value to Builder/ListBuilder with zero capacity ARROW-2473 - [Rust] List assertion error with list of zero length ARROW-2474 - [Rust] Add windows support for memory pool abstraction ARROW-2489 - [Plasma] crashes ARROW-2491 - [Python] Array.from_buffers does not work for ListArray ARROW-2492 - [Python] Prevent segfault on accidental call of pyarrow.Array ARROW-2500 - [Java] IPC Writers/readers are not always setting validity bits correctly ARROW-2502 - [Rust] Restore Windows Compatibility ARROW-2503 - [Python] Trailing space character in RowGroup statistics of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile ARROW-2509 - [CI] Intermittent npm failures ARROW-2511 - BaseVariableWidthVector.allocateNew is not throwing OOM when it can’t allocate memory ARROW-2514 - [Python] Inferring / converting nested Numpy array is very slow ARROW-2515 - Errors with DictionaryArray inside of ListArray or other DictionaryArray ARROW-2518 - [Java] Restore Java unit tests and javadoc test to CI matrix ARROW-2530 - [GLib] Out-of-source build is failed ARROW-2534 - [C++] leaks zlib symbols ARROW-2545 - [Python] Arrow fails linking against statically-compiled Python ARROW-2554 - pa.array type inference bug when using NS-timestamp ARROW-2557 - [Rust] Add badge for code coverage in README ARROW-2561 - [C++] Crash in cuda-test shutdown with coverage enabled ARROW-2564 - [C++] Rowwise Tutorial is out of date ARROW-2565 - [Plasma] new subscriber cannot receive notifications about existing objects ARROW-2570 - [Python] Add support for writing parquet files with LZ4 compression ARROW-2571 - [C++] Lz4Codec doesn’t properly handle empty data ARROW-2575 - [Python] Exclude hidden files when reading Parquet dataset ARROW-2578 - [Plasma] Valgrind errors related to std::random_device ARROW-2589 - [Python] regression with Pandas 0.23.0 ARROW-2593 - [Python] TypeError: data type “mixed-integer” not understood ARROW-2594 - [Java] Vector reallocation does not properly clear reused buffers ARROW-2601 - [Python] MemoryPool bytes_allocated causes seg ARROW-2603 - [Python] from pandas raises ArrowInvalid for date(time) subclasses ARROW-2615 - [Rust] Refactor introduced a bug around Arrays of String ARROW-2629 - [Plasma] Iterator invalidation for pending_notifications_ ARROW-2630 - [Java] Typo in the document ARROW-2632 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates ArrowBlock but does not use them ARROW-2640 - JS Writer should serialize schema metadata ARROW-2643 - [C++] Travis-CI build failure with cpp toolchain enabled ARROW-2644 - [Python] parquet binding fails building on AppVeyor ARROW-2655 - [C++] Failure with -Werror=conversion on gcc 7.3.0 ARROW-2657 - Segfault when importing TensorFlow after Pyarrow ARROW-2668 - [C++] -Wnull-pointer-arithmetic warning with dlmalloc.c on clang 6.0, Ubuntu 14.04 ARROW-2669 - [C++] EP_CXX_FLAGS not passed on when building gbenchmark ARROW-2675 - Arrow build error with clang-10 (Apple Clang / LLVM) ARROW-2683 - [Python] Resource Warning (Unclosed File) when using pyarrow.parquet.read_table() ARROW-2690 - [C++] Plasma does not follow style conventions for variable and function names ARROW-2691 - [Rust] Travis fails due to formatting diff ARROW-2693 - [Python] pa.chunked_array causes a segmentation fault on empty input ARROW-2694 - [Python] ArrayValue string conversion returns the representation instead of the converted python object string ARROW-2698 - [Python] Exception when passing a string to Table.column ARROW-2711 - [Python/C++] Pandas-Arrow doesn’t roundtrip when column of lists has empty first element ARROW-2716 - [Python] Make manylinux1 base image independent of Python patch releases ARROW-2721 - [C++] Link error with Arrow C++ build with -DARROW_ORC=ON on CentOS 7 ARROW-2722 - [Python] ndarray to arrow conversion fails when downcasted from pandas to_numeric ARROW-2723 - [C++] arrow-orc.pc is missing ARROW-2726 - [C++] The latest Boost version is wrong ARROW-2727 - [Java] Unable to build java/adapters module ARROW-2741 - [Python] pa.array from np.datetime[D] and type=pa.date64 produces invalid results ARROW-2744 - [Python] Writing to parquet crashes when writing a ListArray of empty lists ARROW-2745 - [C++] ORC ExternalProject needs to declare dependency on vendored protobuf ARROW-2747 - [CI] [Plasma] huge tables test failure on Travis ARROW-2754 - [Python] When installing pyarrow via pip, a debug build is created ARROW-2770 - [Packaging] Account for conda-forge compiler migration in conda recipes ARROW-2773 - [Python] Corrected parquet docs partition_cols parameter name ARROW-2781 - [Python] Download boost using curl in manylinux1 image ARROW-2787 - [Python] Memory Issue passing table from python to c++ via cython ARROW-2795 - [Python] Run TensorFlow import workaround only on Linux ARROW-2806 - [Python] Inconsistent handling of np.nan ARROW-2810 - [Plasma] Plasma public headers leak flatbuffers.h ARROW-2812 - [Ruby] StructArray#[] raises NoMethodError ARROW-2820 - [Python] RecordBatch.from_arrays does not validate array lengths are all equal ARROW-2823 - [C++] Search for flatbuffers in /lib64 ARROW-2841 - [Go] Fix recent Go build failures in Travis CI ARROW-2850 - [C++/Python] PARQUET_RPATH_ORIGIN=ON missing in manylinux1 build ARROW-2851 - [C++] Update RAT excludes for new install file names ARROW-2852 - [Rust] Mark Array as Sync and Send ARROW-2862 - [C++] Ensure thirdparty download directory has been created in thirdparty/ ARROW-2867 - [Python] Incorrect example for Cython usage ARROW-2871 - [Python] Array.to_numpy is invalid for boolean arrays ARROW-2872 - [Python] Add pytest mark to opt into TensorFlow-related unit tests ARROW-2876 - [Packaging] Crossbow builds can hang if you cloned using SSH ARROW-2877 - [Packaging] crossbow submit results in duplicate Travis CI build ARROW-2878 - [Packaging] does not mention setting GitHub API token in user’s crossbow repo settings ARROW-2883 - [Plasma] Compilation warnings ARROW-2891 - Preserve schema in write_to_dataset ARROW-2894 - [Glib] Format tests broken due to recent refactor ARROW-2895 - [Ruby] CI isn’t ran when C++ is changed ARROW-2896 - [GLib] export are missing ARROW-2901 - [Java] Build is failing on Java9 ARROW-2902 - [Python] HDFS Docker integration tests leave around files created by root ARROW-2911 - [Python] Parquet binary statistics that end in ‘\0’ truncate last byte ARROW-2917 - [Python] Tensor requiring gradiant cannot be serialized with pyarrow.serialize ARROW-2920 - [Python] Segfault with pytorch 0.4 ARROW-2926 - [Python] ParquetWriter segfaults in example where passed schema and table schema do not match ARROW-2930 - [C++] Trying to set target properties on not existing CMake target ARROW-2940 - [Python] Import error with pytorch 0.3 ARROW-2945 - [Packaging] Update argument check for ARROW-2955 - [Python] Typo in pyarrow’s HDFS API result ARROW-2963 - [Python] Deadlock during fork-join and use_threads=True ARROW-2978 - [Rust] Travis CI build is failing ARROW-2982 - The “–show-progress” option is only supported in wget 1.16 and higher ARROW-640 - [Python] Arrow scalar values should have a sensible __hash__ and comparison" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Apache Arrow 0.10.0 (6 August 2018) This is a major release. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 70 Antoine Pitrou 49 Kouhei Sutou 40 Korn, Uwe 37 Wes McKinney 32 Krisztián Szűcs 30 Andy Grove 20 Philipp Moritz 13 Phillip Cloud 11 Bryan Cutler 11 yosuke shiro 7 Dimitri Vorona 6 Zhijun Fu 5 Bruce Mitchener 5 Joshua Storck 5 Robert Nishihara 5 ptaylor 4 Maximilian Roos 4 Sebastien Binet 3 Alex 3 Brian Hulette 3 Chao Sun 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Kenji Okimoto 3 Marco Neumann 3 Yuhong Guo 2 Abhi 2 Dhruv Madeka 2 Dmitry Kalinkin 2 Donal Simmie 2 Frank Wessels 2 Julius Neuffer 2 Manabu Ejima 2 Omer Katz 2 Paddy 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Gruener 2 Teddy Choi 2 Vanco Buca 2 Venki Korukanti 2 bomeng 2 fjetter 2 liurenjie1024 2 songqing 1 284km 1 Adrian Dorr 1 Albert Shieh 1 Alessandro Andrioni 1 Alok Singh 1 Aneesh Karve 1 Atul Dambalkar 1 Ben Wolfson 1 Brent Kerby 1 Daniel Chalef 1 Daniel Compton 1 Florian Rathgeber 1 Gatis Seja 1 HE, Tao 1 James Lamb 1 Jeff Zhang 1 Juan Paulo Gutierrez 1 Kane 1 Kee Chong Tan 1 Kelsey Jordahl 1 Kendall Willets 1 Li Jin 1 Licht-T 1 Lizhou Gao 1 Louis Potok 1 Markus Klein 1 Matt Topol 1 Matthew Topol 1 Michael Sarahan 1 Paul Taylor 1 Peter Schafhalter 1 Philipp Hoch 1 Renato Marroquin 1 Richard Gowers 1 Robbie Gruener Patch Committers The following Apache committers committed contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 120 Wes McKinney 119 Korn, Uwe 63 Antoine Pitrou 50 Uwe L. Korn 28 Kouhei Sutou 27 Philipp Moritz 15 Bryan Cutler 15 Phillip Cloud 8 Robert Nishihara 6 Sidd 4 Brian Hulette 2 GitHub 1 Your Name Here 1 ptaylor Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1018 - [C++] Add option to create FileOutputStream, ReadableFile from OS file descriptor ARROW-1163 - [Plasma][Java] Java client for Plasma ARROW-1388 - [Python] Add Table.drop method for removing columns ARROW-1454 - [Python] More informative error message when attempting to write an unsupported Arrow type to Parquet format ARROW-1715 - [Python] Implement pickling for Column, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table ARROW-1722 - [C++] Add linting script to look for C++/CLI issues ARROW-1731 - [Python] Provide for selecting a subset of columns to convert in RecordBatch/Table.from_pandas ARROW-1744 - [Plasma] Provide TensorFlow operator to read tensors from plasma ARROW-1780 - [Java] JDBC Adapter for Apache Arrow ARROW-1858 - [Python] Add documentation about parquet.write_to_dataset and related methods ARROW-1868 - [Java] Change vector getMinorType to use MinorType instead of Types.MinorType ARROW-1886 - [Python] Add function to “flatten” structs within tables ARROW-1913 - [Java] Fix Javadoc generation bugs with JDK8 ARROW-1928 - [C++] Add benchmarks comparing performance of internal::BitmapReader/Writer with naive approaches ARROW-1954 - [Python] Add metadata accessor to pyarrow.Field ARROW-1964 - [Python] Expose Builder classes ARROW-2014 - [Python] Document read_pandas method in pyarrow.parquet ARROW-2055 - [Java] Upgrade to Java 8 ARROW-2060 - [Python] Documentation for creating StructArray using from_arrays or a sequence of dicts ARROW-2061 - [C++] Run ASAN builds in Travis CI ARROW-2074 - [Python] Allow type inference for struct arrays ARROW-2097 - [Python] Suppress valgrind stdout/stderr in Travis CI builds when there are no errors ARROW-2100 - [Python] Drop Python 3.4 support ARROW-2140 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy float16 array unimplemented ARROW-2141 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy object array to varsize binary unimplemented ARROW-2147 - [Python] Type inference doesn’t work on lists of Numpy arrays ARROW-2207 - [GLib] Support decimal type ARROW-2222 - [C++] Add option to validate Flatbuffers messages ARROW-2224 - [C++] Get rid of boost regex usage ARROW-2241 - [Python] Simple script for running all current ASV benchmarks at a commit or tag ARROW-2264 - [Python] Efficiently serialize numpy arrays with dtype of unicode fixed length string ARROW-2267 - Rust bindings ARROW-2276 - [Python] Tensor could implement the buffer protocol ARROW-2281 - [Python] Expose MakeArray to construct arrays from buffers ARROW-2285 - [Python] Can’t convert Numpy string arrays ARROW-2286 - [Python] Allow subscripting pyarrow.lib.StructValue ARROW-2287 - [Python] chunked array not iterable, not indexable ARROW-2299 - [Go] Go language implementation ARROW-2301 - [Python] Add source distribution publishing instructions to package / release management documentation ARROW-2302 - [GLib] Run autotools and meson Linux builds in same Travis CI build entry ARROW-2308 - Serialized tensor data should be 64-byte aligned. ARROW-2315 - [C++/Python] Add method to flatten a struct array ARROW-2319 - [C++] Add buffered output class implementing OutputStream interface ARROW-2322 - Document requirements to run dev/release/ ARROW-2325 - [Python] Update to use Markdown project description ARROW-2330 - [C++] Optimize delta buffer creation with partially finishable array builders ARROW-2332 - [Python] Provide API for reading multiple Feather files ARROW-2334 - [C++] Update boost to 1.66.0 ARROW-2335 - [Go] Move Go README one directory higher ARROW-2340 - [Website] Add blog post about Go codebase donation ARROW-2341 - [Python] pa.union() mode argument unintuitive ARROW-2343 - [Java/Packaging] Run mvn clean in API doc builds ARROW-2344 - [Go] Run Go unit tests in Travis CI ARROW-2345 - [Documentation] Fix bundle exec and set sphinx nosidebar to True ARROW-2348 - [GLib] Remove Go example ARROW-2350 - Shrink size of spark_integration Docker container ARROW-2353 - Test correctness of built wheel on AppVeyor ARROW-2361 - [Rust] Start native Rust Implementation ARROW-2364 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient::Get() could take vector of object ids ARROW-2376 - [Rust] Travis should run tests for Rust library ARROW-2378 - [Rust] Use rustfmt to format source code ARROW-2381 - [Rust] Buffer should have an Iterator ARROW-2384 - Rust: Use Traits rather than defining methods directly ARROW-2385 - [Rust] Implement to_json() for Field and DataType ARROW-2388 - [C++] Arrow::StringBuilder::Append() uses null_bytes not valid_bytes ARROW-2389 - [C++] Add StatusCode::OverflowError ARROW-2390 - [C++/Python] CheckPyError() could inspect exception type ARROW-2395 - [Python] Correct flake8 errors outside of pyarrow/ directory ARROW-2396 - Unify Rust Errors ARROW-2397 - Document changes in Tensor encoding in ARROW-2398 - [Rust] Provide a zero-copy builder for type-safe Buffer ARROW-2400 - [C++] Status destructor is expensive ARROW-2401 - Support filters on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2402 - [C++] FixedSizeBinaryBuilder::Append lacks “const char*” overload ARROW-2404 - Fix declaration of ‘type_id’ hides class member warning in msvc build ARROW-2407 - [GLib] Add garrow_string_array_builder_append_values() ARROW-2408 - [Rust] It should be possible to get a &amp;mut[T] from Builder ARROW-2411 - [C++] Add method to append batches of null-terminated strings to StringBuilder ARROW-2413 - [Rust] Remove useless use of `format!` ARROW-2414 - [Documentation] Fix miscellaneous documentation typos ARROW-2415 - [Rust] Fix using references in pattern matching ARROW-2416 - [C++] Support system libprotobuf ARROW-2417 - [Rust] Review APIs for safety ARROW-2422 - [Python] Support more filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2427 - [C++] ReadAt implementations suboptimal ARROW-2430 - MVP for branch based packaging automation ARROW-2433 - [Rust] Add Builder.push_slice(&amp;[T]) ARROW-2434 - [Rust] Add windows support ARROW-2435 - [Rust] Add memory pool abstraction. ARROW-2436 - [Rust] Add windows CI ARROW-2440 - [Rust] Implement ListBuilder ARROW-2442 - [C++] Disambiguate Builder::Append overloads ARROW-2445 - [Rust] Add documentation and make some fields private ARROW-2448 - Segfault when plasma client goes out of scope before buffer. ARROW-2451 - Handle more dtypes efficiently in custom numpy array serializer. ARROW-2453 - [Python] Improve Table column access ARROW-2458 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient uses global variable ARROW-2463 - [C++] Update flatbuffers to 1.9.0 ARROW-2464 - [Python] Use a python_version marker instead of a condition ARROW-2469 - Make out arguments last in ReadMessage API. ARROW-2470 - [C++] FileGetSize() should not seek ARROW-2472 - [Rust] The Schema and Fields types should not have public attributes ARROW-2477 - [Rust] Set up code coverage in CI ARROW-2478 - [C++] Introduce a checked_cast function that performs a dynamic_cast in debug mode ARROW-2479 - [C++] Have a global thread pool ARROW-2480 - [C++] Enable casting the value of a decimal to int32_t or int64_t ARROW-2481 - [Rust] Move calls to free() into ARROW-2482 - [Rust] support nested types ARROW-2484 - [C++] Document ABI compliance checking ARROW-2485 - [C++] Output diff when reports a change ARROW-2486 - [C++/Python] Provide a Docker image that contains all dependencies for development ARROW-2488 - [C++] List Boost 1.67 as supported version ARROW-2493 - [Python] Add support for pickling to buffers and arrays ARROW-2494 - Return status codes from PlasmaClient::Seal ARROW-2498 - [Java] Upgrade to JDK 1.8 ARROW-2499 - [C++] Add iterator facility for Python sequences ARROW-2505 - [C++] Disable MSVC warning C4800 ARROW-2506 - [Plasma] Build error on macOS ARROW-2507 - [Rust] Don’t take a reference when not needed ARROW-2508 - [Python] pytest API changes make tests fail ARROW-2513 - [Python] DictionaryType should give access to index type and dictionary array ARROW-2516 - AppVeyor Build Matrix should be specific to the changes made in a PR ARROW-2521 - [Rust] Refactor Rust API to use traits and generics ARROW-2522 - [C++] Version shared library files ARROW-2525 - [GLib] Add garrow_struct_array_flatten() ARROW-2526 - [GLib] Update .gitignore ARROW-2527 - [GLib] Enable GPU document ARROW-2529 - [C++] Update mention of clang-format to 5.0 in the docs ARROW-2531 - [C++] Update clang bits to 6.0 ARROW-2533 - [CI] Fast finish failing AppVeyor builds ARROW-2536 - [Rust] ListBuilder uses wrong initial size for offset builder ARROW-2537 - [Ruby] Import ARROW-2539 - [Plasma] Use unique_ptr instead of raw pointer ARROW-2540 - [Plasma] add constructor/destructor to make sure dlfree is called automatically ARROW-2541 - [Plasma] Clean up macro usage ARROW-2543 - [Rust] CI should cache dependencies for faster builds ARROW-2544 - [CI] Run C++ tests with two jobs on Travis-CI ARROW-2547 - [Format] Fix off-by-one in List&lt;List&gt; example ARROW-2548 - [Format] Clarify `List\` Array example ARROW-2549 - [GLib] Apply arrow::StatusCodes changes to GArrowError ARROW-2550 - [C++] Add missing status codes into arrow::StatusCode::CodeAsString() ARROW-2551 - [Plasma] Improve notification logic ARROW-2553 - [Python] Set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in wheel build ARROW-2558 - [Plasma] avoid walk through all the objects when a client disconnects ARROW-2562 - [C++] Upload coverage data to ARROW-2563 - [Rust] Poor caching in Travis-CI ARROW-2566 - [CI] Add badge to README ARROW-2567 - [C++/Python] Unit is ignored on comparison of TimestampArrays ARROW-2568 - [Python] Expose thread pool size setting to Python, and deprecate “nthreads” ARROW-2569 - [C++] Improve thread pool size heuristic ARROW-2574 - [CI] Collect and publish Python coverage ARROW-2576 - [GLib] Add abs functions for Decimal128. ARROW-2577 - [Plasma] Add ASV benchmarks ARROW-2580 - [GLib] Fix abs functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2582 - [GLib] Add negate functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2585 - [C++] Add Decimal128::FromBigEndian ARROW-2586 - [C++] Make child builders of ListBuilder and StructBuilder shared_ptr’s ARROW-2595 - [Plasma] operator[] creates entries in map ARROW-2596 - [GLib] Use the default value of GTK-Doc ARROW-2597 - [Plasma] remove UniqueIDHasher ARROW-2604 - [Java] Add method overload for VarCharVector.set(int,String) ARROW-2608 - [Java/Python] Add pyarrow.{Array,Field}.from_jvm / jvm_buffer ARROW-2611 - [Python] Python 2 integer serialization ARROW-2612 - [Plasma] Fix deprecated PLASMA_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DELAY ARROW-2613 - [Docs] Update the gen_apidocs docker script ARROW-2614 - [CI] Remove ‘group: deprecated’ in Travis ARROW-2626 - [Python] pandas ArrowInvalid message should include failing column name ARROW-2634 - [Go] Add LICENSE additions for Go subproject ARROW-2635 - [Ruby] LICENSE.txt isn’t suitable ARROW-2636 - [Ruby] “Unofficial” package note is missing ARROW-2638 - [Python] Prevent calling extension class constructors directly ARROW-2639 - [Python] Remove unnecessary _check_nullptr methods ARROW-2641 - [C++] Investigate spurious memset() calls ARROW-2645 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates DictionaryBatch ArrowBlocks ARROW-2649 - [C++] Add std::generate()-like function for faster bitmap writing ARROW-2656 - [Python] Improve ParquetManifest creation time ARROW-2660 - [Python] Experiment with zero-copy pickling ARROW-2661 - [Python/C++] Allow passing HDFS Config values via map/dict instead of needing an hdfs-site.xml file ARROW-2662 - [Python] Add to_pandas / to_numpy to ChunkedArray ARROW-2663 - [Python] Make dictionary_encode and unique accesible on Column / ChunkedArray ARROW-2664 - [Python] Implement __getitem__ / slicing on Buffer ARROW-2666 - [Python] numpy.asarray should trigger to_pandas on Array/ChunkedArray ARROW-2672 - [Python] Build ORC extension in manylinux1 wheels ARROW-2674 - [Packaging] Start building nightlies ARROW-2676 - [Packaging] Deploy build artifacts to github releases ARROW-2677 - [Python] Expose Parquet ZSTD compression ARROW-2678 - [GLib] Add extra information to common build problems on macOS ARROW-2680 - [Python] Add documentation about type inference in Table.from_pandas ARROW-2682 - [CI] Notify in Slack about broken builds ARROW-2689 - [Python] Remove references to timestamps_to_ms argument from documentation ARROW-2692 - [Python] Add test for writing dictionary encoded columns to chunked Parquet files ARROW-2695 - [Python] Prevent calling scalar contructors directly ARROW-2696 - [JAVA] enhance AllocationListener with an onFailedAllocation() call ARROW-2699 - [C++/Python] Add Table method that replaces a column with a new supplied column ARROW-2700 - [Python] Add simple examples to Array.cast docstring ARROW-2701 - [C++] Make MemoryMappedFile resizable ARROW-2704 - [Java] IPC stream handling should be more friendly to low level processing ARROW-2713 - [Packaging] Fix linux package builds ARROW-2717 - [Packaging] Postfix conda artifacts with target arch ARROW-2718 - [Packaging] GPG sign downloaded artifacts ARROW-2724 - [Packaging] Determine whether all the expected artifacts are uploaded ARROW-2725 - [JAVA] make Accountant.AllocationOutcome publicly visible ARROW-2729 - [GLib] Add decimal128 array builder ARROW-2731 - Allow usage of external ORC library ARROW-2732 - Update brew packages for macOS ARROW-2733 - [GLib] Cast garrow_decimal128 to gint64 ARROW-2738 - [GLib] Use Brewfile on installation process ARROW-2739 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE for GArrowDecimalDataType and GArrowDecimal128ArrayBuilder ARROW-2740 - [Python] Add address property to Buffer ARROW-2742 - [Python] Allow Table.from_batches to use Iterator of ArrowRecordBatches ARROW-2748 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal_data_type_get_scale() (and _precision()) ARROW-2749 - [GLib] Rename *garrow_decimal128_array_get_value to *garrow_decimal128_array_format_value ARROW-2751 - [GLib] Add garrow_table_replace_column() ARROW-2752 - [GLib] Document garrow_decimal_data_type_new() ARROW-2753 - [GLib] Add garrow_schema_*_field() ARROW-2755 - [Python] Allow using Ninja to build extension ARROW-2756 - [Python] Remove redundant imports and minor fixes in parquet tests ARROW-2758 - [Plasma] Use Scope enum in Plasma ARROW-2760 - [Python] Remove legacy property definition syntax from parquet module and test them ARROW-2761 - Support set filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2763 - [Python] Make parquet _metadata file accessible from ParquetDataset ARROW-2780 - [Go] Run code coverage analysis ARROW-2784 - [C++] MemoryMappedFile::WriteAt allow writing past the end ARROW-2790 - [C++] Buffers contain uninitialized memory ARROW-2791 - [Packaging] Build Ubuntu 18.04 packages ARROW-2792 - [Packaging] Consider uploading tarballs to avoid naming conflicts ARROW-2794 - [Plasma] Add Delete method for multiple objects ARROW-2798 - [Plasma] Use hashing function that takes into account all UniqueID bytes ARROW-2802 - [Docs] Move release management guide to project wiki ARROW-2804 - [Website] Link to Developer wiki (Confluence) from front page ARROW-2805 - [Python] TensorFlow import workaround not working with tensorflow-gpu if CUDA is not installed ARROW-2809 - [C++] Decrease verbosity of lint checks in Travis CI ARROW-2811 - [Python] Test serialization for determinism ARROW-2815 - [CI] Suppress DEBUG logging when building Java library in C++ CI entries ARROW-2816 - [Python] Add __iter__ method to NativeFile ARROW-2821 - [C++] Only zero memory in BooleanBuilder in one place ARROW-2822 - [C++] Zero padding bytes in PoolBuffer::Resize ARROW-2824 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal128_array_get_value() ARROW-2825 - [C++] Need AllocateBuffer / AllocateResizableBuffer variant with default memory pool ARROW-2826 - [C++] Clarification needed between ArrayBuilder::Init(), Resize() and Reserve() ARROW-2827 - [C++] LZ4 and Zstd build may be failed in parallel build ARROW-2829 - [GLib] Add GArrowORCFileReader ARROW-2830 - [Packaging] Enable parallel build for deb package build again ARROW-2833 - [Python] Column.__repr__ will lock up Jupyter with large datasets ARROW-2834 - [GLib] Remove “enable_” prefix from Meson options ARROW-2836 - [Packaging] Expand build matrices to multiple tasks ARROW-2837 - [C++] ArrayBuilder::null_bitmap returns PoolBuffer ARROW-2838 - [Python] Speed up null testing with Pandas semantics ARROW-2844 - [Packaging] Test OSX wheels after build ARROW-2845 - [Packaging] Upload additional debian artifacts ARROW-2846 - [Packaging] Update nightly build in crossbow as well as the sample configuration ARROW-2847 - [Packaging] Fix artifact name matching for conda forge packages ARROW-2848 - [Packaging] lib*.deb package name doesn’t match so version ARROW-2849 - [Ruby] Arrow::Table#load supports ORC ARROW-2855 - [C++] Blog post that outlines the benefits of using jemalloc ARROW-2859 - [Python] Handle objects exporting the buffer protocol in open_stream, open_file, and RecordBatch*Reader APIs ARROW-2861 - [Python] Add extra tips about using Parquet to store index-less pandas data ARROW-2864 - [Plasma] Add deletion cache to delete objects later ARROW-2868 - [Packaging] Fix centos-7 build ARROW-2869 - [Python] Add documentation for Array.to_numpy ARROW-2875 - [Packaging] Don’t attempt to download arrow archive in linux builds ARROW-2881 - [Website] Add Community tab to website ARROW-2884 - [Packaging] Options to build packages from apache source archive ARROW-2886 - [Release] An unused variable exists ARROW-2890 - [Plasma] Make Python PlasmaClient.release private ARROW-2893 - [C++] Remove PoolBuffer class from public API and hide implementation details behind factory functions ARROW-2897 - Organize supported Ubuntu versions ARROW-2898 - [Packaging] Setuptools_scm just shipped a new version which fails to parse `apache-arrow-\` tag ARROW-2906 - [Website] Remove the link to slack channel ARROW-2907 - [GitHub] Improve “How to contribute patches” ARROW-2908 - [Rust] Update version to 0.10.0 ARROW-2914 - [Integration] Add WindowPandasUDFTests to Spark Integration ARROW-2915 - [Packaging] Remove artifact form ubuntu-trusty build ARROW-2918 - [C++] Improve formatting of Struct pretty prints ARROW-2921 - [Release] Update .deb/.rpm changelos in preparation ARROW-2922 - [Release] Make python command name customizable ARROW-2923 - [Doc] Add instructions for running Spark integration tests ARROW-2924 - [Java] mvn release fails when an older maven javadoc plugin is installed ARROW-2927 - [Packaging] AppVeyor wheel task is failing on initial checkout ARROW-2928 - [Packaging] AppVeyor crossbow conda builds are picking up boost 1.63.0 instead of the installed version ARROW-2929 - [C++] ARROW-2826 Breaks parquet-cpp 1.4.0 builds ARROW-2934 - [Packaging] Add checksums creation to sign subcommand ARROW-2935 - [Packaging] Add verify_binary_artifacts function to ARROW-2937 - [Java] Follow-up changes to ARROW-2704 ARROW-2943 - [C++] Implement BufferedOutputStream::Flush ARROW-2944 - [Format] Arrow columnar format docs mentions VectorLayout that does not exist anymore ARROW-2946 - [Packaging] Stop to use PWD in debian/rules ARROW-2947 - [Packaging] Remove Ubuntu Artful ARROW-2949 - [CI] can be flaky in builds ARROW-2951 - [CI] Changes in format/ should cause Appveyor builds to run ARROW-2953 - [Plasma] Store memory usage ARROW-2954 - [Plasma] Store object_id only once in object table ARROW-2962 - [Packaging] Bintray descriptor files are no longer needed ARROW-2977 - [Packaging] Release verification script should check rust too ARROW-2985 - [Ruby] Run unit tests in ARROW-2988 - [Release] More automated release verification on Windows ARROW-2990 - [GLib] Fail to build with rpath-ed Arrow C++ on macOS ARROW-530 - C++/Python: Provide subpools for better memory allocation tracking ARROW-564 - [Python] Add methods to return vanilla NumPy arrays (plus boolean mask array if there are nulls) ARROW-889 - [C++] Implement arrow::PrettyPrint for ChunkedArray ARROW-902 - [C++] Build C++ project including thirdparty dependencies from local tarballs ARROW-906 - [C++] Serialize Field metadata to IPC metadata Bug Fixes ARROW-2059 - [Python] Possible performance regression in Feather read/write path ARROW-2101 - [Python] from_pandas reads ‘str’ type as binary Arrow data with Python 2 ARROW-2122 - [Python] Pyarrow fails to serialize dataframe with timestamp. ARROW-2182 - [Python] ASV benchmark setup does not account for C++ library changing ARROW-2193 - [Plasma] plasma_store has runtime dependency on Boost shared libraries when ARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=on ARROW-2195 - [Plasma] Segfault when retrieving RecordBatch from plasma store ARROW-2247 - [Python] Statically-linking boost_regex in both libarrow and libparquet results in segfault ARROW-2273 - Cannot deserialize pandas SparseDataFrame ARROW-2300 - [Python] python/testing/ no longer works ARROW-2305 - [Python] Cython 0.25.2 compilation failure ARROW-2314 - [Python] Union array slicing is defective ARROW-2326 - [Python] cannot import pip installed pyarrow on OS X (10.9) ARROW-2328 - Writing a slice with feather ignores the offset ARROW-2331 - [Python] Fix indexing implementations ARROW-2333 - [Python] boost bundling fails in ARROW-2342 - [Python] Aware timestamp type fails pickling ARROW-2346 - [Python] PYARROW_CXXFLAGS doesn’t accept multiple options ARROW-2349 - [Python] Boost shared library bundling is broken for MSVC ARROW-2351 - [C++] StringBuilder::append(vector...) not implemented ARROW-2354 - [C++] PyDecimal_Check() is much too slow ARROW-2355 - [Python] Unable to import pyarrow [0.9.0] OSX ARROW-2357 - Benchmark PandasObjectIsNull ARROW-2368 - DecimalVector#setBigEndian is not padding correctly for negative values ARROW-2369 - Large (&gt;~20 GB) files written to Parquet via PyArrow are corrupted ARROW-2370 - [GLib] include path is wrong on Meson build ARROW-2371 - [GLib] gio-2.0 isn’t required on GNU Autotools build ARROW-2372 - [Python] ArrowIOError: Invalid argument when reading Parquet file ARROW-2375 - [Rust] Buffer should release memory when dropped ARROW-2377 - [GLib] Travis-CI failures ARROW-2380 - [Python] Correct issues in numpy_to_arrow conversion routines ARROW-2382 - [Rust] List was not using memory safely ARROW-2383 - [C++] Debian packages need to depend on libprotobuf ARROW-2387 - [Python] negative decimal values get spurious rescaling error ARROW-2391 - [Python] Segmentation fault from PyArrow when mapping Pandas datetime column to pyarrow.date64 ARROW-2393 - [C++] arrow/status.h does not define ARROW_CHECK needed for ARROW_CHECK_OK ARROW-2403 - [C++] arrow::CpuInfo::model_name_ destructed twice on exit ARROW-2405 - [C++] is missing in plasma/client.h ARROW-2418 - [Rust] List builder fails due to memory not being reserved correctly ARROW-2419 - [Site] Website generation depends on local timezone ARROW-2420 - [Rust] Memory is never released ARROW-2423 - [Python] PyArrow datatypes raise ValueError on equality checks against non-PyArrow objects ARROW-2424 - [Rust] Missing import causing broken build ARROW-2425 - [Rust] Array::from missing mapping for u8 type ARROW-2426 - [CI] glib build failure ARROW-2432 - [Python] from_pandas fails when converting decimals if have None values ARROW-2437 - [C++] Change of arrow::ipc::ReadMessage signature breaks ABI compability ARROW-2441 - [Rust] Builder::slice\_mut assertions are too strict ARROW-2443 - [Python] Conversion from pandas of empty categorical fails with ArrowInvalid ARROW-2450 - [Python] Saving to parquet fails for empty lists ARROW-2452 - [TEST] Spark integration test fails with permission error ARROW-2454 - [Python] Empty chunked array slice crashes ARROW-2455 - [C++] The bytes_allocated_ in CudaContextImpl isn’t initialized ARROW-2457 - garrow_array_builder_append_values() won’t work for large arrays ARROW-2459 - pyarrow: Segfault with pyarrow.deserialize_pandas ARROW-2462 - [C++] Segfault when writing a parquet table containing a dictionary column from Record Batch Stream ARROW-2465 - [Plasma] plasma_store fails to find ARROW-2466 - [C++] misleading “append” flag to FileOutputStream ARROW-2468 - [Rust] Builder::slice_mut should take mut self ARROW-2471 - [Rust] Assertion when pushing value to Builder/ListBuilder with zero capacity ARROW-2473 - [Rust] List assertion error with list of zero length ARROW-2474 - [Rust] Add windows support for memory pool abstraction ARROW-2489 - [Plasma] crashes ARROW-2491 - [Python] Array.from_buffers does not work for ListArray ARROW-2492 - [Python] Prevent segfault on accidental call of pyarrow.Array ARROW-2500 - [Java] IPC Writers/readers are not always setting validity bits correctly ARROW-2502 - [Rust] Restore Windows Compatibility ARROW-2503 - [Python] Trailing space character in RowGroup statistics of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile ARROW-2509 - [CI] Intermittent npm failures ARROW-2511 - BaseVariableWidthVector.allocateNew is not throwing OOM when it can’t allocate memory ARROW-2514 - [Python] Inferring / converting nested Numpy array is very slow ARROW-2515 - Errors with DictionaryArray inside of ListArray or other DictionaryArray ARROW-2518 - [Java] Restore Java unit tests and javadoc test to CI matrix ARROW-2530 - [GLib] Out-of-source build is failed ARROW-2534 - [C++] leaks zlib symbols ARROW-2545 - [Python] Arrow fails linking against statically-compiled Python ARROW-2554 - pa.array type inference bug when using NS-timestamp ARROW-2557 - [Rust] Add badge for code coverage in README ARROW-2561 - [C++] Crash in cuda-test shutdown with coverage enabled ARROW-2564 - [C++] Rowwise Tutorial is out of date ARROW-2565 - [Plasma] new subscriber cannot receive notifications about existing objects ARROW-2570 - [Python] Add support for writing parquet files with LZ4 compression ARROW-2571 - [C++] Lz4Codec doesn’t properly handle empty data ARROW-2575 - [Python] Exclude hidden files when reading Parquet dataset ARROW-2578 - [Plasma] Valgrind errors related to std::random_device ARROW-2589 - [Python] regression with Pandas 0.23.0 ARROW-2593 - [Python] TypeError: data type “mixed-integer” not understood ARROW-2594 - [Java] Vector reallocation does not properly clear reused buffers ARROW-2601 - [Python] MemoryPool bytes_allocated causes seg ARROW-2603 - [Python] from pandas raises ArrowInvalid for date(time) subclasses ARROW-2615 - [Rust] Refactor introduced a bug around Arrays of String ARROW-2629 - [Plasma] Iterator invalidation for pending_notifications_ ARROW-2630 - [Java] Typo in the document ARROW-2632 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates ArrowBlock but does not use them ARROW-2640 - JS Writer should serialize schema metadata ARROW-2643 - [C++] Travis-CI build failure with cpp toolchain enabled ARROW-2644 - [Python] parquet binding fails building on AppVeyor ARROW-2655 - [C++] Failure with -Werror=conversion on gcc 7.3.0 ARROW-2657 - Segfault when importing TensorFlow after Pyarrow ARROW-2668 - [C++] -Wnull-pointer-arithmetic warning with dlmalloc.c on clang 6.0, Ubuntu 14.04 ARROW-2669 - [C++] EP_CXX_FLAGS not passed on when building gbenchmark ARROW-2675 - Arrow build error with clang-10 (Apple Clang / LLVM) ARROW-2683 - [Python] Resource Warning (Unclosed File) when using pyarrow.parquet.read_table() ARROW-2690 - [C++] Plasma does not follow style conventions for variable and function names ARROW-2691 - [Rust] Travis fails due to formatting diff ARROW-2693 - [Python] pa.chunked_array causes a segmentation fault on empty input ARROW-2694 - [Python] ArrayValue string conversion returns the representation instead of the converted python object string ARROW-2698 - [Python] Exception when passing a string to Table.column ARROW-2711 - [Python/C++] Pandas-Arrow doesn’t roundtrip when column of lists has empty first element ARROW-2716 - [Python] Make manylinux1 base image independent of Python patch releases ARROW-2721 - [C++] Link error with Arrow C++ build with -DARROW_ORC=ON on CentOS 7 ARROW-2722 - [Python] ndarray to arrow conversion fails when downcasted from pandas to_numeric ARROW-2723 - [C++] arrow-orc.pc is missing ARROW-2726 - [C++] The latest Boost version is wrong ARROW-2727 - [Java] Unable to build java/adapters module ARROW-2741 - [Python] pa.array from np.datetime[D] and type=pa.date64 produces invalid results ARROW-2744 - [Python] Writing to parquet crashes when writing a ListArray of empty lists ARROW-2745 - [C++] ORC ExternalProject needs to declare dependency on vendored protobuf ARROW-2747 - [CI] [Plasma] huge tables test failure on Travis ARROW-2754 - [Python] When installing pyarrow via pip, a debug build is created ARROW-2770 - [Packaging] Account for conda-forge compiler migration in conda recipes ARROW-2773 - [Python] Corrected parquet docs partition_cols parameter name ARROW-2781 - [Python] Download boost using curl in manylinux1 image ARROW-2787 - [Python] Memory Issue passing table from python to c++ via cython ARROW-2795 - [Python] Run TensorFlow import workaround only on Linux ARROW-2806 - [Python] Inconsistent handling of np.nan ARROW-2810 - [Plasma] Plasma public headers leak flatbuffers.h ARROW-2812 - [Ruby] StructArray#[] raises NoMethodError ARROW-2820 - [Python] RecordBatch.from_arrays does not validate array lengths are all equal ARROW-2823 - [C++] Search for flatbuffers in /lib64 ARROW-2841 - [Go] Fix recent Go build failures in Travis CI ARROW-2850 - [C++/Python] PARQUET_RPATH_ORIGIN=ON missing in manylinux1 build ARROW-2851 - [C++] Update RAT excludes for new install file names ARROW-2852 - [Rust] Mark Array as Sync and Send ARROW-2862 - [C++] Ensure thirdparty download directory has been created in thirdparty/ ARROW-2867 - [Python] Incorrect example for Cython usage ARROW-2871 - [Python] Array.to_numpy is invalid for boolean arrays ARROW-2872 - [Python] Add pytest mark to opt into TensorFlow-related unit tests ARROW-2876 - [Packaging] Crossbow builds can hang if you cloned using SSH ARROW-2877 - [Packaging] crossbow submit results in duplicate Travis CI build ARROW-2878 - [Packaging] does not mention setting GitHub API token in user’s crossbow repo settings ARROW-2883 - [Plasma] Compilation warnings ARROW-2891 - Preserve schema in write_to_dataset ARROW-2894 - [Glib] Format tests broken due to recent refactor ARROW-2895 - [Ruby] CI isn’t ran when C++ is changed ARROW-2896 - [GLib] export are missing ARROW-2901 - [Java] Build is failing on Java9 ARROW-2902 - [Python] HDFS Docker integration tests leave around files created by root ARROW-2911 - [Python] Parquet binary statistics that end in ‘\0’ truncate last byte ARROW-2917 - [Python] Tensor requiring gradiant cannot be serialized with pyarrow.serialize ARROW-2920 - [Python] Segfault with pytorch 0.4 ARROW-2926 - [Python] ParquetWriter segfaults in example where passed schema and table schema do not match ARROW-2930 - [C++] Trying to set target properties on not existing CMake target ARROW-2940 - [Python] Import error with pytorch 0.3 ARROW-2945 - [Packaging] Update argument check for ARROW-2955 - [Python] Typo in pyarrow’s HDFS API result ARROW-2963 - [Python] Deadlock during fork-join and use_threads=True ARROW-2978 - [Rust] Travis CI build is failing ARROW-2982 - The “–show-progress” option is only supported in wget 1.16 and higher ARROW-640 - [Python] Arrow scalar values should have a sensible __hash__ and comparison" />
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{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","dateModified":"2024-04-22T13:53:54-04:00","datePublished":"2024-04-22T13:53:54-04:00","description":"Apache Arrow 0.10.0 (6 August 2018) This is a major release. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 70 Antoine Pitrou 49 Kouhei Sutou 40 Korn, Uwe 37 Wes McKinney 32 Krisztián Szűcs 30 Andy Grove 20 Philipp Moritz 13 Phillip Cloud 11 Bryan Cutler 11 yosuke shiro 7 Dimitri Vorona 6 Zhijun Fu 5 Bruce Mitchener 5 Joshua Storck 5 Robert Nishihara 5 ptaylor 4 Maximilian Roos 4 Sebastien Binet 3 Alex 3 Brian Hulette 3 Chao Sun 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Kenji Okimoto 3 Marco Neumann 3 Yuhong Guo 2 Abhi 2 Dhruv Madeka 2 Dmitry Kalinkin 2 Donal Simmie 2 Frank Wessels 2 Julius Neuffer 2 Manabu Ejima 2 Omer Katz 2 Paddy 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Gruener 2 Teddy Choi 2 Vanco Buca 2 Venki Korukanti 2 bomeng 2 fjetter 2 liurenjie1024 2 songqing 1 284km 1 Adrian Dorr 1 Albert Shieh 1 Alessandro Andrioni 1 Alok Singh 1 Aneesh Karve 1 Atul Dambalkar 1 Ben Wolfson 1 Brent Kerby 1 Daniel Chalef 1 Daniel Compton 1 Florian Rathgeber 1 Gatis Seja 1 HE, Tao 1 James Lamb 1 Jeff Zhang 1 Juan Paulo Gutierrez 1 Kane 1 Kee Chong Tan 1 Kelsey Jordahl 1 Kendall Willets 1 Li Jin 1 Licht-T 1 Lizhou Gao 1 Louis Potok 1 Markus Klein 1 Matt Topol 1 Matthew Topol 1 Michael Sarahan 1 Paul Taylor 1 Peter Schafhalter 1 Philipp Hoch 1 Renato Marroquin 1 Richard Gowers 1 Robbie Gruener Patch Committers The following Apache committers committed contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0 120 Wes McKinney 119 Korn, Uwe 63 Antoine Pitrou 50 Uwe L. Korn 28 Kouhei Sutou 27 Philipp Moritz 15 Bryan Cutler 15 Phillip Cloud 8 Robert Nishihara 6 Sidd 4 Brian Hulette 2 GitHub 1 Your Name Here 1 ptaylor Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1018 - [C++] Add option to create FileOutputStream, ReadableFile from OS file descriptor ARROW-1163 - [Plasma][Java] Java client for Plasma ARROW-1388 - [Python] Add Table.drop method for removing columns ARROW-1454 - [Python] More informative error message when attempting to write an unsupported Arrow type to Parquet format ARROW-1715 - [Python] Implement pickling for Column, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table ARROW-1722 - [C++] Add linting script to look for C++/CLI issues ARROW-1731 - [Python] Provide for selecting a subset of columns to convert in RecordBatch/Table.from_pandas ARROW-1744 - [Plasma] Provide TensorFlow operator to read tensors from plasma ARROW-1780 - [Java] JDBC Adapter for Apache Arrow ARROW-1858 - [Python] Add documentation about parquet.write_to_dataset and related methods ARROW-1868 - [Java] Change vector getMinorType to use MinorType instead of Types.MinorType ARROW-1886 - [Python] Add function to “flatten” structs within tables ARROW-1913 - [Java] Fix Javadoc generation bugs with JDK8 ARROW-1928 - [C++] Add benchmarks comparing performance of internal::BitmapReader/Writer with naive approaches ARROW-1954 - [Python] Add metadata accessor to pyarrow.Field ARROW-1964 - [Python] Expose Builder classes ARROW-2014 - [Python] Document read_pandas method in pyarrow.parquet ARROW-2055 - [Java] Upgrade to Java 8 ARROW-2060 - [Python] Documentation for creating StructArray using from_arrays or a sequence of dicts ARROW-2061 - [C++] Run ASAN builds in Travis CI ARROW-2074 - [Python] Allow type inference for struct arrays ARROW-2097 - [Python] Suppress valgrind stdout/stderr in Travis CI builds when there are no errors ARROW-2100 - [Python] Drop Python 3.4 support ARROW-2140 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy float16 array unimplemented ARROW-2141 - [Python] Conversion from Numpy object array to varsize binary unimplemented ARROW-2147 - [Python] Type inference doesn’t work on lists of Numpy arrays ARROW-2207 - [GLib] Support decimal type ARROW-2222 - [C++] Add option to validate Flatbuffers messages ARROW-2224 - [C++] Get rid of boost regex usage ARROW-2241 - [Python] Simple script for running all current ASV benchmarks at a commit or tag ARROW-2264 - [Python] Efficiently serialize numpy arrays with dtype of unicode fixed length string ARROW-2267 - Rust bindings ARROW-2276 - [Python] Tensor could implement the buffer protocol ARROW-2281 - [Python] Expose MakeArray to construct arrays from buffers ARROW-2285 - [Python] Can’t convert Numpy string arrays ARROW-2286 - [Python] Allow subscripting pyarrow.lib.StructValue ARROW-2287 - [Python] chunked array not iterable, not indexable ARROW-2299 - [Go] Go language implementation ARROW-2301 - [Python] Add source distribution publishing instructions to package / release management documentation ARROW-2302 - [GLib] Run autotools and meson Linux builds in same Travis CI build entry ARROW-2308 - Serialized tensor data should be 64-byte aligned. ARROW-2315 - [C++/Python] Add method to flatten a struct array ARROW-2319 - [C++] Add buffered output class implementing OutputStream interface ARROW-2322 - Document requirements to run dev/release/ ARROW-2325 - [Python] Update to use Markdown project description ARROW-2330 - [C++] Optimize delta buffer creation with partially finishable array builders ARROW-2332 - [Python] Provide API for reading multiple Feather files ARROW-2334 - [C++] Update boost to 1.66.0 ARROW-2335 - [Go] Move Go README one directory higher ARROW-2340 - [Website] Add blog post about Go codebase donation ARROW-2341 - [Python] pa.union() mode argument unintuitive ARROW-2343 - [Java/Packaging] Run mvn clean in API doc builds ARROW-2344 - [Go] Run Go unit tests in Travis CI ARROW-2345 - [Documentation] Fix bundle exec and set sphinx nosidebar to True ARROW-2348 - [GLib] Remove Go example ARROW-2350 - Shrink size of spark_integration Docker container ARROW-2353 - Test correctness of built wheel on AppVeyor ARROW-2361 - [Rust] Start native Rust Implementation ARROW-2364 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient::Get() could take vector of object ids ARROW-2376 - [Rust] Travis should run tests for Rust library ARROW-2378 - [Rust] Use rustfmt to format source code ARROW-2381 - [Rust] Buffer should have an Iterator ARROW-2384 - Rust: Use Traits rather than defining methods directly ARROW-2385 - [Rust] Implement to_json() for Field and DataType ARROW-2388 - [C++] Arrow::StringBuilder::Append() uses null_bytes not valid_bytes ARROW-2389 - [C++] Add StatusCode::OverflowError ARROW-2390 - [C++/Python] CheckPyError() could inspect exception type ARROW-2395 - [Python] Correct flake8 errors outside of pyarrow/ directory ARROW-2396 - Unify Rust Errors ARROW-2397 - Document changes in Tensor encoding in ARROW-2398 - [Rust] Provide a zero-copy builder for type-safe Buffer ARROW-2400 - [C++] Status destructor is expensive ARROW-2401 - Support filters on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2402 - [C++] FixedSizeBinaryBuilder::Append lacks “const char*” overload ARROW-2404 - Fix declaration of ‘type_id’ hides class member warning in msvc build ARROW-2407 - [GLib] Add garrow_string_array_builder_append_values() ARROW-2408 - [Rust] It should be possible to get a &amp;mut[T] from Builder ARROW-2411 - [C++] Add method to append batches of null-terminated strings to StringBuilder ARROW-2413 - [Rust] Remove useless use of `format!` ARROW-2414 - [Documentation] Fix miscellaneous documentation typos ARROW-2415 - [Rust] Fix using references in pattern matching ARROW-2416 - [C++] Support system libprotobuf ARROW-2417 - [Rust] Review APIs for safety ARROW-2422 - [Python] Support more filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2427 - [C++] ReadAt implementations suboptimal ARROW-2430 - MVP for branch based packaging automation ARROW-2433 - [Rust] Add Builder.push_slice(&amp;[T]) ARROW-2434 - [Rust] Add windows support ARROW-2435 - [Rust] Add memory pool abstraction. ARROW-2436 - [Rust] Add windows CI ARROW-2440 - [Rust] Implement ListBuilder ARROW-2442 - [C++] Disambiguate Builder::Append overloads ARROW-2445 - [Rust] Add documentation and make some fields private ARROW-2448 - Segfault when plasma client goes out of scope before buffer. ARROW-2451 - Handle more dtypes efficiently in custom numpy array serializer. ARROW-2453 - [Python] Improve Table column access ARROW-2458 - [Plasma] PlasmaClient uses global variable ARROW-2463 - [C++] Update flatbuffers to 1.9.0 ARROW-2464 - [Python] Use a python_version marker instead of a condition ARROW-2469 - Make out arguments last in ReadMessage API. ARROW-2470 - [C++] FileGetSize() should not seek ARROW-2472 - [Rust] The Schema and Fields types should not have public attributes ARROW-2477 - [Rust] Set up code coverage in CI ARROW-2478 - [C++] Introduce a checked_cast function that performs a dynamic_cast in debug mode ARROW-2479 - [C++] Have a global thread pool ARROW-2480 - [C++] Enable casting the value of a decimal to int32_t or int64_t ARROW-2481 - [Rust] Move calls to free() into ARROW-2482 - [Rust] support nested types ARROW-2484 - [C++] Document ABI compliance checking ARROW-2485 - [C++] Output diff when reports a change ARROW-2486 - [C++/Python] Provide a Docker image that contains all dependencies for development ARROW-2488 - [C++] List Boost 1.67 as supported version ARROW-2493 - [Python] Add support for pickling to buffers and arrays ARROW-2494 - Return status codes from PlasmaClient::Seal ARROW-2498 - [Java] Upgrade to JDK 1.8 ARROW-2499 - [C++] Add iterator facility for Python sequences ARROW-2505 - [C++] Disable MSVC warning C4800 ARROW-2506 - [Plasma] Build error on macOS ARROW-2507 - [Rust] Don’t take a reference when not needed ARROW-2508 - [Python] pytest API changes make tests fail ARROW-2513 - [Python] DictionaryType should give access to index type and dictionary array ARROW-2516 - AppVeyor Build Matrix should be specific to the changes made in a PR ARROW-2521 - [Rust] Refactor Rust API to use traits and generics ARROW-2522 - [C++] Version shared library files ARROW-2525 - [GLib] Add garrow_struct_array_flatten() ARROW-2526 - [GLib] Update .gitignore ARROW-2527 - [GLib] Enable GPU document ARROW-2529 - [C++] Update mention of clang-format to 5.0 in the docs ARROW-2531 - [C++] Update clang bits to 6.0 ARROW-2533 - [CI] Fast finish failing AppVeyor builds ARROW-2536 - [Rust] ListBuilder uses wrong initial size for offset builder ARROW-2537 - [Ruby] Import ARROW-2539 - [Plasma] Use unique_ptr instead of raw pointer ARROW-2540 - [Plasma] add constructor/destructor to make sure dlfree is called automatically ARROW-2541 - [Plasma] Clean up macro usage ARROW-2543 - [Rust] CI should cache dependencies for faster builds ARROW-2544 - [CI] Run C++ tests with two jobs on Travis-CI ARROW-2547 - [Format] Fix off-by-one in List&lt;List&gt; example ARROW-2548 - [Format] Clarify `List\\` Array example ARROW-2549 - [GLib] Apply arrow::StatusCodes changes to GArrowError ARROW-2550 - [C++] Add missing status codes into arrow::StatusCode::CodeAsString() ARROW-2551 - [Plasma] Improve notification logic ARROW-2553 - [Python] Set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in wheel build ARROW-2558 - [Plasma] avoid walk through all the objects when a client disconnects ARROW-2562 - [C++] Upload coverage data to ARROW-2563 - [Rust] Poor caching in Travis-CI ARROW-2566 - [CI] Add badge to README ARROW-2567 - [C++/Python] Unit is ignored on comparison of TimestampArrays ARROW-2568 - [Python] Expose thread pool size setting to Python, and deprecate “nthreads” ARROW-2569 - [C++] Improve thread pool size heuristic ARROW-2574 - [CI] Collect and publish Python coverage ARROW-2576 - [GLib] Add abs functions for Decimal128. ARROW-2577 - [Plasma] Add ASV benchmarks ARROW-2580 - [GLib] Fix abs functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2582 - [GLib] Add negate functions for Decimal128 ARROW-2585 - [C++] Add Decimal128::FromBigEndian ARROW-2586 - [C++] Make child builders of ListBuilder and StructBuilder shared_ptr’s ARROW-2595 - [Plasma] operator[] creates entries in map ARROW-2596 - [GLib] Use the default value of GTK-Doc ARROW-2597 - [Plasma] remove UniqueIDHasher ARROW-2604 - [Java] Add method overload for VarCharVector.set(int,String) ARROW-2608 - [Java/Python] Add pyarrow.{Array,Field}.from_jvm / jvm_buffer ARROW-2611 - [Python] Python 2 integer serialization ARROW-2612 - [Plasma] Fix deprecated PLASMA_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DELAY ARROW-2613 - [Docs] Update the gen_apidocs docker script ARROW-2614 - [CI] Remove ‘group: deprecated’ in Travis ARROW-2626 - [Python] pandas ArrowInvalid message should include failing column name ARROW-2634 - [Go] Add LICENSE additions for Go subproject ARROW-2635 - [Ruby] LICENSE.txt isn’t suitable ARROW-2636 - [Ruby] “Unofficial” package note is missing ARROW-2638 - [Python] Prevent calling extension class constructors directly ARROW-2639 - [Python] Remove unnecessary _check_nullptr methods ARROW-2641 - [C++] Investigate spurious memset() calls ARROW-2645 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates DictionaryBatch ArrowBlocks ARROW-2649 - [C++] Add std::generate()-like function for faster bitmap writing ARROW-2656 - [Python] Improve ParquetManifest creation time ARROW-2660 - [Python] Experiment with zero-copy pickling ARROW-2661 - [Python/C++] Allow passing HDFS Config values via map/dict instead of needing an hdfs-site.xml file ARROW-2662 - [Python] Add to_pandas / to_numpy to ChunkedArray ARROW-2663 - [Python] Make dictionary_encode and unique accesible on Column / ChunkedArray ARROW-2664 - [Python] Implement __getitem__ / slicing on Buffer ARROW-2666 - [Python] numpy.asarray should trigger to_pandas on Array/ChunkedArray ARROW-2672 - [Python] Build ORC extension in manylinux1 wheels ARROW-2674 - [Packaging] Start building nightlies ARROW-2676 - [Packaging] Deploy build artifacts to github releases ARROW-2677 - [Python] Expose Parquet ZSTD compression ARROW-2678 - [GLib] Add extra information to common build problems on macOS ARROW-2680 - [Python] Add documentation about type inference in Table.from_pandas ARROW-2682 - [CI] Notify in Slack about broken builds ARROW-2689 - [Python] Remove references to timestamps_to_ms argument from documentation ARROW-2692 - [Python] Add test for writing dictionary encoded columns to chunked Parquet files ARROW-2695 - [Python] Prevent calling scalar contructors directly ARROW-2696 - [JAVA] enhance AllocationListener with an onFailedAllocation() call ARROW-2699 - [C++/Python] Add Table method that replaces a column with a new supplied column ARROW-2700 - [Python] Add simple examples to Array.cast docstring ARROW-2701 - [C++] Make MemoryMappedFile resizable ARROW-2704 - [Java] IPC stream handling should be more friendly to low level processing ARROW-2713 - [Packaging] Fix linux package builds ARROW-2717 - [Packaging] Postfix conda artifacts with target arch ARROW-2718 - [Packaging] GPG sign downloaded artifacts ARROW-2724 - [Packaging] Determine whether all the expected artifacts are uploaded ARROW-2725 - [JAVA] make Accountant.AllocationOutcome publicly visible ARROW-2729 - [GLib] Add decimal128 array builder ARROW-2731 - Allow usage of external ORC library ARROW-2732 - Update brew packages for macOS ARROW-2733 - [GLib] Cast garrow_decimal128 to gint64 ARROW-2738 - [GLib] Use Brewfile on installation process ARROW-2739 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE for GArrowDecimalDataType and GArrowDecimal128ArrayBuilder ARROW-2740 - [Python] Add address property to Buffer ARROW-2742 - [Python] Allow Table.from_batches to use Iterator of ArrowRecordBatches ARROW-2748 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal_data_type_get_scale() (and _precision()) ARROW-2749 - [GLib] Rename *garrow_decimal128_array_get_value to *garrow_decimal128_array_format_value ARROW-2751 - [GLib] Add garrow_table_replace_column() ARROW-2752 - [GLib] Document garrow_decimal_data_type_new() ARROW-2753 - [GLib] Add garrow_schema_*_field() ARROW-2755 - [Python] Allow using Ninja to build extension ARROW-2756 - [Python] Remove redundant imports and minor fixes in parquet tests ARROW-2758 - [Plasma] Use Scope enum in Plasma ARROW-2760 - [Python] Remove legacy property definition syntax from parquet module and test them ARROW-2761 - Support set filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files ARROW-2763 - [Python] Make parquet _metadata file accessible from ParquetDataset ARROW-2780 - [Go] Run code coverage analysis ARROW-2784 - [C++] MemoryMappedFile::WriteAt allow writing past the end ARROW-2790 - [C++] Buffers contain uninitialized memory ARROW-2791 - [Packaging] Build Ubuntu 18.04 packages ARROW-2792 - [Packaging] Consider uploading tarballs to avoid naming conflicts ARROW-2794 - [Plasma] Add Delete method for multiple objects ARROW-2798 - [Plasma] Use hashing function that takes into account all UniqueID bytes ARROW-2802 - [Docs] Move release management guide to project wiki ARROW-2804 - [Website] Link to Developer wiki (Confluence) from front page ARROW-2805 - [Python] TensorFlow import workaround not working with tensorflow-gpu if CUDA is not installed ARROW-2809 - [C++] Decrease verbosity of lint checks in Travis CI ARROW-2811 - [Python] Test serialization for determinism ARROW-2815 - [CI] Suppress DEBUG logging when building Java library in C++ CI entries ARROW-2816 - [Python] Add __iter__ method to NativeFile ARROW-2821 - [C++] Only zero memory in BooleanBuilder in one place ARROW-2822 - [C++] Zero padding bytes in PoolBuffer::Resize ARROW-2824 - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal128_array_get_value() ARROW-2825 - [C++] Need AllocateBuffer / AllocateResizableBuffer variant with default memory pool ARROW-2826 - [C++] Clarification needed between ArrayBuilder::Init(), Resize() and Reserve() ARROW-2827 - [C++] LZ4 and Zstd build may be failed in parallel build ARROW-2829 - [GLib] Add GArrowORCFileReader ARROW-2830 - [Packaging] Enable parallel build for deb package build again ARROW-2833 - [Python] Column.__repr__ will lock up Jupyter with large datasets ARROW-2834 - [GLib] Remove “enable_” prefix from Meson options ARROW-2836 - [Packaging] Expand build matrices to multiple tasks ARROW-2837 - [C++] ArrayBuilder::null_bitmap returns PoolBuffer ARROW-2838 - [Python] Speed up null testing with Pandas semantics ARROW-2844 - [Packaging] Test OSX wheels after build ARROW-2845 - [Packaging] Upload additional debian artifacts ARROW-2846 - [Packaging] Update nightly build in crossbow as well as the sample configuration ARROW-2847 - [Packaging] Fix artifact name matching for conda forge packages ARROW-2848 - [Packaging] lib*.deb package name doesn’t match so version ARROW-2849 - [Ruby] Arrow::Table#load supports ORC ARROW-2855 - [C++] Blog post that outlines the benefits of using jemalloc ARROW-2859 - [Python] Handle objects exporting the buffer protocol in open_stream, open_file, and RecordBatch*Reader APIs ARROW-2861 - [Python] Add extra tips about using Parquet to store index-less pandas data ARROW-2864 - [Plasma] Add deletion cache to delete objects later ARROW-2868 - [Packaging] Fix centos-7 build ARROW-2869 - [Python] Add documentation for Array.to_numpy ARROW-2875 - [Packaging] Don’t attempt to download arrow archive in linux builds ARROW-2881 - [Website] Add Community tab to website ARROW-2884 - [Packaging] Options to build packages from apache source archive ARROW-2886 - [Release] An unused variable exists ARROW-2890 - [Plasma] Make Python PlasmaClient.release private ARROW-2893 - [C++] Remove PoolBuffer class from public API and hide implementation details behind factory functions ARROW-2897 - Organize supported Ubuntu versions ARROW-2898 - [Packaging] Setuptools_scm just shipped a new version which fails to parse `apache-arrow-\\` tag ARROW-2906 - [Website] Remove the link to slack channel ARROW-2907 - [GitHub] Improve “How to contribute patches” ARROW-2908 - [Rust] Update version to 0.10.0 ARROW-2914 - [Integration] Add WindowPandasUDFTests to Spark Integration ARROW-2915 - [Packaging] Remove artifact form ubuntu-trusty build ARROW-2918 - [C++] Improve formatting of Struct pretty prints ARROW-2921 - [Release] Update .deb/.rpm changelos in preparation ARROW-2922 - [Release] Make python command name customizable ARROW-2923 - [Doc] Add instructions for running Spark integration tests ARROW-2924 - [Java] mvn release fails when an older maven javadoc plugin is installed ARROW-2927 - [Packaging] AppVeyor wheel task is failing on initial checkout ARROW-2928 - [Packaging] AppVeyor crossbow conda builds are picking up boost 1.63.0 instead of the installed version ARROW-2929 - [C++] ARROW-2826 Breaks parquet-cpp 1.4.0 builds ARROW-2934 - [Packaging] Add checksums creation to sign subcommand ARROW-2935 - [Packaging] Add verify_binary_artifacts function to ARROW-2937 - [Java] Follow-up changes to ARROW-2704 ARROW-2943 - [C++] Implement BufferedOutputStream::Flush ARROW-2944 - [Format] Arrow columnar format docs mentions VectorLayout that does not exist anymore ARROW-2946 - [Packaging] Stop to use PWD in debian/rules ARROW-2947 - [Packaging] Remove Ubuntu Artful ARROW-2949 - [CI] can be flaky in builds ARROW-2951 - [CI] Changes in format/ should cause Appveyor builds to run ARROW-2953 - [Plasma] Store memory usage ARROW-2954 - [Plasma] Store object_id only once in object table ARROW-2962 - [Packaging] Bintray descriptor files are no longer needed ARROW-2977 - [Packaging] Release verification script should check rust too ARROW-2985 - [Ruby] Run unit tests in ARROW-2988 - [Release] More automated release verification on Windows ARROW-2990 - [GLib] Fail to build with rpath-ed Arrow C++ on macOS ARROW-530 - C++/Python: Provide subpools for better memory allocation tracking ARROW-564 - [Python] Add methods to return vanilla NumPy arrays (plus boolean mask array if there are nulls) ARROW-889 - [C++] Implement arrow::PrettyPrint for ChunkedArray ARROW-902 - [C++] Build C++ project including thirdparty dependencies from local tarballs ARROW-906 - [C++] Serialize Field metadata to IPC metadata Bug Fixes ARROW-2059 - [Python] Possible performance regression in Feather read/write path ARROW-2101 - [Python] from_pandas reads ‘str’ type as binary Arrow data with Python 2 ARROW-2122 - [Python] Pyarrow fails to serialize dataframe with timestamp. ARROW-2182 - [Python] ASV benchmark setup does not account for C++ library changing ARROW-2193 - [Plasma] plasma_store has runtime dependency on Boost shared libraries when ARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=on ARROW-2195 - [Plasma] Segfault when retrieving RecordBatch from plasma store ARROW-2247 - [Python] Statically-linking boost_regex in both libarrow and libparquet results in segfault ARROW-2273 - Cannot deserialize pandas SparseDataFrame ARROW-2300 - [Python] python/testing/ no longer works ARROW-2305 - [Python] Cython 0.25.2 compilation failure ARROW-2314 - [Python] Union array slicing is defective ARROW-2326 - [Python] cannot import pip installed pyarrow on OS X (10.9) ARROW-2328 - Writing a slice with feather ignores the offset ARROW-2331 - [Python] Fix indexing implementations ARROW-2333 - [Python] boost bundling fails in ARROW-2342 - [Python] Aware timestamp type fails pickling ARROW-2346 - [Python] PYARROW_CXXFLAGS doesn’t accept multiple options ARROW-2349 - [Python] Boost shared library bundling is broken for MSVC ARROW-2351 - [C++] StringBuilder::append(vector...) not implemented ARROW-2354 - [C++] PyDecimal_Check() is much too slow ARROW-2355 - [Python] Unable to import pyarrow [0.9.0] OSX ARROW-2357 - Benchmark PandasObjectIsNull ARROW-2368 - DecimalVector#setBigEndian is not padding correctly for negative values ARROW-2369 - Large (&gt;~20 GB) files written to Parquet via PyArrow are corrupted ARROW-2370 - [GLib] include path is wrong on Meson build ARROW-2371 - [GLib] gio-2.0 isn’t required on GNU Autotools build ARROW-2372 - [Python] ArrowIOError: Invalid argument when reading Parquet file ARROW-2375 - [Rust] Buffer should release memory when dropped ARROW-2377 - [GLib] Travis-CI failures ARROW-2380 - [Python] Correct issues in numpy_to_arrow conversion routines ARROW-2382 - [Rust] List was not using memory safely ARROW-2383 - [C++] Debian packages need to depend on libprotobuf ARROW-2387 - [Python] negative decimal values get spurious rescaling error ARROW-2391 - [Python] Segmentation fault from PyArrow when mapping Pandas datetime column to pyarrow.date64 ARROW-2393 - [C++] arrow/status.h does not define ARROW_CHECK needed for ARROW_CHECK_OK ARROW-2403 - [C++] arrow::CpuInfo::model_name_ destructed twice on exit ARROW-2405 - [C++] is missing in plasma/client.h ARROW-2418 - [Rust] List builder fails due to memory not being reserved correctly ARROW-2419 - [Site] Website generation depends on local timezone ARROW-2420 - [Rust] Memory is never released ARROW-2423 - [Python] PyArrow datatypes raise ValueError on equality checks against non-PyArrow objects ARROW-2424 - [Rust] Missing import causing broken build ARROW-2425 - [Rust] Array::from missing mapping for u8 type ARROW-2426 - [CI] glib build failure ARROW-2432 - [Python] from_pandas fails when converting decimals if have None values ARROW-2437 - [C++] Change of arrow::ipc::ReadMessage signature breaks ABI compability ARROW-2441 - [Rust] Builder::slice\\_mut assertions are too strict ARROW-2443 - [Python] Conversion from pandas of empty categorical fails with ArrowInvalid ARROW-2450 - [Python] Saving to parquet fails for empty lists ARROW-2452 - [TEST] Spark integration test fails with permission error ARROW-2454 - [Python] Empty chunked array slice crashes ARROW-2455 - [C++] The bytes_allocated_ in CudaContextImpl isn’t initialized ARROW-2457 - garrow_array_builder_append_values() won’t work for large arrays ARROW-2459 - pyarrow: Segfault with pyarrow.deserialize_pandas ARROW-2462 - [C++] Segfault when writing a parquet table containing a dictionary column from Record Batch Stream ARROW-2465 - [Plasma] plasma_store fails to find ARROW-2466 - [C++] misleading “append” flag to FileOutputStream ARROW-2468 - [Rust] Builder::slice_mut should take mut self ARROW-2471 - [Rust] Assertion when pushing value to Builder/ListBuilder with zero capacity ARROW-2473 - [Rust] List assertion error with list of zero length ARROW-2474 - [Rust] Add windows support for memory pool abstraction ARROW-2489 - [Plasma] crashes ARROW-2491 - [Python] Array.from_buffers does not work for ListArray ARROW-2492 - [Python] Prevent segfault on accidental call of pyarrow.Array ARROW-2500 - [Java] IPC Writers/readers are not always setting validity bits correctly ARROW-2502 - [Rust] Restore Windows Compatibility ARROW-2503 - [Python] Trailing space character in RowGroup statistics of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile ARROW-2509 - [CI] Intermittent npm failures ARROW-2511 - BaseVariableWidthVector.allocateNew is not throwing OOM when it can’t allocate memory ARROW-2514 - [Python] Inferring / converting nested Numpy array is very slow ARROW-2515 - Errors with DictionaryArray inside of ListArray or other DictionaryArray ARROW-2518 - [Java] Restore Java unit tests and javadoc test to CI matrix ARROW-2530 - [GLib] Out-of-source build is failed ARROW-2534 - [C++] leaks zlib symbols ARROW-2545 - [Python] Arrow fails linking against statically-compiled Python ARROW-2554 - pa.array type inference bug when using NS-timestamp ARROW-2557 - [Rust] Add badge for code coverage in README ARROW-2561 - [C++] Crash in cuda-test shutdown with coverage enabled ARROW-2564 - [C++] Rowwise Tutorial is out of date ARROW-2565 - [Plasma] new subscriber cannot receive notifications about existing objects ARROW-2570 - [Python] Add support for writing parquet files with LZ4 compression ARROW-2571 - [C++] Lz4Codec doesn’t properly handle empty data ARROW-2575 - [Python] Exclude hidden files when reading Parquet dataset ARROW-2578 - [Plasma] Valgrind errors related to std::random_device ARROW-2589 - [Python] regression with Pandas 0.23.0 ARROW-2593 - [Python] TypeError: data type “mixed-integer” not understood ARROW-2594 - [Java] Vector reallocation does not properly clear reused buffers ARROW-2601 - [Python] MemoryPool bytes_allocated causes seg ARROW-2603 - [Python] from pandas raises ArrowInvalid for date(time) subclasses ARROW-2615 - [Rust] Refactor introduced a bug around Arrays of String ARROW-2629 - [Plasma] Iterator invalidation for pending_notifications_ ARROW-2630 - [Java] Typo in the document ARROW-2632 - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates ArrowBlock but does not use them ARROW-2640 - JS Writer should serialize schema metadata ARROW-2643 - [C++] Travis-CI build failure with cpp toolchain enabled ARROW-2644 - [Python] parquet binding fails building on AppVeyor ARROW-2655 - [C++] Failure with -Werror=conversion on gcc 7.3.0 ARROW-2657 - Segfault when importing TensorFlow after Pyarrow ARROW-2668 - [C++] -Wnull-pointer-arithmetic warning with dlmalloc.c on clang 6.0, Ubuntu 14.04 ARROW-2669 - [C++] EP_CXX_FLAGS not passed on when building gbenchmark ARROW-2675 - Arrow build error with clang-10 (Apple Clang / LLVM) ARROW-2683 - [Python] Resource Warning (Unclosed File) when using pyarrow.parquet.read_table() ARROW-2690 - [C++] Plasma does not follow style conventions for variable and function names ARROW-2691 - [Rust] Travis fails due to formatting diff ARROW-2693 - [Python] pa.chunked_array causes a segmentation fault on empty input ARROW-2694 - [Python] ArrayValue string conversion returns the representation instead of the converted python object string ARROW-2698 - [Python] Exception when passing a string to Table.column ARROW-2711 - [Python/C++] Pandas-Arrow doesn’t roundtrip when column of lists has empty first element ARROW-2716 - [Python] Make manylinux1 base image independent of Python patch releases ARROW-2721 - [C++] Link error with Arrow C++ build with -DARROW_ORC=ON on CentOS 7 ARROW-2722 - [Python] ndarray to arrow conversion fails when downcasted from pandas to_numeric ARROW-2723 - [C++] arrow-orc.pc is missing ARROW-2726 - [C++] The latest Boost version is wrong ARROW-2727 - [Java] Unable to build java/adapters module ARROW-2741 - [Python] pa.array from np.datetime[D] and type=pa.date64 produces invalid results ARROW-2744 - [Python] Writing to parquet crashes when writing a ListArray of empty lists ARROW-2745 - [C++] ORC ExternalProject needs to declare dependency on vendored protobuf ARROW-2747 - [CI] [Plasma] huge tables test failure on Travis ARROW-2754 - [Python] When installing pyarrow via pip, a debug build is created ARROW-2770 - [Packaging] Account for conda-forge compiler migration in conda recipes ARROW-2773 - [Python] Corrected parquet docs partition_cols parameter name ARROW-2781 - [Python] Download boost using curl in manylinux1 image ARROW-2787 - [Python] Memory Issue passing table from python to c++ via cython ARROW-2795 - [Python] Run TensorFlow import workaround only on Linux ARROW-2806 - [Python] Inconsistent handling of np.nan ARROW-2810 - [Plasma] Plasma public headers leak flatbuffers.h ARROW-2812 - [Ruby] StructArray#[] raises NoMethodError ARROW-2820 - [Python] RecordBatch.from_arrays does not validate array lengths are all equal ARROW-2823 - [C++] Search for flatbuffers in /lib64 ARROW-2841 - [Go] Fix recent Go build failures in Travis CI ARROW-2850 - [C++/Python] PARQUET_RPATH_ORIGIN=ON missing in manylinux1 build ARROW-2851 - [C++] Update RAT excludes for new install file names ARROW-2852 - [Rust] Mark Array as Sync and Send ARROW-2862 - [C++] Ensure thirdparty download directory has been created in thirdparty/ ARROW-2867 - [Python] Incorrect example for Cython usage ARROW-2871 - [Python] Array.to_numpy is invalid for boolean arrays ARROW-2872 - [Python] Add pytest mark to opt into TensorFlow-related unit tests ARROW-2876 - [Packaging] Crossbow builds can hang if you cloned using SSH ARROW-2877 - [Packaging] crossbow submit results in duplicate Travis CI build ARROW-2878 - [Packaging] does not mention setting GitHub API token in user’s crossbow repo settings ARROW-2883 - [Plasma] Compilation warnings ARROW-2891 - Preserve schema in write_to_dataset ARROW-2894 - [Glib] Format tests broken due to recent refactor ARROW-2895 - [Ruby] CI isn’t ran when C++ is changed ARROW-2896 - [GLib] export are missing ARROW-2901 - [Java] Build is failing on Java9 ARROW-2902 - [Python] HDFS Docker integration tests leave around files created by root ARROW-2911 - [Python] Parquet binary statistics that end in ‘\\0’ truncate last byte ARROW-2917 - [Python] Tensor requiring gradiant cannot be serialized with pyarrow.serialize ARROW-2920 - [Python] Segfault with pytorch 0.4 ARROW-2926 - [Python] ParquetWriter segfaults in example where passed schema and table schema do not match ARROW-2930 - [C++] Trying to set target properties on not existing CMake target ARROW-2940 - [Python] Import error with pytorch 0.3 ARROW-2945 - [Packaging] Update argument check for ARROW-2955 - [Python] Typo in pyarrow’s HDFS API result ARROW-2963 - [Python] Deadlock during fork-join and use_threads=True ARROW-2978 - [Rust] Travis CI build is failing ARROW-2982 - The “–show-progress” option is only supported in wget 1.16 and higher ARROW-640 - [Python] Arrow scalar values should have a sensible __hash__ and comparison","headline":"Apache Arrow 0.10.0 Release","image":"","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""}},"url":""}</script>
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<h1 id="apache-arrow-0100-6-august-2018">Apache Arrow 0.10.0 (6 August 2018)</h1>
<p>This is a major release.</p>
<h2 id="download">Download</h2>
<li><a href=""><strong>Source Artifacts</strong></a></li>
<li><a href=""><strong>Binary Artifacts</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="">Git tag</a></li>
<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2>
<div class="language-shell highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>git shortlog <span class="nt">-sn</span> apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0
70 Antoine Pitrou
49 Kouhei Sutou
40 Korn, Uwe
37 Wes McKinney
32 Krisztián Szűcs
30 Andy Grove
20 Philipp Moritz
13 Phillip Cloud
11 Bryan Cutler
11 yosuke shiro
7 Dimitri Vorona
6 Zhijun Fu
5 Bruce Mitchener
5 Joshua Storck
5 Robert Nishihara
5 ptaylor
4 Maximilian Roos
4 Sebastien Binet
3 Alex
3 Brian Hulette
3 Chao Sun
3 Dominik Moritz
3 Kenji Okimoto
3 Marco Neumann
3 Yuhong Guo
2 Abhi
2 Dhruv Madeka
2 Dmitry Kalinkin
2 Donal Simmie
2 Frank Wessels
2 Julius Neuffer
2 Manabu Ejima
2 Omer Katz
2 Paddy
2 Paddy Horan
2 Robert Gruener
2 Teddy Choi
2 Vanco Buca
2 Venki Korukanti
2 bomeng
2 fjetter
2 liurenjie1024
2 songqing
1 284km
1 Adrian Dorr
1 Albert Shieh
1 Alessandro Andrioni
1 Alok Singh
1 Aneesh Karve
1 Atul Dambalkar
1 Ben Wolfson
1 Brent Kerby
1 Daniel Chalef
1 Daniel Compton
1 Florian Rathgeber
1 Gatis Seja
1 HE, Tao
1 James Lamb
1 Jeff Zhang
1 Juan Paulo Gutierrez
1 Kane
1 Kee Chong Tan
1 Kelsey Jordahl
1 Kendall Willets
1 Li Jin
1 Licht-T
1 Lizhou Gao
1 Louis Potok
1 Markus Klein
1 Matt Topol
1 Matthew Topol
1 Michael Sarahan
1 Paul Taylor
1 Peter Schafhalter
1 Philipp Hoch
1 Renato Marroquin
1 Richard Gowers
1 Robbie Gruener
<h1 id="patch-committers">Patch Committers</h1>
<p>The following Apache committers committed contributed patches to the repository.</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>$ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.9.0..apache-arrow-0.10.0
120 Wes McKinney
119 Korn, Uwe
63 Antoine Pitrou
50 Uwe L. Korn
28 Kouhei Sutou
27 Philipp Moritz
15 Bryan Cutler
15 Phillip Cloud
8 Robert Nishihara
6 Sidd
4 Brian Hulette
2 GitHub
1 Your Name Here
1 ptaylor
<h1 id="changelog">Changelog</h1>
<h2 id="new-features-and-improvements">New Features and Improvements</h2>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1018</a> - [C++] Add option to create FileOutputStream, ReadableFile from OS file descriptor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1163</a> - [Plasma][Java] Java client for Plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1388</a> - [Python] Add Table.drop method for removing columns</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1454</a> - [Python] More informative error message when attempting to write an unsupported Arrow type to Parquet format</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1715</a> - [Python] Implement pickling for Column, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1722</a> - [C++] Add linting script to look for C++/CLI issues</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1731</a> - [Python] Provide for selecting a subset of columns to convert in RecordBatch/Table.from_pandas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1744</a> - [Plasma] Provide TensorFlow operator to read tensors from plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1780</a> - [Java] JDBC Adapter for Apache Arrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1858</a> - [Python] Add documentation about parquet.write_to_dataset and related methods</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1868</a> - [Java] Change vector getMinorType to use MinorType instead of Types.MinorType</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1886</a> - [Python] Add function to “flatten” structs within tables</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1913</a> - [Java] Fix Javadoc generation bugs with JDK8</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1928</a> - [C++] Add benchmarks comparing performance of internal::BitmapReader/Writer with naive approaches</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1954</a> - [Python] Add metadata accessor to pyarrow.Field</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1964</a> - [Python] Expose Builder classes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2014</a> - [Python] Document read_pandas method in pyarrow.parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2055</a> - [Java] Upgrade to Java 8</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2060</a> - [Python] Documentation for creating StructArray using from_arrays or a sequence of dicts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2061</a> - [C++] Run ASAN builds in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2074</a> - [Python] Allow type inference for struct arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2097</a> - [Python] Suppress valgrind stdout/stderr in Travis CI builds when there are no errors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2100</a> - [Python] Drop Python 3.4 support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2140</a> - [Python] Conversion from Numpy float16 array unimplemented</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2141</a> - [Python] Conversion from Numpy object array to varsize binary unimplemented</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2147</a> - [Python] Type inference doesn’t work on lists of Numpy arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2207</a> - [GLib] Support decimal type</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2222</a> - [C++] Add option to validate Flatbuffers messages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2224</a> - [C++] Get rid of boost regex usage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2241</a> - [Python] Simple script for running all current ASV benchmarks at a commit or tag</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2264</a> - [Python] Efficiently serialize numpy arrays with dtype of unicode fixed length string</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2267</a> - Rust bindings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2276</a> - [Python] Tensor could implement the buffer protocol</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2281</a> - [Python] Expose MakeArray to construct arrays from buffers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2285</a> - [Python] Can’t convert Numpy string arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2286</a> - [Python] Allow subscripting pyarrow.lib.StructValue</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2287</a> - [Python] chunked array not iterable, not indexable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2299</a> - [Go] Go language implementation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2301</a> - [Python] Add source distribution publishing instructions to package / release management documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2302</a> - [GLib] Run autotools and meson Linux builds in same Travis CI build entry</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2308</a> - Serialized tensor data should be 64-byte aligned.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2315</a> - [C++/Python] Add method to flatten a struct array</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2319</a> - [C++] Add buffered output class implementing OutputStream interface</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2322</a> - Document requirements to run dev/release/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2325</a> - [Python] Update to use Markdown project description</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2330</a> - [C++] Optimize delta buffer creation with partially finishable array builders</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2332</a> - [Python] Provide API for reading multiple Feather files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2334</a> - [C++] Update boost to 1.66.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2335</a> - [Go] Move Go README one directory higher</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2340</a> - [Website] Add blog post about Go codebase donation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2341</a> - [Python] pa.union() mode argument unintuitive</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2343</a> - [Java/Packaging] Run mvn clean in API doc builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2344</a> - [Go] Run Go unit tests in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2345</a> - [Documentation] Fix bundle exec and set sphinx nosidebar to True</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2348</a> - [GLib] Remove Go example</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2350</a> - Shrink size of spark_integration Docker container</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2353</a> - Test correctness of built wheel on AppVeyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2361</a> - [Rust] Start native Rust Implementation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2364</a> - [Plasma] PlasmaClient::Get() could take vector of object ids</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2376</a> - [Rust] Travis should run tests for Rust library</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2378</a> - [Rust] Use rustfmt to format source code</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2381</a> - [Rust] Buffer<T> should have an Iterator</T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2384</a> - Rust: Use Traits rather than defining methods directly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2385</a> - [Rust] Implement to_json() for Field and DataType</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2388</a> - [C++] Arrow::StringBuilder::Append() uses null_bytes not valid_bytes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2389</a> - [C++] Add StatusCode::OverflowError</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2390</a> - [C++/Python] CheckPyError() could inspect exception type</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2395</a> - [Python] Correct flake8 errors outside of pyarrow/ directory</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2396</a> - Unify Rust Errors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2397</a> - Document changes in Tensor encoding in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2398</a> - [Rust] Provide a zero-copy builder for type-safe Buffer<T></T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2400</a> - [C++] Status destructor is expensive</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2401</a> - Support filters on Hive partitioned Parquet files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2402</a> - [C++] FixedSizeBinaryBuilder::Append lacks “const char*” overload</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2404</a> - Fix declaration of ‘type_id’ hides class member warning in msvc build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2407</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_string_array_builder_append_values()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2408</a> - [Rust] It should be possible to get a &amp;mut[T] from Builder<T></T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2411</a> - [C++] Add method to append batches of null-terminated strings to StringBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2413</a> - [Rust] Remove useless use of `format!`</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2414</a> - [Documentation] Fix miscellaneous documentation typos</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2415</a> - [Rust] Fix using references in pattern matching</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2416</a> - [C++] Support system libprotobuf</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2417</a> - [Rust] Review APIs for safety</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2422</a> - [Python] Support more filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2427</a> - [C++] ReadAt implementations suboptimal</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2430</a> - MVP for branch based packaging automation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2433</a> - [Rust] Add Builder.push_slice(&amp;[T])</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2434</a> - [Rust] Add windows support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2435</a> - [Rust] Add memory pool abstraction.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2436</a> - [Rust] Add windows CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2440</a> - [Rust] Implement ListBuilder<T></T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2442</a> - [C++] Disambiguate Builder::Append overloads</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2445</a> - [Rust] Add documentation and make some fields private</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2448</a> - Segfault when plasma client goes out of scope before buffer.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2451</a> - Handle more dtypes efficiently in custom numpy array serializer.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2453</a> - [Python] Improve Table column access</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2458</a> - [Plasma] PlasmaClient uses global variable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2463</a> - [C++] Update flatbuffers to 1.9.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2464</a> - [Python] Use a python_version marker instead of a condition</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2469</a> - Make out arguments last in ReadMessage API.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2470</a> - [C++] FileGetSize() should not seek</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2472</a> - [Rust] The Schema and Fields types should not have public attributes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2477</a> - [Rust] Set up code coverage in CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2478</a> - [C++] Introduce a checked_cast function that performs a dynamic_cast in debug mode</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2479</a> - [C++] Have a global thread pool</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2480</a> - [C++] Enable casting the value of a decimal to int32_t or int64_t</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2481</a> - [Rust] Move calls to free() into</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2482</a> - [Rust] support nested types</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2484</a> - [C++] Document ABI compliance checking</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2485</a> - [C++] Output diff when reports a change</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2486</a> - [C++/Python] Provide a Docker image that contains all dependencies for development</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2488</a> - [C++] List Boost 1.67 as supported version</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2493</a> - [Python] Add support for pickling to buffers and arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2494</a> - Return status codes from PlasmaClient::Seal</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2498</a> - [Java] Upgrade to JDK 1.8</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2499</a> - [C++] Add iterator facility for Python sequences</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2505</a> - [C++] Disable MSVC warning C4800</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2506</a> - [Plasma] Build error on macOS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2507</a> - [Rust] Don’t take a reference when not needed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2508</a> - [Python] pytest API changes make tests fail</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2513</a> - [Python] DictionaryType should give access to index type and dictionary array</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2516</a> - AppVeyor Build Matrix should be specific to the changes made in a PR</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2521</a> - [Rust] Refactor Rust API to use traits and generics</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2522</a> - [C++] Version shared library files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2525</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_struct_array_flatten()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2526</a> - [GLib] Update .gitignore</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2527</a> - [GLib] Enable GPU document</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2529</a> - [C++] Update mention of clang-format to 5.0 in the docs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2531</a> - [C++] Update clang bits to 6.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2533</a> - [CI] Fast finish failing AppVeyor builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2536</a> - [Rust] ListBuilder uses wrong initial size for offset builder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2537</a> - [Ruby] Import</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2539</a> - [Plasma] Use unique_ptr instead of raw pointer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2540</a> - [Plasma] add constructor/destructor to make sure dlfree is called automatically</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2541</a> - [Plasma] Clean up macro usage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2543</a> - [Rust] CI should cache dependencies for faster builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2544</a> - [CI] Run C++ tests with two jobs on Travis-CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2547</a> - [Format] Fix off-by-one in List&lt;List<byte>&gt; example</byte></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2548</a> - [Format] Clarify `List<Char>\` Array example</Char></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2549</a> - [GLib] Apply arrow::StatusCodes changes to GArrowError</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2550</a> - [C++] Add missing status codes into arrow::StatusCode::CodeAsString()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2551</a> - [Plasma] Improve notification logic</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2553</a> - [Python] Set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in wheel build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2558</a> - [Plasma] avoid walk through all the objects when a client disconnects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2562</a> - [C++] Upload coverage data to</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2563</a> - [Rust] Poor caching in Travis-CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2566</a> - [CI] Add badge to README</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2567</a> - [C++/Python] Unit is ignored on comparison of TimestampArrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2568</a> - [Python] Expose thread pool size setting to Python, and deprecate “nthreads”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2569</a> - [C++] Improve thread pool size heuristic</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2574</a> - [CI] Collect and publish Python coverage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2576</a> - [GLib] Add abs functions for Decimal128.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2577</a> - [Plasma] Add ASV benchmarks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2580</a> - [GLib] Fix abs functions for Decimal128</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2582</a> - [GLib] Add negate functions for Decimal128</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2585</a> - [C++] Add Decimal128::FromBigEndian</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2586</a> - [C++] Make child builders of ListBuilder and StructBuilder shared_ptr’s</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2595</a> - [Plasma] operator[] creates entries in map</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2596</a> - [GLib] Use the default value of GTK-Doc</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2597</a> - [Plasma] remove UniqueIDHasher</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2604</a> - [Java] Add method overload for VarCharVector.set(int,String)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2608</a> - [Java/Python] Add pyarrow.{Array,Field}.from_jvm / jvm_buffer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2611</a> - [Python] Python 2 integer serialization</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2612</a> - [Plasma] Fix deprecated PLASMA_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DELAY</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2613</a> - [Docs] Update the gen_apidocs docker script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2614</a> - [CI] Remove ‘group: deprecated’ in Travis</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2626</a> - [Python] pandas ArrowInvalid message should include failing column name</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2634</a> - [Go] Add LICENSE additions for Go subproject</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2635</a> - [Ruby] LICENSE.txt isn’t suitable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2636</a> - [Ruby] “Unofficial” package note is missing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2638</a> - [Python] Prevent calling extension class constructors directly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2639</a> - [Python] Remove unnecessary _check_nullptr methods</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2641</a> - [C++] Investigate spurious memset() calls</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2645</a> - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates DictionaryBatch ArrowBlocks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2649</a> - [C++] Add std::generate()-like function for faster bitmap writing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2656</a> - [Python] Improve ParquetManifest creation time</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2660</a> - [Python] Experiment with zero-copy pickling</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2661</a> - [Python/C++] Allow passing HDFS Config values via map/dict instead of needing an hdfs-site.xml file</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2662</a> - [Python] Add to_pandas / to_numpy to ChunkedArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2663</a> - [Python] Make dictionary_encode and unique accesible on Column / ChunkedArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2664</a> - [Python] Implement __getitem__ / slicing on Buffer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2666</a> - [Python] numpy.asarray should trigger to_pandas on Array/ChunkedArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2672</a> - [Python] Build ORC extension in manylinux1 wheels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2674</a> - [Packaging] Start building nightlies</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2676</a> - [Packaging] Deploy build artifacts to github releases</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2677</a> - [Python] Expose Parquet ZSTD compression</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2678</a> - [GLib] Add extra information to common build problems on macOS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2680</a> - [Python] Add documentation about type inference in Table.from_pandas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2682</a> - [CI] Notify in Slack about broken builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2689</a> - [Python] Remove references to timestamps_to_ms argument from documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2692</a> - [Python] Add test for writing dictionary encoded columns to chunked Parquet files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2695</a> - [Python] Prevent calling scalar contructors directly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2696</a> - [JAVA] enhance AllocationListener with an onFailedAllocation() call</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2699</a> - [C++/Python] Add Table method that replaces a column with a new supplied column</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2700</a> - [Python] Add simple examples to Array.cast docstring</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2701</a> - [C++] Make MemoryMappedFile resizable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2704</a> - [Java] IPC stream handling should be more friendly to low level processing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2713</a> - [Packaging] Fix linux package builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2717</a> - [Packaging] Postfix conda artifacts with target arch</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2718</a> - [Packaging] GPG sign downloaded artifacts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2724</a> - [Packaging] Determine whether all the expected artifacts are uploaded</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2725</a> - [JAVA] make Accountant.AllocationOutcome publicly visible</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2729</a> - [GLib] Add decimal128 array builder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2731</a> - Allow usage of external ORC library</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2732</a> - Update brew packages for macOS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2733</a> - [GLib] Cast garrow_decimal128 to gint64</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2738</a> - [GLib] Use Brewfile on installation process</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2739</a> - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE for GArrowDecimalDataType and GArrowDecimal128ArrayBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2740</a> - [Python] Add address property to Buffer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2742</a> - [Python] Allow Table.from_batches to use Iterator of ArrowRecordBatches</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2748</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal_data_type_get_scale() (and _precision())</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2749</a> - [GLib] Rename *garrow_decimal128_array_get_value to *garrow_decimal128_array_format_value</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2751</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_table_replace_column()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2752</a> - [GLib] Document garrow_decimal_data_type_new()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2753</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_schema_*_field()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2755</a> - [Python] Allow using Ninja to build extension</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2756</a> - [Python] Remove redundant imports and minor fixes in parquet tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2758</a> - [Plasma] Use Scope enum in Plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2760</a> - [Python] Remove legacy property definition syntax from parquet module and test them</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2761</a> - Support set filter operators on Hive partitioned Parquet files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2763</a> - [Python] Make parquet _metadata file accessible from ParquetDataset</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2780</a> - [Go] Run code coverage analysis</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2784</a> - [C++] MemoryMappedFile::WriteAt allow writing past the end</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2790</a> - [C++] Buffers contain uninitialized memory</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2791</a> - [Packaging] Build Ubuntu 18.04 packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2792</a> - [Packaging] Consider uploading tarballs to avoid naming conflicts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2794</a> - [Plasma] Add Delete method for multiple objects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2798</a> - [Plasma] Use hashing function that takes into account all UniqueID bytes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2802</a> - [Docs] Move release management guide to project wiki</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2804</a> - [Website] Link to Developer wiki (Confluence) from front page</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2805</a> - [Python] TensorFlow import workaround not working with tensorflow-gpu if CUDA is not installed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2809</a> - [C++] Decrease verbosity of lint checks in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2811</a> - [Python] Test serialization for determinism</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2815</a> - [CI] Suppress DEBUG logging when building Java library in C++ CI entries</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2816</a> - [Python] Add __iter__ method to NativeFile</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2821</a> - [C++] Only zero memory in BooleanBuilder in one place</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2822</a> - [C++] Zero padding bytes in PoolBuffer::Resize</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2824</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_decimal128_array_get_value()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2825</a> - [C++] Need AllocateBuffer / AllocateResizableBuffer variant with default memory pool</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2826</a> - [C++] Clarification needed between ArrayBuilder::Init(), Resize() and Reserve()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2827</a> - [C++] LZ4 and Zstd build may be failed in parallel build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2829</a> - [GLib] Add GArrowORCFileReader</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2830</a> - [Packaging] Enable parallel build for deb package build again</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2833</a> - [Python] Column.__repr__ will lock up Jupyter with large datasets</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2834</a> - [GLib] Remove “enable_” prefix from Meson options</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2836</a> - [Packaging] Expand build matrices to multiple tasks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2837</a> - [C++] ArrayBuilder::null_bitmap returns PoolBuffer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2838</a> - [Python] Speed up null testing with Pandas semantics</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2844</a> - [Packaging] Test OSX wheels after build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2845</a> - [Packaging] Upload additional debian artifacts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2846</a> - [Packaging] Update nightly build in crossbow as well as the sample configuration</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2847</a> - [Packaging] Fix artifact name matching for conda forge packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2848</a> - [Packaging] lib*.deb package name doesn’t match so version</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2849</a> - [Ruby] Arrow::Table#load supports ORC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2855</a> - [C++] Blog post that outlines the benefits of using jemalloc</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2859</a> - [Python] Handle objects exporting the buffer protocol in open_stream, open_file, and RecordBatch*Reader APIs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2861</a> - [Python] Add extra tips about using Parquet to store index-less pandas data</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2864</a> - [Plasma] Add deletion cache to delete objects later</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2868</a> - [Packaging] Fix centos-7 build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2869</a> - [Python] Add documentation for Array.to_numpy</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2875</a> - [Packaging] Don’t attempt to download arrow archive in linux builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2881</a> - [Website] Add Community tab to website</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2884</a> - [Packaging] Options to build packages from apache source archive</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2886</a> - [Release] An unused variable exists</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2890</a> - [Plasma] Make Python PlasmaClient.release private</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2893</a> - [C++] Remove PoolBuffer class from public API and hide implementation details behind factory functions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2897</a> - Organize supported Ubuntu versions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2898</a> - [Packaging] Setuptools_scm just shipped a new version which fails to parse `apache-arrow-<version>\` tag</version></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2906</a> - [Website] Remove the link to slack channel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2907</a> - [GitHub] Improve “How to contribute patches”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2908</a> - [Rust] Update version to 0.10.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2914</a> - [Integration] Add WindowPandasUDFTests to Spark Integration</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2915</a> - [Packaging] Remove artifact form ubuntu-trusty build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2918</a> - [C++] Improve formatting of Struct pretty prints</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2921</a> - [Release] Update .deb/.rpm changelos in preparation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2922</a> - [Release] Make python command name customizable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2923</a> - [Doc] Add instructions for running Spark integration tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2924</a> - [Java] mvn release fails when an older maven javadoc plugin is installed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2927</a> - [Packaging] AppVeyor wheel task is failing on initial checkout</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2928</a> - [Packaging] AppVeyor crossbow conda builds are picking up boost 1.63.0 instead of the installed version</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2929</a> - [C++] ARROW-2826 Breaks parquet-cpp 1.4.0 builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2934</a> - [Packaging] Add checksums creation to sign subcommand</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2935</a> - [Packaging] Add verify_binary_artifacts function to</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2937</a> - [Java] Follow-up changes to ARROW-2704</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2943</a> - [C++] Implement BufferedOutputStream::Flush</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2944</a> - [Format] Arrow columnar format docs mentions VectorLayout that does not exist anymore</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2946</a> - [Packaging] Stop to use PWD in debian/rules</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2947</a> - [Packaging] Remove Ubuntu Artful</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2949</a> - [CI] can be flaky in builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2951</a> - [CI] Changes in format/ should cause Appveyor builds to run</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2953</a> - [Plasma] Store memory usage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2954</a> - [Plasma] Store object_id only once in object table</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2962</a> - [Packaging] Bintray descriptor files are no longer needed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2977</a> - [Packaging] Release verification script should check rust too</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2985</a> - [Ruby] Run unit tests in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2988</a> - [Release] More automated release verification on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2990</a> - [GLib] Fail to build with rpath-ed Arrow C++ on macOS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-530</a> - C++/Python: Provide subpools for better memory allocation tracking</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-564</a> - [Python] Add methods to return vanilla NumPy arrays (plus boolean mask array if there are nulls)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-889</a> - [C++] Implement arrow::PrettyPrint for ChunkedArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-902</a> - [C++] Build C++ project including thirdparty dependencies from local tarballs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-906</a> - [C++] Serialize Field metadata to IPC metadata</li>
<h2 id="bug-fixes">Bug Fixes</h2>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2059</a> - [Python] Possible performance regression in Feather read/write path</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2101</a> - [Python] from_pandas reads ‘str’ type as binary Arrow data with Python 2</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2122</a> - [Python] Pyarrow fails to serialize dataframe with timestamp.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2182</a> - [Python] ASV benchmark setup does not account for C++ library changing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2193</a> - [Plasma] plasma_store has runtime dependency on Boost shared libraries when ARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=on</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2195</a> - [Plasma] Segfault when retrieving RecordBatch from plasma store</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2247</a> - [Python] Statically-linking boost_regex in both libarrow and libparquet results in segfault</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2273</a> - Cannot deserialize pandas SparseDataFrame</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2300</a> - [Python] python/testing/ no longer works</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2305</a> - [Python] Cython 0.25.2 compilation failure</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2314</a> - [Python] Union array slicing is defective</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2326</a> - [Python] cannot import pip installed pyarrow on OS X (10.9)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2328</a> - Writing a slice with feather ignores the offset</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2331</a> - [Python] Fix indexing implementations</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2333</a> - [Python] boost bundling fails in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2342</a> - [Python] Aware timestamp type fails pickling</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2346</a> - [Python] PYARROW_CXXFLAGS doesn’t accept multiple options</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2349</a> - [Python] Boost shared library bundling is broken for MSVC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2351</a> - [C++] StringBuilder::append(vector<string>...) not implemented</string></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2354</a> - [C++] PyDecimal_Check() is much too slow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2355</a> - [Python] Unable to import pyarrow [0.9.0] OSX</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2357</a> - Benchmark PandasObjectIsNull</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2368</a> - DecimalVector#setBigEndian is not padding correctly for negative values</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2369</a> - Large (&gt;~20 GB) files written to Parquet via PyArrow are corrupted</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2370</a> - [GLib] include path is wrong on Meson build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2371</a> - [GLib] gio-2.0 isn’t required on GNU Autotools build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2372</a> - [Python] ArrowIOError: Invalid argument when reading Parquet file</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2375</a> - [Rust] Buffer should release memory when dropped</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2377</a> - [GLib] Travis-CI failures</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2380</a> - [Python] Correct issues in numpy_to_arrow conversion routines</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2382</a> - [Rust] List<T> was not using memory safely</T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2383</a> - [C++] Debian packages need to depend on libprotobuf</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2387</a> - [Python] negative decimal values get spurious rescaling error</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2391</a> - [Python] Segmentation fault from PyArrow when mapping Pandas datetime column to pyarrow.date64</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2393</a> - [C++] arrow/status.h does not define ARROW_CHECK needed for ARROW_CHECK_OK</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2403</a> - [C++] arrow::CpuInfo::model_name_ destructed twice on exit</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2405</a> - [C++] <functional> is missing in plasma/client.h</functional></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2418</a> - [Rust] List builder fails due to memory not being reserved correctly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2419</a> - [Site] Website generation depends on local timezone</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2420</a> - [Rust] Memory is never released</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2423</a> - [Python] PyArrow datatypes raise ValueError on equality checks against non-PyArrow objects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2424</a> - [Rust] Missing import causing broken build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2425</a> - [Rust] Array::from missing mapping for u8 type</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2426</a> - [CI] glib build failure</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2432</a> - [Python] from_pandas fails when converting decimals if have None values</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2437</a> - [C++] Change of arrow::ipc::ReadMessage signature breaks ABI compability</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2441</a> - [Rust] Builder<T>::slice\_mut assertions are too strict</T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2443</a> - [Python] Conversion from pandas of empty categorical fails with ArrowInvalid</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2450</a> - [Python] Saving to parquet fails for empty lists</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2452</a> - [TEST] Spark integration test fails with permission error</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2454</a> - [Python] Empty chunked array slice crashes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2455</a> - [C++] The bytes_allocated_ in CudaContextImpl isn’t initialized</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2457</a> - garrow_array_builder_append_values() won’t work for large arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2459</a> - pyarrow: Segfault with pyarrow.deserialize_pandas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2462</a> - [C++] Segfault when writing a parquet table containing a dictionary column from Record Batch Stream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2465</a> - [Plasma] plasma_store fails to find</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2466</a> - [C++] misleading “append” flag to FileOutputStream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2468</a> - [Rust] Builder::slice_mut should take mut self</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2471</a> - [Rust] Assertion when pushing value to Builder/ListBuilder with zero capacity</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2473</a> - [Rust] List assertion error with list of zero length</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2474</a> - [Rust] Add windows support for memory pool abstraction</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2489</a> - [Plasma] crashes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2491</a> - [Python] Array.from_buffers does not work for ListArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2492</a> - [Python] Prevent segfault on accidental call of pyarrow.Array</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2500</a> - [Java] IPC Writers/readers are not always setting validity bits correctly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2502</a> - [Rust] Restore Windows Compatibility</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2503</a> - [Python] Trailing space character in RowGroup statistics of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2509</a> - [CI] Intermittent npm failures</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2511</a> - BaseVariableWidthVector.allocateNew is not throwing OOM when it can’t allocate memory</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2514</a> - [Python] Inferring / converting nested Numpy array is very slow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2515</a> - Errors with DictionaryArray inside of ListArray or other DictionaryArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2518</a> - [Java] Restore Java unit tests and javadoc test to CI matrix</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2530</a> - [GLib] Out-of-source build is failed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2534</a> - [C++] leaks zlib symbols</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2545</a> - [Python] Arrow fails linking against statically-compiled Python</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2554</a> - pa.array type inference bug when using NS-timestamp</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2557</a> - [Rust] Add badge for code coverage in README</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2561</a> - [C++] Crash in cuda-test shutdown with coverage enabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2564</a> - [C++] Rowwise Tutorial is out of date</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2565</a> - [Plasma] new subscriber cannot receive notifications about existing objects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2570</a> - [Python] Add support for writing parquet files with LZ4 compression</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2571</a> - [C++] Lz4Codec doesn’t properly handle empty data</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2575</a> - [Python] Exclude hidden files when reading Parquet dataset</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2578</a> - [Plasma] Valgrind errors related to std::random_device</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2589</a> - [Python] regression with Pandas 0.23.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2593</a> - [Python] TypeError: data type “mixed-integer” not understood</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2594</a> - [Java] Vector reallocation does not properly clear reused buffers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2601</a> - [Python] MemoryPool bytes_allocated causes seg</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2603</a> - [Python] from pandas raises ArrowInvalid for date(time) subclasses</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2615</a> - [Rust] Refactor introduced a bug around Arrays of String</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2629</a> - [Plasma] Iterator invalidation for pending_notifications_</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2630</a> - [Java] Typo in the document</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2632</a> - [Java] ArrowStreamWriter accumulates ArrowBlock but does not use them</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2640</a> - JS Writer should serialize schema metadata</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2643</a> - [C++] Travis-CI build failure with cpp toolchain enabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2644</a> - [Python] parquet binding fails building on AppVeyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2655</a> - [C++] Failure with -Werror=conversion on gcc 7.3.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2657</a> - Segfault when importing TensorFlow after Pyarrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2668</a> - [C++] -Wnull-pointer-arithmetic warning with dlmalloc.c on clang 6.0, Ubuntu 14.04</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2669</a> - [C++] EP_CXX_FLAGS not passed on when building gbenchmark</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2675</a> - Arrow build error with clang-10 (Apple Clang / LLVM)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2683</a> - [Python] Resource Warning (Unclosed File) when using pyarrow.parquet.read_table()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2690</a> - [C++] Plasma does not follow style conventions for variable and function names</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2691</a> - [Rust] Travis fails due to formatting diff</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2693</a> - [Python] pa.chunked_array causes a segmentation fault on empty input</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2694</a> - [Python] ArrayValue string conversion returns the representation instead of the converted python object string</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2698</a> - [Python] Exception when passing a string to Table.column</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2711</a> - [Python/C++] Pandas-Arrow doesn’t roundtrip when column of lists has empty first element</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2716</a> - [Python] Make manylinux1 base image independent of Python patch releases</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2721</a> - [C++] Link error with Arrow C++ build with -DARROW_ORC=ON on CentOS 7</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2722</a> - [Python] ndarray to arrow conversion fails when downcasted from pandas to_numeric</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2723</a> - [C++] arrow-orc.pc is missing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2726</a> - [C++] The latest Boost version is wrong</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2727</a> - [Java] Unable to build java/adapters module</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2741</a> - [Python] pa.array from np.datetime[D] and type=pa.date64 produces invalid results</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2744</a> - [Python] Writing to parquet crashes when writing a ListArray of empty lists</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2745</a> - [C++] ORC ExternalProject needs to declare dependency on vendored protobuf</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2747</a> - [CI] [Plasma] huge tables test failure on Travis</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2754</a> - [Python] When installing pyarrow via pip, a debug build is created</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2770</a> - [Packaging] Account for conda-forge compiler migration in conda recipes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2773</a> - [Python] Corrected parquet docs partition_cols parameter name</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2781</a> - [Python] Download boost using curl in manylinux1 image</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2787</a> - [Python] Memory Issue passing table from python to c++ via cython</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2795</a> - [Python] Run TensorFlow import workaround only on Linux</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2806</a> - [Python] Inconsistent handling of np.nan</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2810</a> - [Plasma] Plasma public headers leak flatbuffers.h</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2812</a> - [Ruby] StructArray#[] raises NoMethodError</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2820</a> - [Python] RecordBatch.from_arrays does not validate array lengths are all equal</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2823</a> - [C++] Search for flatbuffers in <root>/lib64</root></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2841</a> - [Go] Fix recent Go build failures in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2850</a> - [C++/Python] PARQUET_RPATH_ORIGIN=ON missing in manylinux1 build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2851</a> - [C++] Update RAT excludes for new install file names</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2852</a> - [Rust] Mark Array as Sync and Send</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2862</a> - [C++] Ensure thirdparty download directory has been created in thirdparty/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2867</a> - [Python] Incorrect example for Cython usage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2871</a> - [Python] Array.to_numpy is invalid for boolean arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2872</a> - [Python] Add pytest mark to opt into TensorFlow-related unit tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2876</a> - [Packaging] Crossbow builds can hang if you cloned using SSH</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2877</a> - [Packaging] crossbow submit results in duplicate Travis CI build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2878</a> - [Packaging] does not mention setting GitHub API token in user’s crossbow repo settings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2883</a> - [Plasma] Compilation warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2891</a> - Preserve schema in write_to_dataset</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2894</a> - [Glib] Format tests broken due to recent refactor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2895</a> - [Ruby] CI isn’t ran when C++ is changed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2896</a> - [GLib] export are missing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2901</a> - [Java] Build is failing on Java9</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2902</a> - [Python] HDFS Docker integration tests leave around files created by root</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2911</a> - [Python] Parquet binary statistics that end in ‘\0’ truncate last byte</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2917</a> - [Python] Tensor requiring gradiant cannot be serialized with pyarrow.serialize</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2920</a> - [Python] Segfault with pytorch 0.4</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2926</a> - [Python] ParquetWriter segfaults in example where passed schema and table schema do not match</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2930</a> - [C++] Trying to set target properties on not existing CMake target</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2940</a> - [Python] Import error with pytorch 0.3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2945</a> - [Packaging] Update argument check for</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2955</a> - [Python] Typo in pyarrow’s HDFS API result</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2963</a> - [Python] Deadlock during fork-join and use_threads=True</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2978</a> - [Rust] Travis CI build is failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2982</a> - The “–show-progress” option is only supported in wget 1.16 and higher</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-640</a> - [Python] Arrow scalar values should have a sensible __hash__ and comparison</li>
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