ARROW-5826: [Website] Blog post for 0.14.0 release announcement

I plan to publish by noon US/Eastern time on Monday July 8 -- please post commits with any edits or push directly to my branch and I will include the changes in the post.

Author: Sutou Kouhei <>
Author: Wes McKinney <>
Author: Wes McKinney <>

Closes #4819 from wesm/ARROW-5826 and squashes the following commits:

079c88ccc <Wes McKinney> Add discussion links
f4f208a42 <Wes McKinney> Update site/_posts/
4dc02a214 <Sutou Kouhei> Add Packaging section
c5d9cdcb0 <Sutou Kouhei> Add Sparse representation and compression
e47d69a94 <Sutou Kouhei> Fix a typo
205f222f6 <Sutou Kouhei> Fix markup
1544da180 <Wes McKinney> Attribute community
f9653fa17 <Wes McKinney> Finish tweaking formatting, links
6b82e825f <Wes McKinney> Start markdownifying 0.14.0 blog post
4 files changed
tree: 7ccb80bdb352d51bb6745b68aa8a6bd9751a7298
  1. _data/
  2. _docs/
  3. _includes/
  4. _layouts/
  5. _posts/
  6. _release/
  7. _sass/
  8. assets/
  9. css/
  10. img/
  11. scripts/
  12. .gitignore
  13. _config.yml
  14. arrow.rdf
  15. blog.html
  16. committers.html
  18. Gemfile
  19. index.html

Apache Arrow Website


Site content is maintained in the main Arrow repository, mostly in markdown format. Jekyll is used to generate HTML files that can then be committed to the arrow-site repository.


With Ruby >= 2.1 installed, run the following commands to install Jekyll.

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install

On some platforms, the Ruby nokogiri library may fail to build, in such cases the following configuration option may help:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries

If you are planning to publish the website, you must clone the arrow-site git repository. Run this command from the site directory so that asf-site is a subdirectory of site.

git clone --branch=asf-site asf-site

Previewing the site

From the site directory, run the following to generate HTML files and run the web site locally.

bundle exec jekyll serve


After following the above instructions, run the following commands from the site directory:

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
rsync -r build/ asf-site/
cd asf-site
git status

Now git add any new files, then commit everything, and push:

git push

Updating Code Documentation

To update the documentation, run the script ./dev/ This script will run the code documentation tools in a fixed environment.

C (GLib)

First, build Apache Arrow C++ and Apache Arrow GLib.

mkdir -p ../cpp/build
cd ../cpp/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
cd ../../c_glib
./configure \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-dir=$PWD/../cpp/build \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-type=debug \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../cpp/build/debug make GTK_DOC_V_XREF=": "
rsync -r doc/reference/html/ ../site/asf-site/docs/c_glib/


cd ../js
npm run doc
rsync -r doc/ ../site/asf-site/docs/js

Then add/commit/push from the site/asf-site git checkout.