ARROW-1123: Make jemalloc the default allocator

Change-Id: Ib03392431851773df3b59b2c9a4d9a7bd672d2cb

Author: Uwe L. Korn <>

Closes #761 from xhochy/ARROW-1123 and squashes the following commits:

2c75f56d [Uwe L. Korn] Use shared jemalloc always if available
2205586f [Uwe L. Korn] Run parquet tests in manylinux1 build
97f77d08 [Uwe L. Korn] Add pthread to static dependencies
7d01e9eb [Uwe L. Korn] Cpplint
bf478f1c [Uwe L. Korn] Fix allocator
4fbc7bac [Uwe L. Korn] Correct small allocations
c3bacc05 [Uwe L. Korn] Revert "Also link static libs to librt"
44f0cfc5 [Uwe L. Korn] Also link static libs to librt
bac694df [Uwe L. Korn] Also link static libs to librt
35212bc0 [Uwe L. Korn] Remove obsolete import check
4b714a14 [Uwe L. Korn] Don't force optional that is no longer there
e004150c [Uwe L. Korn] Only search the for pthread library, not the headers
e65d0d1d [Uwe L. Korn] ARROW-1123: Make jemalloc the default allocator
1 file changed
tree: 7a0f77fb753a1265bd1bb9afb1849b39f31fba2f
  1. _data/
  2. _docs/
  3. _includes/
  4. _layouts/
  5. _posts/
  6. _release/
  7. _sass/
  8. css/
  9. img/
  10. scripts/
  11. .gitignore
  12. _config.yml
  13. blog.html
  14. committers.html
  15. Gemfile
  16. index.html

Apache Arrow Website

Development instructions

If you are planning to publish the website, you must first clone the arrow-site git repository:

git clone --branch=asf-site asf-site

Now, with Ruby >= 2.1 installed, run:

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install

# This imports the format Markdown documents so they will be rendered

bundle exec jekyll serve


After following the above instructions the base site/ directory, run:

bundle exec jekyll build
rsync -r build/ asf-site/
cd asf-site
git status

Now git add any new files, then commit everything, and push:

git push

Updating Code Documentation


cd ../java
mvn install
mvn site
rsync -r target/site/apidocs/ ../site/asf-site/docs/java/


cd ../cpp/apidoc
doxygen Doxyfile
rsync -r html/ ../../site/asf-site/docs/cpp


First, build PyArrow with all optional extensions (Apache Parquet).

cd ../python
python build_ext --inplace --with-parquet
python build_sphinx -s doc/source
rsync -r doc/_build/html/ ../site/asf-site/docs/python/

C (GLib)

First, build Apache Arrow C++ and Apache Arrow GLib.

mkdir -p ../cpp/build
cd ../cpp/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
cd ../../c_glib
./configure \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-dir=$PWD/../cpp/build \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-type=debug \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../cpp/build/debug make GTK_DOC_V_XREF=": "
rsync -r doc/reference/html/ ../site/asf-site/docs/c_glib/

Then add/commit/push from the site/asf-site git checkout.