ARROW-6943: [Website] Translate Apache Arrow Flight introduction to Japanese

Closes #36 from kou/flight-ja and squashes the following commits:

dec1f05c <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation
b7fbbda2 <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation for instrumentation
774aa712 <Sutou Kouhei> Add missing MEI
b3638af0 <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation
92a7b0fc <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation for opaque
865ab8fb <Sutou Kouhei> Remove needless SHITA
bb46185f <Sutou Kouhei> Fix translation for parallel
963e10a9 <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation for how to process multiple Flight streams
e934f3fe <Sutou Kouhei> Remove but nuance
f0d7707b <Sutou Kouhei> Add missing translation for little
eebb35fe <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation of end-to-end
c89b0a4f <Sutou Kouhei> Fix translation
7aa16d18 <Sutou Kouhei> Improve translation
86358d68 <Sutou Kouhei> Use different translation for implementation-{defined,specific}
0f6b75f0 <Sutou Kouhei> Use OKURU for transport
b2832069 <Sutou Kouhei> Fix the last word
77316d47 <Sutou Kouhei> More descriptive
9c504a5b <Sutou Kouhei> Remove needless NO
5bd7a3f9 <Sutou Kouhei> Easy to read
99968a53 <Sutou Kouhei> Combine sentences
ae566c43 <Sutou Kouhei> Add missing SURU
ec26b3cd <Sutou Kouhei> Remove needless NO
e5fe6eee <Sutou Kouhei> Use more suitable word
2d4acc7e <Sutou Kouhei> Improve Flight position
38e57382 <Sutou Kouhei> Translate columnar
28a59e83 <Sutou Kouhei> Fix translation
44d7f401 <Sutou Kouhei> Improve
9bf0af39 <Sutou Kouhei> Translate Apache Arrow Flight introduction to Japanese

Authored-by: Sutou Kouhei <>
Signed-off-by: Sutou Kouhei <>
2 files changed
tree: 7cdd9c569385b5f212850ec2b11a3fb6edafab9c
  1. .github/
  2. _data/
  3. _docs/
  4. _includes/
  5. _layouts/
  6. _posts/
  7. _release/
  8. _sass/
  9. assets/
  10. css/
  11. img/
  12. scripts/
  13. .gitignore
  14. _config.yml
  15. arrow.rdf
  16. blog.html
  17. committers.html
  19. Gemfile
  20. index.html

Apache Arrow Website


Jekyll is used to generate HTML files from the markdown + templates in this repository. The built version of the site is kept on the asf-site branch, which gets deployed to

Adding Content

To add a blog post, create a new markdown file in the _posts directory, following the model of existing posts. In the front matter, you should specify an “author”. This should be your Apache ID if you have one, or it can just be your name. To add additional metadata about yourself (GitHub ID, website), add yourself to _data/contributors.yml. This object is keyed by apacheId, so use that as the author in your post. (It doesn't matter if the ID actually exists in the ASF; all metadata is local to this project.)


With Ruby >= 2.1 installed, run the following commands to install Jekyll.

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install

On some platforms, the Ruby nokogiri library may fail to build, in such cases the following configuration option may help:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries

nokogiri depends on the libxml2 and libxslt1 libraries, which can be installed on Debian-like systems with

apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Previewing the site

Run the following to generate HTML files and run the web site locally.

bundle exec jekyll serve


On commits to the master branch of apache/arrow-site, the rendered static site will be published to the asf-site branch using GitHub Actions. On a fork, it will deploy to your gh-pages branch for deployment via GitHub Pages; this is useful for previewing changes you‘re proposing. To enable this deployment on your fork, you’ll need to sign up for GitHub Actions here.

Updating Code Documentation

To update the documentation, you can run the script ./dev/ in the apache/arrow repository. This script will run the code documentation tools in a fixed environment.

C (GLib)

First, build Apache Arrow C++ and Apache Arrow GLib. This assumes that you have checkouts your forks of arrow and arrow-site alongside each other in your file system.

mkdir -p ../cpp/build
cd ../cpp/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
cd ../../c_glib
./configure \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-dir=$PWD/../cpp/build \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-type=debug \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../cpp/build/debug make GTK_DOC_V_XREF=": "
rsync -r doc/reference/html/ ../../arrow-site/asf-site/docs/c_glib/


cd ../js
npm run doc
rsync -r doc/ ../../arrow-site/asf-site/docs/js

Then add/commit/push from the asf-site/ git checkout.