ARROW-52: Set up project blog, draft 0.3 release posting

This will need additional updates after the 0.3 release to fix dates and URLs, but wanted to get this up for review and comment.

Some things I did here:

* Fixed top navbar on mobile devices
* Set up blogroll and simple blog templates
* Added "Project Links" menu
* Moved committers to a separate page

Author: Wes McKinney <>

Closes #639 from wesm/ARROW-52 and squashes the following commits:

a104fbd [Wes McKinney] Code review comments and fix typos
5262583 [Wes McKinney] Typo
2236a7c [Wes McKinney] tweak
3f57b51 [Wes McKinney] Typo
4b22731 [Wes McKinney] Finish 0.3 release blog draft
5e34079 [Wes McKinney] Drafting 0.3 release blog post
058c625 [Wes McKinney] Rename post
d22490d [Wes McKinney] Fix mobile navbar. Move committers to separate page. Add project links nav, install page. Blog page placeholder
13 files changed
tree: effd234936676c5123efafc4a7e4da6fa214b183
  1. _docs/
  2. _includes/
  3. _layouts/
  4. _posts/
  5. _sass/
  6. css/
  7. img/
  8. scripts/
  9. .gitignore
  10. _config.yml
  11. blog.html
  12. committers.html
  13. Gemfile
  14. index.html
  15. install.html

Apache Arrow Website

Development instructions

If you are planning to publish the website, you must first clone the arrow-site git repository:

git clone --branch=asf-site asf-site

Now, with Ruby >= 2.1 installed, run:

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install

# This imports the format Markdown documents so they will be rendered

bundle exec jekyll serve


After following the above instructions the base site/ directory, run:

bundle exec jekyll build
rsync -r build/ asf-site/
cd asf-site
git status

Now git add any new files, then commit everything, and push:

git push

Updating Code Documentation


cd ../java
mvn install
mvn site
rsync -r target/site/apidocs/ ../site/asf-site/docs/java/


cd ../cpp/apidoc
doxygen Doxyfile
rsync -r html/ ../../site/asf-site/docs/cpp


First, build PyArrow with all optional extensions (Apache Parquet, jemalloc).

cd ../python
python build_ext --inplace --with-parquet --with-jemalloc
python build_sphinx -s doc/source
rsync -r doc/_build/html/ ../site/asf-site/docs/python/

C (GLib)

First, build Apache Arrow C++ and Apache Arrow GLib.

mkdir -p ../cpp/build
cd ../cpp/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
cd ../../c_glib
./configure \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-dir=$PWD/../cpp/build \
  --with-arrow-cpp-build-type=debug \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../cpp/build/debug make GTK_DOC_V_XREF=": "
rsync -r doc/reference/html/ ../site/asf-site/docs/c_glib/

Then add/commit/push from the site/asf-site git checkout.