Release Process


We try to release a new version of Arrow every two weeks. This cadence balances getting new features into arrow without overwhelming downstream projects with too frequent changes.

If any code has been merged to master that has a breaking API change, as defined in Rust RFC 1105, the major version number incremented changed (e.g. 9.0.2 to 9.0.2). Otherwise the new minor version incremented (e.g. 9.0.2 to 7.1.0).

Release Mechanics

Process Overview

As part of the Apache governance model, official releases consist of signed source tarballs approved by the PMC.

We then use the code in the approved source tarball to release to, the Rust ecosystem's package manager.

We create a so our users know what has been changed between releases.

The CHANGELOG is created automatically using

This script creates a changelog using github issues and the labels associated with them.

Prepare CHANGELOG and version:

Now prepare a PR to update and versions on master to reflect the planned release.

See #1141 for an example.

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b make-release

# manully edit ./dev/release/ to reflect the release version
# create the changelog
# review change log / edit issues and labels if needed, rerun
git commit -a -m 'Create changelog'

# update versions
sed -i '' -e 's/14.0.0/19.0.0/g' `find . -name 'Cargo.toml' -or -name '*.md' | grep -v`
git commit -a -m 'Update version'

Note that when reviewing the change log, rather than editing the, it is preferred to update the issues and their labels (e.g. add invalid label to exclude them from release notes)

Merge this PR to master prior to the next step.

Prepare release candidate tarball

After you have merged the updates to the CHANGELOG and version, create a release candidate using the following steps. Note you need to be a committer to run these scripts as they upload to the apache svn distribution servers.

Create git tag for the release:

While the official release artifact is a signed tarball, we also tag the commit it was created for convenience and code archaeology.

Using a string such as 4.0.1 as the <version>, create and push the tag thusly:

git fetch apache
git tag <version> apache/master
# push tag to apache
git push apache <version>

Pick an Release Candidate (RC) number

Pick numbers in sequential order, with 1 for rc1, 2 for rc2, etc.

Create, sign, and upload tarball

Run with the <version> tag and <rc> and you found in previous steps:

./dev/release/ 4.1.0 2

The script

  1. creates and uploads a release candidate tarball to the arrow dev location on the apache distribution svn server

  2. provide you an email template to send to for release voting.

Vote on Release Candidate tarball

Send the email output from the script to The email should look like

Subject: [VOTE][RUST] Release Apache Arrow


I would like to propose a release of Apache Arrow Rust
Implementation, version 4.1.0.

This release candidate is based on commit: a5dd428f57e62db20a945e8b1895de91405958c4 [1]

The proposed release tarball and signatures are hosted at [2].
The changelog is located at [3].

Please download, verify checksums and signatures, run the unit tests,
and vote on the release.

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Release this as Apache Arrow Rust
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 Do not release this as Apache Arrow Rust  because...


For the release to become “official” it needs at least three PMC members to vote +1 on it.

Verifying release candidates

The dev/release/ is a script in this repository that can assist in the verification process. Run it like:

./dev/release/ 4.1.0 2

If the release is not approved

If the release is not approved, fix whatever the problem is and try again with the next RC number

If the release is approved,

Move tarball to the release location in SVN, e.g., using the script:

./dev/release/ 4.1.0 2

Congratulations! The release is now offical!

Publish on

Only approved releases of the tarball should be published to, in order to conform to Apache Software Foundation governance standards.

An Arrow committer can publish this crate after an official project release has been made to using the following instructions.

Follow these instructions to create an account and login to before asking to be added as an owner of the arrow crate.

Download and unpack the official release tarball

Verify that the Cargo.toml in the tarball contains the correct version (e.g. version = "0.11.0") and then publish the crate with the following commands

(cd arrow && cargo publish)
(cd arrow-flight && cargo publish)
(cd parquet && cargo publish)
(cd parquet_derive && cargo publish)