blob: 0b84cd5f3684172a1d9b0978156d2db7d48e5961 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#define R_NO_REMAP
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "array.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "nanoarrow.h"
#include "schema.h"
#include "util.h"
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_init(SEXP schema_xptr) {
struct ArrowSchema* schema = nanoarrow_schema_from_xptr(schema_xptr);
SEXP array_xptr = PROTECT(nanoarrow_array_owning_xptr());
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_output_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
struct ArrowError error;
int result = ArrowArrayInitFromSchema(array, schema, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("ArrowArrayInitFromSchema(): %s", error.message);
array_xptr_set_schema(array_xptr, schema_xptr);
return array_xptr;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_length(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP length_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
if (TYPEOF(length_sexp) != REALSXP || Rf_length(length_sexp) != 1) {
Rf_error("array$length must be double(1)");
double length = REAL(length_sexp)[0];
if (ISNA(length) || ISNAN(length) || length < 0) {
Rf_error("array$length must be finite and greater than zero");
array->length = (int64_t)length;
return R_NilValue;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_null_count(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP null_count_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
if (TYPEOF(null_count_sexp) != REALSXP || Rf_length(null_count_sexp) != 1) {
Rf_error("array$null_count must be double(1)");
double null_count = REAL(null_count_sexp)[0];
if (ISNA(null_count) || ISNAN(null_count) || null_count < -1) {
Rf_error("array$null_count must be finite and greater than -1");
array->null_count = (int64_t)null_count;
return R_NilValue;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_offset(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP offset_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
if (TYPEOF(offset_sexp) != REALSXP || Rf_length(offset_sexp) != 1) {
Rf_error("array$offset must be double(1)");
double offset = REAL(offset_sexp)[0];
if (ISNA(offset) || ISNAN(offset) || offset < 0) {
Rf_error("array$offset must be finite and greater than zero");
array->offset = (int64_t)offset;
return R_NilValue;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_buffers(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP buffers_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
int64_t n_buffers = Rf_xlength(buffers_sexp);
if (n_buffers > 3) {
Rf_error("length(array$buffers) must be <= 3");
// Release any buffers that aren't about to be replaced
for (int64_t i = n_buffers; i < array->n_buffers; i++) {
ArrowBufferReset(ArrowArrayBuffer(array, i));
array->n_buffers = n_buffers;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n_buffers; i++) {
SEXP buffer_xptr = VECTOR_ELT(buffers_sexp, i);
struct ArrowBuffer* src = buffer_from_xptr(buffer_xptr);
// We can't necessarily ArrowBufferMove(src) because that buffer might
// have been pointed at by something else. So, we do this slightly awkward
// dance to make sure buffer_xptr stays valid after this call.
SEXP buffer_xptr_clone =
PROTECT(buffer_borrowed_xptr(src->data, src->size_bytes, buffer_xptr));
struct ArrowBuffer* src_clone =
(struct ArrowBuffer*)R_ExternalPtrAddr(buffer_xptr_clone);
// Release whatever buffer is currently there and replace it with src_clone
ArrowBufferReset(ArrowArrayBuffer(array, i));
int result = ArrowArraySetBuffer(array, i, src_clone);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("ArrowArraySetBuffer() failed");
return R_NilValue;
static void release_all_children(struct ArrowArray* array) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array->n_children; i++) {
if (array->children[i]->release != NULL) {
static void free_all_children(struct ArrowArray* array) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array->n_children; i++) {
if (array->children[i] != NULL) {
array->children[i] = NULL;
if (array->children != NULL) {
array->children = NULL;
array->n_children = 0;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_children(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP children_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
if (Rf_xlength(children_sexp) == 0) {
return R_NilValue;
if (Rf_xlength(children_sexp) != array->n_children) {
int result = ArrowArrayAllocateChildren(array, Rf_xlength(children_sexp));
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("Error allocating array$children of size %ld",
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array->n_children; i++) {
// The arrays here will be moved, invalidating the arrays in the passed
// list (the export step is handled in R)
SEXP child_xptr = VECTOR_ELT(children_sexp, i);
struct ArrowArray* child = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(child_xptr);
ArrowArrayMove(child, array->children[i]);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_dictionary(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP dictionary_xptr) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
// If there's already a dictionary, make sure we release it
if (array->dictionary != NULL) {
if (array->dictionary->release != NULL) {
if (dictionary_xptr == R_NilValue) {
if (array->dictionary != NULL) {
array->dictionary = NULL;
} else {
if (array->dictionary == NULL) {
int result = ArrowArrayAllocateDictionary(array);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("Error allocating array$dictionary");
struct ArrowArray* dictionary = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(dictionary_xptr);
ArrowArrayMove(dictionary, array->dictionary);
return R_NilValue;
static int move_array_buffers(struct ArrowArray* src, struct ArrowArray* dst,
struct ArrowSchema* schema, struct ArrowError* error) {
error->message[0] = '\0';
dst->length = src->length;
dst->null_count = src->null_count;
dst->offset = src->offset;
if (src->n_buffers != dst->n_buffers) {
ArrowErrorSet(error, "Expected %ld buffer(s) but got %ld", (long)dst->n_buffers,
return EINVAL;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < src->n_buffers; i++) {
NANOARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(ArrowArraySetBuffer(dst, i, ArrowArrayBuffer(src, i)));
if (src->n_children != dst->n_children) {
ArrowErrorSet(error, "Expected %ld child(ren) but got %ld", (long)dst->n_children,
return EINVAL;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < src->n_children; i++) {
NANOARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(move_array_buffers(src->children[i], dst->children[i],
schema->children[i], error));
if (src->dictionary != NULL) {
move_array_buffers(src->dictionary, dst->dictionary, schema->dictionary, error));
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_validate_after_modify(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP schema_xptr) {
// A very particular type of validation we can do with the ArrowArray we use
// in nanoarrow_array_modify() (which was created using ArrowArrayInit).
// At this point we know how long each buffer is (via ArrowArrayBuffer())
// but after we send the array into the wild, that information is lost.
// This operation will invalidate array_xptr (but this is OK since we very
// specifically just allocated it).
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
struct ArrowSchema* schema = nanoarrow_schema_from_xptr(schema_xptr);
struct ArrowError error;
// Even though array was initialized using ArrowArrayInit(), it doesn't have
// all the information about storage types since it didn't necessarily know
// what the storage type would be when it was being constructed. Here we create
// a version that does and move buffers recursively into it.
SEXP array_dst_xptr = PROTECT(nanoarrow_array_owning_xptr());
struct ArrowArray* array_dst = nanoarrow_output_array_from_xptr(array_dst_xptr);
int result = ArrowArrayInitFromSchema(array_dst, schema, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("ArrowArrayInitFromSchema(): %s", error.message);
result = move_array_buffers(array, array_dst, schema, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("move_array_buffers: %s", error.message);
result = ArrowArrayFinishBuildingDefault(array_dst, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("ArrowArrayFinishBuildingDefault(): %s", error.message);
return array_dst_xptr;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_set_schema(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP schema_xptr, SEXP validate_sexp) {
// Fair game to remove a schema from a pointer
if (schema_xptr == R_NilValue) {
array_xptr_set_schema(array_xptr, R_NilValue);
return R_NilValue;
int validate = LOGICAL(validate_sexp)[0];
if (validate) {
// If adding a schema, validate the schema and the pair
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
struct ArrowSchema* schema = nanoarrow_schema_from_xptr(schema_xptr);
struct ArrowArrayView array_view;
struct ArrowError error;
int result = ArrowArrayViewInitFromSchema(&array_view, schema, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("%s", ArrowErrorMessage(&error));
result = ArrowArrayViewSetArray(&array_view, array, &error);
if (result != NANOARROW_OK) {
Rf_error("%s", ArrowErrorMessage(&error));
array_xptr_set_schema(array_xptr, schema_xptr);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_infer_schema_array(SEXP array_xptr) {
SEXP maybe_schema_xptr = R_ExternalPtrTag(array_xptr);
if (Rf_inherits(maybe_schema_xptr, "nanoarrow_schema")) {
return maybe_schema_xptr;
} else {
return R_NilValue;
static SEXP borrow_array_xptr(struct ArrowArray* array, SEXP shelter) {
SEXP array_xptr = PROTECT(R_MakeExternalPtr(array, R_NilValue, shelter));
Rf_setAttrib(array_xptr, R_ClassSymbol, nanoarrow_cls_array);
return array_xptr;
SEXP borrow_array_child_xptr(SEXP array_xptr, int64_t i) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
SEXP schema_xptr = R_ExternalPtrTag(array_xptr);
SEXP child_xptr = PROTECT(borrow_array_xptr(array->children[i], array_xptr));
if (schema_xptr != R_NilValue) {
array_xptr_set_schema(child_xptr, borrow_schema_child_xptr(schema_xptr, i));
return child_xptr;
static SEXP borrow_array_view_child(struct ArrowArrayView* array_view, int64_t i,
SEXP shelter) {
if (array_view != NULL) {
return R_MakeExternalPtr(array_view->children[i], R_NilValue, shelter);
} else {
return R_NilValue;
static SEXP borrow_array_view_dictionary(struct ArrowArrayView* array_view,
SEXP shelter) {
if (array_view != NULL) {
return R_MakeExternalPtr(array_view->dictionary, R_NilValue, shelter);
} else {
return R_NilValue;
static SEXP borrow_unknown_buffer(struct ArrowArray* array, int64_t i, SEXP shelter) {
return buffer_borrowed_xptr(array->buffers[i], 0, shelter);
static SEXP borrow_buffer(struct ArrowArrayView* array_view, int64_t i, SEXP shelter) {
SEXP buffer_class = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
SET_STRING_ELT(buffer_class, 1, Rf_mkChar("nanoarrow_buffer"));
SEXP buffer_xptr =
array_view->buffer_views[i].size_bytes, shelter));
buffer_borrowed_xptr_set_type(buffer_xptr, array_view->layout.buffer_type[i],
return buffer_xptr;
SEXP nanoarrow_c_array_proxy(SEXP array_xptr, SEXP array_view_xptr, SEXP recursive_sexp) {
struct ArrowArray* array = nanoarrow_array_from_xptr(array_xptr);
int recursive = LOGICAL(recursive_sexp)[0];
struct ArrowArrayView* array_view = NULL;
if (array_view_xptr != R_NilValue) {
array_view = (struct ArrowArrayView*)R_ExternalPtrAddr(array_view_xptr);
const char* names[] = {"length", "null_count", "offset", "buffers",
"children", "dictionary", ""};
SEXP array_proxy = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, names));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 0, length_sexp_from_int64(array->length));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 1, length_sexp_from_int64(array->null_count));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 2, length_sexp_from_int64(array->offset));
if (array->n_buffers > 0) {
SEXP buffers = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, array->n_buffers));
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array->n_buffers; i++) {
if (array_view != NULL) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(buffers, i, borrow_buffer(array_view, i, array_xptr));
} else {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(buffers, i, borrow_unknown_buffer(array, i, array_xptr));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 3, buffers);
if (array->n_children > 0) {
SEXP children = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, array->n_children));
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array->n_children; i++) {
SEXP child = PROTECT(borrow_array_xptr(array->children[i], array_xptr));
if (recursive) {
SEXP array_view_child =
PROTECT(borrow_array_view_child(array_view, i, array_view_xptr));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(children, i,
nanoarrow_c_array_proxy(child, array_view_child, recursive_sexp));
} else {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(children, i, child);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 4, children);
if (array->dictionary != NULL) {
SEXP dictionary_xptr = PROTECT(borrow_array_xptr(array->dictionary, array_xptr));
if (recursive) {
SEXP dictionary_view_xptr =
PROTECT(borrow_array_view_dictionary(array_view, array_view_xptr));
SEXP dictionary_proxy = PROTECT(
nanoarrow_c_array_proxy(dictionary_xptr, dictionary_view_xptr, recursive_sexp));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 5, dictionary_proxy);
} else {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(array_proxy, 5, dictionary_xptr);
return array_proxy;