| % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand |
| % Please edit documentation in R/infer-ptype.R |
| \name{infer_nanoarrow_ptype} |
| \alias{infer_nanoarrow_ptype} |
| \title{Infer an R vector prototype} |
| \usage{ |
| infer_nanoarrow_ptype(x) |
| } |
| \arguments{ |
| \item{x}{A \link[=as_nanoarrow_schema]{nanoarrow_schema}, |
| \link[=as_nanoarrow_array]{nanoarrow_array}, or |
| \link[=as_nanoarrow_array_stream]{nanoarrow_array_stream}.} |
| } |
| \value{ |
| An R vector of zero size describing the target into which |
| the array should be materialized. |
| } |
| \description{ |
| Resolves the default \code{to} value to use in \code{\link[=convert_array]{convert_array()}} and |
| \code{\link[=convert_array_stream]{convert_array_stream()}}. The default conversions are: |
| } |
| \details{ |
| \itemize{ |
| \item null to \code{\link[vctrs:unspecified]{vctrs::unspecified()}} |
| \item boolean to \code{\link[=logical]{logical()}} |
| \item int8, uint8, int16, uint16, and int13 to \code{\link[=integer]{integer()}} |
| \item uint32, int64, uint64, float, and double to \code{\link[=double]{double()}} |
| \item string and large string to \code{\link[=character]{character()}} |
| \item struct to \code{\link[=data.frame]{data.frame()}} |
| \item binary and large binary to \code{\link[blob:blob]{blob::blob()}} |
| \item list, large_list, and fixed_size_list to \code{\link[vctrs:list_of]{vctrs::list_of()}} |
| \item time32 and time64 to \code{\link[hms:hms]{hms::hms()}} |
| \item duration to \code{\link[=difftime]{difftime()}} |
| \item date32 to \code{\link[=as.Date]{as.Date()}} |
| \item timestamp to \code{\link[=as.POSIXct]{as.POSIXct()}} |
| } |
| |
| Additional conversions are possible by specifying an explicit value for |
| \code{to}. For details of each conversion, see \code{\link[=convert_array]{convert_array()}}. |
| } |
| \examples{ |
| infer_nanoarrow_ptype(as_nanoarrow_array(1:10)) |
| |
| } |