blob: 0470d08a6c28e2d3f5505c75c9ef94568c441a63 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/array-stream.R
\title{Convert an object to a nanoarrow array_stream}
as_nanoarrow_array_stream(x, ..., schema = NULL)
\item{x}{An object to convert to a array_stream}
\item{...}{Passed to S3 methods}
\item{schema}{An optional schema used to enforce conversion to a particular
type. Defaults to \code{\link[=infer_nanoarrow_schema]{infer_nanoarrow_schema()}}.}
An object of class 'nanoarrow_array_stream'
In nanoarrow, an 'array stream' corresponds to the \verb{struct ArrowArrayStream}
as defined in the Arrow C Stream interface. This object is used to represent
a stream of \link[=as_nanoarrow_array]{arrays} with a common
\link[=as_nanoarrow_schema]{schema}. This is similar to an
\link[arrow:RecordBatchReader]{arrow::RecordBatchReader} except it can be used to represent a stream of
any type (not just record batches). Note that a stream of record batches
and a stream of non-nullable struct arrays are represented identically.
Also note that array streams are mutable objects and are passed by
reference and not by value.
(stream <- as_nanoarrow_array_stream(data.frame(x = 1:5)))
# The last batch is returned as NULL
# Release the stream