Building nanoarrow documentation

Building the nanoarrow documentation requires Python, R, Doxygen, and pandoc. In addition, several Python and R packages are required. You can install the Python dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt in this directory; you can install the R dependencies using R -e 'install.packages("pkgdown").

git clone
cd arrow-nanoarrow/docs

# run doxygen for the C API
pushd ../src/apidoc

# run doxygen for the IPC extension
pushd ../extensions/nanoarrow_ipc/src/apidoc

# copy the readme into rst so that we can include it from sphinx
pandoc ../ --from markdown --to rst -s -o source/README_generated.rst

# Run sphinx to generate the main site
sphinx-build source _build/html

# Run pkgdown to generate R package documentation
R -e 'pkgdown::build_site("../r")'