blob: 3e77733f4d1ee342d7d9aae4366fab75d5014a0b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
# cmake-format configuration file
# Use `archery lint --cmake-format --fix` to reformat all cmake files in the
# source tree
# -----------------------------
# Options affecting formatting.
# -----------------------------
with section("format"):
# How wide to allow formatted cmake files
line_width = 90
# How many spaces to tab for indent
tab_size = 2
# If a positional argument group contains more than this many arguments,
# then force it to a vertical layout.
max_pargs_hwrap = 4
# If the statement spelling length (including space and parenthesis) is
# smaller than this amount, then force reject nested layouts.
# This value only comes into play when considering whether or not to nest
# arguments below their parent. If the number of characters in the parent
# is less than this value, we will not nest.
min_prefix_chars = 32
# If true, separate flow control names from their parentheses with a space
separate_ctrl_name_with_space = False
# If true, separate function names from parentheses with a space
separate_fn_name_with_space = False
# If a statement is wrapped to more than one line, than dangle the closing
# parenthesis on it's own line
dangle_parens = False
# What style line endings to use in the output.
line_ending = 'unix'
# Format command names consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case
command_case = 'lower'
# Format keywords consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case
keyword_case = 'unchanged'
# ------------------------------------------------
# Options affecting comment reflow and formatting.
# ------------------------------------------------
with section("markup"):
# enable comment markup parsing and reflow
enable_markup = False
# If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow the first comment block in
# eachlistfile. Use this to preserve formatting of your
# copyright/licensestatements.
first_comment_is_literal = True
# If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow any comment block which
# matchesthis (regex) pattern. Default is `None` (disabled).
literal_comment_pattern = None