blob: 84d0885c65e8fa7d47c4aa8ada21a592a3f0c138 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "nanoarrow.h"
#define ArrowIpcCheckRuntime NANOARROW_SYMBOL(NANOARROW_NAMESPACE, ArrowIpcCheckRuntime)
#define ArrowIpcSharedBufferIsThreadSafe \
#define ArrowIpcSharedBufferInit \
#define ArrowIpcSharedBufferReset \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderInit NANOARROW_SYMBOL(NANOARROW_NAMESPACE, ArrowIpcDecoderInit)
#define ArrowIpcDecoderReset NANOARROW_SYMBOL(NANOARROW_NAMESPACE, ArrowIpcDecoderReset)
#define ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderVerifyHeader \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeSchema \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayView \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArray \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayFromShared \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderSetSchema \
#define ArrowIpcDecoderSetEndianness \
#define ArrowIpcInputStreamInitBuffer \
#define ArrowIpcInputStreamInitFile \
#define ArrowIpcInputStreamMove \
#define ArrowIpcArrayStreamReaderInit \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// \defgroup nanoarrow_ipc Nanoarrow IPC extension
/// Except where noted, objects are not thread-safe and clients should
/// take care to serialize accesses to methods.
/// Because this library is intended to be vendored, it provides full type
/// definitions and encourages clients to stack or statically allocate
/// where convenient.
/// @{
/// \brief Metadata version enumerator
enum ArrowIpcMetadataVersion {
/// \brief Message type enumerator
enum ArrowIpcMessageType {
/// \brief Endianness enumerator
enum ArrowIpcEndianness {
/// \brief Compression type enumerator
enum ArrowIpcCompressionType {
/// \brief Feature flag for a stream that uses dictionary replacement
/// \brief Feature flag for a stream that uses compression
/// \brief Checks the nanoarrow runtime to make sure the run/build versions match
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcCheckRuntime(struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief A structure representing a reference-counted buffer that may be passed to
/// ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayFromShared().
struct ArrowIpcSharedBuffer {
struct ArrowBuffer private_src;
/// \brief Initialize the contents of a ArrowIpcSharedBuffer struct
/// If NANOARROW_OK is returned, the ArrowIpcSharedBuffer takes ownership of
/// src.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcSharedBufferInit(struct ArrowIpcSharedBuffer* shared,
struct ArrowBuffer* src);
/// \brief Release the caller's copy of the shared buffer
/// When finished, the caller must relinquish its own copy of the shared data
/// using this function. The original buffer will continue to exist until all
/// ArrowArray objects that refer to it have also been released.
void ArrowIpcSharedBufferReset(struct ArrowIpcSharedBuffer* shared);
/// \brief Check for shared buffer thread safety
/// Thread-safe shared buffers require C11 and the stdatomic.h header.
/// If either are unavailable, shared buffers are still possible but
/// the resulting arrays must not be passed to other threads to be released.
int ArrowIpcSharedBufferIsThreadSafe(void);
/// \brief Decoder for Arrow IPC messages
/// This structure is intended to be allocated by the caller,
/// initialized using ArrowIpcDecoderInit(), and released with
/// ArrowIpcDecoderReset(). These fields should not be modified
/// by the caller but can be read following a call to
/// ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader(), ArrowIpcDecoderVerifyHeader(), or
/// ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader().
struct ArrowIpcDecoder {
/// \brief The last verified or decoded message type
enum ArrowIpcMessageType message_type;
/// \brief The metadata version as indicated by the current schema message
enum ArrowIpcMetadataVersion metadata_version;
/// \brief Buffer endianness as indicated by the current schema message
enum ArrowIpcEndianness endianness;
/// \brief Arrow IPC Features used as indicated by the current Schema message
int32_t feature_flags;
/// \brief Compression used by the current RecordBatch message
enum ArrowIpcCompressionType codec;
/// \brief The number of bytes in the current header message
/// This value includes the 8 bytes before the start of the header message
/// content and any padding bytes required to make the header message size
/// be a multiple of 8 bytes.
int32_t header_size_bytes;
/// \brief The number of bytes in the forthcoming body message.
int64_t body_size_bytes;
/// \brief Private resources managed by this library
void* private_data;
/// \brief Initialize a decoder
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderInit(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder);
/// \brief Release all resources attached to a decoder
void ArrowIpcDecoderReset(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder);
/// \brief Peek at a message header
/// The first 8 bytes of an Arrow IPC message are 0xFFFFFF followed by the size
/// of the header as a little-endian 32-bit integer. ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader() reads
/// these bytes and returns ESPIPE if there are not enough remaining bytes in data to read
/// the entire header message, EINVAL if the first 8 bytes are not valid, ENODATA if the
/// Arrow end-of-stream indicator has been reached, or NANOARROW_OK otherwise.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowBufferView data,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Verify a message header
/// Runs ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader() to ensure data is sufficiently large but additionally
/// runs flatbuffer verification to ensure that decoding the data will not access
/// memory outside of the buffer specified by data. ArrowIpcDecoderVerifyHeader() will
/// also set decoder.header_size_bytes, decoder.body_size_bytes, decoder.metadata_version,
/// and decoder.message_type.
/// Returns as ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader() and additionally will
/// return EINVAL if flatbuffer verification fails.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderVerifyHeader(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowBufferView data,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Decode a message header
/// Runs ArrowIpcDecoderPeekHeader() to ensure data is sufficiently large and decodes
/// the content of the message header. If data contains a schema message,
/// decoder.endianness and decoder.feature_flags is set and ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeSchema()
/// can be used to obtain the decoded schema. If data contains a record batch message,
/// decoder.codec is set and a successful call can be followed by a call to
/// ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArray().
/// In almost all cases this should be preceded by a call to
/// ArrowIpcDecoderVerifyHeader() to ensure decoding does not access data outside of the
/// specified buffer.
/// Returns EINVAL if the content of the message cannot be decoded or ENOTSUP if the
/// content of the message uses features not supported by this library.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowBufferView data,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Decode an ArrowSchema
/// After a successful call to ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader(), retrieve an ArrowSchema.
/// The caller is responsible for releasing the schema if NANOARROW_OK is returned.
/// Returns EINVAL if the decoder did not just decode a schema message or
/// NANOARROW_OK otherwise.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeSchema(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowSchema* out,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Set the ArrowSchema used to decode future record batch messages
/// Prepares the decoder for future record batch messages
/// of this type. The decoder takes ownership of schema if NANOARROW_OK is returned.
/// Note that you must call this explicitly after decoding a
/// Schema message (i.e., the decoder does not assume that the last-decoded
/// schema message applies to future record batch messages).
/// Returns EINVAL if schema validation fails or NANOARROW_OK otherwise.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderSetSchema(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowSchema* schema,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Set the endianness used to decode future record batch messages
/// Prepares the decoder for future record batch messages with the specified
/// endianness. Note that you must call this explicitly after decoding a
/// Schema message (i.e., the decoder does not assume that the last-decoded
/// schema message applies to future record batch messages).
/// Returns NANOARROW_OK on success.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderSetEndianness(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
enum ArrowIpcEndianness endianness);
/// \brief Decode an ArrowArrayView
/// After a successful call to ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader(), deserialize the content
/// of body into an internally-managed ArrowArrayView and return it. Note that field index
/// does not equate to column index if any columns contain nested types. Use a value of -1
/// to decode the entire array into a struct. The pointed-to ArrowArrayView is owned by
/// the ArrowIpcDecoder and must not be released.
/// For streams that match system endianness and do not use compression, this operation
/// will not perform any heap allocations; however, the buffers referred to by the
/// returned ArrowArrayView are only valid as long as the buffer referred to by body stays
/// valid.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayView(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowBufferView body, int64_t i,
struct ArrowArrayView** out,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Decode an ArrowArray
/// After a successful call to ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeHeader(), assemble an ArrowArray given
/// a message body and a field index. Note that field index does not equate to column
/// index if any columns contain nested types. Use a value of -1 to decode the entire
/// array into a struct. The caller is responsible for releasing the array if
/// NANOARROW_OK is returned.
/// Returns EINVAL if the decoder did not just decode a record batch message, ENOTSUP
/// if the message uses features not supported by this library, or or NANOARROW_OK
/// otherwise.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArray(struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder,
struct ArrowBufferView body, int64_t i,
struct ArrowArray* out,
enum ArrowValidationLevel validation_level,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Decode an ArrowArray from an owned buffer
/// This implementation takes advantage of the fact that it can avoid copying individual
/// buffers. In all cases the caller must ArrowIpcSharedBufferReset() body after one or
/// more calls to ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayFromShared(). If
/// ArrowIpcSharedBufferIsThreadSafe() returns 0, out must not be released by another
/// thread.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcDecoderDecodeArrayFromShared(
struct ArrowIpcDecoder* decoder, struct ArrowIpcSharedBuffer* shared, int64_t i,
struct ArrowArray* out, enum ArrowValidationLevel validation_level,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief An user-extensible input data source
struct ArrowIpcInputStream {
/// \brief Read up to buf_size_bytes from stream into buf
/// The actual number of bytes read is placed in the value pointed to by
/// size_read_out. Returns NANOARROW_OK on success.
ArrowErrorCode (*read)(struct ArrowIpcInputStream* stream, uint8_t* buf,
int64_t buf_size_bytes, int64_t* size_read_out,
struct ArrowError* error);
/// \brief Release the stream and any resources it may be holding
/// Release callback implementations must set the release member to NULL.
/// Callers must check that the release callback is not NULL before calling
/// read() or release().
void (*release)(struct ArrowIpcInputStream* stream);
/// \brief Private implementation-defined data
void* private_data;
/// \brief Transfer ownership of an ArrowIpcInputStream
void ArrowIpcInputStreamMove(struct ArrowIpcInputStream* src,
struct ArrowIpcInputStream* dst);
/// \brief Create an input stream from an ArrowBuffer
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcInputStreamInitBuffer(struct ArrowIpcInputStream* stream,
struct ArrowBuffer* input);
/// \brief Create an input stream from a C FILE* pointer
/// Note that the ArrowIpcInputStream has no mechanism to communicate an error
/// if file_ptr fails to close. If this behaviour is needed, pass false to
/// close_on_release and handle closing the file independently from stream.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcInputStreamInitFile(struct ArrowIpcInputStream* stream,
void* file_ptr, int close_on_release);
/// \brief Options for ArrowIpcArrayStreamReaderInit()
struct ArrowIpcArrayStreamReaderOptions {
/// \brief The field index to extract.
/// Defaults to -1 (i.e., read all fields). Note that this field index refers to
/// the flattened tree of children and not necessarily the column index.
int64_t field_index;
/// \brief Set to a non-zero value to share the message body buffer among decoded arrays
/// Sharing buffers is a good choice when (1) using memory-mapped IO
/// (since unreferenced portions of the file are often not loaded into memory) or
/// (2) if all data from all columns are about to be referenced anyway. When loading
/// a single field there is probably no advantage to using shared buffers.
/// Defaults to the value of ArrowIpcSharedBufferIsThreadSafe().
int use_shared_buffers;
/// \brief Initialize an ArrowArrayStream from an input stream of bytes
/// The stream of bytes must begin with a Schema message and be followed by
/// zero or more RecordBatch messages as described in the Arrow IPC stream
/// format specification. Returns NANOARROW_OK on success. If NANOARROW_OK
/// is returned, the ArrowArrayStream takes ownership of input_stream and
/// the caller is responsible for releasing out.
ArrowErrorCode ArrowIpcArrayStreamReaderInit(
struct ArrowArrayStream* out, struct ArrowIpcInputStream* input_stream,
struct ArrowIpcArrayStreamReaderOptions* options);
/// @}
#ifdef __cplusplus