Release process for Apache Arrow nanoarrow

Verifying a nanoarrow release candidate

Release candidates for nanoarrow are uploaded to prior to a release vote being called on the Apache Arrow developer mailing list. A script ( is provided to verify such a release candidate. For example, to verify nanoarrow 0.2.0-rc0, one could run:

git clone arrow-nanoarrow
cd arrow-nanoarrow/dev/release
./ 0.2.0 0

Full verification requires CMake to build and run the test suite. The test suite currently depends on an Arrow C++ installation that is discoverable by CMake (e.g., using one of the methods described in the Arrow installation instructions). For environments where binary packages are not provided, building and installing Arrow C++ from source may be required. You can provide the NANOARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS environment variable to pass extra arguments to cmake (e.g., -DArrow_DIR=<path/to/arrow>/lib/cmake/Arrow or -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake).

Verification of the R package requires an R installation and a C/C++ compiler (e.g., RTools on Windows or XCode Command Line Tools). You can set the R_HOME environment variable or export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/R" (where $R_HOME/bin/R is the R executable) to point to a specific R installation.

The verification script itself is written in bash and requires the curl, gpg, and shasum/sha512sum commands. These are typically available from a package manager except on Windows (see below).

To run only C library verification (requires CMake and Arrow C++ but not R):


To run only R package verification (requires R but not CMake or Arrow C++):

TEST_DEFAULT=0 TEST_R=1 ./ 0.2.0 0


On MacOS you can install all requirements except R using Homebrew:

brew install cmake gnupg apache-arrow

For older MacOS or MacOS without Homebrew, you will have to install the XCode Command Line Tools (i.e., xcode-select --install), install GnuPG, install CMake, and build Arrow C++ from source.

# Download + build Arrow C++
curl | \
  tar -zxf -
mkdir arrow-build && cd arrow-build
cmake ../apache-arrow-11.0.0/cpp \
    # Required for Arrow on old MacOS
cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix=../arrow
cd ..

# Pass location of install to the release verification script

You can install R using the instructions provided on the R Project Download page.

Conda (Linux and MacOS)

Using conda, one can install all requirements needed for verification on Linux or MacOS. Users are recommended to install gnupg using a system installer because of interactions with other installations that may cause a crash.

conda create --name nanoarrow-verify-rc
conda activate nanoarrow-verify-rc
conda config --set channel_priority strict

conda install -c conda-forge compilers git cmake arrow-cpp
# For R (see below about potential interactions with system R
# before installing via conda on MacOS)
conda install -c conda-forge r-testthat r-hms r-blob r-pkgbuild

Note that using conda-provided R when there is also a system install of R on MacOS is unlikely to work.

Linux users that have built and installed a custom build of Arrow C++ may have to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib before running the verification script.


On Windows, prerequisites can be installed using officially provided installers: Visual Studio, CMake, and Git should provide the prerequisties to verify the C library; R and Rtools can be installed using the official R-project installer. Arrow C++ can be built from source. The version of bash provided with Git for Windows can be used to execute the Arrow C++ build commands and the verification script.

# Build Arrow C++ from source
curl | \
  tar -zxf -
mkdir arrow-build && cd arrow-build
cmake ../apache-arrow-12.0.1/cpp -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../arrow
cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix=../arrow --config=Debug
cd ..

# Pass location of Arrow and R to the verification script
export NANOARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DArrow_DIR=$(pwd -W)/arrow/lib/cmake/Arrow gtest_force_shared_crt=ON"
export R_HOME="/c/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2"


On Debian/Ubuntu (e.g., docker run --rm -it ubuntu:latest) you can install prerequisites using apt.

apt-get update && apt-get install -y git g++ cmake r-base gnupg curl

# For Arrow C++
apt-get install -y -V ca-certificates lsb-release wget
wget$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb
apt-get install -y -V ./apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb
apt-get update
apt-get install -y -V libarrow-dev

If you have never installed an R package before, R verification will fail when it tries to install any missing dependencies. Because of how R is configured by default, you must install your first package in an interactive session and select yes when it asks if you would like to create a user-specific directory.


On recent Fedora (e.g., docker run --rm -it fedora:latest), you can install all prerequisites using dnf:

dnf install -y git cmake R gnupg curl libarrow-devel

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux (e.g., docker run --rm -it archlinux:latest, you can install all prerequisites using pacman):

pacman -S git gcc make cmake r-base gnupg curl arrow

Alpine Linux

On Alpine Linux (e.g., docker run --rm -it alpine:latest), most prerequisites are available using apk add except for Arrow C++ which requires enabling the community repository.

# Enable community repository for Arrow C++. Alternatively, you can build Arrow C++
# from source and pass its location via NANOARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DArrow_DIR=...".
cat > /etc/apk/repositories << EOF; $(echo)$(cut -d'.' -f1,2 /etc/alpine-release)/main/$(cut -d'.' -f1,2 /etc/alpine-release)/community/

apk update

apk add bash linux-headers git cmake R R-dev g++ gnupg curl apache-arrow-dev


On Centos7 (e.g., docker run --rm -it centos:7), most prerequisites are available via yum install except Arrow C++, which must be built from source. Arrow C++ 9.0.0 was the last version to support the default system compiler (gcc 4.8).

yum install epel-release # needed to install R
yum install git gnupg curl R gcc-c++ cmake3

# Needed to get a warning-free R CMD check if the en_US.UTF-8 locale is not defined
# (e.g., in the centos:7 docker image)
# localedef -c -f UTF-8 -i en_US en_US.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

# Build Arrow C++ 9.0.0 from source
curl -L | tar -zxf - && \
    mkdir /arrow-build && \
    cd /arrow-build && \
    cmake3 ../arrow-apache-arrow-9.0.0/cpp \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../arrow && \
    cmake3 --build . && \
    make install

# Pass location of Arrow, cmake, and ctest to the verification script
export NANOARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DArrow_DIR=$(pwd)/arrow/lib/cmake/Arrow"
export CMAKE_BIN=cmake3
export CTEST_BIN=ctest3

# gpg on centos7 errors for some keys in the Arrow KEYS file. This does
# not skip verifying signatures, just allows errors for unsupported entries in
# the global Arrow KEYS file.

Big endian

One can verify a nanoarrow release candidate on big endian by setting DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/s390x and following the instructions for Alpine Linux or Fedora.

Creating a release candidate

The first step to creating a nanoarrow release is to create a maint-VERSION branch (e.g., usethis::pr_init("maint-0.2.0")) and push the branch to upstream. This is a good opportunity to run though the above instructions to make sure the verification script and instructions are up-to-date. You may also wish to start a manual dispatch of the Verification workflow targeting the maint-XX branch that was just pushed. When this is complete, run 01-prepare.R:

# from the repository root
# <nanoarrow-dir> <prev_veresion> <version> <next_version> <rc-num>
dev/release/ . 0.0.0 0.2.0 0.3.0 0

This will update version numbers, the changelong, and create the git tag apache-arrow-nanoarrow-0.2.0-rc0. Check to make sure that the changelog and versions are what you expect them to be before pushing the tag (you may wish to do this by opening a dummy PR to run CI and look at the diff from the main branch). When you are satisfied that the code at this tag is release-candidate worthy, git push the tag to the upstream repository (or whatever your remote name is for the apache/arrow-nanoarrow repo). This will kick off a packaging workflow that will create a GitHub release and upload assets that are required for later steps. This step can be done by any Arrow committer.

Next, all assets need to be signed by somebody whose GPG key is listed in the Arrow developers KEYS file by calling The caller of the script does not need to be on any particular branch to call the script but does need the dev/release/.env file to exist setting the appropriate GPG_KEY_ID environment variable.

# <version> <rc-num>
dev/release/ 0.2.0 0

Finally, run This step can be done by any Arrow committer. The caller of this script does not need to be on any particular branch but does need the dev/release/.env file to exist setting the appropriate APACHE_USERNAME environment variable.

# $0 <version> <rc-num>
dev/release/ 0.2.0 0

You should check that the release verification runs locally and/or start a Verification workflow and wait for it to complete.

At this point the release candidate is suitable for a vote on the Apache Arrow developer mailing list.


I would like to propose the following release candidate (RC{rc_num}) of Apache Arrow nanoarrow [0] version {version}. This is an initial release consisting of {num_resolved_issues} resolved GitHub issues [1].

This release candidate is based on commit: {rc_commit} [2]

The source release rc{rc_num} is hosted at [3].
The changelog is located at [4].

Please download, verify checksums and signatures, run the unit tests, and vote on the release. See [5] for how to validate a release candidate.

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Release this as Apache Arrow nanoarrow {version}
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 Do not release this as Apache Arrow nanoarrow {version} because...



After a passing release vote, the following tasks must be completed:

[ ] Closed GitHub milestone
[ ] Added release to the Apache Reporter System
[ ] Uploaded artifacts to Subversion
[ ] Created GitHub release
[ ] Submit R package to CRAN
[ ] Release blog post at
[ ] Sent announcement to
[ ] Removed old artifacts from SVN
[ ] Bumped versions on main

Close GitHub milestone

Find the appropriate entry in and mark it as closed.

Add release to the Apache Reporter System

The reporter system for Arrow can be found at To add a release, a PMC member must log in with their Apache username/password. The release names are in the form NANOARROW-0.2.0.

Upload artifacts to Subversion / Create GitHub Release

These are both handled by This script must be run by a PMC member whose APACHE_USERNAME environment variable has been set in .env.

dev/release/ 0.2.0 0

Submit R package to CRAN

The R package submission occurs from a separate branch to facilitate including any small changes requested by a member of the CRAN team; however, these updates are usually automatic and do not require additional changes. Before a release candidate is created, the first section of usethis::use_release_issue() should all be completed (i.e., any changes after release should be minor tweaks). The steps are:

  • Ensure you are on the release branch (i.e., git switch maint-0.2.0)
  • Run usethis::pr_init("r-cran-maint-0.2.0") and push the branch to your fork.
  • Ensure is up-to-date.
  • Run devtools::check() locally and verify that the package version is correct
  • Run urlchecker::url_check()
  • Run devtools::check_win_devel() and wait for the response
  • Run devtools::submit_cran()
  • Confirm submission email

Any changes required at this stage should be made as a PR into main and cherry-picked into the r-cran-maint-XXX packaging branch. (i.e., git cherry-pick 01234abcdef). If any changes to the source are required, bump the “tweak” version (e.g., Version: in DESCRIPTION).

Release blog post

Final review + merge of the blog post that was drafted prior to preparation of the release candidate.

Send announcement

This email should be sent to and It must be sent from your Apache email address and must be sent through the outgoing server.

Email template:

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Arrow nanoarrow 0.2.0 Released

The Apache Arrow community is pleased to announce the 0.2.0 release of Apache Arrow nanoarrow. This initial release covers 31 resolved issues from 6 contributors[1].

The release is available now from [2].

Release notes are available at:

What is Apache Arrow?
Apache Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate big data. It houses a set of canonical in-memory representations of flat and hierarchical data along with multiple language-bindings for structure manipulation. It also provides low-overhead streaming and batch messaging, zero-copy interprocess communication (IPC), and vectorized in-memory analytics libraries. Languages currently supported include C, C++, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Julia, MATLAB, Python, R, Ruby, and Rust.

What is Apache Arrow nanoarrow?
Apache Arrow nanoarrow is a small C library for building and interpreting Arrow C Data interface structures with bindings for users of the R programming language. The vision of nanoarrow is that it should be trivial for a library or application to implement an Arrow-based interface. The library provides helpers to create types, schemas, and metadata, an API for building arrays element-wise,
and an API to extract elements element-wise from an array. For a more detailed description of the features nanoarrow provides and motivation for its development, see [3].

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists ([4], [5]).

The Apache Arrow Community


Remove old artifacts from SVN

These artifacts include any release candidates that were uploaded to You can remove them using:

# Once
# Once for every release candidate
svn rm --username=$APACHE_USERNAME -m "Clean up svn artifacts"

Bumped versions on main

This is handled by

dev/release/ . 0.2.0 0.3.0