| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| # |
| # Requirements |
| # - cmake >= 3.14 |
| # - R >= 3.5.0 |
| # - Arrow C++ >= 9.0.0 |
| # - Python >= 3.8 |
| # |
| # Environment Variables |
| # - CMAKE_BIN: Command to use for cmake (e.g., cmake3 on Centos7) |
| # - CTEST_BIN: Command to use for ctest (e.g., ctest3 on Centos7) |
| # - NANOARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS (e.g., to help cmake find Arrow C++) |
| # - R_HOME: Path to the desired R installation. Defaults to `R` on PATH. |
| # - NANOARROW_ARROW_TESTING_DIR: A path to a checkout of apache/arrow-testing. |
| # If unset, the script will check out a version into NANOARROW_TMPDIR. |
| # - NANOARROW_TMPDIR: Use to specify a persistent directory such that verification |
| # results are more easily retrieved. |
| # - NANOARROW_ACCEPT_IMPORT_GPG_KEYS_ERROR: Don't stop verification even when |
| # "gpg --import KEYS" returns an error. In general, we should not use this |
| # to ensure importing all GPG keys. But newer algorithms such as ed25519 may |
| # not be supported in old GPG such as GPG on CentOS 7. |
| # - NANOARROW_PYTHON_VENV: An absolute path to a virtual environment, into which |
| # nanoarrow Python build and/or test dependencies may be installed. If empty, |
| # a temporary virtual environment will be created using Python from PYTHON_BIN |
| # or python3 if PYTHON_BIN is empty. |
| # - TEST_SOURCE: Set to 0 to selectively run component verification. |
| # - TEST_C: Builds C libraries and tests using the default CMake |
| # configuration. Defaults to the value of TEST_SOURCE. |
| # - TEST_C_BUNDLED: Tests the bundled version of the C libraries. |
| # - TEST_R: Builds the R package source tarball and runs R CMD check. |
| # Defaults to the value of TEST_SOURCE. |
| # - TEST_PYTHON: Builds the Python package and runs tests. Defaults to the value |
| # of TEST_SOURCE. |
| # - TEST_WITH_MEMCHECK: Set to a nonzero value to additionally run tests |
| # with memcheck. This requires valgrind on PATH. |
| |
| set -e |
| set -o pipefail |
| |
| if [ ${VERBOSE:-0} -gt 0 ]; then |
| set -x |
| fi |
| |
| case $# in |
| SOURCE_KIND="local" |
| ;; |
| 1) VERSION="$1" |
| SOURCE_KIND="git" |
| ;; |
| 2) VERSION="$1" |
| RC_NUMBER="$2" |
| SOURCE_KIND="tarball" |
| ;; |
| *) echo "Usage:" |
| echo " Verify release candidate:" |
| echo " $0 X.Y.Z RC_NUMBER" |
| echo " Verify only the source distribution:" |
| echo "" |
| echo " Run the source verification tasks on a remote git revision:" |
| echo " $0 GIT-REF" |
| echo " Run the source verification tasks on this nanoarrow checkout:" |
| echo " $0" |
| exit 1 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| # Note that these point to the current verify-release-candidate.sh directories |
| # which is different from the NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR set in ensure_source_directory() |
| SOURCE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}")" && pwd)" |
| NANOARROW_DIR="$(cd "${SOURCE_DIR}/../.." && pwd)" |
| |
| show_header() { |
| if [ -z "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" ]; then |
| echo "" |
| printf '=%.0s' $(seq ${#1}); printf '\n' |
| echo "${1}" |
| printf '=%.0s' $(seq ${#1}); printf '\n' |
| else |
| echo "::group::${1}"; printf '\n' |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| show_info() { |
| echo "└ ${1}" |
| } |
| |
| NANOARROW_DIST_URL='https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/arrow' |
| |
| download_dist_file() { |
| curl \ |
| --silent \ |
| --show-error \ |
| --fail \ |
| --location \ |
| --remote-name $NANOARROW_DIST_URL/$1 |
| } |
| |
| download_rc_file() { |
| download_dist_file apache-arrow-nanoarrow-${VERSION}-rc${RC_NUMBER}/$1 |
| } |
| |
| import_gpg_keys() { |
| if [ "${GPGKEYS_ALREADY_IMPORTED:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| download_dist_file KEYS |
| |
| if [ "${NANOARROW_ACCEPT_IMPORT_GPG_KEYS_ERROR:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then |
| gpg --import KEYS || true |
| else |
| gpg --import KEYS |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| if type shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
| sha512_verify="shasum -a 512 -c" |
| else |
| sha512_verify="sha512sum -c" |
| fi |
| |
| fetch_archive() { |
| import_gpg_keys |
| |
| local dist_name=$1 |
| download_rc_file ${dist_name}.tar.gz |
| download_rc_file ${dist_name}.tar.gz.asc |
| download_rc_file ${dist_name}.tar.gz.sha512 |
| gpg --verify ${dist_name}.tar.gz.asc ${dist_name}.tar.gz |
| ${sha512_verify} ${dist_name}.tar.gz.sha512 |
| } |
| |
| verify_dir_artifact_signatures() { |
| import_gpg_keys |
| |
| # verify the signature and the checksums of each artifact |
| find $1 -name '*.asc' | while read sigfile; do |
| artifact=${sigfile/.asc/} |
| gpg --verify $sigfile $artifact || exit 1 |
| |
| # go into the directory because the checksum files contain only the |
| # basename of the artifact |
| pushd $(dirname $artifact) |
| base_artifact=$(basename $artifact) |
| if [ -f $base_artifact.sha256 ]; then |
| ${sha256_verify} $base_artifact.sha256 || exit 1 |
| fi |
| if [ -f $base_artifact.sha512 ]; then |
| ${sha512_verify} $base_artifact.sha512 || exit 1 |
| fi |
| popd |
| done |
| } |
| |
| setup_tempdir() { |
| cleanup() { |
| if [ "${TEST_SUCCESS}" = "yes" ]; then |
| rm -fr "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}" |
| else |
| echo "Failed to verify release candidate. See ${NANOARROW_TMPDIR} for details." |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| show_header "Creating temporary directory" |
| |
| if [ -z "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}" ]; then |
| # clean up automatically if NANOARROW_TMPDIR is not defined |
| NANOARROW_TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t "nanoarrow-${VERSION}.XXXXXX") |
| trap cleanup EXIT |
| else |
| # don't clean up automatically |
| mkdir -p "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}" |
| fi |
| |
| echo "Working in sandbox ${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}" |
| } |
| |
| setup_arrow_testing() { |
| show_header "Setting up arrow-testing" |
| |
| if [ -z "${NANOARROW_ARROW_TESTING_DIR}" ]; then |
| git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/apache/arrow-testing ${NANOARROW_ARROW_TESTING_DIR} |
| fi |
| |
| echo "Using arrow-testing at '${NANOARROW_ARROW_TESTING_DIR}'" |
| } |
| |
| # Usage: test_cmake_project build-dir src-dir extra-config-arg1 extra-config-arg... |
| test_cmake_project() { |
| if [ -z "${CMAKE_BIN}" ]; then |
| CMAKE_BIN=cmake |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -z "${CTEST_BIN}" ]; then |
| CTEST_BIN=ctest |
| fi |
| |
| mkdir -p "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/${1}" |
| pushd "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/${1}" |
| |
| show_info "Configure CMake Project" |
| "${@:3}" \ |
| |
| show_info "Build CMake Project" |
| ${CMAKE_BIN} --build . |
| |
| show_info "Run Tests" |
| ${CTEST_BIN} --output-on-failure |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_WITH_MEMCHECK} -gt 0 ]; then |
| show_info "Run Tests with memcheck" |
| ${CTEST_BIN} -T memcheck . |
| fi |
| |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| test_c() { |
| show_header "Build and test C library" |
| test_cmake_project build . -DNANOARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON |
| |
| show_header "Build and test C IPC extension" |
| test_cmake_project build-ipc extensions/nanoarrow_ipc -DNANOARROW_IPC_BUILD_TESTS=ON |
| } |
| |
| test_c_bundled() { |
| show_header "Build test bundled C library" |
| test_cmake_project build-bundled . -DNANOARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DNANOARROW_BUNDLE=ON |
| |
| show_header "Build and test bundled C IPC extension" |
| test_cmake_project build-ipc extensions/nanoarrow_ipc \ |
| } |
| |
| test_r() { |
| show_header "Build and test R package" |
| |
| if [ ! -z "${R_HOME}" ]; then |
| R_BIN="${R_HOME}/bin/R" |
| else |
| R_BIN=R |
| fi |
| |
| show_info "Install nanoarrow test dependencies" |
| # For the purposes of this script, we don't install arrow because it takes too long |
| # (but the arrow integration tests will run if the arrow package is installed anyway). |
| # Using a manual approach because installing pak takes a while on some systems and |
| # beacuse the package versions don't matter much. |
| "$R_BIN" -e 'for (pkg in c("blob", "hms", "tibble", "rlang", "testthat", "tibble", "vctrs", "withr", "pkgbuild")) if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) install.packages(pkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org/")' |
| |
| show_info "Build the R package source tarball" |
| |
| # Running R CMD INSTALL on the R source directory is the most reliable cross-platform |
| # method to ensure the proper version of nanoarrow is vendored into the R package. |
| # Do this in a temporary library so not to overwrite the a user's existing package. |
| mkdir "$NANOARROW_TMPDIR/tmplib" |
| "$R_BIN" CMD INSTALL r --preclean --library="$NANOARROW_TMPDIR/tmplib" |
| |
| # Builds the R source tarball |
| R_PACKAGE_TARBALL_NAME=`ls nanoarrow_*.tar.gz` |
| |
| show_info "Run R CMD check" |
| # Runs R CMD check on the tarball |
| _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false "$R_BIN" CMD check "$R_PACKAGE_TARBALL_NAME" --no-manual |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_WITH_MEMCHECK} -gt 0 ]; then |
| show_info "Run R tests with valgrind" |
| "$R_BIN" \ |
| -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --suppressions=valgrind.supp --error-exitcode=1" \ |
| -e "testthat::test_local('r')" |
| popd |
| fi |
| |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| activate_or_create_venv() { |
| if [ ! -z "${NANOARROW_PYTHON_VENV}" ]; then |
| show_info "Activating virtual environment at ${NANOARROW_PYTHON_VENV}" |
| # bash on Windows needs venv/Scripts/activate instead of venv/bin/activate |
| source "${NANOARROW_PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate" || source "${NANOARROW_PYTHON_VENV}/Scripts/activate" |
| else |
| # Try python3 first, then try regular python (e.g., Windows) |
| if [ -z "${PYTHON_BIN}" ] && python3 --version >/dev/null; then |
| PYTHON_BIN=python3 |
| elif [ -z "${PYTHON_BIN}" ]; then |
| PYTHON_BIN=python |
| fi |
| |
| show_info "Creating temporary virtual environment using ${PYTHON_BIN}..." |
| "${PYTHON_BIN}" -m venv "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/venv" |
| # bash on Windows needs venv/Scripts/activate instead of venv/bin/activate |
| source "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/venv/bin/activate" || source "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/venv/Scripts/activate" |
| python -m pip install --upgrade pip |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| test_python() { |
| show_header "Build and test Python package" |
| activate_or_create_venv |
| |
| show_info "Installing build utilities" |
| python -m pip install --upgrade build |
| |
| pushd "${NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR}/python" |
| |
| show_info "Building Python package" |
| rm -rf "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/python" |
| python -m build --wheel --outdir "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/python" |
| PYTHON_WHEEL_NAME=$(ls "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/python" | grep -e ".whl") |
| |
| # On Windows bash, pip install needs a Windows-style path |
| if uname | grep -e "_NT-" >/dev/null; then |
| pushd "${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}" |
| popd |
| else |
| fi |
| |
| show_info "Installing Python package" |
| python -m pip install --force-reinstall "${PYTHON_WHEEL_PATH}[verify]" |
| |
| show_info "Testing wheel" |
| python -m pytest -vv |
| |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| ensure_source_directory() { |
| show_header "Ensuring source directory" |
| |
| dist_name="apache-arrow-nanoarrow-${VERSION}" |
| |
| if [ "${SOURCE_KIND}" = "local" ]; then |
| # Local nanoarrow repository |
| if [ -z "$NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR" ]; then |
| fi |
| echo "Verifying local nanoarrow checkout at ${NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR}" |
| elif [ "${SOURCE_KIND}" = "git" ]; then |
| # Remote nanoarrow repository |
| : ${SOURCE_REPOSITORY:="https://github.com/apache/arrow-nanoarrow"} |
| echo "Verifying nanoarrow repository ${SOURCE_REPOSITORY} with revision checkout ${VERSION}" |
| export NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR="${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/arrow-nanoarrow" |
| if [ ! -d "${NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR}" ]; then |
| git clone --recurse-submodules $SOURCE_REPOSITORY $NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR |
| fi |
| else |
| # Release tarball |
| echo "Verifying official nanoarrow release candidate ${VERSION}-rc${RC_NUMBER}" |
| export NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR="${NANOARROW_TMPDIR}/${dist_name}" |
| if [ ! -d "${NANOARROW_SOURCE_DIR}" ]; then |
| fetch_archive ${dist_name} |
| tar xf ${dist_name}.tar.gz |
| popd |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| |
| test_source_distribution() { |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_C} -gt 0 ]; then |
| test_c |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_C_BUNDLED} -gt 0 ]; then |
| test_c_bundled |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_R} -gt 0 ]; then |
| test_r |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ${TEST_PYTHON} -gt 0 ]; then |
| test_python |
| fi |
| |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| # By default test all functionalities. |
| # To deactivate one test, deactivate the test and all of its dependents |
| # To explicitly select one test, set TEST_DEFAULT=0 TEST_X=1 |
| : ${TEST_DEFAULT:=1} |
| |
| : ${TEST_C:=${TEST_SOURCE}} |
| : ${TEST_C_BUNDLED:=${TEST_C}} |
| : ${TEST_R:=${TEST_SOURCE}} |
| |
| |
| setup_tempdir |
| setup_arrow_testing |
| ensure_source_directory |
| test_source_distribution |
| |
| |
| echo "Release candidate ${VERSION}-RC${RC_NUMBER} looks good!" |
| exit 0 |