

  1. Test the revision to be released
  2. Increment version number in Project.toml
  3. Prepare RC and vote (detailed later)
  4. Publish (detailed later)

Prepare RC and vote

Run dev/release/ on working copy of not your fork:

$ git clone
$ dev/release/ ${RC}
(Send a vote email to
 You can use a draft shown by for the email.)

Here is an example to release RC1:

$ dev/release/ 1

The argument of is the RC number. If RC1 has a problem, we'll increment the RC number such as RC2, RC3 and so on.

Requirements to run

  • You must be an Apache Arrow committer or PMC member
  • You must prepare your PGP key for signing

If you don't have a PGP key, may be helpful.

Your PGP key must be registered to the followings:

See the header comment of them how to add a PGP key.

Apache arrow committers can update them by Subversion client with their ASF account. e.g.:

$ svn co
$ cd arrow
$ editor KEYS
$ svn ci KEYS


We need to do the followings to publish a new release:

  • Publish to
  • Publish to the Julia General registry

Run dev/release/ to publish to

$ dev/release/ ${VERSION} ${RC}

Here is an example to release 2.2.1 RC1:

$ dev/release/ 2.2.1 1

Add the release to ASF's report database via Apache Committee Report Helper.

To publish the release to the Julia General registry, navigate to the GitHub commit where the project version was incremented in the Project.toml file (step 2 above), then post a comment on the commit with the following:

@JuliaRegistrator register()

JuliaRegistrator will respond saying it has opened a pull request to the General registry and under normal circumstances, will be merged automatically.


We have a script to verify a RC.

You must install the following commands to use the script:

  • curl
  • gpg
  • shasum or sha256sum/sha512sum
  • tar

You don‘t need to install Julia. If there isn’t Julia in system, the latest Julia is automatically installed only for verification.

To verify a RC, run the following command line:

$ dev/release/ ${VERSION} ${RC}

Here is an example to release 2.2.1 RC1:

$ dev/release/ 2.2.1 1

If the verification is succeeded, RC looks good! is shown.