How to contribute

Thanks for contributing this project!

Report your problems or requests

Please file issues on the GitHub issue tracker:

You can also use the following mailing lists:

  • for discussions about contributing to the project development.
  • for questions on usage.

See how to subscribe these mailing lists.

Build for development

Install dependencies

You need to install the following dependencies before you build Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++
  • Meson
  • CMake
  • Ninja
  • C++ compiler such as g++ and clang++


You can find packages and source archive of PostgreSQL at . If you use packages, you need to install packages for development. For example, postgresql-server-dev-XXX is for deb packages and postgresqlXXX-devel is for RPM packages.

The latest release is recommended.

Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++

You can find packages and source archive of Apache Arrow C++ at . If you use packages, you need to install packages for development. For example, libarrow-flight-sql-dev is for deb packages and arrow-flight-sql-devel is for RPM packages.

The latest release is recommended.


Meson is a build system that is also used by PostgreSQL.

You can install Meson by system package managers such as apt and brew.

For example, you can install Meson by apt on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

sudo apt install meson

For example, you can install Meson by brew on macOS:

brew install meson

Or you can use pip3 to install Meson:

pip3 install meson

See also:


CMake is also a build system. Meson uses CMake to find CMake packages. Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL uses Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++ CMake package. So both of Meson and CMake are needed.

If installing CMake bothers contributors, we can improving our build system to use CMake or pkg-config to find Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++. If you want the improvement, please report it to our issue tracker:

You can install CMake by package managers such as apt and brew.

For example, you can install CMake by apt on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

sudo apt install cmake

For example, you can install CMake by brew on macOS:

brew install cmake

See also:


Ninja is also a build system but it differs from Meson and CMake. Meson and CMake only generate configuration files for Ninja and Ninja runs C++ compilers and so on based on the generated configuration files.

You can install Ninja by package managers such as apt and brew.

For example, you can install Ninja by apt on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

sudo apt install ninja-build

For example, you can install Ninja by brew on macOS:

brew install ninja

See also:


If you install PostgreSQL and Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++ to system directory such as /usr, you can use the following simple command lines:

meson setup build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build

If you install PostgreSQL to /tmp/local, you can use -Dpostgresql_dir=/tmp/local option:

meson setup -Dpostgresql_dir=/tmp/local build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build

If you specify postgresql_dir, it's recommended that you also specify --prefix with the same location. Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL installs README and so on to --prefix:

meson setup -Dpostgresql_dir=/tmp/local --prefix=/tmp/local build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build

If you install Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++ to /tmp/local, you can use --cmake-prefix-path:

meson setup --cmake-prefix-path=/tmp/local build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build

I you want to build benchmark programs, you can use -Dbenchmark=true:

meson setup -Dbenchmark=true build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build

I you want to build example programs, you can use -Dexmaple=true:

meson setup -Dexample=true build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build


You need Ruby and Red Arrow Flight SQL (red-arrow-flight-sql gem, Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++ bindings for Ruby) to run tests.

You can install Ruby by package managers such as apt and brew.

For example, you can install Ruby by apt on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

sudo apt install ruby
brew install ruby

You can install Red Arrow Flight SQL by Bundler that is bundled in Ruby:

bundle install

You can run tests in the build directory. We can change the current directory before we run a Ruby script by ruby's -C option:

bundle exec ruby -C build ../test/run.rb


You can use dev/ to run PostgreSQL with Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL. You need to specify PostgreSQL data directory to use dev/

dev/ /tmp/afs

You can connect to grpc://

If you build example programs, you can test the endpoint by the following command line:

PGDATABASE=postgres example/flight-sql/authenticate-password

If you specify CA name, server name and client name, it also prepare TLS.

For example, you can prepare root.home, server.home and client.home by adding the following entry to /etc/hosts: localhost root.home server.home client.home

In this case, you can prepare TLS and run PostgreSQL by the following command line:

dev/ /tmp/afs root.home server.home client.home

You can connect to grpc+tls://server.home:15432. You need to use /tmp/afs/root.crt for TLS root certificates.

If you build example programs, you can test the endpoint by the following command line:

PGDATABASE=postgres \
  PGHOST=server.home \
  PGSSLMODE=require \
  PGSSLROOTCERT=/tmp/afs/root.crt \

Pull request

Please open a new issue before you open a pull request. It's for the Openness of this project.

We don't have rules for pull request titles and commit messages yet. We may create rules later. Please see other merged pull requests for now.

You can format codes automatically by pre-commit.

You can install pre-commit by package managers such as apt and brew.

For example, you can install pre-commit by apt on Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu:

sudo apt install pre-commit

For example, you can install pre-commit by brew on macOS:

brew install pre-commit

You can run pre-commit before you commit:

pre-commit run