blob: acfe3fc23737003b9e14a7c4c1775889d6ae3983 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
import os
import re
import pathlib
import shelve
import warnings
from git import Repo
from jira import JIRA
from semver import VersionInfo as SemVer
from .utils.source import ArrowSources
from import JinjaReport
def cached_property(fn):
return property(functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1)(fn))
class Version(SemVer):
__slots__ = ('released', 'release_date')
def __init__(self, released=False, release_date=None, **kwargs):
self.released = released
self.release_date = release_date
def parse(cls, version, **kwargs):
return cls(**SemVer.parse(version).to_dict(), **kwargs)
def from_jira(cls, jira_version):
return cls.parse(,
release_date=getattr(jira_version, 'releaseDate', None)
class Issue:
def __init__(self, key, type, summary):
self.key = key
self.type = type
self.summary = summary
def from_jira(cls, jira_issue):
return cls(
def project(self):
return self.key.split('-')[0]
def number(self):
return int(self.key.split('-')[1])
class Jira(JIRA):
def __init__(self, user=None, password=None,
user = user or os.environ.get('APACHE_JIRA_USER')
password = password or os.environ.get('APACHE_JIRA_PASSWORD')
super().__init__(url, basic_auth=(user, password))
def project_version(self, version_string, project='ARROW'):
# query version from jira to populated with additional metadata
versions = {str(v): v for v in self.project_versions(project)}
return versions[version_string]
def project_versions(self, project):
versions = []
for v in super().project_versions(project):
except ValueError:
# ignore invalid semantic versions like JS-0.4.0
return sorted(versions, reverse=True)
def issue(self, key):
return Issue.from_jira(super().issue(key))
def project_issues(self, version, project='ARROW'):
query = "project={} AND fixVersion={}".format(project, version)
issues = super().search_issues(query, maxResults=False)
return list(map(Issue.from_jira, issues))
class CachedJira:
def __init__(self, cache_path, jira=None):
self.jira = jira or Jira()
self.cache_path = cache_path
def __getattr__(self, name):
attr = getattr(self.jira, name)
return self._cached(name, attr) if callable(attr) else attr
def _cached(self, name, method):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
key = str((name, args, kwargs))
with as cache:
result = cache[key]
except KeyError:
cache[key] = result = method(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
_TITLE_REGEX = re.compile(
_COMPONENT_REGEX = re.compile(r"\[([^\[\]]+)\]")
class CommitTitle:
def __init__(self, summary, project=None, issue=None, components=None):
self.project = project
self.issue = issue
self.components = components or []
self.summary = summary
def __str__(self):
out = ""
if self.issue:
out += "{}: ".format(self.issue)
if self.components:
for component in self.components:
out += "[{}]".format(component)
out += " "
out += self.summary
return out
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.summary == other.summary and
self.project == other.project and
self.issue == other.issue and
self.components == other.components
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
(self.summary, self.project, self.issue, tuple(self.components))
def parse(cls, headline):
matches = _TITLE_REGEX.match(headline)
if matches is None:
"Unable to parse commit message `{}`".format(headline)
return CommitTitle(headline)
values = matches.groupdict()
components = values.get('components') or ''
components = _COMPONENT_REGEX.findall(components)
return CommitTitle(
class Commit:
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self._title = CommitTitle.parse(wrapped.summary)
self._wrapped = wrapped
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if hasattr(self._title, attr):
return getattr(self._title, attr)
return getattr(self._wrapped, attr)
def __repr__(self):
template = '<Commit sha={!r} issue={!r} components={!r} summary={!r}>'
return template.format(self.hexsha, self.issue, self.components,
def url(self):
return '{}'.format(self.hexsha)
def title(self):
return self._title
class ReleaseCuration(JinjaReport):
templates = {
'console': 'release_curation.txt.j2'
fields = [
class JiraChangelog(JinjaReport):
templates = {
'markdown': '',
'html': 'release_changelog.html.j2'
fields = [
class Release:
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not initialize Release class directly, use "
"Release.from_jira(version) instead.")
def __repr__(self):
if self.version.released:
status = "released_at={!r}".format(self.version.release_date)
status = "pending"
return "<{} {!r} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
str(self.version), status)
def from_jira(version, jira=None, repo=None):
if jira is None:
jira = Jira()
elif isinstance(jira, str):
jira = Jira(jira)
elif not isinstance(jira, (Jira, CachedJira)):
raise TypeError("`jira` argument must be a server url or a valid "
"Jira instance")
if repo is None:
arrow = ArrowSources.find()
repo = Repo(arrow.path)
elif isinstance(repo, (str, pathlib.Path)):
repo = Repo(repo)
elif not isinstance(repo, Repo):
raise TypeError("`repo` argument must be a path or a valid Repo "
if isinstance(version, str):
version = jira.project_version(version, project='ARROW')
elif not isinstance(version, Version):
raise TypeError(version)
# decide the type of the release based on the version number
if version.patch == 0:
if version.minor == 0:
klass = MajorRelease
elif version.major == 0:
# handle minor releases before 1.0 as major releases
klass = MajorRelease
klass = MinorRelease
klass = PatchRelease
# prevent instantiating release object directly
obj = klass.__new__(klass)
obj.version = version
obj.jira = jira
obj.repo = repo
return obj
def is_released(self):
return self.version.released
def tag(self):
return "apache-arrow-{}".format(str(self.version))
def branch(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def siblings(self):
Releases to consider when calculating previous and next releases.
raise NotImplementedError()
def previous(self):
# select all non-patch releases
position = self.siblings.index(self.version)
previous = self.siblings[position + 1]
except IndexError:
# first release doesn't have a previous one
return None
return Release.from_jira(previous, jira=self.jira, repo=self.repo)
def next(self):
# select all non-patch releases
position = self.siblings.index(self.version)
if position <= 0:
raise ValueError("There is no upcoming release set in JIRA after "
"version {}".format(self.version))
upcoming = self.siblings[position - 1]
return Release.from_jira(upcoming, jira=self.jira, repo=self.repo)
def issues(self):
issues = self.jira.project_issues(self.version, project='ARROW')
return {i.key: i for i in issues}
def commits(self):
All commits applied between two versions.
if self.previous is None:
# first release
lower = ''
lower = self.repo.tags[self.previous.tag]
if self.version.released:
upper = self.repo.tags[self.tag]
upper = self.repo.branches[self.branch]
except IndexError:
warnings.warn("Release branch `{}` doesn't exist."
return []
commit_range = "{}..{}".format(lower, upper)
return list(map(Commit, self.repo.iter_commits(commit_range)))
def curate(self):
# handle commits with parquet issue key specially and query them from
# jira and add it to the issues
release_issues = self.issues
within, outside, nojira, parquet = [], [], [], []
for c in self.commits:
if c.issue is None:
elif c.issue in release_issues:
within.append((release_issues[c.issue], c))
elif c.project == 'PARQUET':
parquet.append((self.jira.issue(c.issue), c))
outside.append((self.jira.issue(c.issue), c))
# remaining jira tickets
within_keys = {i.key for i, c in within}
nopatch = [issue for key, issue in release_issues.items()
if key not in within_keys]
return ReleaseCuration(release=self, within=within, outside=outside,
nojira=nojira, parquet=parquet, nopatch=nopatch)
def changelog(self):
release_issues = []
# get organized report for the release
curation = self.curate()
# jira tickets having patches in the release
for issue, _ in curation.within:
# jira tickets without patches
for issue in curation.nopatch:
# parquet patches in the release
for issue, _ in curation.parquet:
# organize issues into categories
issue_types = {
'Bug': 'Bug Fixes',
'Improvement': 'New Features and Improvements',
'New Feature': 'New Features and Improvements',
'Sub-task': 'New Features and Improvements',
'Task': 'New Features and Improvements',
'Test': 'Bug Fixes',
'Wish': 'New Features and Improvements',
categories = defaultdict(list)
for issue in release_issues:
# sort issues by the issue key in ascending order
for name, issues in categories.items():
issues.sort(key=lambda issue: (issue.project, issue.number))
return JiraChangelog(release=self, categories=categories)
class MaintenanceMixin:
Utility methods for cherry-picking commits from the main branch.
def commits_to_pick(self, exclude_already_applied=True):
# collect commits applied on the main branch since the root of the
# maintenance branch (the previous major release)
if self.version.major == 0:
# treat minor releases as major releases preceeding 1.0.0 release
commit_range = "apache-arrow-0.{}.0..master".format(
self.version.minor - 1
commit_range = "apache-arrow-{}.0.0..master".format(
# keeping the original order of the commits helps to minimize the merge
# conflicts during cherry-picks
commits = map(Commit, self.repo.iter_commits(commit_range))
# exclude patches that have been already applied to the maintenance
# branch, we cannot identify patches based on sha because it changes
# after the cherry pick so use commit title instead
if exclude_already_applied:
already_applied = {c.title for c in self.commits}
already_applied = set()
# iterate over the commits applied on the main branch and filter out
# the ones that are included in the jira release
patches_to_pick = [c for c in commits if
c.issue in self.issues and
c.title not in already_applied]
return reversed(patches_to_pick)
def cherry_pick_commits(self, recreate_branch=True):
if recreate_branch:
# delete, create and checkout the maintenance branch based off of
# the previous tag
if self.branch in self.repo.branches:
self.repo.git.branch('-D', self.branch)
self.repo.git.checkout(self.previous.tag, b=self.branch)
# just checkout the already existing maintenance branch
# cherry pick the commits based on the jira tickets
for commit in self.commits_to_pick():
class MajorRelease(Release):
def branch(self):
return "master"
def siblings(self):
Filter only the major releases.
# handle minor releases before 1.0 as major releases
return [v for v in self.jira.project_versions('ARROW')
if v.patch == 0 and (v.major == 0 or v.minor == 0)]
class MinorRelease(Release, MaintenanceMixin):
def branch(self):
return "maint-{}.x.x".format(self.version.major)
def siblings(self):
Filter the major and minor releases.
return [v for v in self.jira.project_versions('ARROW') if v.patch == 0]
class PatchRelease(Release, MaintenanceMixin):
def branch(self):
return "maint-{}.{}.x".format(self.version.major, self.version.minor)
def siblings(self):
No filtering, consider all releases.
return self.jira.project_versions('ARROW')