blob: b977f550999998049446bd36a8ad7de90d980703 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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//! Defines a bitmap, which is used to track which values in an Arrow array are null.
//! This is called a "validity bitmap" in the Arrow documentation.
use crate::buffer::Buffer;
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::util::bit_util;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{BitAnd, BitOr};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Bitmap {
pub(crate) bits: Buffer,
impl Bitmap {
pub fn new(num_bits: usize) -> Self {
let num_bytes = num_bits / 8 + if num_bits % 8 > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
let r = num_bytes % 64;
let len = if r == 0 {
} else {
num_bytes + 64 - r
Bitmap {
bits: Buffer::from(&vec![0xFF; len]),
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_set(&self, i: usize) -> bool {
assert!(i < (self.bits.len() << 3));
unsafe { bit_util::get_bit_raw(self.bits.as_ptr(), i) }
pub fn buffer_ref(&self) -> &Buffer {
pub fn into_buffer(self) -> Buffer {
/// Returns the total number of bytes of memory occupied by the buffers owned by this [Bitmap].
pub fn get_buffer_memory_size(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the total number of bytes of memory occupied physically by this [Bitmap].
pub fn get_array_memory_size(&self) -> usize {
self.bits.capacity() + mem::size_of_val(self)
impl<'a, 'b> BitAnd<&'b Bitmap> for &'a Bitmap {
type Output = Result<Bitmap>;
fn bitand(self, rhs: &'b Bitmap) -> Result<Bitmap> {
Ok(Bitmap::from((&self.bits & &rhs.bits)?))
impl<'a, 'b> BitOr<&'b Bitmap> for &'a Bitmap {
type Output = Result<Bitmap>;
fn bitor(self, rhs: &'b Bitmap) -> Result<Bitmap> {
Ok(Bitmap::from((&self.bits | &rhs.bits)?))
impl From<Buffer> for Bitmap {
fn from(buf: Buffer) -> Self {
Self { bits: buf }
impl PartialEq for Bitmap {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// buffer equality considers capacity, but here we want to only compare
// actual data contents
let self_len = self.bits.len();
let other_len = other.bits.len();
if self_len != other_len {
return false;
self.bits.as_slice()[..self_len] == other.bits.as_slice()[..self_len]
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_bitmap_length() {
assert_eq!(64, Bitmap::new(63 * 8).len());
assert_eq!(64, Bitmap::new(64 * 8).len());
assert_eq!(128, Bitmap::new(65 * 8).len());
fn test_bitwise_and() {
let bitmap1 = Bitmap::from(Buffer::from([0b01101010]));
let bitmap2 = Bitmap::from(Buffer::from([0b01001110]));
(&bitmap1 & &bitmap2).unwrap()
fn test_bitwise_or() {
let bitmap1 = Bitmap::from(Buffer::from([0b01101010]));
let bitmap2 = Bitmap::from(Buffer::from([0b01001110]));
(&bitmap1 | &bitmap2).unwrap()
fn test_bitmap_is_set() {
let bitmap = Bitmap::from(Buffer::from([0b01001010]));
assert_eq!(false, bitmap.is_set(0));
assert_eq!(true, bitmap.is_set(1));
assert_eq!(false, bitmap.is_set(2));
assert_eq!(true, bitmap.is_set(3));
assert_eq!(false, bitmap.is_set(4));
assert_eq!(false, bitmap.is_set(5));
assert_eq!(true, bitmap.is_set(6));
assert_eq!(false, bitmap.is_set(7));