blob: 1b806372b107d7875397fe683a43e904992a06f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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//! Binary file to print the schema and metadata of a Parquet file.
//! # Install
//! `parquet-schema` can be installed using `cargo`:
//! ```
//! cargo install parquet
//! ```
//! After this `parquet-schema` should be globally available:
//! ```
//! parquet-schema XYZ.parquet
//! ```
//! The binary can also be built from the source code and run as follows:
//! ```
//! cargo run --bin parquet-schema XYZ.parquet
//! ```
//! # Usage
//! ```
//! parquet-schema [FLAGS] <file-path>
//! ```
//! ## Flags
//! -h, --help Prints help information
//! -V, --version Prints version information
//! -v, --verbose Enable printing full file metadata
//! ## Args
//! <file-path> Path to a Parquet file
//! Note that `verbose` is an optional boolean flag that allows to print schema only,
//! when not provided or print full file metadata when provided.
extern crate parquet;
use std::{env, fs::File, path::Path};
use clap::{crate_authors, crate_version, App, Arg};
use parquet::{
file::reader::{FileReader, SerializedFileReader},
schema::printer::{print_file_metadata, print_parquet_metadata},
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("parquet-schema")
.help("Path to a Parquet file"),
.help("Enable printing full file metadata"),
let filename = matches.value_of("file_path").unwrap();
let path = Path::new(&filename);
let file = match File::open(&path) {
Err(e) => panic!("Error when opening file {}: {}", path.display(), e),
Ok(f) => f,
let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose");
match SerializedFileReader::new(file) {
Err(e) => panic!("Error when parsing Parquet file: {}", e),
Ok(parquet_reader) => {
let metadata = parquet_reader.metadata();
println!("Metadata for file: {}", &filename);
if verbose {
print_parquet_metadata(&mut std::io::stdout(), &metadata);
} else {
print_file_metadata(&mut std::io::stdout(), &metadata.file_metadata());