ARROW-12190: [Rust][DataFusion] Implement parallel / partitioned hash join

This implements a first version of parallel / partitioned hash join / grace join and uses it by default in the planner (for concurrency > 1)

Master (in memory / 16 threads / partitions, SF=1, batch size = 8192)
Query 5 avg time: 141.29 ms
Query 10 avg time: 477.63 ms
Query 5 avg time: 91.60 ms
Query 10 avg time: 272.25 ms

Also when loading from parquet it also achieves ~20% speed up in total and has better utilization of all threads (this is SF=10 with 16 partitions on 16 threads in Parquet running 10 iterations):


FYI @andygrove

Note: I think the same approach could also be used by the hash aggregate, rather than the partial / full approach taken now, but this might be only be better when we have a high number of distinct group by by values (in extreme cases - groups with one row), e.g. the "full" hash aggregate takes up a lot of the time/memory.


I think your earlier comment w.r.t. "CoalesceBatches" is especially applicable here - I am seeing quite some overhead in CoalesceBatches/Concat after `RepartitionExec` with hash repartitioning, as this will make each produced batch roughly `num_partitions` times smaller (in contrast to roundrobinbatch repartitioning - which keeps the same batches which makes it almost free on a single node). The overhead is so big that lowering the concurrency setting to 8 instead of 16 on my 8-core / 16-hyperthreads laptop yields better performance. Increasing the batch size (to 32000-64000) also recovers the performance / avoids the overhead penalty mostly - but I recently reduced this as for most queries ~8000 was the sweet spot.
Rewriting to buffer them inside the `RepartitionExec` and only produce them when they exceed the batch size probably would solve this issue and improve the performance of the parallel hash join quite a bit - or maybe by optimizing the `concat` kernel.

Closes #9882 from Dandandan/grace_join

Lead-authored-by: Heres, Daniel <>
Co-authored-by: Daniƫl Heres <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Lamb <>
1 file changed
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  10. .dir-locals.el
  11. .dockerignore
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  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
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  16. .hadolint.yaml
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  18. .readthedocs.yml
  19. .travis.yml
  20. appveyor.yml
  25. docker-compose.yml
  26. header
  27. LICENSE.txt
  28. NOTICE.txt

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  • Reference-counted off-heap buffer memory management, for zero-copy memory sharing and handling memory-mapped files
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