tree: b4d3a0644fd0d166a22d19a2ca6332eba60a8b69 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml
  4. test.bndrun

Apache Aries Type Safe Events over OSGi Remote Services

This project uses OSGi remote services to provide inter-framework integration between OSGi Typed Safe Event Services.

How does it work

Each instance registers a RemoteEventBus service with a service property indicating the event topic(s) and filter(s) for events that it is interested in.

Each instance consumes the RemoteEventBus instances from other nodes and creates UntypedEventHandler instances for each topic/filter that the remote nodes have advertised interest in.

Events can then be routed from the local framework to a remote framework by passing the events to the relevant RemoteEventBus. When a RemoteEventBus receives an event it then publishes it locally using the TypedEventBus


This module should work automatically when a Remote Services provider is running.

For topic/filters in the local framework to be considered as “remotable” the service should add the RemoteEventConstants.RECEIVE_REMOTE_EVENTS property with a value of true. Otherwise this module must be configured to select more local listeners using the PID org.apache.aries.typedevent.remote.remoteservices.