Apache aries website

Clone this repo:


  1. 32c9d89 Initial site template by fpapon by François Papon · 5 years ago master
  2. e050694 Create Readme.md by Christian Schneider · 5 years ago

Apache Aries Website

This project contains the Apache Aries website.


The concrete repository is on the Apache gitbox but if you want to contribute, you have to clone the Github repository which is a mirror and provide a pull request with your changes. You can find more informations about how to contribute on the community page of the project (http://aries.apache.org/community/gettinginvolved.html).


git clone https://github.com/apache/aries-site.git


The website generator used is Jekyyl.

gem install jekyll bundler

The website theme used is Bulma.

The first time, you have to install Bulma theme files. Go into the project root directory and execute:

bundle install


Clean up the project:

bundle exec jekyll clean

Start a local server in development mode:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Build for deployment production:

bundle exec jekyll build