This folder contains OSGi enabled integrations for a variety of useful libraries that you might want to use with JAX-RS. In many cases these are just adding OSGi lifecycle and configuration to existing JAX-RS enabled libraries.
There is a single reactor pom which builds all of the integration projects, however as each project will evolve at different rates they are designed to be built and released separately from the whiteboard and other integration projects.
“Jackson is a suite of data-processing tools for Java (and the JVM platform), including the flagship streaming JSON parser / generator library, matching data-binding library (POJOs to and from JSON) and additional data format modules to process data encoded in Avro, BSON, CBOR, CSV, Smile, (Java) Properties, Protobuf, XML or YAML”
This integration project provides MessageBodyReader
and MessageBodyWriter
for automatic (de-)serialization of POJOs within Request-/Responsebodies of JAX-RS Resources that @Produce/@Consume
the MediaType application/json.
The MessageBodyReader
and MessageBodyWriter
can be configured using configuration admin.
PID | -------------------------------------------| |
Property | Default | Description |
osgi.jaxrs.extension | true | Marks the MessageBodyReader/-Writer as JAX-RS Extension | | application/json | registers Reader/Writer for MediaType application/json |
You can use other properties defined by the JAX-RS whiteboard specification to modify the behavior of this integration to your needs. E.g., you could use
to make the MessageBodyReader/-Writer available for spcific JAX-RS Applications.
In order to make this integration work, you have to deploy the bundle
<!-- --> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId></artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency>
into your OSGi runtime.
OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger Specification) is an API description format for REST APIs. An OpenAPI file allows you to describe your entire API, including:
This integration project makes it easy to generate OpenAPI 3.0 compliant json/yaml files for all your JAX-RS Resources and provides an additional JAX-RS Resource that can be called to retrieve the generated json/yaml
The OpenApi integration can be configured by setting configuration properties vie the OpenAPI service (see setup instructions below).
You can use JAX-RS Resource properties defined by the JAX-RS whiteboard specification to modify the behavior of this integration to your needs. E.g., you could use
to generate the OpenAPI json document for a specific JAX-RS Applications.
Currently there is no artifact deployed to Maven Central -> This will change in the near future. Until then you can build the project and use the generated
artifact and deploy it into your OSGi runtime. Depending on the bundles already installed in your OSGi runtime you may also need to install the openapi dependcies:
<!-- swagger (transitive) dependencies --> <bundle>mvn:org.apache.commons/commons-lang3/3.8.1</bundle> <bundle>mvn:javax.validation/validation-api/1.1.0.Final</bundle> <bundle>mvn:com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-jsr310/2.11.2</bundle> <bundle>mvn:org.yaml/snakeyaml/1.27</bundle> <bundle>mvn:com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat/jackson-dataformat-yaml/2.11.2</bundle> <bundle>mvn:io.github.classgraph/classgraph/4.8.92</bundle> <!-- last swagger version using javax namespace instead of jakarta --> <bundle>mvn:io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-annotations/2.1.1</bundle> <bundle>mvn:io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-models/2.1.1</bundle> <bundle>mvn:io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-core/2.1.1</bundle> <bundle>mvn:io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-integration/2.1.1</bundle> <bundle>mvn:io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-jaxrs2/2.1.1</bundle>
In order to make this integration work you also have to register one OpenAPI
service like this:
@Component public class MyOpenAPI { private ServiceRegistration<OpenAPI> registration; @Activate private void acitvate(BundleContext context){ OpenAPI api = new OpenAPI(); Hashtable<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>(); // This is optional, if not needed then just use an empty Hashtable as props // props.put(JAX_RS_APPLICATION_SELECT, "("); registration = context.registerService(OpenAPI.class, api, props); } @Deactivate private void deactivate(){ registration.unregister(); } }
From now on you can fetch the generated json/yaml for all your registered JAX-RS Resources (of the default JAX-RS Application) under https://<your-host>/openapi.json
or https://<your-host>/<your-app-base-path>/openapi.json
if you are using a custom JAX-RS Application.
Apache Shiro is an authentication and authorization framework. This integration provides:
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