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Title: Blog Sample
<a name="BlogSample-TheBlogSample"></a>
# The Blog Sample
<a name="BlogSample-RunningtheBlogSample"></a>
## Running the Blog Sample
- - -
These instructions are for the 0.3 release of Aries.
Instructions for older releases can be found [here](/downloads/archivedrelease.html)
. In the 0.2-incubating release the sample was changed to use an in-memory
database to avoid dependency on an explicit version of Derby. If you would
prefer to use a database on disk check the instructions for the
0.1-incubating release. You will also need to modify datasource.xml (under
blog-datasource) as indicated in the comments and then rebuild the sample.
- - -
<a name="BlogSample-CreatetheOSGiplatformfortheBlogsample"></a>
### Create the OSGi platform for the Blog sample
Download and unzip the source zip for the [latest release](/downloads/currentrelease.html)
of Aries Samples and build the blog-assembly module:
cd samples-0.3/blog/blog-assembly
mvn install
This procedure will pull in the binaries from the latest release and its
<a name="BlogSample-RunningtheBlogsample"></a>
### Running the Blog sample
Download the JDBC based Blog sample application (.eba file) from the [latest release](/downloads/currentrelrease.html)
. Change directory to the blog-assembly target directory:
cd samples-0.3/blog-sample/blog-assembly/target
now start Aries in an OSGi framework (we're using Eclipse Equinox in this
java -jar osgi-3.5.0.v20090520.jar -console
The OSGi console should start up, the 'ss' command should show all of the
Blog bundles in state 'ACTIVE'.
To start the blog application (.eba file) you downloaded earlier, create a directory
call load and copying it into the load directory.
Point your browser to [http://localhost:8080/blog/](http://localhost:8080/blog/)
If you subsequently delete the .eba from the load directory the application
will be uninstalled.
<a name="BlogSample-RunningthesampleusingaJPApersistencelayer"></a>
### Running the sample using a JPA persistence layer
The first blog sample application was written to use a JDBC persistence
layer. There is a second application implemented to demonstrate the JPA
To run the blog sample which uses the JPA persistence layer, start the OSGi
framework, remove any previous copies of the blog sample from the
target/load directory, then copy the Blog sample JPA .eba file into the
load directory.
Finally, after typing 'refresh' at the OSGi console, point your browser at [http://localhost:8080/blog/](http://localhost:8080/blog/)
. You should see something that looks precisely the same as the blog sample
running with the JDBC persistence layer, but this time running using the
JPA persistence layer.
<a name="BlogSample-Usingthelatest,unreleasedcode"></a>
## Using the latest, unreleased code
If you prefer to use the very latest code from subversion, checkout and
build the Aries trunk by following the [Building Aries instructions](aries:buildingaries.html)
<a name="BlogSample-AbouttheBlogsample"></a>
## About the Blog sample
The blog sample components can be visualised like this: